Unique Legend

Chapter 3

Publishedat 19th of April 2019 09:55:27 AMChapter 3

Chapter 3: The Entrusted Gift

Location: Taiwan Time: 1:05 AM

The supernatural being on the bed seemed to be sleeping very soundly .

I originally planned to just secretly put it beside him, since the cat big sister didn’t say to wake him up . However, just when I was about five steps away, that pair of deep eyes suddenly opened .

“Uh, I’m sorry for disturbing you . Do you want to eat something first?” If I keep getting stared at like this, I’ll get creeped out too, so I could only start the conversation myself: “This is what Lizzie wanted me to bring over . ”

The snake-bodied person narrowed his eyes as he looked at me for a long while, and finally opened his mouth slowly: “Just put it at the side . ”

“Oh…it’s best to eat this while it’s hot . ” Or else if you wait until it’s cold, you’ll see the oil floating up .

Yuli climbed up into a sitting position on the bed . I saw that strange snake tail moving back and forth by my feet…It can’t be that he got up on the wrong side of the bed, right? I’m honestly a bit afraid that snake body would suddenly roll over here .

But thankfully it didn’t .

Withdrawing his snake half to the bed, Yuli felt about the bed, then tossed a gla.s.s cube about the size of a palm to me: “This is your reward for the hot pot . ”

I caught that box and looked it over . The cube was see-through and had no lid, completely sealed up . Inside was a dark-red, slightly transparent thick liquid . It looked quite pretty, a bit similar to the color of the red wine that Randall often held: “So pretty…” Turning it around, I noticed that there seemed to be a faint pattern on the transparent box, so small that you had to look very carefully to be able to see it .

“Contained inside is snake venom . It’s best to not open it unless you need it . ” The person picking up the bowl and chopsticks told me a very frightening fact with the kind of tone as if that was just candy .

“…Snake venom . ” Looking at that small box, I suddenly felt that it wasn’t pretty at all .

“It’s refined venom so it can be used, whether it’s on the Ghost Tribe or Demon Clan, evil spirits and whatnot . Up to now, I haven’t encountered many that could resist this . ” Unhurriedly picking up pieces of meat and biting them one by one, Yuli didn’t feel that there was anything wrong with using this thing as a gift .

Looking at the gla.s.s box, I was abruptly a bit afraid that the box might get corroded .

Can this thing pa.s.s through customs and get home!?

Bracing myself and taking the box, I looked at the half-snake person who was currently chewing the food: “Um…what are you guys planning to do next?” I remembered that Senior said he would settle this problem .

In fact, if it’s possible, I think it might be more comfortable for them to head toward the place of rest . Staying here is too taxing for them, and there are often sorcerers coming to fight…

Dark eyes looked over at me .

“Uh, it’s fine if you don’t want to say it . ” I immediately took two steps back .

“We’re not planning to do anything . ” Putting down the bowl that he only drank half of, Yuli glanced at me then lightly said: “I’ve thought about it . Perhaps letting Lizzie and the others go to the place of rest would be the right thing to do . ”

“Then what about you?” I noticed that his tone seemed a bit weird .

“Even now, I still can’t forgive humans . ” He said this, then we fell silent .

I guess, Yuli probably won’t say anything else .

When he continued to pick up his bowl and eat, I moved back to where I was before . There were already several little animals that had finished eating and were randomly lying around on the ground, revealing a pose that makes it very easy to be stepped on as soon as you go the wrong way .

“Over here . ” Lizzie, who was tidying the table, waved to me, and I quickly walked over, “I’m sorry for troubling you to come over tonight . ” She smiled slightly and looked around at the animals lying on the ground .

“Oh…not at all, it’s fine as long as everyone’s happy . ” Very oddly, I suddenly found that I was no longer as scared of these things as I was when I came before . It was exactly as Chifuyu said: they’re just guardians .

“Can I trouble you with something else?” Lizzie put down the things in her hands, and suddenly asked a question in all seriousness .

“Aih? If I can help you…as long as it’s not robbing, setting fires or killing someone, I can consider it . ” I first stated the conditions, or else it’d be very “interesting” if she asked me to kill Senior in the middle of the night .

“Oh, it has nothing to do with that . ” Tilting her head, Lizzie took off a necklace from her neck, a silver chain and a pendant that was a amber-colored gemstone . It looked very refined: “Please help me hand this necklace to Lily . Tell her: I’m still doing very well . That’ll be all . ”

I took that necklace . The amber gemstone was unexpectedly warm rather than cold: “Okay, I will hand it to Lily . ” Even though I can’t guess at their true relationship, I think they probably have a friendship, so handing something over shouldn’t be unusual .

Lizzie smiled slightly: “Thank you so much . Then it’s almost time to start wrapping it up tonight . Do you need me to send you back to your room?” Looking at her companions lying all over the ground in the room, she asked .

“No need, I can go back myself . ” Secretly peeking at that half-snake person who went back to sleeping on the bed again, I had a complicated feeling .

“Alright, I hope to see you again . ”

And so, Lizzie sent me off at the door .

After I turned around, the electronic door behind me closed, and locked itself on its own .

The atmosphere quieted down in an instant .

As if they never existed .

“Now you should understand why it’s so th.o.r.n.y . ”

I raised my head and saw Senior standing by the stairs . He still had a big coat on him, as if he had just come out .

“Um…I really want to help a little . ” Looking at the necklace in my hand, I put it into my pocket . For something that has to be given to Lily, it’d be better if I find a pretty box or bag .

Senior didn’t say anything . Turning his head, he simply walked up, and I ran after him .

Probably because of the many people around for the New Year’s, Senior didn’t go all the way to the deck . Instead, he stopped at an open-air bar in the ship . It was a recreational area designed to be outside, where you could go out and get a scenic seat after ordering a drink; there were lights hanging all around the seats, lighting it up so that it seems to have plenty of that sort of mood .

But it’s not like I want to say this, when Senior opened the door and headed outside, the icy sea breeze, which who knows might’ve already reached several hundred times below zero degrees, directly pounced on my face, making me want to turn around and escape for three seconds .

There were several people scattered about in the open-air seats outside . But they all wore big coats, so when you glanced over, they looked like a bunch of b.a.l.l.s .

“Se, Senior, can I go back and get a coat first?” Holding the drink, I felt my legs and brain starting to get cold .

Black eyes glared at me for a long while, then Senior miraculously pulled out a big coat from who knows where . He directly flung the whole thing on me, then walked outside holding his own drink .

I hurriedly put the coat on . The texture was very good . I wonder what it’s made of…I’ll ask if I can remember it later . As soon as I finished, I immediately ran out with my drink .

A somewhat strong sea breeze blew my hair straight up and to the side .

Can you really drink in this kind of place!?

Maybe by the time I drink half of it, a fish will appear in the cup with the wind? I suddenly felt as if I might drink in a pa.s.sing fish…

“Chu, happy new year . ”

Just when I was deluding myself into thinking that fish were going to fly by, a certain voice that was so familiar it shouldn’t appear here at all came from a nearby seat . I nearly jumped up in fright, rubbing my eyes hard .

It seemed to be an illusion of senior Gasai, but it didn’t disappear and instead waved at me . Senior was sitting in the seat beside him, drinking his drink with an impatient look .

“Ha, happy new year . ” I instinctively replied first, then instantly ran to the seat: “No wait, senior Gasai, how come you’re on this ship?” Could it be that you were here from the start but we just didn’t notice!?

It’s not like you’re Ryan! How could that possibly happen!?

“I received the message, so I came here to see the situation . The work this time doesn’t seem that easy to handle . ” Smilingly saying this, senior Gasai stirred his drink with a straw, and the white bubbles quickly blended into the brown liquid .

Turns out robe levels don’t have the New Year off…it really is difficult .

Looking at senior Gasai, I suddenly felt deeply touched .

“He’s still on vacation . ” Sitting beside him, Senior opened his mouth all of a sudden and told me this: “He just came to have some fun . ”

…Which means that senior Gasai isn’t going to help?

Senior looked at me, and very cruelly nodded his head .

“These days, our clan has been having festivals for the end of winter . So exhausting, it wasn’t easy for me to sneak out for a bit tonight . ” Winking at me, senior Gasai briefly spoke in a seemingly relaxed tone: “Tomorrow, or should I say today, today we (his clan) are having another Spirit Sendoff Ceremony in the afternoon . It’s quite troublesome . ”

Once he said that, I remembered that senior Gasai is the young master of the Yakushiji Clan . Which means that Chifuyu should be doing more or less the same thing right now .

“Oh right, Chu, I received the desserts you sent . They were delicious, thank you . ” That senior Gasai who secretly sneaked out said this, making me feel embarra.s.sed right away .

“You’re, you’re welcome, they weren’t that good actually…” After all, they were just free desserts provided onboard . I’m starting to think that suddenly sending desserts over might’ve been a bit too impulsive . It’d be bad if I caused them problems .

“Xiao Ting was also very happy . She seems to be making a fuss about sending you a gift in return, and is currently still at the Yakushiji Clan . I think you’ll probably be able to see that gift when school starts . ”

Senior Gasai said something that made me terrified .

When you hear that a snake that only knows how to eat and curse people wants to repay you because of a gift box, you’ll have the same profound mood as I have right now .

“Alright, that’s about enough chitchat . ” Putting down his cup, Senior interrupted the conversation when the two of us were more or less finished talking, then turned to senior Gasai: “What’s your view on this matter with the village guardians?”

Drawing his lips back into a smile, senior Gasai tilted his head as if thinking for a long time: “I still think it would be better to send them to the place of rest . After all, staying on the ship for long periods of time won’t do their bodies any good either . Since their residence has been destroyed, continuing to get entangled in this will only cause both sides to suffer losses . Even if we ignore it today, they will eventually encounter a strong opponent, and by then, the other side may destroy them . ”

Senior nodded: “I was thinking the same thing . ”

“Then what about Chu? What do you think?”

Suddenly turning around, senior Gasai directly asked me, causing me to almost spurt out the drink that just entered my mouth: “Me . . me?” It’s really rare for someone to actually ask for my opinion; could it be that I’m having an auditory hallucination on the first day of the new year!?

“You’re so annoying!” Pulling out the straw in his drink, Senior sent one sentence crashing over, then I saw him actually piercing the soft straw into the iron round table .

The h.e.l.l, that’s breaking public property!

Under the vicious glare, I could only brace myself and glance at senior Gasai: “That…I think it’s better for them to go to the place of rest . Yuli seems to be acting a bit strange too…”

I couldn’t really explain it, but I instinctively felt as if there’s something off about that half-snake person . When I was talking to Lizzie and the others, they were also acting strange .

I have a bad feeling .

“Yuli’s time should be almost up . ” Senior narrowed his eyes, staring at the black ocean outside: “Although he hides it very well, when we first met, I already saw signs of the phases of death in his face . ”

“Eh?” I looked at Senior, a bit unable to believe it .

Didn’t he already become a guardian G.o.d? G.o.ds can die?

Black eyes looked over at me: “Even though they are guardian G.o.ds, many of them had their very being directly deified, demonified or turned into spirits, so they all have a fixed amount of time . I guess he was probably originally a snake demon and was deified . He’s lived for a long time already . If this type of guardian G.o.d doesn’t quickly head toward the place of rest in time, once his time is up, he will be completely wiped off the face of the earth, and nothing will be left of him; especially since he has also faced off against many sorcerers before this . I guess he probably no longer has the power to preserve his own soul . ”

Nothing will be left of him?

I suddenly realized the severity of it . This means that if Yuli dies, there won’t even be a way for him to go to the place of rest?

“That’s right, that’s pretty much what it means . ” Senior faintly said beside me .

“It’s best if we can first persuade him to leave before this happens, or else if it continues on, I suppose it will cause a bad situation . ” Senior Gasai said a bit somberly: “It won’t be good, whether it’s for him, or for his companions . ”

“Nn…I’ll think of another way to negotiate with them . ”

“Um, Senior . ” I mustered up my courage and looked at the other two people: “When I was at their side just now…Yuli actually mentioned that he wants the others to enter the place of rest, but he doesn’t seem to intend on going there himself . ”

Senior and senior Gasai looked at me, then exchanged glances with each other, as if they were silently transmitting something .

“I’ll talk to him again . If it is as you say, maybe it’d be good to send the others off first . ” After five minutes or so, Senior finally opened his mouth and said .

I nodded, a bit relieved?

If they all go to the place of rest, they should be able to live well in the future, and that place also has the Beast of Scroll, Seventh Master, the Shadow Woman and the others, right…

If everyone can get along with each other there, then it’d be great .

“Oh right, recently I heard that there are many things leaping around in the waters here . ”

Switching the topic, senior Gasai told us this: “Near South America yesterday, the intelligence team sent back the latest news; they say that an offsh.o.r.e sightseeing ship was attacked . ”


To be honest, for a second, my brain automatically connected it to the legendary sea monster…

“Do you believe I would disconnect you . ” Senior glared over .

“Uh, you guys continue . ” Loves to overhear and loves to get angry…I’m sorry, pretend I didn’t think of anything .

Giving me another icy glare, Senior turned his gaze back: “I have noticed that . Lately the seas seem very troubled . ”

Very troubled?

I had a feeling that if I continue to listen to them talk on, I wouldn’t dare to go by boat anymore .

“Due to the changing ecology, many creatures that should have already fallen into a deep sleep woke up . I suppose the robe levels here will probably be kept busy for a very long period of time . ” Looking at the deep ocean outside, senior Gasai said something that confused me .

The ecology is changing?

This is sort of similar to a certain eco-environmental protection issue being advocated .

“Chu, you should have seen this kind of news too . It’s generally about how a fishing boat has discovered strange creatures again, or how a deep-sea fish was caught when working in shallow waters etc . ” Senior slowly said . This did remind me of the many news like this recently . They were there in the past, but they seem to have become more frequent lately .

This should be considered…normal, right?

“Because of pollution and environmental problems, more and more creatures are unable to endure it and are fleeing their original residences . However, they can’t find new places either, and a small portion will end up like that . ” As if trying to simplify the explanation for me, senior Gasai swirled the cup in his hand: “So this situation might become very common…”

I think I understand what they mean .

“If we don’t try to settle the problem, soon it may wake up all the ancient creatures sleeping beneath the sea . By then, the turmoil it’ll cause in the ocean will lead to many unsolvable crises . ” Slender fingers drew a circle on the table, senior Gasai sighed faintly: “Simply relying on the robe levels running around is useless . It’d be good to have even one more person helping at least, but oftentimes few people would have this awareness . ”

Looking at the black ocean, sure enough, protecting the environment is still very important .

I remember I seemed to have seen a sentence like this before . It basically meant that we shouldn’t take nature’s favors for granted . If you use it disrespectfully, beware of getting attacked back one day .

“Turns out you also have some awareness . ” Senior coldly snorted and curved his lips into a strange arc that I wasn’t sure was a laugh or not .

“They talk about this on TV and in the manhuas and light novels . ” At the very least, I can still see, alright, “Speaking of which, is there no way to restore an altered place back to normal with arrays?” Before, it seems like they’re always depicted so incredibly in the manhuas, the kind of magic that is able to restore the beautiful world and whatnot .

Cold eyes looked over, and I could almost see the words “are you an idiot” in Senior’s eyes .

“Theoretically, it could work, but the original world’s atmosphere and pulsation have been more or less destroyed . If we want to do the kind of altering spell that you were talking about, it’s almost impossible based on the current state . ”

“Oh . ” So that’s the case . I think I understand what it means .

“And even if we alter it, it will quickly be destroyed by overdevelopment again, so there’s simply no difference between altering it and not altering it . ” Senior shrugged and said: “What makes the original world different from the sealed world is that the people using it are unable to coexist with the nature elves, nor are they able to understand the other beings using the natural resources, so it will move toward a phase of gradual destruction of equilibrium . It won’t be until the day it gets out of control that someone will be shocked awake and regret it . ”

In fact, what Senior and the others said made a lot of sense . I think many people will probably notice it too .

But those who don’t notice, or don’t want to notice, are still more than those who do notice it . Is there no way to change this?

“In that case, it…”

Just when senior Gasai was about to say something, my phone suddenly began ringing without restraint .

“I’m sorry . ” Holding the phone, I hurriedly apologized, then quickly stood up and walked to the railing nearby . I never thought it could actually still have full signal at sea . What a terrifying phone .

After connecting the call, the other end of the phone was a bit noisy, as if there were many people .

“h.e.l.lo?” Glancing at my watch, who would be bored enough to call me at two in the morning?

“Yang Yang, happy new year!” Miao Miao’s voice came from the other side: “Are you happy?”


For three seconds, my mind went blank .

Then, the phone became very noisy, clattering and banging as if someone was. .h.i.tting the phone, before the voice was replaced by another person’s: “Chu Ming Yang…Come duel me…” The choppy words were added by a hiccup .

“Liliya?” How did those two get together!?

“A duel!? You’re not allowed to fight here!” Miao Miao’s voice drifted over from the side .

“Get over here…” Then Liliya yelled at the phone .

“You two are drunk, aren’t you!?” Who gave alcohol to underage high school students!?

I suddenly felt as if I received a call from a drunk old man calling in the middle of the night to hara.s.s someone .

“Hehe…happy new year . ” The phone fell into Miao Miao’s hands again . It was still a nonsensical reply .

Several voices came from other end of the phone again, then I heard Liliya’s and Miao Miao’s voices mixing together and getting further away . The phone seems to have been pa.s.sed to another person again: “Yang Yang? I’m sorry, Mikayla and Liliya were just forced to drink by Nuelle . ” Senior Geng’s apologetic voice came over: “Sorry for disturbing you, happy new year . ”

“Uh, happy new year . ” You guys gathered together to celebrate New Year’s Eve?

I could probably imagine what happened; someone must have suggested celebrating New Year’s Eve, then several girls, maybe some boys too, gathered together to celebrate, followed by that demon forcing underage high school students to drink…Why does that seem like something the teenagers over here would do!?

The phone once again emitted a bunch of sounds that made me take it away from my ear: “h.e.l.lo, cute kiddo, want to come over and play together?” The phone that they took turns s.n.a.t.c.hing back and forth finally landed in the demon’s hands .

“No thank you . ” It took me less than a second to refuse .

“Then alright, happy new year . See you when school starts . ” Saying that, completely disregarding the fact that there were still people clamoring for the phone over there, Nuelle very straightforwardly disconnected the call .

I looked at the disconnected call with a head full of black lines . Just what exactly were they trying to do…

Returning to my seat after the call ended, I found that Senior and senior Gasai were no longer in their seats, but there was a note left on the table . It basically said that they’re going somewhere to investigate the waters, so I don’t need to wait and should go back to the room first . Beside it was also an already-paid bill for the drinks .

They’re going down to investigate the waters in this kind of weather?

I looked at the dark dense ocean and suddenly felt that everyone who went down there had a lot of courage .

Holding the note and planning to return to the room, the second I was about to turn my head, a black thing abruptly leaped out of the sea . I thought I was mistaken, but the whole wave rose up toward a very unnatural spot…

What is that?

Looking at the ballfish being scattered all over the place, I suddenly had a very bad feeling .

Why would there be such a big thing under the sea?

There shouldn’t be any sharks or whales at this time and place, right?

Then, the surface of the water returned to calm .

Right now it was two forty in the middle of the night .

Chapter 3: The Entrusted Gift.

Location: Taiwan Time: 1:05 AM.

The supernatural being on the bed seemed to be sleeping very soundly

I originally planned to just secretly put it beside him, since the cat big sister didn’t say to wake him up . However, just when I was about five steps away, that pair of deep eyes suddenly opened

“Uh, I’m sorry for disturbing you . Do you want to eat something first?” If I keep getting stared at like this, I’ll get creeped out too, so I could only start the conversation myself: “This is what Lizzie wanted me to bring over . ”.

The snake-bodied person narrowed his eyes as he looked at me for a long while, and finally opened his mouth slowly: “Just put it at the side . ”.

“Oh…it’s best to eat this while it’s hot . ” Or else if you wait until it’s cold, you’ll see the oil floating up

Yuli climbed up into a sitting position on the bed . I saw that strange snake tail moving back and forth by my feet…It can’t be that he got up on the wrong side of the bed, right? I’m honestly a bit afraid that snake body would suddenly roll over here

But thankfully it didn’t

Withdrawing his snake half to the bed, Yuli felt about the bed, then tossed a gla.s.s cube about the size of a palm to me: “This is your reward for the hot pot . ”.

I caught that box and looked it over . The cube was see-through and had no lid, completely sealed up . Inside was a dark-red, slightly transparent thick liquid . It looked quite pretty, a bit similar to the color of the red wine that Randall often held: “So pretty…” Turning it around, I noticed that there seemed to be a faint pattern on the transparent box, so small that you had to look very carefully to be able to see it

“Contained inside is snake venom . It’s best to not open it unless you need it . ” The person picking up the bowl and chopsticks told me a very frightening fact with the kind of tone as if that was just candy

“…Snake venom . ” Looking at that small box, I suddenly felt that it wasn’t pretty at all

“It’s refined venom so it can be used, whether it’s on the Ghost Tribe or Demon Clan, evil spirits and whatnot . Up to now, I haven’t encountered many that could resist this . ” Unhurriedly picking up pieces of meat and biting them one by one, Yuli didn’t feel that there was anything wrong with using this thing as a gift

Looking at the gla.s.s box, I was abruptly a bit afraid that the box might get corroded

Can this thing pa.s.s through customs and get home!?.

Bracing myself and taking the box, I looked at the half-snake person who was currently chewing the food: “Um…what are you guys planning to do next?” I remembered that Senior said he would settle this problem

In fact, if it’s possible, I think it might be more comfortable for them to head toward the place of rest . Staying here is too taxing for them, and there are often sorcerers coming to fight….

Dark eyes looked over at me

“Uh, it’s fine if you don’t want to say it . ” I immediately took two steps back

“We’re not planning to do anything . ” Putting down the bowl that he only drank half of, Yuli glanced at me then lightly said: “I’ve thought about it . Perhaps letting Lizzie and the others go to the place of rest would be the right thing to do . ”.

“Then what about you?” I noticed that his tone seemed a bit weird

“Even now, I still can’t forgive humans . ” He said this, then we fell silent

I guess, Yuli probably won’t say anything else

When he continued to pick up his bowl and eat, I moved back to where I was before . There were already several little animals that had finished eating and were randomly lying around on the ground, revealing a pose that makes it very easy to be stepped on as soon as you go the wrong way

“Over here . ” Lizzie, who was tidying the table, waved to me, and I quickly walked over, “I’m sorry for troubling you to come over tonight . ” She smiled slightly and looked around at the animals lying on the ground

“Oh…not at all, it’s fine as long as everyone’s happy . ” Very oddly, I suddenly found that I was no longer as scared of these things as I was when I came before . It was exactly as Chifuyu said: they’re just guardians

“Can I trouble you with something else?” Lizzie put down the things in her hands, and suddenly asked a question in all seriousness

“Aih? If I can help you…as long as it’s not robbing, setting fires or killing someone, I can consider it . ” I first stated the conditions, or else it’d be very “interesting” if she asked me to kill Senior in the middle of the night

“Oh, it has nothing to do with that . ” Tilting her head, Lizzie took off a necklace from her neck, a silver chain and a pendant that was a amber-colored gemstone . It looked very refined: “Please help me hand this necklace to Lily . Tell her: I’m still doing very well . That’ll be all . ”.

I took that necklace . The amber gemstone was unexpectedly warm rather than cold: “Okay, I will hand it to Lily . ” Even though I can’t guess at their true relationship, I think they probably have a friendship, so handing something over shouldn’t be unusual

Lizzie smiled slightly: “Thank you so much . Then it’s almost time to start wrapping it up tonight . Do you need me to send you back to your room?” Looking at her companions lying all over the ground in the room, she asked

“No need, I can go back myself . ” Secretly peeking at that half-snake person who went back to sleeping on the bed again, I had a complicated feeling

“Alright, I hope to see you again . ”.

And so, Lizzie sent me off at the door

After I turned around, the electronic door behind me closed, and locked itself on its own

The atmosphere quieted down in an instant

As if they never existed

“Now you should understand why it’s so th.o.r.n.y . ”.

I raised my head and saw Senior standing by the stairs . He still had a big coat on him, as if he had just come out

“Um…I really want to help a little . ” Looking at the necklace in my hand, I put it into my pocket . For something that has to be given to Lily, it’d be better if I find a pretty box or bag

Senior didn’t say anything . Turning his head, he simply walked up, and I ran after him

Probably because of the many people around for the New Year’s, Senior didn’t go all the way to the deck . Instead, he stopped at an open-air bar in the ship . It was a recreational area designed to be outside, where you could go out and get a scenic seat after ordering a drink; there were lights hanging all around the seats, lighting it up so that it seems to have plenty of that sort of mood

But it’s not like I want to say this, when Senior opened the door and headed outside, the icy sea breeze, which who knows might’ve already reached several hundred times below zero degrees, directly pounced on my face, making me want to turn around and escape for three seconds

There were several people scattered about in the open-air seats outside . But they all wore big coats, so when you glanced over, they looked like a bunch of b.a.l.l.s

“Se, Senior, can I go back and get a coat first?” Holding the drink, I felt my legs and brain starting to get cold

Black eyes glared at me for a long while, then Senior miraculously pulled out a big coat from who knows where . He directly flung the whole thing on me, then walked outside holding his own drink

I hurriedly put the coat on . The texture was very good . I wonder what it’s made of…I’ll ask if I can remember it later . As soon as I finished, I immediately ran out with my drink

A somewhat strong sea breeze blew my hair straight up and to the side

Can you really drink in this kind of place!?.

Maybe by the time I drink half of it, a fish will appear in the cup with the wind? I suddenly felt as if I might drink in a pa.s.sing fish….

“Chu, happy new year . ”.

Just when I was deluding myself into thinking that fish were going to fly by, a certain voice that was so familiar it shouldn’t appear here at all came from a nearby seat . I nearly jumped up in fright, rubbing my eyes hard

It seemed to be an illusion of senior Gasai, but it didn’t disappear and instead waved at me . Senior was sitting in the seat beside him, drinking his drink with an impatient look

“Ha, happy new year . ” I instinctively replied first, then instantly ran to the seat: “No wait, senior Gasai, how come you’re on this ship?” Could it be that you were here from the start but we just didn’t notice!?.

It’s not like you’re Ryan! How could that possibly happen!?.

“I received the message, so I came here to see the situation . The work this time doesn’t seem that easy to handle . ” Smilingly saying this, senior Gasai stirred his drink with a straw, and the white bubbles quickly blended into the brown liquid

Turns out robe levels don’t have the New Year off…it really is difficult

Looking at senior Gasai, I suddenly felt deeply touched

“He’s still on vacation . ” Sitting beside him, Senior opened his mouth all of a sudden and told me this: “He just came to have some fun . ”.

…Which means that senior Gasai isn’t going to help?.

Senior looked at me, and very cruelly nodded his head

“These days, our clan has been having festivals for the end of winter . So exhausting, it wasn’t easy for me to sneak out for a bit tonight . ” Winking at me, senior Gasai briefly spoke in a seemingly relaxed tone: “Tomorrow, or should I say today, today we (his clan) are having another Spirit Sendoff Ceremony in the afternoon . It’s quite troublesome . ”.

Once he said that, I remembered that senior Gasai is the young master of the Yakushiji Clan . Which means that Chifuyu should be doing more or less the same thing right now

“Oh right, Chu, I received the desserts you sent . They were delicious, thank you . ” That senior Gasai who secretly sneaked out said this, making me feel embarra.s.sed right away

“You’re, you’re welcome, they weren’t that good actually…” After all, they were just free desserts provided onboard . I’m starting to think that suddenly sending desserts over might’ve been a bit too impulsive . It’d be bad if I caused them problems

“Xiao Ting was also very happy . She seems to be making a fuss about sending you a gift in return, and is currently still at the Yakushiji Clan . I think you’ll probably be able to see that gift when school starts . ”.

Senior Gasai said something that made me terrified

When you hear that a snake that only knows how to eat and curse people wants to repay you because of a gift box, you’ll have the same profound mood as I have right now

“Alright, that’s about enough chitchat . ” Putting down his cup, Senior interrupted the conversation when the two of us were more or less finished talking, then turned to senior Gasai: “What’s your view on this matter with the village guardians?”.

Drawing his lips back into a smile, senior Gasai tilted his head as if thinking for a long time: “I still think it would be better to send them to the place of rest . After all, staying on the ship for long periods of time won’t do their bodies any good either . Since their residence has been destroyed, continuing to get entangled in this will only cause both sides to suffer losses . Even if we ignore it today, they will eventually encounter a strong opponent, and by then, the other side may destroy them . ”.

Senior nodded: “I was thinking the same thing . ”.

“Then what about Chu? What do you think?”.

Suddenly turning around, senior Gasai directly asked me, causing me to almost spurt out the drink that just entered my mouth: “Me me?” It’s really rare for someone to actually ask for my opinion; could it be that I’m having an auditory hallucination on the first day of the new year!?.

“You’re so annoying!” Pulling out the straw in his drink, Senior sent one sentence crashing over, then I saw him actually piercing the soft straw into the iron round table

The h.e.l.l, that’s breaking public property!.

Under the vicious glare, I could only brace myself and glance at senior Gasai: “That…I think it’s better for them to go to the place of rest . Yuli seems to be acting a bit strange too…”.

I couldn’t really explain it, but I instinctively felt as if there’s something off about that half-snake person . When I was talking to Lizzie and the others, they were also acting strange

I have a bad feeling

“Yuli’s time should be almost up . ” Senior narrowed his eyes, staring at the black ocean outside: “Although he hides it very well, when we first met, I already saw signs of the phases of death in his face . ”.

“Eh?” I looked at Senior, a bit unable to believe it

Didn’t he already become a guardian G.o.d? G.o.ds can die?.

Black eyes looked over at me: “Even though they are guardian G.o.ds, many of them had their very being directly deified, demonified or turned into spirits, so they all have a fixed amount of time . I guess he was probably originally a snake demon and was deified . He’s lived for a long time already . If this type of guardian G.o.d doesn’t quickly head toward the place of rest in time, once his time is up, he will be completely wiped off the face of the earth, and nothing will be left of him; especially since he has also faced off against many sorcerers before this . I guess he probably no longer has the power to preserve his own soul . ”.

Nothing will be left of him?.

I suddenly realized the severity of it . This means that if Yuli dies, there won’t even be a way for him to go to the place of rest?.

“That’s right, that’s pretty much what it means . ” Senior faintly said beside me

“It’s best if we can first persuade him to leave before this happens, or else if it continues on, I suppose it will cause a bad situation . ” Senior Gasai said a bit somberly: “It won’t be good, whether it’s for him, or for his companions . ”.

“Nn…I’ll think of another way to negotiate with them . ”.

“Um, Senior . ” I mustered up my courage and looked at the other two people: “When I was at their side just now…Yuli actually mentioned that he wants the others to enter the place of rest, but he doesn’t seem to intend on going there himself . ”.

Senior and senior Gasai looked at me, then exchanged glances with each other, as if they were silently transmitting something

“I’ll talk to him again . If it is as you say, maybe it’d be good to send the others off first . ” After five minutes or so, Senior finally opened his mouth and said

I nodded, a bit relieved?.

If they all go to the place of rest, they should be able to live well in the future, and that place also has the Beast of Scroll, Seventh Master, the Shadow Woman and the others, right….

If everyone can get along with each other there, then it’d be great

“Oh right, recently I heard that there are many things leaping around in the waters here . ”.

Switching the topic, senior Gasai told us this: “Near South America yesterday, the intelligence team sent back the latest news; they say that an offsh.o.r.e sightseeing ship was attacked . ”.


To be honest, for a second, my brain automatically connected it to the legendary sea monster….

“Do you believe I would disconnect you . ” Senior glared over

“Uh, you guys continue . ” Loves to overhear and loves to get angry…I’m sorry, pretend I didn’t think of anything

Giving me another icy glare, Senior turned his gaze back: “I have noticed that . Lately the seas seem very troubled . ”.

Very troubled?.

I had a feeling that if I continue to listen to them talk on, I wouldn’t dare to go by boat anymore

“Due to the changing ecology, many creatures that should have already fallen into a deep sleep woke up . I suppose the robe levels here will probably be kept busy for a very long period of time . ” Looking at the deep ocean outside, senior Gasai said something that confused me

The ecology is changing?.

This is sort of similar to a certain eco-environmental protection issue being advocated

“Chu, you should have seen this kind of news too . It’s generally about how a fishing boat has discovered strange creatures again, or how a deep-sea fish was caught when working in shallow waters etc . ” Senior slowly said . This did remind me of the many news like this recently . They were there in the past, but they seem to have become more frequent lately

This should be considered…normal, right?.

“Because of pollution and environmental problems, more and more creatures are unable to endure it and are fleeing their original residences . However, they can’t find new places either, and a small portion will end up like that . ” As if trying to simplify the explanation for me, senior Gasai swirled the cup in his hand: “So this situation might become very common…”.

I think I understand what they mean

“If we don’t try to settle the problem, soon it may wake up all the ancient creatures sleeping beneath the sea . By then, the turmoil it’ll cause in the ocean will lead to many unsolvable crises . ” Slender fingers drew a circle on the table, senior Gasai sighed faintly: “Simply relying on the robe levels running around is useless . It’d be good to have even one more person helping at least, but oftentimes few people would have this awareness . ”.

Looking at the black ocean, sure enough, protecting the environment is still very important

I remember I seemed to have seen a sentence like this before . It basically meant that we shouldn’t take nature’s favors for granted . If you use it disrespectfully, beware of getting attacked back one day

“Turns out you also have some awareness . ” Senior coldly snorted and curved his lips into a strange arc that I wasn’t sure was a laugh or not

“They talk about this on TV and in the manhuas and light novels . ” At the very least, I can still see, alright, “Speaking of which, is there no way to restore an altered place back to normal with arrays?” Before, it seems like they’re always depicted so incredibly in the manhuas, the kind of magic that is able to restore the beautiful world and whatnot

Cold eyes looked over, and I could almost see the words “are you an idiot” in Senior’s eyes

“Theoretically, it could work, but the original world’s atmosphere and pulsation have been more or less destroyed . If we want to do the kind of altering spell that you were talking about, it’s almost impossible based on the current state . ”.

“Oh . ” So that’s the case . I think I understand what it means

“And even if we alter it, it will quickly be destroyed by overdevelopment again, so there’s simply no difference between altering it and not altering it . ” Senior shrugged and said: “What makes the original world different from the sealed world is that the people using it are unable to coexist with the nature elves, nor are they able to understand the other beings using the natural resources, so it will move toward a phase of gradual destruction of equilibrium . It won’t be until the day it gets out of control that someone will be shocked awake and regret it . ”.

In fact, what Senior and the others said made a lot of sense . I think many people will probably notice it too

But those who don’t notice, or don’t want to notice, are still more than those who do notice it . Is there no way to change this?.

“In that case, it…”.

Just when senior Gasai was about to say something, my phone suddenly began ringing without restraint

“I’m sorry . ” Holding the phone, I hurriedly apologized, then quickly stood up and walked to the railing nearby . I never thought it could actually still have full signal at sea . What a terrifying phone

After connecting the call, the other end of the phone was a bit noisy, as if there were many people

“h.e.l.lo?” Glancing at my watch, who would be bored enough to call me at two in the morning?.

“Yang Yang, happy new year!” Miao Miao’s voice came from the other side: “Are you happy?”.


For three seconds, my mind went blank

Then, the phone became very noisy, clattering and banging as if someone was. .h.i.tting the phone, before the voice was replaced by another person’s: “Chu Ming Yang…Come duel me…” The choppy words were added by a hiccup

“Liliya?” How did those two get together!?.

“A duel!? You’re not allowed to fight here!” Miao Miao’s voice drifted over from the side

“Get over here…” Then Liliya yelled at the phone

“You two are drunk, aren’t you!?” Who gave alcohol to underage high school students!?.

I suddenly felt as if I received a call from a drunk old man calling in the middle of the night to hara.s.s someone

“Hehe…happy new year . ” The phone fell into Miao Miao’s hands again . It was still a nonsensical reply

Several voices came from other end of the phone again, then I heard Liliya’s and Miao Miao’s voices mixing together and getting further away . The phone seems to have been pa.s.sed to another person again: “Yang Yang? I’m sorry, Mikayla and Liliya were just forced to drink by Nuelle . ” Senior Geng’s apologetic voice came over: “Sorry for disturbing you, happy new year . ”.

“Uh, happy new year . ” You guys gathered together to celebrate New Year’s Eve?.

I could probably imagine what happened; someone must have suggested celebrating New Year’s Eve, then several girls, maybe some boys too, gathered together to celebrate, followed by that demon forcing underage high school students to drink…Why does that seem like something the teenagers over here would do!?.

The phone once again emitted a bunch of sounds that made me take it away from my ear: “h.e.l.lo, cute kiddo, want to come over and play together?” The phone that they took turns s.n.a.t.c.hing back and forth finally landed in the demon’s hands

“No thank you . ” It took me less than a second to refuse

“Then alright, happy new year . See you when school starts . ” Saying that, completely disregarding the fact that there were still people clamoring for the phone over there, Nuelle very straightforwardly disconnected the call

I looked at the disconnected call with a head full of black lines . Just what exactly were they trying to do….

Returning to my seat after the call ended, I found that Senior and senior Gasai were no longer in their seats, but there was a note left on the table . It basically said that they’re going somewhere to investigate the waters, so I don’t need to wait and should go back to the room first . Beside it was also an already-paid bill for the drinks

They’re going down to investigate the waters in this kind of weather?.

I looked at the dark dense ocean and suddenly felt that everyone who went down there had a lot of courage

Holding the note and planning to return to the room, the second I was about to turn my head, a black thing abruptly leaped out of the sea . I thought I was mistaken, but the whole wave rose up toward a very unnatural spot….

What is that?.

Looking at the ballfish being scattered all over the place, I suddenly had a very bad feeling

Why would there be such a big thing under the sea?.

There shouldn’t be any sharks or whales at this time and place, right?.

Then, the surface of the water returned to calm

Right now it was two forty in the middle of the night

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