Unique Legend

Chapter 10: The Finale of the Barbecue 

*Sorry for the extremely late chapter, I had some exams, and then I got caught up in some things and procrastinated and yeah…

Chapter 10: The Finale of the Barbecue 

Location: Nymph  Time: 10:35 PM

"The shrimps are ready."

Ran, who started barbecuing shrimps again at some point, put a full plate of shrimps on the table, and smilingly called out. But right now, almost all everyone here was opening their gifts. No one was paying much attention to whatever food was on the table.

"Thank you." I quickly thanked Ran, and he nodded back at me before walking away.

"You"re not going to look at what you got?" Poking into a grilled tiger shrimp, Senior put the food on the little plate in front of him and started to peel the shrimp"s sh.e.l.l with movements that felt rather unskilled.

"Oh, okay."

Looking at the gift that I drew, to be honest, I was also rather curious about what I got.

"Oh oh oh oh oh—!" Just when I lowered my head to open it, a very loud noise came from the other side. Turning my head to look, I saw the five-colored rooster head glaring at the thing in his hands, with veins popping up on his forehead.

After a closer look, lying on his hands was a very, extremely, supernormal set of chisels.

"Ziray drew the gift that I sent." So moved that he ran over to his side, Leido"s eyes were shining as he said this, "This represents the blessing of the Water Fairy Clan"s G.o.d of art, and that Ziray also identifies with the Fairy Clan"s aesthetics. Come on, let us work together to sculpt your artistic head to the highest level…"

Before he could even finish speaking yet, I saw one of the chisels being stabbed into Leido"s head.

(Good children, please don"t copy this, because if your vitality isn"t strong enough, death will occur.)

"You, talk too much." As an a.s.sa.s.sin who soundlessly stabbed a chisel into his enemy"s head, the five-colored rooster head coolly gave him four words.

I saw Yado"s head also spurting out blood nearby.

The only first-aid member on the site, Miao Miao immediately started treating the two victims who were a.s.sa.s.sinated by the criminal caught in the act of doing it.

"Yang Yang, what did you get?" Without me realizing it, Ran was already sitting next to me, as he asked with a slight smile. In his hand was…the present that I bought

Such a coincidence!

"I didn"t open it yet." Looking at the nicely-wrapped gift in my hands, I started to open it.

"But it really is interesting, this gift-exchange." Looking at everyone in a chaotic mess, Ran smiled happily, "When I was choosing a gift, I thought for a long time, and the one I got in exchange is also very beautiful. Thank you, Yang Yang."

I froze for a moment, "You knew that I bought this?" It can"t be, right? That"s so G.o.dly!

Ran nodded, "Because I"m from Seven Hills Academy."

…Pretend I didn"t ask.

"That"s right, what did you give?" I opened the package, and there was actually another layer inside!

"The Merola." Ran said with a smile.

The one that Nile drew?

That definitely seems like something he would get…However, there was a moment just now when I thought that the gift Senior got might be the one he gave.

After tearing apart the packaging, I was speechless. There was still another layer inside.

"Yang~~You got the thing that I gave!" Seeing that I was continuously opening the packaging, the five-colored rooster head suddenly ran over happily.

…This can"t be, right?

I looked at the gift that still had another layer, and suddenly lost the courage to continue unwrapping it.

"What"s inside?" Continuing to unwrap it, there was yet another layer. I might as well directly ask the five-colored rooster head. If the answer is something very dangerous, I"ll choose not to continue unwrapping it so that it can maintain its original condition.

"Oh hehe, if you want to know the answer, you"ll just have to work hard to solve the puzzle and you"ll understand." The five-colored rooster head laughed in a way that made me want to beat him up; correction, I really want to beat him up, "Don"t worry, based on your words, I made something very practical, meaningful, and no matter who gets it, that person will definitely be able to use it."

I looked at the package in my hands, and hesitated, "Are you sure that it won"t threaten my life or safety?"

"Don"t worry, it definitely won"t." The five-colored rooster head very seriously guaranteed.

Fine, since he"d already said it like that, I could only continue unwrapping it…but d.a.m.n him, just how many layers did he make!?

"Yang Yang, look at this." Miao Miao, who had already finished treating the injured at some point, ran over and interrupted my great undertaking of unwrapping the gift. She was holding a big fluffy cat plush in her hands, and very happily smiled as she twirled, "The Miao Miao that Miao Miao drew."

[T/N: Miao Miao (喵喵) is meowing (and Miao Miao"s name) and I guess that could be used to refer to a cat]

Miao Miao actually drew a normal gift!

There was actually someone who gave a normal gift!

So scary!

Everyone had more or less finished opening their presents, and I was still opening my never-ending gift-wrapping.

"…Cla.s.smate Ziray, next time please don"t wrap so many layers." Otherwise, were you so bored that you specially wrapped it like that!? I"ve already unwrapped at least a dozen layers!

"That way, you"ll feel touched when you open it." The five-colored rooster head gave me a big thumbs up.

Can I not feel touched like this?

After two minutes or so, I finally took off that gift wrapping, and I saw a small white box lying on my hands. The gift that was originally the size of a basketball was now only the size of a Tetra Pak.

I found out that the gift wrapping from the five-colored rooster head"s family probably didn"t cost anything.

Under the five-colored rooster head"s eager gaze, I slowly opened the box.

At that moment, a golden light stung my eyes with its brightness.

Is this, that legendary light?

A light, in the dark night drew everyone"s attention. It was so gorgeous that it made everyone curious about this gift. One after another, people surrounded us to see what it was.

After the golden light had been emitted for quite a while, it slowly faded.

Waiting until I could get a better look at what was inside, I suddenly felt as if a dozen black lines had fallen on my head.

This, could this be…it can"t be, right…

I heard the sound of crows cawing…wind blowing…

Who can tell me that this was all just an illusion caused by eye cramps…

"What is this?" Sitting beside me, Ran tilted his head, blinking as he sized up the gift in my hands.

"Hmph hmph hmph, you don"t even know something like this. You"re simply too outdated. In Yang"s~~world, there"s no one who wouldn"t know this; a high-level gift that represents ident.i.ty and status, something that everyone wants but can"t get!" The five-colored rooster head stepped on the chair with one foot, pressing on my shoulder, "Are you touched! Yang~~!"

This is all an illusion, an illusion, you definitely won"t be able to scare me, you can"t scare me to death…

"With the death-exemption gold plate here! Seeing the plate will be the same as seeing Zhen* himself; even the Emperor"s father* wouldn"t be able to touch you!"

[T/N: The  pardons you from execution, and 朕 zhen is a p.r.o.noun used by the emperor to refer to himself]

[T/N: Or it could mean Emperor LaoZi, since the 老子 in 天皇老子 can mean father or the founder of Taoism LaoZi]

I want to go bash my head into a wall.

The five-colored rooster head was very excited as he stepped onto the chair, "Touched, right!? The death-exemption gold plate can save you from death. Even the Emperor himself wouldn"t be able to behead you!"

I raised my head, and looked at that person who might have sent a gift from the wrong era, "Cla.s.smate Ziray, today"s not April Fools Day." I don"t know what to say to him anymore.

"I know today"s not April Fools Day." The five-colored rooster head answered me very seriously, "Yang~~this gift is great, right; not only is it practical and meaningful, what"s more is that anyone can use it no matter who receives it!"

There"s probably no one who would use this anymore, right.

The surrounding people sympathetically looked at me with a good-thing-I-didn"t-draw-that expression.

The temperature dropped in a straight line.

Looking at the death-exemption gold plate that was still glowing, I suddenly felt that the wind tonight was really cold.

"Cough cough, since everyone is so happy, let"s take advantage of this mood to set off fireworks!" Yado, who got a box of fireworks with a skull painted on it for some reason, cleared his throat, and broke the below-freezing silent state; it"s rare for him to say so much.

"Set the fireworks!" Abandoning the confrontation with the teddy bear, Xiao Ting happily rushed over to grab fireworks.

When the first firework shot off into the sky, the bright light was reflected off the death-exemption plate in my hand. I silently closed the box, and decided to treat what I saw just now as a beautiful illusion.

In fact, the death-exemption gold plate doesn"t exist.

I saw the teddy bear dragging a skull-shaped firework as it walked toward Xiao Ting.

Miao Miao, Geng, and Olivia happily chose several fireworks that burst into big blooms to release into the sky. The valley in the holy land that I"d heard should be kept quiet immediately became lively.

"You"re not going over there to have fun?" Folding his arms, Senior, who curved into a smile, looked at the sky full of fireworks, and threw a question.


"Yang Yang, come and have fun." Ran stood up and pulled me, "Let"s go, let"s go."

Unable to refuse, I could only stand up as well, "Nn, alright."

One by one, fireworks were set off into the sky.

"Awesome, awesome~~" Miao Miao was holding the cat plush as she raised her head to look up at the sky.

A firework was set off into the sky, and it burst into a huge flame pattern of a dragon with a boom, illuminating the whole ground.

I turned my head back and saw that everyone"s face was bright, smiling as they watched that firework in the sky.

In fact, doing this once in a while wouldn"t be so bad.

"Next time, let"s come and hold a gift-exchange gathering again."

I don"t know who was the first one to say this, and then practically everyone agreed.

"This is for Yang Yang." Pa.s.sing over a square box, taking advantage of the time when everyone started engaging in inappropriate acts of crazily setting off fireworks at each other, Miao Miao sneaked over beside me, "This is for Yang Yang. Don"t tell anyone oh."

I looked at the box in my hand. It was in the shape of a little white square, and on it was a small ribbon with fireworks, "Ah, thank you."

Miao Miao gave me a smile, then raised her fingers, "There"s also Ryan, Geng Geng…nn, I also gave one to Chifuyu. Everyone"s gift is different." She dawdled for a bit before taking out another small box that was relatively long. "That, this is Senior"s…"

Next, I probably know what Miao Miso wants to say. She probably wants me to help her give this to Senior.

That said, I don"t know if Senior would accept it or not. If I simply give him it, I wonder if he"d get angry?

"What about getting angry?" A voice as cold as h.e.l.l suddenly appeared behind me like a ghost.

I felt a chill, and Miao Miao, who was standing beside me, nearly jumped up in fright.

That was so scary, Senior, really so scary. Why won"t you guys get rid of this bad habit of silently standing behind people all of a sudden?

"Hmph, if everyone who goes out on a mission makes so much noise, they probably would"ve been all dead by now." An extremely disdainful snort was returned to me.

I also know this logic, but this boss, you"re currently not on a mission, right…

Beside me, Miao Miao suddenly gave me a shove. The me who was completely unprepared almost got shoved to the ground at the side, "Yang Yang—" She pushed me twice.

Aih…Senior"s already here. Wouldn"t it be better if you give him the gift yourself?

"What gift?" That Senior who ignores the importance of human rights automatically finished reading my mind, before he turned his head to look at Miao Miao.

"It"s, it"s this one…" After seeing that there was no way for her to get help, Miao Miao lowered her head and took out the thing in her hand, "Um, Merry Christmas." I saw her ears turn completely red, like a young girl who was about to give away her chocolates.

With a "pa" sound, my foot suddenly felt some sort of severe pain. That Senior, who simply couldn"t communicate with his mouth, had fiercely stepped on my foot, and I didn"t dare to even cry out in pain. I wonder if my toes are going to bruise…

Red eyes looked at that gift box, and after a few seconds, Senior reached out his hand to take it, "Thank you."

Instantly raising her head, Miao Miao blinked her big eyes as she looked at Senior with an expression that looked like blooming flowers, "You"re, you"re welcome."

After taking the gift, Senior rummaged through the waist bag that he always has on him, then took out a small transparent bottle with an unknown purple liquid, and gave it to her, "I"m sorry, I only have this to give to you in return."

Miao Miao"s whole face became red.

"Thank, thank you." Saying that, after the shy girl took the gift, she ran off in small steps.

It was only after I"d finished watching the whole scene on the sidelines that I realized I seemed to have become a lightbulb* just now.

[T/N: Third wheel, someone who distracts/prevents the couple from being in their own little world]

"Bulb your head." Directly smacking the back of my head, Senior said in a cold tone, "You can"t casually tell anyone about this matter."

I held the back of my head, a bit puzzled. Why can"t I tell anyone that you received a gift?

"If I say that you"re not allowed to talk about it, then you"re not allowed to talk about it; why do you have so many questions!?" Red eyes emitted the maximum murderous aura as he glared at me.

"Oh, oh…" But humans are just curious…

"Chu, you really can"t speak of this matter casually." Suddenly popping up behind Senior, senior Gasai curved into a strange gentle smile, "Because Icy Flame doesn"t accept other people"s gifts, unless it"s something that everyone gets, like in this gift-exchange."

"Aih?" I froze for quite a long time. Why can"t he accept gifts?

I remember that last time I bought the necklace for Senior, he accepted it…Even though I"ve never seen him wear it, but didn"t he also accept the rabbit?

"Because it"d be unfair that way." Senior Gasai was still smiling very strangely, "Two years ago, it was like that, causing a fight to break out among the female students…Ah, at that time, you haven"t entered the school yet, so you"re probably not clear on it. During Valentine"s Day, it really was exciting."

Valentine"s Day…I raised my head to see Senior"s Yamlike* face, and I suddenly what that meant.

[T/N: king of h.e.l.l in chinese mythology]

But to cause a fight, wouldn"t that be too exaggerated!? It shouldn"t be possible for a typical girl to just randomly get straight into a fight, right!? Ah, I had a slip of the tongue; I forgot that the girls here probably aren"t typical girls.

"Do you still have any other opinions?" Red eyes icily looked at me, causing me to feel very chilled.

"No, no opinions." I"m sorry I reopened old wounds; I won"t dare to mention it ever again.

With a "pa" sound, a shoe sole directly appeared before my eyes.

As I fled back to my seat while holding my face, the fireworks event was still continuing to be held.

Just how many fireworks are in that box!?

"Yang Yang."

Hearing someone call me, I immediately turned my head and saw Yido, who hasn"t moved a single step, waving at me. I quickly moved my seat next to him, "You"re not going to set fireworks?" His voice wasn"t loud, giving off the feeling as if it was going to disappear into the fireworks soon.

"Uh, I"m taking a break. I ate too much just now…" Watching that group of people that was still setting off fireworks, I replied.

"Nn." Yido curved into a gentle smile at me. He bent his hand, and it was only then that I noticed that at some point, the water mirror was already lying on his palm rubbing his hand, "It"s really lively today. The holy land is usually very quiet. It"s never been like this before."

…There"s probably no one who has the guts to go to the holy land and eat barbecue, hot pot, plus set a fire…I mean, set fireworks too, right? So it should be normal that it was hardly ever lively before.

I noticed that after the water mirror little dragon finished rubbing his hand, it seemed to be scrambling over a round thing and playing with it. Looking closer, it was a transparent round crystal ball, with an emerald green leaf floating in the middle. No matter how the ball turned, the leaf stayed in the center without falling.

Following my gaze and lowering his head, Yido stroked the little dragon"s head, "This is the gift I drew just now. Green Forest"s quiet atmosphere can help people relax; looks like the water mirror also likes it."

As if agreeing with his words, the little dragon raised its head and let out a chirp.

"Ye, yeah." I suddenly thought of that death-exemption gold plate that I drew again, and felt infinite sadness. I suddenly thought that even a cursed bone might be better than a death-exemption gold plate…Wait a minute, it"s a gold plate?

Gold plate as in it"s pure gold?

Which means that if it"s pure gold, I can take it to p.a.w.n or sell it to jewelry stores; that way, not only can I get more money, I can also get rid of the nightmare of this gold plate!

This is such a good idea!

"Yang Yang, do you want a drink?" Someone next to me interrupted my evil delusion. As soon as I raised my head, I saw Yido handing me a cup.

"Ah, thank you." I quickly took the item. It just so happens that those people setting off fireworks have also stopped with their noisiness. The entire box of fireworks didn"t even have a single firecracker left.

"Honestly, the person who gave this should have given a bigger box at least. It"s no fun at all if it runs out so quickly." The one who complained was that five-colored rooster head, who used up someone else"s Christmas-exchange gift.

This boss, the person who got this took it out to share the fun, so you should be thankful, instead of complaining, right!?

"It"s already enough." The homeroom teacher, who"s been drinking wine with the college students at the side this whole time, coldly smiled, "Continue on and this place will probably become a burning mountain."

To be honest, it"s not often that I have the same opinion as the teacher.

Wait a minute, speaking of setting fireworks, I suddenly remembered something that I haven"t used.

"Yang Yang?" Noticing my action of looking through my backpack, Yido issued a question.

"Just now when I went out, Andy gave me something. He said something like how it"s necessary for a barbecue gathering." Found it! I took out that gla.s.s bottle that Andy gave me from my backpack. Strangely enough, the liquid inside seemed to be a brighter green than when I first saw it.

Just what is this used for?

Ah, speaking of something necessary for a barbecue gathering, could it be that it"s sauce and the like? Then again, I don"t think I"ve seen the others using any sauce. It seems like they just directly threw the meat on the grill to cook them…Then why do your barbecue have the taste of sauce!?

Just what did you guys use to barbecue them?

"Necessary?" Yido shifted his body, leaning closer.

"Aih. I don"t know what it is either." Pa.s.sing him the bottle in my hand, I guess Yido might have a better idea of what this thing is used for.

"Nn…This seems to be the sap of the Thunder Tree mixed with some other ingredients…" Carefully studying the content of the bottle, Yido said in an extremely uncertain tone, "I"ve never seen some of the ingredients before. It seems to be an item unique to the Angel Clan."

…Are you a ghost? No matter how I look at it, I still feel that there"s only green liquid inside that bottle! Why are you able to tell what the ingredients are just by looking at the liquid?

I know, in fact, Fairy eyes aren"t normal people"s eyes, right!? All the answers have been revealed!

Wait a minute, just now he said that was the whatchamacallit tree"s sap?

"Thunder Tree"s sap has always been used during festivals or wars." Slowly stepping over, Senior added on this sentence.

Used during festivals and wars?

My eyelid suddenly twitched twice. I had a very bad premonition.

"That"s right, but I guess this amount…" Putting the bottle in my hand, just when Yido seemed like he was going to say something, my hand suddenly felt lighter, and the bottle was directly taken away by a certain someone.

"Yang~~If there"s more left, you should"ve taken it out!" The five-colored rooster head, who"s been lurking beside me at some point, s.n.a.t.c.hed the bottle and escaped under the eyes of everyone.

More, more what!?

Just what the h.e.l.l is that!?

"This sort of thing should be used like this—!" Charging over to the grill, the five-colored rooster head used a very strong momentum to throw the bottle toward the barbecue grill that hasn"t been extinguished.

"Ryan! Hurry and stop him!"

Senior Gasai, who was standing at a distance away and has been continuously stopping people tonight, once again issued a shout.

Ryan almost instantly pounced toward the five-colored rooster head to grab him.

But it was all too late already.

The bottle containing the green liquid drew past in a very beautiful parabola in front of everyone. Then after a few graceful turns, in a way that made you remember it, it fell onto the barbecue grill in slow motion, along with the iron rack, as it crashed into the flames.

"Everyone hurry and find shelter!" The teacher, who was originally drinking wine with the college students, instantly gave a warning.

What do you mean by shelter?

I watched as that bottle started to melt in the flames like a piece of ice. Then as the green liquid seeped into the flames bit by bit, it issued crackling noises; it felt a lot like green slime starting to be cooked in some kind of game.

Then, the green liquid began jumping with unknown golden sparks.

There was feeling called not-good gradually expanding in my heart, and I bet there"s a hundred percent chance that something will definitely happen.

"Yang Yang, run, run!" Miao Miao shouted at me from a distance. Then she held her head and fled in the direction of the forest with Geng.

Chifuyu and Ryan also had an expression like something bad is going to happen.

"Leido! Open the barrier immediately!" Swiftly returning to his brother"s side, Yado pulled out a tiny white crystal. His twin brother also rushed back as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

Just what the h.e.l.l is that thing!?

Wait a minute, if it"s something that"s sure to be used during festivals and wars…

"Charge! Let"s release our enthusiasm without restraint tonight!" The five-colored rooster head, who"s simply out of control, let out a big cheer.

I know what that is! I know what that is!

"Chu, hurry up and find shelter." Senior, who had already jumped up a tree at some point, threw down this sentence.

When you were running for your life, why didn"t you bring me along!? You heartless person! Were you really once my guide before?

Before I could even run for my life, I first saw that the green thing in the flames had became an orb floating above the flames. Around it were variously-sized golden flames continuously exploding.

Randall, the teacher and the others quickly jumped up the trees too.

This made me remember that they seemed to have said something about being prohibited from using spells at the beginning…How come you guys are following the rules at a time like this!?

"Chu, hurry and come up!" Throwing down his iron whip, the only one with a conscience, senior Gasai reached out a helping hand. I immediately grabbed that iron whip and was pulled up the tree.

The moment I was pulled up, I heard a thunder-like booming sound directly exploding behind me.

Sometimes humans just can"t help themselves. One clearly knows that it"d scare one but one still wants to turn back to look; and that aforementioned person is me. Pulling the iron whip, I immediately turned my head back and saw the green orb in the flames issue a huge noise, thunderously exploding out in every direction.

Then came the legendary waterfall firework that would look very beautiful in the night as it launched on the sides with a boom. In less than a second, the entire ground was directly submerged by the green waterfall firework.

"Ahhhhh—" My feet are on fire!

Senior Gasai, who directly dragged me up the tree, immediately helped me pat out the sparks on my trousers.

"Thank goodness, I thought I was too late." Watching as the entire barbecue table and hot pot below got submerged in the streams of fireworks, senior Gasai curved into a very, very emotionless smile, "If you get hit by this, you"ll die."

Please don"t talk about something that can kill me with an indifferent expression, alright!?

Opening the barrier, Yado and the others disappeared within the fireworks, and then that crazy five-colored rooster head"s whereabouts were unknown.

The whole ground was being washed away by the waterfall firework nonstop. I saw the hot pot"s pot completely explode, then melt inside the firework, and turn to ash.

Wait a minute, are the trees alright?

I suddenly remembered that this place is other people"s holy land and that it"s also a forest area.

"The trees here are very resistant to damage. Burning them won"t hurt them, so relax." Senior jumped over, not feeling that there was anything wrong with setting fire to other people"s holy land at all.

You took a fancy to how durable this place is; that"s why you came here with a peace of mind, right!?

I suddenly had a better idea of why Senior followed us to the holy land to barbecue so straightforwardly.

The waterfall firework probably lasted a full five minutes.

To be honest, if it didn"t set off the fireworks in a floor-washing style, it definitely would"ve been beautiful.

Five minutes later, the raging fireworks felt like they were gradually weakening. Then they became smaller and smaller, and finally, they slowly disappeared.

Everything on the ground was gone. Not a single weed and whatnot remained, much less the meat and hot pot that we just cooked; there wasn"t even a bit of residue. Only the circular ground of the barrier that Yado and the others opened was perfectly intact.

"That really was spectacular." Leido withdrew the barrier, completely disregarding that his holy land had just been burned, as he remarked in a very excited tone.

One by one, the others on the trees descended to the ground. I was grabbed by Senior as we jumped down together.

"Ah ah, now we don"t have any barbecue…" Miao Miao said in a very disappointed tone, "And the hot pot too…"

Still with the hot pot; some people"s holy land don"t even have gra.s.s anymore!

I looked around. The trees really are the only things left intact. The trees a bit further down even had many animals on top of them. It could be seen that the creatures here have quite a strong awareness of surviving crises.

"But it"s almost time to start cleaning up." Cla.s.smate Olivia glanced at her watch, "It just so happens that this place is already cleaned up, so we don"t have to do anything else."

Wait a minute, are you sure this counts as cleaning up?

"But Miao Miao still wants to gaze at the moon." Looking at the big round moon above, Miao said in a very sad tone.

"If you don"t mind, we arranged some refreshments at our residence"s garden. It"d also be very beautiful to gaze at the moon over there. How about we all go to the garden together?" As the landlord, Yido was completely indifferent to the matter of the holy land being set on fire, as he kindly made a suggestion.

"Ah! That"s great; there"s enough desserts, right!?" The arsonist immediately popped up.

"Of course there"s enough. There"s enough even if you eat till morning." Leido happily answered.

"Then let"s hurry up and go."

Yido, it"s not that I want to say this, but, do you really want to invite this group of murderers to your house!?

You"re really not afraid that the next thing to be washed by fire would be your house!?

With a "pa," the back of my head was directly smacked by someone standing next to me. Red eyes glanced at me, "You are so long-winded!"

"Hooray, hooray, there are desserts!" Pulling her master, Xiao Ting let out a cheer.

I suddenly really wanted to go home.

The people here are all weird. I"m afraid that if I go drink tea and eat snacks later, I"d die there.

Just when I was hesitating, someone lightly put his hand on my shoulder. As soon as I turned my head, I saw that Ran was still standing beside me, smiling at me, "Let"s go, I haven"t gone to a tea party for a long time."

For some reason, there was a moment when Ran once again gave me a sense of familiarity as if we had met a long time ago.

Perhaps, going to a tea party might not be such a bad thing…

"Yang Yang, let"s go." The others waved at me.

Perhaps, this is actually a good thing.

And so, the barbecue gathering, ended like this.

This is the first time that I realized having fun like this once in a while isn"t so bad, in fact.

I just hope that next time they won"t set a fire and burn everything as a finale again.

"Come on!"

"Wait for me."

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