Unique Legend

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Chapter 11: Extra: Angry and Expressionless

Location: Atlantis  Time: 2:15 AM

The sound of water being wrung cut through the quiet night .

After the battle with the Ghost King, each black robe returned to their own room after receiving basic treatment .

When it was two in the morning, there was the sound of dripping water in the room connected to another luxurious s.p.a.ce . Then someone took the clean towel and wiped the sweat-filled face of another person lying down, before putting the towel back into the basin .

When he noticed that the air inside the room was starting to become a little stuffy, he turned around from the bed where he was standing originally, and walked toward the balcony to open the window . The cool night breeze outside the Black Dorm immediately drifted into the room through the opened window .

The night breeze has always been very cool, whether it was in the school or outside of the school . It always made one relax yet also had the effect of making one shiver .

The black cross hanging by the window swayed . That was something a little child had used against his master, when he wandered around some place once . But unfortunately, the real Vampire Clan had never feared this sort of item, whether it was a cross or garlic and whatnot . Even if it was an Angel living downstairs, he would still turn a blind eye to him .

Later when the kid realized that something wasn’t right, he flung the object at the other person and fled in a panic . And so, when his wandering master returned that day, he even brought back a souvenir . That souvenir was placed by the window as decoration, and who knows how long it’s been there .

“Hey, Nile, you should rest now . ” Opening his eyes slightly, because Randall was injured during the day and was recuperating, he was half-awake and only saw a very familiar figure standing by the balcony thinking about something, completely motionless .

Due to being directly attacked by the Ghost Tribe, plus the fact that the key almost sapped all of his strength, his body was recovering d.a.m.n slow . Being a Vampire had some disadvantages; either the degree of injury and whatnot heals in an instant, or it heals even slower than any other race . Apart from that, he didn’t have any opinion on his origins .

After a long while, Nile slowly turned around as if he had just heard him . His face that still didn’t have any expression stared at him for quite a long time . It wasn’t until the cold wind abruptly blew his hair that he moved again, “You’re sweating and I’m afraid you will catch a cold, so I won’t be leaving for the time being . ” Speaking simply, he walked over to the bed, picked up the water-filled basin and headed to the bathroom . When he came back, it was replaced with fresh water again .

“Tch, I’m fine . Go to sleep already . ” Watching him put the basin on the table nearby then walk over to a cabinet to take out a small wooden box, Randall almost sighed . He had obviously partic.i.p.ated in the battle during the day too, but his butler was like iron, still loitering around in his room in the middle of the night . And what’s more, his expression wasn’t even tired . Although he knew very early on that his butler had symptoms of facial paralysis, he never thought he it was to such a high extent .

[T/N: In the sense that he has a stiff face, he’s not literally paralyzed]

A slight refreshing scent scattered in the air, a scent that was like mint and also like some other herbs, diffusing through the entire room with the wind . Opening the wooden box and taking out a few green leaves to crush them between his fingertips and put into the basin, Nile stared at the water that was gradually dyed an emerald green, without saying a single word .

There was not a sound in the surroundings . It was so quiet that it almost made one believe he didn’t exist .

From this angle, Randall was able to see the moonlight flowing through the window . Most of the white carpet was illuminated by silver, and silver gla.s.s ornament placed on the small cabinet was covered with a stream of light . There was a halo around Nile’s golden hair, its faint glow making it look very soft .

He remembered that he’d been seeing this scene since he was very, very young .

Nile didn’t say anything, only putting the towel in the basin and gently dipping it in . Then he repeated the same action from just now, taking it out and wringing it, before walking over to the bed . Just like before, he wiped off his sweat and walked away again .

The air followed suit and became silent for a long time .

It was so long that Randall felt he should say something, “Nile, I’ve had enough . You can return to your room first . ” He saw the clock submerged in a nearby water cup . It was half past two, and the hand was still moving forward . Just as Nile was aware of his daily routine, Randall also believed that he was aware of Nile’s routine . Two and a half hours later was when he usually got up in the morning . If he continues to look after him without end, he wouldn’t even be able to get any rest .

The basin made a subtle sound, and the towel that was thrown down became soaked and quickly sank to the bottom .

“Nile, you’re angry, aren’t you?” Hearing that sound of water, Randall, who was originally sleepy, turned over, curving into a smile as he stared at the back of his butler .

“No . ” Quickly replying, Nile turned his head around, still without any expression, and still having a respectful att.i.tude .

He answered too quickly which showed that he was .

Randall thought this in his heart . What was funny about it was that who knows how long it’s been since he saw this butler’s angry look, “Then, let’s talk about it . What are you angry about?” He thought it over; he didn’t do anything bad recently, right? At most, it would just be that he brought back a female murderer to suck her blood when he was bored and went out for a stroll last week…Could it be because the blood stained the carpet when he came back?

“I’m not angry at all . ”

Which means he is angry .

Randall remembered that he and Nile have known each other for more than a decade already .

At that time, one of them was a child, and the other was an even younger child .

Due to the changing times, development and industrialization quickly swept through every inch of the land . Gradually, disputes over living s.p.a.ce and survival were created between the Vampire and Werewolf Clan, and a war to expand underground began .

At that time, apart from being hostile to each other, the two clans also had to deal with religious groups and the humans whose knowledge and weapons grew increasingly stronger . Thus, not only was their living s.p.a.ce sharply reduced, their racial numbers also continued to decrease .

The highly-intelligent Vampire Clan quickly found a way to slowly integrate into society . In fact, as long as you transition from underground to above ground and add some things to cover up, it was not that hard to survive .

But for the Werewolves, it was a lot more difficult .

After all, the appearance and habits of the Werewolves couldn’t be changed as easily as the Vampires . Later on, even though the Vampire Clan had already abandoned the fight for the dark underground, the slow-adapting Werewolf Clan still had a large amount of their numbers wiped out under the a.s.sault of that age’s reforms .

For a very long time, the Werewolf Clan almost completely disappeared from the original world .

A decade or so earlier, because they were in a good mood and went for a stroll in the underground world, several Vampires discovered the bodies of a large number of Werewolves who were attacked by humans and couldn’t escape in time . Most of them were already destroyed—humans have always believed that these corpses must be destroyed or burned so that they can’t revive, although in fact, this wasn’t far off from the truth .

The entire underground s.p.a.ce was filled with a disgusting smell .

At first, they didn’t intend on staying for long, but Count Misia and his wife (Randall’s parents) heard some kind of noise and due to curiosity, they continued on inward .

In another dark area connected to this were several little kids covered in dust and grime . Clearly when the humans set the fire, these lucky little Werewolves were fortunate enough to survive, with the help of someone, or maybe some adults who gave up their lives to protect them .

After a discussion between the Vampires present, these children were divided and sent to each family .

Maybe as a slave, or maybe as a servant . At any rate, their lives were preserved .

At that time, Randall was rather small . When his parents returned that day, they brought back a dark and dirty boy who was still slightly older than him, saying that he would be given to him as a toy and later as a servant . And so, they met like this .

”You know I hated Werewolves at first, hated them as if I saw maggots . ”

Nile, who was originally staring blankly at the decorative silver on the cabinet with his back to him, heard a tiny voice, then turned his head, his blue eyes mostly covered by darkness . The two people were separated by a stream of moonlight between them .

Not knowing why he abruptly threw out these words at first, it was only after two seconds had pa.s.sed that Nile had the feeling his master was suddenly nostalgic about his childhood, “I know . ” Looking at that master whom he was devoted to on the bed, Nile likewise recalled his childhood that could be described as simply unbearable .

At the very beginning, he thought he was going to be a slave for the rest of his life .

“When I saw you being brought into my house, I really racked my brains trying to drive you out, thinking that it would be best to scare you so much that you wouldn’t even dare to stay overnight to pack up your stuff before scramming . But I never expected that you had such perseverance, to still be able to stay after all sorts of abuse . ” One hand propping up his head, Randall used his other hand to draw circles on the blanket, thinking of all the effort he put in during his childhood, “Werewolves really are a durable race . ”

Was that supposed to be a compliment?

Nile was slightly stunned, unable to tell whether he should say thank you or protest .

The night wind gradually grew stronger, blowing the translucent gauze curtains embroidered with golden totems by the balcony until it billowed nonstop . He turned around to close the curtains .

When he looked down from the third floor, he could see that the gardens in front of the Black Dorm were full of flowers . Some small nocturnal animals shuttled back and forth among the flowers, and the several usual small illusionary creatures gave off a gentle glow that made them look like little rolling b.a.l.l.s of light . Nile recognized them, animals that rarely move or have contact with anyone during the day, who only become users of the school at night .

In the past, they were no different from these animals .

At some point, they started to learn how to wake up in the morning and sleep at night . To Randall, changing his habits was necessary to fulfill his life and learning requirements, and to Nile, changing his habits was necessary to match the needs of his master .

At some point, they started to learn how to wake up in the morning and sleep at night . To Randall, changing his habits was necessary to fulfill his life and learning requirements, and to Nile, changing his habits was necessary to match the needs of his master .

“Nile, sit down . ” Getting up, Randall pa.s.sed trough the moonlight on the floor that had already begun to shift, pulling out a chair and sitting next to the balcony, “I think we need to have a proper talk with each other . I for one believe you’ve been dissatisfied with me for a long time . ” He scratched his head . Having just woken up, his unbrushed hair looked a little messy .

Slightly dumbfounded for a moment, Nile’s first action was still to hand over the comb box, “You misunderstood . I’m not dissatisfied with anything . ” Not actually sitting down, he simply took a few steps away and stood at the side .

‘You must be . ” Combing his hair with his hand a few times, Randall tossed the comb box on the table, leaning back in his chair, “If you don’t clear it up today, neither of us will be sleeping . ” He kicked the empty chair nearby and said .

Helplessly looking at that empty chair, Nile who deeply felt that his master was actually still in his rebellious stage, powerlessly wanted to heave a sigh—but he didn’t, because he was a professionally trained butler, “It’s already late . You still need to reconstruct the barrier tomorrow morning . Why not postpone these little matters to an appropriate time?” He tried to use his gentlest tone to reason with his master who had suddenly become stubborn in the middle of the night .

“You also know that I never liked having anything interfere with my mood . ” Folding his arms, Randall looked at his butler who still wasn’t planning to sit, then curved his lips up, “In the end, just what is it that made you angry?”

The surrounding suddenly quieted down .

The moonlight on the ground began to lean over, moving little by little toward the bedside, and the window frame quickly allowed the leaning moonlight to shine with a silver gleam .

“I’ve already said that I’m not angry . ” Still without any particular changes in his expression and flat tone, Nile replied, “If you are not sleepy, would you like me to prepare some drinks for you?”

“Have you ever heard of someone being interrogated who was still able to leisurely help the interrogator prepare a whole set of drinks during a confession?” Then how about preparing some desserts as well!? Randall wanted to roll his eyes a little . Right now they’re staging an interrogation, not a midnight snack gathering to gaze at the moon .

“It’s really nothing at all . You’re overthinking . ”

Nile was still repeating the same answer .

They were in a deadlock for quite some time .

Like a sh.e.l.l that wouldn’t open even if you beat it to death, in the end, Nile kept silent and didn’t say a single word . This made Randall, whose body hasn’t recovered, and plus his fatigue, deeply feel that he might directly fall asleep in this chair tonight .

It was only until the minute hand gradually moved to the eleventh spot that Nile slowly opened his mouth, ‘Your body won’t be able to hold on . ”

d.a.m.n him for understanding .

Randall really felt like he was going to roll his eyes, “If I don’t have a proper talk with you today and end up being unable to hold on and collapse here, it’ll be your fault . ” He threw out a job threat . Alright, he knew this was very underhanded, but if he didn’t use this trick, he wouldn’t open up at all .

Obviously a little shaken, Nile’s eyes seemed to flash, and very soon he returned to being calm, “I am guilty of neglecting my duties, please punish me . ” Bowing slightly, he quickly became fully prepared to accept his punishment .

“Then fine, I’ll punish you to clear this up . ” Leaning back in his chair to let his feet dangle off the ground, Randall smiled happily as he got exactly what he wanted .

“It’s already very clear; there’s nothing going on . ” With a feeling like he didn’t know how many times he had repeated this tonight, to the point where he kind of wanted to directly grab his own master and yell into his ear so that he could “clearly” hear him, Nile tried very hard to suppress that desire in his heart, “Why do you insist on this question? How can you tell whether or not I’m angry?”

Raising his eyebrows, Randall put the chair down, then motioned to him with a hooked finger .

Doubtfully walking over, Nile followed his instruction and bowed slightly .

The instant he bent down, that person sitting on the chair suddenly reached out quick as lightning, and grabbed his cheeks before pulling them hard, “You really think this Count couldn’t tell at all!?” Seeing the rare surprised expression appear on his butler’s face, Randall happily let go of his hands .

Nile, who was really received a big shock, took two or three steps back, incredulously looking at his master who had actually done such a childish thing .

He quickly compared all the people who had appeared near him recently in his mind, and very tragically found that his master’s action was most likely due to a certain guy from the a.s.sa.s.sin clan .

Randall coldly curved into a smile, then stared at that shocked person, “Since you usually don’t want to reveal too much emotion, your whole face is expressionless . ” This he had already studied for a long time . Ever since his butler had serious facial paralysis, he often paid attention to his rarely-appearing mood swings, “When you’re angry, your eyebrows become furrowed . ”

Almost subconsciously, Nile immediately touched his own face .

“I hit the mark, huh?” Looking at his simply guilty reaction, Randall continued to tilt the two legs of the chair, and the back of the chair leaned slightly against the balcony edge, “Just what are you angry about?”

“I hit the mark, huh?” Looking at his simply guilty reaction, Randall continued to tilt the two legs of the chair, and the back of the chair leaned slightly against the balcony edge, “Just what are you angry about?”

“It’s nothing big…” Murmuring, Nile, who wasn’t used to discussing these topics with people, had no desire whatsoever to continue speaking on .

“Could it be that you’re still resentful about last time, when I went outside and dragged back a murderer to suck her blood, and ended up splattering the whole hall’s white carpet with blood, making it very difficult to clean out?” He just went out to get some fresh food on a whim, but he never expected that guy would struggle so much . Before he could suck her dry, the entire hall looked as if it was splashed with paint in revenge . He remembered it very clearly, that dumbfounded expression Nile had for a long time, when he just returned from a mission he was a.s.signed to and saw the whole hall’s “colorful” appearance .

“It, it’s not that . ” Although the carpet really was difficult to clean out, as pure white things coming into contact with blood usually meant no solutions . However, because that carpet was what the Madam (Randall’s mom) previously left behind, he still had to accept his fate and bit the bullet to seek help from the medical team and intelligence team . He spent a whole two days to restore that carpet to its bright, pure white look, and before that, he had also cleaned up the entire blood-stained hall…However, since that was part of his job description, he didn’t have any complaints at all .

“Then it seems like nothing else had happened recently . ” Slightly frowning, Randall thought further back in the past again, then remembered a certain event, “Could it be that incident when I went hunting half a month ago and brought back a two-headed hyena, resulting in the whole hall and dining room being demolished when I forgot to tie it up?” He was just pa.s.sing by and saw that the bigger-than-an-average-wolf hyena was interesting, so he decided to grab it back as a pet . In the end, he forgot that a hyena was naturally fierce and forgot to lock it up . That hyena took advantage of the two of them not being there to destroy a large portion of their living s.p.a.ce, and even ruined the place where Nile stored the food and blood .

“It’s not that either…and besides, the hyena was also killed afterwards . ” The first one to return that day, as soon as Nile opened the door, he saw a wild two-headed hyena destroying the hall . Without saying a word, he first got rid of the wild animal in the middle of the destruction . Finding out that it was brought back by his master occurred later .

But the ruined food storage really was troublesome, because he usually put an entire week’s worth of top-quality fresh food inside . Replacing all of them at once was very troublesome, and he also needed to tidy the whole hall and kitchen before his master came back .

This made Nile deeply feel that, in fact, he was already qualified to do recovery work at disaster sites .

“Then I honestly don’t know what I did to make you angry . ” Shrugging, Randall emptied his brain but still couldn’t think of any other notable events that happened recently .

After hesitating for a long while, Nile slowly spat out sound, “I’m really sorry that I was not able to arrive at your side on time when the Ghost King attacked this morning . ” It clearly wasn’t the compet.i.tion . He was clearly just standing on the fifth floor, a place where he could immediately jump down to him, but he was still watching on as his master became unable to resist, attacked by the Ghost King .

Regardless of his position as butler, or some other position, Nile felt that this wasn’t something that could be forgiven .

To him, this was neglect of duty .

Randall widened his eyes, not at all expecting that it would be a trivial matter like this .

So to speak, his butler was just angry with himself?

“If possible, please discipline me . ” Nile, who didn’t feel that this was a trivial matter no matter how he thought of it, lowered his head slightly to seek punishment .

Looking at the person in front of him, Randall suddenly felt a headache . Sure enough, sometimes being too responsible wasn’t a good thing, “Since you need to be punished no matter what, then come over . ” He stopped the chair, then beckoned .

The exact same action as before . Nile watched him warily .

“Don’t worry, I won’t pinch your cheeks . ” Randall stood up, saying, “Stand in front of me, then turn around . ”

Half doubtful half puzzled as he walked over, Nile obediently turned around .

The instant he turned around, some kind of intense pain directly burst from behind his head .

Unable to protest in time, he only felt darkness in front of his eyes, then lost consciousness .

Standing behind his butler and having punched him, Randall shook his hand, bending slightly to grab the man lying on the floor, then threw him onto the bed with all his might .

“Forgive me, but this way everyone will be able to sleep tonight . ”

After dealing with his troubled butler, Randall, who was planning to head to another room connected to this to sleep, heard some kind of faint noise, and with a “dong” sound, it landed on the balcony .

Turning his head on reflex, he only saw a book lying on the balcony .

Walking over and picking up the book that had popped up from who-knows-where, he instinctively looked up .

“It’s the middle of the night; what kind of interrogation game are you playing at? So noisy . ” The protest came from another resident on the fourth floor, “Don’t forget, the windows aren’t soundproof . ”

Randall curved into a smile, looking at the cold person whose silver hair dangled down from above and shimmered in the moonlight . This reminded him that the bodies of those Elves also glow like this, even the hair wasn’t an exception, “It’s the middle of the night and you’re not asleep . Who would’ve known that you would be reading a book by the balcony? At this time, minors should all be lying on the bed and sleeping . ”

“It’s the middle of the night; what kind of interrogation game are you playing at? So noisy . ” The protest came from another resident on the fourth floor, “Don’t forget, the windows aren’t soundproof . ”

Randall curved into a smile, looking at the cold person whose silver hair dangled down from above and shimmered in the moonlight . This reminded him that the bodies of those Elves also glow like this, even the hair wasn’t an exception, “It’s the middle of the night and you’re not asleep . Who would’ve known that you would be reading a book by the balcony? At this time, minors should all be lying on the bed and sleeping . ”

“Hmph, that’s none of your business . ” The person sitting by the balcony above rather rudely threw this sentence over .

“I have enough reason to suspect you were eavesdropping . ” Half of his body leaning out of the balcony, Randall threw the book in his hand back to the room on the side of the building upstairs . The other side steadily caught it without any mistakes, “Nile is simply too serious, to the point where even I want to cry . I’m so touched . ”

For that kind of reason, he could stay angry with himself in the middle of the night; it really is interesting .

The person sitting by the fourth floor’s balcony lazily glanced at the person on the third floor, red eyes full of contempt, “If I were your butler, I would’ve already left as soon as that hyena appeared . ” The two-headed hyena, huh . Its ferocity wasn’t any less than the monsters and strange beasts also brought back . He would definitely stand on the sidelines and watch as a certain master returned with a hyena chasing after him . Moreover, he’d be very willing to help boost that hyena’s strength, so that its bite would be even stronger .

And also, it turns out the reason why he encountered Nile at the intelligence team was because of the carpet . Just burn that d.a.m.n carpet and that’ll be it; why bother asking for help!?

“Which is why my butler is not you . ” Glancing at the unconscious person on the bed, Randall said in a good mood .

“You should consider raising his salary, or else, sooner or later, he’ll be poached . ” Regarding Nile, he was also quite interested in him . In this day and age, it’s hard to find a butler who was serious and educated, as well as whole-heartedly devoted .

“Don’t worry, even if I don’t raise his salary, Nile won’t be poached by anyone . ” Very confidently saying, a certain Vampire with a strong hold over his butler said with a smile .

“Hmph . ” Coldly smiling, the person on the fourth floor didn’t say anything else .

They were both looking at the same moon .

The night wind was still vey cold, sending the fastened curtains billowing again .

“Hey, what do you think of the fifth floor and sarcophagus incidents today?” Staring at that moon, Randall starting counting the days up till the full moon .

“…An omen, I guess . ” Closing the book in his hands, the person sitting by the balcony didn’t lower his head, just continuing to stare at the moon in a trance .

“Yeah, I think so too . ” It was all too coincidental, one thing after another, so that they couldn’t help but start feeling that there will be more things coming .

But the future is unpredictable . No one knows how it will turn out .

“Before what is to come arrives, we can only guess and prepare . ” Slightly lowering his red eyes, he looked at the Elven words on the book and said, “If that day comes, even if the people who are supposed to be here are no longer here, I hope you and the others can continue to a.s.sist him . ”

Randall didn’t say anything .

He just glanced lightly at the silhouette of that person sitting on the fourth floor, then withdrew his gaze, “If this is your request, I can accept it . ”

“Thanks . Good night . ”

After raising his head again, Randall saw a fourth floor whose balcony was already empty . The mood and slight regret from just now seemed to still be there, but they were quickly dispersed by the wind .

“There’s nothing to thank me for . ” He murmured, “Goodnight . ”

There are still three more days till the full moon .

Going back inside, Randall closed the window . To be honest, tonight’s wind was simply too cold, not very good for people soundly sleeping .

He withdrew his gaze and looked at the Werewolf whom he hardly ever saw asleep, and smiled without realizing .

So to speak, he has a good butler .

“Ah, I should go to sleep . ”

Chapter 11 Extra Angry and Expressionless Location Atlantis Time 2 15 AM The sound of water being wrung cut through the quiet night . After the battle with the Ghost King, each black robe returned to their own room after receiving basic treatment . When it was two in the morning, there was the sound of dripping water in the room connected to another luxurious s.p.a.ce . Then someone took the clean towel and wiped the sweat filled face of another person lying down, before putting the towel back into the basin . When he noticed that the air inside the room was starting to become a little stuffy, he turned around from the bed where he was standing originally, and walked toward the balcony to open the window . The cool night breeze outside the Black Dorm immediately drifted into the room through the opened window . The night breeze has always been very cool, whether it was in the school or outside of the school . It always made one relax yet also had the effect of making one shiver . The black cross hanging by the window swayed . That was something a little child had used against his master, when he wandered around some place once . But unfortunately, the real Vampire Clan had never feared this sort of item, whether it was a cross or garlic and whatnot . Even if it was an Angel living downstairs, he would still turn a blind eye to him . Later when the kid realized that something wasn t right, he flung the object at the other person and fled in a panic . And so, when his wandering master returned that day, he even brought back a souvenir . That souvenir was placed by the window as decoration, and who knows how long it s been there . Hey, Nile, you should rest now . Opening his eyes slightly, because Randall was injured during the day and was recuperating, he was half awake and only saw a very familiar figure standing by the balcony thinking about something, completely motionless . Due to being directly attacked by the Ghost Tribe, plus the fact that the key almost sapped all of his strength, his body was recovering d.a.m.n slow . Being a Vampire had some disadvantages either the degree of injury and whatnot heals in an instant, or it heals even slower than any other race . Apart from that, he didn t have any opinion on his origins . After a long while, Nile slowly turned around as if he had just heard him . His face that still didn t have any expression stared at him for quite a long time . It wasn t until the cold wind abruptly blew his hair that he moved again, You re sweating and I m afraid you will catch a cold, so I won t be leaving for the time being . Speaking simply, he walked over to the bed, picked up the water filled basin and headed to the bathroom . When he came back, it was replaced with fresh water again . Tch, I m fine . Go to sleep already . Watching him put the basin on the table nearby then walk over to a cabinet to take out a small wooden box, Randall almost sighed . He had obviously partic.i.p.ated in the battle during the day too, but his butler was like iron, still loitering around in his room in the middle of the night . And what s more, his expression wasn t even tired . Although he knew very early on that his butler had symptoms of facial paralysis, he never thought he it was to such a high extent . T N In the sense that he has a stiff face, he s not literally paralyzed A slight refreshing scent scattered in the air, a scent that was like mint and also like some other herbs, diffusing through the entire room with the wind . Opening the wooden box and taking out a few green leaves to crush them between his fingertips and put into the basin, Nile stared at the water that was gradually dyed an emerald green, without saying a single word . There was not a sound in the surroundings . It was so quiet that it almost made one believe he didn t exist . From this angle, Randall was able to see the moonlight flowing through the window . Most of the white carpet was illuminated by silver, and silver gla.s.s ornament placed on the small cabinet was covered with a stream of light . There was a halo around Nile s golden hair, its faint glow making it look very soft . He remembered that he d been seeing this scene since he was very, very young . Nile didn t say anything, only putting the towel in the basin and gently dipping it in . Then he repeated the same action from just now, taking it out and wringing it, before walking over to the bed . Just like before, he wiped off his sweat and walked away again . The air followed suit and became silent for a long time . It was so long that Randall felt he should say something, Nile, I ve had enough . You can return to your room first . He saw the clock submerged in a nearby water cup . It was half past two, and the hand was still moving forward . Just as Nile was aware of his daily routine, Randall also believed that he was aware of Nile s routine . Two and a half hours later was when he usually got up in the morning . If he continues to look after him without end, he wouldn t even be able to get any rest . The basin made a subtle sound, and the towel that was thrown down became soaked and quickly sank to the bottom . Nile, you re angry, aren t you Hearing that sound of water, Randall, who was originally sleepy, turned over, curving into a smile as he stared at the back of his butler . No . Quickly replying, Nile turned his head around, still without any expression, and still having a respectful att.i.tude . He answered too quickly which showed that he was . Randall thought this in his heart . What was funny about it was that who knows how long it s been since he saw this butler s angry look, Then, let s talk about it . What are you angry about He thought it over he didn t do anything bad recently, right At most, it would just be that he brought back a female murderer to suck her blood when he was bored and went out for a stroll last week Could it be because the blood stained the carpet when he came back I m not angry at all . Which means he is angry . Randall remembered that he and Nile have known each other for more than a decade already . At that time, one of them was a child, and the other was an even younger child . Due to the changing times, development and industrialization quickly swept through every inch of the land . Gradually, disputes over living s.p.a.ce and survival were created between the Vampire and Werewolf Clan, and a war to expand underground began . At that time, apart from being hostile to each other, the two clans also had to deal with religious groups and the humans whose knowledge and weapons grew increasingly stronger . Thus, not only was their living s.p.a.ce sharply reduced, their racial numbers also continued to decrease . The highly intelligent Vampire Clan quickly found a way to slowly integrate into society . In fact, as long as you transition from underground to above ground and add some things to cover up, it was not that hard to survive . But for the Werewolves, it was a lot more difficult . After all, the appearance and habits of the Werewolves couldn t be changed as easily as the Vampires . Later on, even though the Vampire Clan had already abandoned the fight for the dark underground, the slow adapting Werewolf Clan still had a large amount of their numbers wiped out under the a.s.sault of that age s reforms . For a very long time, the Werewolf Clan almost completely disappeared from the original world . A decade or so earlier, because they were in a good mood and went for a stroll in the underground world, several Vampires discovered the bodies of a large number of Werewolves who were attacked by humans and couldn t escape in time . Most of them were already destroyed humans have always believed that these corpses must be destroyed or burned so that they can t revive, although in fact, this wasn t far off from the truth . The entire underground s.p.a.ce was filled with a disgusting smell . At first, they didn t intend on staying for long, but Count Misia and his wife Randall s parents heard some kind of noise and due to curiosity, they continued on inward . In another dark area connected to this were several little kids covered in dust and grime . Clearly when the humans set the fire, these lucky little Werewolves were fortunate enough to survive, with the help of someone, or maybe some adults who gave up their lives to protect them . After a discussion between the Vampires present, these children were divided and sent to each family . Maybe as a slave, or maybe as a servant . At any rate, their lives were preserved . At that time, Randall was rather small . When his parents returned that day, they brought back a dark and dirty boy who was still slightly older than him, saying that he would be given to him as a toy and later as a servant . And so, they met like this . You know I hated Werewolves at first, hated them as if I saw maggots . Nile, who was originally staring blankly at the decorative silver on the cabinet with his back to him, heard a tiny voice, then turned his head, his blue eyes mostly covered by darkness . The two people were separated by a stream of moonlight between them . Not knowing why he abruptly threw out these words at first, it was only after two seconds had pa.s.sed that Nile had the feeling his master was suddenly nostalgic about his childhood, I know . Looking at that master whom he was devoted to on the bed, Nile likewise recalled his childhood that could be described as simply unbearable . At the very beginning, he thought he was going to be a slave for the rest of his life . When I saw you being brought into my house, I really racked my brains trying to drive you out, thinking that it would be best to scare you so much that you wouldn t even dare to stay overnight to pack up your stuff before scramming . But I never expected that you had such perseverance, to still be able to stay after all sorts of abuse . One hand propping up his head, Randall used his other hand to draw circles on the blanket, thinking of all the effort he put in during his childhood, Werewolves really are a durable race . Was that supposed to be a compliment Nile was slightly stunned, unable to tell whether he should say thank you or protest . The night wind gradually grew stronger, blowing the translucent gauze curtains embroidered with golden totems by the balcony until it billowed nonstop . He turned around to close the curtains . When he looked down from the third floor, he could see that the gardens in front of the Black Dorm were full of flowers . Some small nocturnal animals shuttled back and forth among the flowers, and the several usual small illusionary creatures gave off a gentle glow that made them look like little rolling b.a.l.l.s of light . Nile recognized them, animals that rarely move or have contact with anyone during the day, who only become users of the school at night . In the past, they were no different from these animals . At some point, they started to learn how to wake up in the morning and sleep at night . To Randall, changing his habits was necessary to fulfill his life and learning requirements, and to Nile, changing his habits was necessary to match the needs of his master . Nile, sit down . Getting up, Randall pa.s.sed trough the moonlight on the floor that had already begun to shift, pulling out a chair and sitting next to the balcony, I think we need to have a proper talk with each other . I for one believe you ve been dissatisfied with me for a long time . He scratched his head . Having just woken up, his unbrushed hair looked a little messy . Slightly dumbfounded for a moment, Nile s first action was still to hand over the comb box, You misunderstood . I m not dissatisfied with anything . Not actually sitting down, he simply took a few steps away and stood at the side . You must be . Combing his hair with his hand a few times, Randall tossed the comb box on the table, leaning back in his chair, If you don t clear it up today, neither of us will be sleeping . He kicked the empty chair nearby and said . Helplessly looking at that empty chair, Nile who deeply felt that his master was actually still in his rebellious stage, powerlessly wanted to heave a sigh but he didn t, because he was a professionally trained butler, It s already late . You still need to reconstruct the barrier tomorrow morning . Why not postpone these little matters to an appropriate time He tried to use his gentlest tone to reason with his master who had suddenly become stubborn in the middle of the night . You also know that I never liked having anything interfere with my mood . Folding his arms, Randall looked at his butler who still wasn t planning to sit, then curved his lips up, In the end, just what is it that made you angry The surrounding suddenly quieted down . The moonlight on the ground began to lean over, moving little by little toward the bedside, and the window frame quickly allowed the leaning moonlight to shine with a silver gleam . I ve already said that I m not angry . Still without any particular changes in his expression and flat tone, Nile replied, If you are not sleepy, would you like me to prepare some drinks for you Have you ever heard of someone being interrogated who was still able to leisurely help the interrogator prepare a whole set of drinks during a confession Then how about preparing some desserts as well Randall wanted to roll his eyes a little . Right now they re staging an interrogation, not a midnight snack gathering to gaze at the moon . It s really nothing at all . You re overthinking . Nile was still repeating the same answer . They were in a deadlock for quite some time . Like a sh.e.l.l that wouldn t open even if you beat it to death, in the end, Nile kept silent and didn t say a single word . This made Randall, whose body hasn t recovered, and plus his fatigue, deeply feel that he might directly fall asleep in this chair tonight . It was only until the minute hand gradually moved to the eleventh spot that Nile slowly opened his mouth, Your body won t be able to hold on . d.a.m.n him for understanding . Randall really felt like he was going to roll his eyes, If I don t have a proper talk with you today and end up being unable to hold on and collapse here, it ll be your fault . He threw out a job threat . Alright, he knew this was very underhanded, but if he didn t use this trick, he wouldn t open up at all . Obviously a little shaken, Nile s eyes seemed to flash, and very soon he returned to being calm, I am guilty of neglecting my duties, please punish me . Bowing slightly, he quickly became fully prepared to accept his punishment . Then fine, I ll punish you to clear this up . Leaning back in his chair to let his feet dangle off the ground, Randall smiled happily as he got exactly what he wanted . It s already very clear there s nothing going on . With a feeling like he didn t know how many times he had repeated this tonight, to the point where he kind of wanted to directly grab his own master and yell into his ear so that he could clearly hear him, Nile tried very hard to suppress that desire in his heart, Why do you insist on this question How can you tell whether or not I m angry Raising his eyebrows, Randall put the chair down, then motioned to him with a hooked finger . Doubtfully walking over, Nile followed his instruction and bowed slightly . The instant he bent down, that person sitting on the chair suddenly reached out quick as lightning, and grabbed his cheeks before pulling them hard, You really think this Count couldn t tell at all Seeing the rare surprised expression appear on his butler s face, Randall happily let go of his hands . Nile, who was really received a big shock, took two or three steps back, incredulously looking at his master who had actually done such a childish thing . He quickly compared all the people who had appeared near him recently in his mind, and very tragically found that his master s action was most likely due to a certain guy from the a.s.sa.s.sin clan . Randall coldly curved into a smile, then stared at that shocked person, Since you usually don t want to reveal too much emotion, your whole face is expressionless . This he had already studied for a long time . Ever since his butler had serious facial paralysis, he often paid attention to his rarely appearing mood swings, When you re angry, your eyebrows become furrowed . Almost subconsciously, Nile immediately touched his own face . I hit the mark, huh Looking at his simply guilty reaction, Randall continued to tilt the two legs of the chair, and the back of the chair leaned slightly against the balcony edge, Just what are you angry about It s nothing big Murmuring, Nile, who wasn t used to discussing these topics with people, had no desire whatsoever to continue speaking on . Could it be that you re still resentful about last time, when I went outside and dragged back a murderer to suck her blood, and ended up splattering the whole hall s white carpet with blood, making it very difficult to clean out He just went out to get some fresh food on a whim, but he never expected that guy would struggle so much . Before he could suck her dry, the entire hall looked as if it was splashed with paint in revenge . He remembered it very clearly, that dumbfounded expression Nile had for a long time, when he just returned from a mission he was a.s.signed to and saw the whole hall s colorful appearance . It, it s not that . Although the carpet really was difficult to clean out, as pure white things coming into contact with blood usually meant no solutions . However, because that carpet was what the Madam Randall s mom previously left behind, he still had to accept his fate and bit the bullet to seek help from the medical team and intelligence team . He spent a whole two days to restore that carpet to its bright, pure white look, and before that, he had also cleaned up the entire blood stained hall However, since that was part of his job description, he didn t have any complaints at all . Then it seems like nothing else had happened recently . Slightly frowning, Randall thought further back in the past again, then remembered a certain event, Could it be that incident when I went hunting half a month ago and brought back a two headed hyena, resulting in the whole hall and dining room being demolished when I forgot to tie it up He was just pa.s.sing by and saw that the bigger than an average wolf hyena was interesting, so he decided to grab it back as a pet . In the end, he forgot that a hyena was naturally fierce and forgot to lock it up . That hyena took advantage of the two of them not being there to destroy a large portion of their living s.p.a.ce, and even ruined the place where Nile stored the food and blood . It s not that either and besides, the hyena was also killed afterwards . The first one to return that day, as soon as Nile opened the door, he saw a wild two headed hyena destroying the hall . Without saying a word, he first got rid of the wild animal in the middle of the destruction . Finding out that it was brought back by his master occurred later . But the ruined food storage really was troublesome, because he usually put an entire week s worth of top quality fresh food inside . Replacing all of them at once was very troublesome, and he also needed to tidy the whole hall and kitchen before his master came back . This made Nile deeply feel that, in fact, he was already qualified to do recovery work at disaster sites . Then I honestly don t know what I did to make you angry . Shrugging, Randall emptied his brain but still couldn t think of any other notable events that happened recently . After hesitating for a long while, Nile slowly spat out sound, I m really sorry that I was not able to arrive at your side on time when the Ghost King attacked this morning . It clearly wasn t the compet.i.tion . He was clearly just standing on the fifth floor, a place where he could immediately jump down to him, but he was still watching on as his master became unable to resist, attacked by the Ghost King . Regardless of his position as butler, or some other position, Nile felt that this wasn t something that could be forgiven . To him, this was neglect of duty . Randall widened his eyes, not at all expecting that it would be a trivial matter like this . So to speak, his butler was just angry with himself If possible, please discipline me . Nile, who didn t feel that this was a trivial matter no matter how he thought of it, lowered his head slightly to seek punishment . Looking at the person in front of him, Randall suddenly felt a headache . Sure enough, sometimes being too responsible wasn t a good thing, Since you need to be punished no matter what, then come over . He stopped the chair, then beckoned . The exact same action as before . Nile watched him warily . Don t worry, I won t pinch your cheeks . Randall stood up, saying, Stand in front of me, then turn around . Half doubtful half puzzled as he walked over, Nile obediently turned around . The instant he turned around, some kind of intense pain directly burst from behind his head . Unable to protest in time, he only felt darkness in front of his eyes, then lost consciousness . Standing behind his butler and having punched him, Randall shook his hand, bending slightly to grab the man lying on the floor, then threw him onto the bed with all his might . Forgive me, but this way everyone will be able to sleep tonight . After dealing with his troubled butler, Randall, who was planning to head to another room connected to this to sleep, heard some kind of faint noise, and with a dong sound, it landed on the balcony . Turning his head on reflex, he only saw a book lying on the balcony . Walking over and picking up the book that had popped up from who knows where, he instinctively looked up . It s the middle of the night what kind of interrogation game are you playing at So noisy . The protest came from another resident on the fourth floor, Don t forget, the windows aren t soundproof . Randall curved into a smile, looking at the cold person whose silver hair dangled down from above and shimmered in the moonlight . This reminded him that the bodies of those Elves also glow like this, even the hair wasn t an exception, It s the middle of the night and you re not asleep . Who would ve known that you would be reading a book by the balcony At this time, minors should all be lying on the bed and sleeping . Hmph, that s none of your business . The person sitting by the balcony above rather rudely threw this sentence over . I have enough reason to suspect you were eavesdropping . Half of his body leaning out of the balcony, Randall threw the book in his hand back to the room on the side of the building upstairs . The other side steadily caught it without any mistakes, Nile is simply too serious, to the point where even I want to cry . I m so touched . For that kind of reason, he could stay angry with himself in the middle of the night it really is interesting . The person sitting by the fourth floor s balcony lazily glanced at the person on the third floor, red eyes full of contempt, If I were your butler, I would ve already left as soon as that hyena appeared . The two headed hyena, huh . Its ferocity wasn t any less than the monsters and strange beasts also brought back . He would definitely stand on the sidelines and watch as a certain master returned with a hyena chasing after him . Moreover, he d be very willing to help boost that hyena s strength, so that its bite would be even stronger . And also, it turns out the reason why he encountered Nile at the intelligence team was because of the carpet . Just burn that d.a.m.n carpet and that ll be it why bother asking for help Which is why my butler is not you . Glancing at the unconscious person on the bed, Randall said in a good mood . You should consider raising his salary, or else, sooner or later, he ll be poached . Regarding Nile, he was also quite interested in him . In this day and age, it s hard to find a butler who was serious and educated, as well as whole heartedly devoted . Don t worry, even if I don t raise his salary, Nile won t be poached by anyone . Very confidently saying, a certain Vampire with a strong hold over his butler said with a smile . Hmph . Coldly smiling, the person on the fourth floor didn t say anything else . They were both looking at the same moon . The night wind was still vey cold, sending the fastened curtains billowing again . Hey, what do you think of the fifth floor and sarcophagus incidents today Staring at that moon, Randall starting counting the days up till the full moon . An omen, I guess . Closing the book in his hands, the person sitting by the balcony didn t lower his head, just continuing to stare at the moon in a trance . Yeah, I think so too . It was all too coincidental, one thing after another, so that they couldn t help but start feeling that there will be more things coming . But the future is unpredictable . No one knows how it will turn out . Before what is to come arrives, we can only guess and prepare . Slightly lowering his red eyes, he looked at the Elven words on the book and said, If that day comes, even if the people who are supposed to be here are no longer here, I hope you and the others can continue to a.s.sist him . Randall didn t say anything . He just glanced lightly at the silhouette of that person sitting on the fourth floor, then withdrew his gaze, If this is your request, I can accept it . Thanks . Good night . After raising his head again, Randall saw a fourth floor whose balcony was already empty . The mood and slight regret from just now seemed to still be there, but they were quickly dispersed by the wind . There s nothing to thank me for . He murmured, Goodnight . There are still three more days till the full moon . Going back inside, Randall closed the window . To be honest, tonight s wind was simply too cold, not very good for people soundly sleeping . He withdrew his gaze and looked at the Werewolf whom he hardly ever saw asleep, and smiled without realizing . So to speak, he has a good butler . Ah, I should go to sleep .

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