Unlimited Fafnir

Chapter 72

Part 4

About to cook yakisoba, we started cutting up vegetables and meat.

Shinomiya-sensei was in charge of instructing us, a.s.sisted by Mitsuki, a talented chef herself.

But once we actually started preparing the food, the two of them placed all their attention on Shion.

"Sh-Shion-san, cutting it like that would be too dangerous! When using a kitchen knife, you need to make a cat"s paw with the fingers on your other hand to avoid cutting yourself..."

Mitsuki frantically stopped Shion from cutting the carrots, curling up her hand to demonstrate what she meant by a cat"s paw.

"cAt? wHaT iS a cAt?"

However, Shion"s curiosity seemed to be drawn elsewhere. Inquisitively, she asked Mitsuki.

"Ehhh!? A-A cat huh... They"re quite fun, their paws are very cute... An animal that goes meow—"


"That"s right, meow meow, meow—"


Very interested in the sound, Shion began to meow repeatedly. Mitsuki also went along with her, going "meow" nonstop.

Seeing the two of them like that, Shinomiya-sensei stopped in her food preparation and revealed a gentle expression that I had never seen before.


I could fully understand what Shinomiya-sensei was feeling while she whispered that. The innocent Shion and Mitsuki going "meow" were extremely adorable, definitely a dazzling sight to behold.

However, if we were to lose ourselves in admiring this, the yakisoba was not going to get done no matter how much time went by.

"Shinomiya-sensei, I"m sorry—but please come back to reality."

I patted Shinomiya-sensei on the shoulder and she suddenly straightened herself in front of us.

"Uh, my apologies. I-I must demonstrate properly. First, chop the cabbage into appropriately sized shreds—"

Shinomiya-sensei coughed and resumed the demonstration, but kept pausing whenever Shion raised her voice.

When using the iron griddle to fry the noodles, Jeanne suggested not to be overprotective when Shinomiya-sensei was worrying that it would be dangerous for Shion.

"She won"t be able to endure hardship in the future if you stop her from doing it just because it"s dangerous. I wish for Zwei to become strong. L-Like... th-the Captain..."

Jeanne spoke with a blush and Shinomiya-sensei replied, "My thinking was too naive... For Shion"s sake, I must teach her Shinomiya-style yakisoba as strictly as a teacher would." Then she handed the spatula to Shion.

"i WaNna beCoMe a ShiNoMiyA-stYle mAstEr. i wiLl dO mY bEst... Meow!"

Shion raised the spatula with great spirit and added her favorite "meow" as a verbal tic. Super cute.

Naturally, the effect on Shinomiya-sensei was overwhelming. The dignity she had just restored was instantly blown away.

"...I am at my limit."

Using her hand to cover her face while unsure what expression to make, she sighed.

Thus in this manner, after getting derailed many times, we continued to make yakisoba.

The steps for preparing yakisoba were quite simple. Anyone could do it with a recipe. However, there was much for us to learn from Shinomiya-sensei such as the coordination between ingredients and seasoning as well as techniques for controlling the heat applied.

"...The cutting of ingredients is of paramount importance, where flaws could result in vastly inferior taste. Mayhap the humans" delicate sense of taste ought to be commended."

Vritra was cooking with exceptional seriousness, turning into an excellent student for Shinomiya-sensei.

"Food pretty much tastes good once you heat it thoroughly with fire. Anyone can do it, so there"s no need to waste time doing it yourself."

In contrast, Kili was not very enthusiastic. Jeanne issued a stern warning to Kili who was simply going through the motions.

"Hey Kili! Don"t put in the meat first! You must start with the vegetables that take longer for the heat to permeate!"

Like me, Jeanne had had cooking practice during NIFL"s survival training. As a result, her knife skills were fine.

However, seeing Jeanne give detailed instructions, I was reminded what happened when we were preparing a simple hot pot meal outdoors with the Sleipnir guys at the base after returning from a mission. On that occasion, Jeanne had been very insistent on the sequence to put in the ingredients to cook in the pot. She definitely had potential as a "hot pot master of proceedings."

Next, we continued to take turns in making yakisoba. After many rounds, everyone finally finished.

"Well done, everyone. This concludes my cooking lesson. The princ.i.p.al and Mica have prepared a barbecue, so please eat your fill."

A lively lunch began after Shinomiya-sensei praised our efforts.

"sO yuMmy...!"

Hearing Shion"s cheering, my expression softened. It was only natural for Shinomiya-sensei to succ.u.mb to that innocent cuteness.

"...It really is delicious."

I gave my honest opinion after tasting a mouthful of yakisoba.

Hearing me, Lisa reached for the yakisoba.

"M-Monon.o.be Yuu—This sort of flavor is to your preference?"

"Hmm... I guess. I don"t think it can get any better than this at a festival."

When I replied after giving it some thought, Lisa tilted her head in surprise.

"What an odd way of putting it. You sound like your standards would be different outside the context of a festival..."

"Well, how should I say this...? Going by my preferences, I guess my mother"s yakisoba is the best after all."

When I admitted a little shyly, Lisa looked around her with a surprised expression.

"Excuse me... C-Come over here for a moment."

Seeming like she was conscious of the others, Lisa led me away and talked in a whisper.

"...Is there something different about the taste of the yakisoba your family makes?"

Since Lisa was in a swimsuit, the overwhelming presence of her ma.s.sive bust leaning in was making my heart rate shoot up like a rocket. To avoid a misunderstanding about my preferences, I forcefully turned my gaze away.

"S-Slightly lighter on the seasoning. We also add onion and sausage..."

I recalled from memory the characteristics of the yakisoba made at my house. The yakisoba Shinomiya-sensei made did not include these ingredients. Upon recalling the memory, I really missed that particular taste.

"That is a lot of additional ingredients in the yakisoba. Umm... If you wish... Umm... A-Allow me to—"

"Oh, if you want the exact recipe, you could ask Mitsuki. She frequently helped my mother out so she should be able to replicate that yakisoba."

Compared to me, who had only eaten it, Mitsuki should have a clearer idea, having made it before.

That was what I thought when speaking. However, Lisa suddenly looked displeased.

"I see... Mitsuki-san is able to make it."

"What"s wrong, Lisa?"

"...Nothing, I simply dislike myself for being greedy. This is clearly a domain belonging to Mitsuki-san..."

Frowning, Lisa sighed. It looked like she was not angry at me, but I did not understand what she meant.


"Yes—It is a domain belonging to Mitsuki-san as your younger sister and childhood friend. Although the room a.s.signment dispute ended up resolved peacefully... A contest over what absolutely cannot be conceded would be unacceptable. Perhaps cohabitation might be harder than one would expect?"

Lisa smiled wryly.

"...I"ll be careful. Back when deciding rooms, I relied on Firill to settle things peacefully—I keep depending on others. It was clearly a choice I had to make but I was indecisive."

Apologetic, I smiled wryly in return.

"Then choose. Your current ways are probably not going to work."

"Woah, you"re strict..."

Lisa"s merciless words made me slump my shoulders. However, she tapped me lightly on the head.

"Please do not misunderstand. I am not condemning you, because you have already made a choice. It is precisely the fact that you have made a choice that makes you unable to do anything to overturn that choice."

"...What do you mean?"

Unable to understand, I asked, prompting Lisa to sigh.

"You wish to take responsibility for all of us, don"t you?"

"That"s right—I want to protect everyone by my own hand... Rather than let someone else do it... I am the one who chose everyone on my own. That"s why I will l definitely shoulder this responsibility."

I had said this to Ren before. I expressed my unshakable resolve to Lisa.

Hearing my words, Lisa looked anxious.

"You feel guilty about choosing us—It makes you feel like a weakling, doesn"t it? However, I believe you have got it reversed."


"Indeed, because choosing a single person to protect is undoubtedly easier. In spite of that, you decided to protect all of us. This choice was certainly brought about because you are strong."

Lisa"s smiling visage was too dazzling. I could not help but lower my eyes.

"I"m very happy that you"re praising me—But you"re giving me too much credit."

"Fufu, perhaps. In that case, please think of me as the only one who holds you in such high regard."

Lisa shrugged jokingly but her eyes were serious.

"Here on, even if you encounter another time when you must make a choice, know that everything is necessary for the sake of upholding your current resolve. At least, that is what I believe. So relax—No matter what happens, I will never forsake you."

Puffing out her magnificent chest to make a declaration, did Lisa suddenly feel embarra.s.sed? Her face went red as though on fire.

"...What can I say? You"re more than what the words "a good woman" can describe."

I felt a huge load lifted off my heart all at once—Feeling an urge for tears to gush out of my eyes, I interjected with a laugh.

"Is that meant to be a compliment?"

Eating yakisoba, Lisa stared at me, slightly displeased.

"Of course, Lisa, you"re someone beyond "a good woman.""

"Very well... But what would be beyond a good woman? C-Could it be, umm—"

Lisa looked at me with eyes of antic.i.p.ation. I thought for a moment.

"Yes... Lisa, you"re—"

"I-I am...?"

"—The best "good woman.""

Wondering how to convey myself accurately, I used that term. However, Lisa suddenly slumped her shoulders.

"Huh... You don"t like that description?"

"No—well, if only you had a better choice of words... Never mind. The best... number one, in other words."

Lisa sighed and avoided eye contact shyly.

"Oh, it appears that Tia-san has been caught by Kili-san! I-I must rescue her."

Seeing Tia and Kili in some kind of argument, Lisa deliberately made an excuse to leave.

Apparently, Kili was serving yakisoba but Tia complained that there was too much carrot.

Arbitration did not seem necessary, but I suppose this would be one of those "domains" that Lisa must not concede.

I finished the yakisoba on my plate at once and walked over towards Charl and Mica-san at the barbecue.

Although yakisoba was tasty, this amount was not enough to be filling. Having swum for so long earlier, I definitely had the appet.i.te for more food.

"Oh! My friend! You came! You came at the perfect moment!"

Seeing me approach, Charl handed me a wooden skewere with meat and vegetables on it.

"—Thank you. This looks very good."

Diced pieces of beef were overflowing with juices dripping onto green peppers, corn and tomatoes. Just the sight of it was mouth watering.

"My friend, let"s eat over there? We need to talk."


While taking a bite of green pepper and meat, I nodded.

"Let"s go."

Charl took a barbecue skewer as well and started walking towards the breakwater. Nearby, Mica-san watched us silently, nodding lightly in acknowledgement when we made eye contact.

Seeing that, I realized Charl had something important to say.

"What do you need to tell me?"

"Yes... Plenty. First is a progress report."

Charl sat down on the steps of the breakwater and patted the spot next to her.

Next to the steps were flourishing coconut trees. The subtle geography of our location had formed a blind spot.

When I sat down by Charl, she started speaking seriously.

"For the sake of handling conflicts all over the world—or as preemptive precautions—I was asked by various nations to use my authority... But a few days ago, this request was officially withdrawn. Judging from the results... That fellow, Loki Jotunheim, has fulfilled his job as the hero protecting the world."

Charl shrugged while she spoke but her expression did not show despair. Rather, it was one full of relief.

"—That"s really like Major Loki"s way of doing things. He always achieves his goal in the end regardless of the process... Every single time."

I concurred with a wry smile. During the previous battle, he even tried to kill me and my companions, but I could not bring myself to hate him.

Although the fact that there were no casualties on Midgard"s side played a major part, more importantly, Major Loki"s resolve—his justice—was something I could not reject.

"Hoo, what a troublesome guy. Midgard clearly won yet the hardship we suffered remained essentially the same. Hip hip hurray, like the Ds at the academy, I can no longer leave this island arbitrarily."


When I asked in shock, Charl sighed deeply.

"The United Nations and Asgard"s higher-ups have finally noticed me as a result of this incident... Or rather, noticed that my authority isn"t that convenient a tool. In other words, those who had been sucking up to me have started to become wary of me."

"Then... Will there be a problem?"

If Charl"s position worsened, there was no predicting what problems could arise in the future. However, Charl smiled confidently in the face of my worrying.

"Relax, it"s still very stable for the time being. The fact that NIFL"s operation failed to kill me despite using the latest weapons and Code Lost—This had a great effect. As long as I lie low, the United Nations and Asgard probably won"t provoke Midgard. They are people who know how to respect untouchable G.o.ds."

Charl finished in a laid back manner and took a bite from the barbecue skewer in her hand.

"Well, that"s wonderful... I guess?"

I did not know if I should simply feel happy. Frowning, I bit some corn.

"Then... since I cannot leave the island, what I can do is limited. I can no longer stop war from breaking out somewhere in the world."

"Really, I see—But you don"t need to make that kind of face, Charl."

Seeing her gloomy expression, I placed my hand on Charl"s head and continued.

"Someone will surely stop war even if you don"t, Charl. Take Major Loki for example. He must have carefully considered the future after a.s.sa.s.sinating you successfully. Just leave human matters to a human hero. Since you are now treated as an "untouchable G.o.d" then just act like a G.o.d and watch without doing anything."

Charl smiled at what I said.

"LIke a G.o.d, huh. Indeed—That"s the proper distance that should be maintained between the world and me."

Murmuring quietly, Charl ate the green pepper remaining on her skewer with slight distaste. Then she put down the finished skewere on the side and held my hand.

"However, if you were to stay in the same place as me, by my side, being touched by me could be very problematic, you know?"

"—Yeah, I know. I am your best friend, Charl."

I nodded matter-of-factly, but Charl looked very surprised for some reason.

"What did, you, just say...?"

"Huh? What about it?"

"Don"t play dumb! I was listening properly! You just called me best friend, didn"t you!?"

Charl asked excitedly. Her swimsuit was very bold and skimpy. Moving too close would make me lose my calm.

"In that case, anyway, I have somehow leveled up in your heart to become your best friend! Hu, hahaha—Awesome! Having experienced hardship together, a definite bond has finally sprouted between us!"

"Maybe—I guess."

Overwhelmed by Charl"s emotions, I nodded.

"Back when Code Lost was devouring me, Charl, you were feeling the same pain too... We encouraged each other at the time, right? If there"s a chance, I want us to encourage each other again."

"I see... So it was a special moment for you too. Oh—I clearly wanted to make you happy today, but haven"t our positions have reversed now?"

Pressing her hands to her cheeks, Charl spoke softly in chagrin.

"Make me happy?"

What did she mean? I asked in surprise. Charl put on a pose and answered.

"Yes, the real main point of today... is to thank you. It was all thanks to you that we were able to get through that type of disaster."

"Not at all, I wasn"t the only one trying hard."

I replied frantically and Charl nodded firmly.

"I know. That"s why I organized the upcoming festival. I also used the best ingredients for the barbecue today. However, I think this still isn"t enough for you."

Charl a.s.serted strongly and started to fiddle with the b.u.t.ton on her swimsuit.

"S_So... I was thinking of giving you a special present. But after hearing what the girls said just now, I"ve made my decision."

"What the girls said...?"

A bad feeling surfaced in my heart. Charl spoke with a blush.

"Yes, you... love girls" b.r.e.a.s.t.s, right?"

"C-Cough, c-c-cough!"

Before I could finish the last piece of corn, I coughed violently.

"No need to be shy. I understand that feeling very well. A young maiden"s bosom is a supreme work of art, all filled with miracles. I wish I could frequently bury my face into those seductive valleys too."

"N-No, I don"t—"

"Yes, I understand. You said you love small b.r.e.a.s.t.s too, the kind where you can"t bury anything, right? After learning of that, I knew exactly what kind of present to give you."

Ignoring my objections, Charl continued. She placed her hand on her swimsuit"s shoulder strap.

"Th-This still feels embarra.s.sing after all... But it"s for the sake of my best friend..."

The instant before she removed her loosened swimsuit, Charl covered her chest with her arms, staring at me while blushing to her ears.

"My friend—Feel free to play with my b.r.e.a.s.t.s as you wish. No matter what you do, I am fine with it."

Declaring that, Charl"s pale skin turned red from embarra.s.sment. Her fingertips trembled out of nervousness.

Charl normally did not act very feminine. Precisely because of that, her current racy look had a sort of irresistible charm to it.

"Umm, Charl, calm down first! Then listen to me."

However, I could not accept this gift of course. I mobilized the entirety of my sanity to stop her.

"I-I can"t calm down! If I don"t go with the momentum, I"ll die of embarra.s.sment! Ehhh, in that case—"

However, Charl did not stop. Mustering her spirit, she moved her arms away from her torso. Her shoulder strap slid down and thus the swimsuit she had been holding in place fluttered down lightly.

"Princ.i.p.al, watch out!"

At that instant, the sound of an acute explosion resounded all around.

At the same time, the ensuing wind and dust from the blast blocked my view completely.

"W-What happened!?"

Instantly ducking down, I felt tiny debris striking my back.

Then the wind from the explosion ceased. After the dust settled—I saw a mountain of debris before my eyes.

Pale and slender arms and legs were sticking out of the debris pile. They were twitching feebly.

"Phew... That was close."

Taking her gaze off poor Charl who had been buried alive, Iris wiped sweat from her forehead in relief while holding her staff-shaped fictional armament in her hand.

"No, Iris, I think you"re the one who summoned danger—"

The explosion just now had been caused by Iris" trans.m.u.tation. Realizing that, I replied.

"B-Because I came to find you, Monon.o.be, but saw the princ.i.p.al"s swimsuit about to fall off in front of you... I knew I had to take action... It"d be very embarra.s.sing to be seen naked... I had to help the princ.i.p.al as fast as possible!"

Dispelling her fictional armament, Iris waved her hands in apology while she spoke—She ran towards the princ.i.p.al who was buried under sand. It looked like Iris had mistakenly thought the swimsuit was sliding off due to an accident and was trying to save Charl from the predicament.

"...Even if that"s true, you overdid it."

"Th-There was no time. But—I definitely overdid it. I"ll rescue her and apologize. Go back to the others, Monon.o.be."

Iris spoke while digging hastily through the mountain of sand with her hands.

"If you"re rescuing Charl, let me help you too."

As the "Gray" Vampire with the trait of eternal life and youth, Charl would not perish from this. However, suffocation would still be painful so it was best to rescue her as soon as possible.

However, Iris said frantically:

"G-Go dig that side! The princ.i.p.al"s swimsuit definitely fell off, so don"t you go digging at the chest!"

"Sure... Got it."

I nodded in response to Iris" forceful orders and focused on digging near Charl"s head. Charl had wanted me to see, but I did not have the courage to bring this up.

Since the mountain of sand was smooth and light, I soon dug out Charl"s face.

"Are you okay, Charl?"


I tried calling to her but she seemed to have fainted and made no response. However, since she was confirmed to be breathing, there was no need to worry about her anymore. Previously, I had experienced being buried under sand as part of a punishment game.

"Monon.o.be, leave the rest of the digging to me."

"Sure, then I"ll be going now."

Although I felt bad for Charl who was just trying to thank me, I guess I"d better leave this to Iris first.

"Yes—Oh wait, Monon.o.be."

Iris nodded then called to me as though she had remembered something.

"What is it?"

"Umm... Monon.o.be wanted to see... The princ.i.p.al"s chest, right? Sorry for interrupting you."

Iris apologized to me while I was looking back at her.

Like Charl, Iris also believed that I had an extraordinary thing for women"s b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"L-Listen, Iris—a lot of stuff happened, which resulted in this whole affair about me liking b.r.e.a.s.t.s, but it"s not really true."

I explained seriously, but Iris smiled warmly at me.

"Monon.o.be... you"re so kind. You"re saying this to stop me from feeling guilty, right? But no need to push yourself—I take your matters to heart too."

Iris a.s.serted strongly and approached me swiftly.

"Since you didn"t get to see the princ.i.p.al"s chest, you can bury yourself into mine."

Saying that, Iris" eyes shone with determination. She placed her hands on my head.

"Iris, what are you planning to do—"

Getting this close to Iris in her swimsuit made my heart pound uncontrollably.

Iris silently smiled at me in my confusion then pulled my head towards her chest.


Starting with my nose, my face was buried into a warm, soft and pale valley.

Iris" skin was very warm—The sweet fragrance from her body was causing my mental circuits to freeze instantly.

"Monon.o.be... How is it?"

Iris whispered to me in a warm voice. However, I could not answer her.

My mind was completely swallowed up by softness.

My heart melted—drowning in a sea of pure white.

By the time I came back to my senses, Iris was standing in front of me, fidgeting.

My sense of time had gone hazy like in a dream. As a result, I could not help but doubt whether this was reality.

"Oh, umm—Just as you can see, there"s nothing to be shy about... Monon.o.be, you like... my b.r.e.a.s.t.s a bit, don"t you?"

However, when Iris asked me this with a blush, I realized that the sensation had not been a dream.


I nodded stiffly and Iris patted her chest in relief.

"Thank goodness... U-Umm—If you"re satisfied with that, I hope you"ll quit staring at other people"s chests today."

Covering up the pale cleavage under her swimsuit, Iris smiled.

"I-I got it."

Aware that my voice had gone up in pitch due to excitement, I answered. Next, I turned around and started walking like a robot. My mind was still halfway in a dream, but when I left the stairs at the breakwater and pa.s.sed through the dense patch of trees that blocked the view to everyone else—This dreamy feeling vanished completely.


Dressed in black swimsuit, Mitsuki was standing there silently, expressionless.


Holding my breath, I stood rooted to the spot.

On further thought, since Iris had caused such a large explosion, it would not be strange for anyone to come looking.

Judging from Mitsuki"s expression... Most likely, she had witnessed the scene just now.


Mitsuki called to me quietly.


I reflexively stood straight and answered Mitsuki.

"Umm—I-I have no idea what I should do."

"Huh? You s-saw it... right? ...You"re not... mad?"

I was expecting Mitsuki to scold me but she was acting strange, confusing me.

"I saw it. Naturally, I am very mad."

However, Mitsuki instantly replied in a stiff voice.

"I-I see."

"Yes, nevertheless—I have no idea with what att.i.tude I should be angry. From the student council president"s standpoint, I should scold you for shameless behavior outdoors and have you write repentance essays... But on a personal level, I am very jealous of Iris-san."

Mitsuki showed an expression of guilt.


"Yes—Because your mind is fully occupied by Iris-san, isn"t it? If possible, I..."

Supporting her small but well-shaped bosom with her arms, Mitsuki blushed.

I was surprised to see Mitsuki like that, but she instantly switched back to a solemn expression.

"However, I... can I truly compete against Iris-san on a level playing field? Nii-san, you have gained many people whom you must protect... And there are many people supporting you. I have no idea where I should stand anymore."

Saying that, Mitsuki pressed her hand against her dragon mark on the back of her neck. It was almost like she was confirming the proof that she had selected by me—

"So, umm... Although I said I would like you to think carefully about your relationship with everyone, before that—I hope you could decide my position as quickly as possible. Please?"

"Your position...?"

Seeing Mitsuki"s suffering expression, I felt my chest tighten violently.

"What exactly I am to you, Nii-san... And who is the one dearest to you."


Just as I was about to answer, Mitsuki shook her head at me.

"Do not worry, Nii-san. Even if you choose someone, you will never speak of abandoning the others. I am well aware that you will never give up taking responsibility for us, Nii-san. Consequently—I only wish for you to make a decision then tell me."

Although her tone was very gentle, there was a sense of urgency in her voice.

"If you do that, I will be able to work hard in that position"s capacity. Surely, a situation like now when I am hesitating over what I should do... would exist no longer. So please, Nii-san."

Mitsuki spoke in earnest and bowed her head deeply towards me.

"Yeah... I got it. I"ll hurry... No, I will decide before this coming festival—So please raise your head."

I must have committed a grave mistake to have Mitsuki troubled to such an extent.

Feeling intensely guilty and apologetic, I nodded deeply.

"Thank you, Nii-san."

Looking up, Mitsuki thanked with a slightly relieved expression.

Thus, we returned slightly to normal at last. With a gentle and beautiful smile, Mitsuki urged me, "Let us return to the others."

While we were walking back to the group, I kept pondering the answer to Mitsuki"s question.

A decision rather than a choice—This was "something that must be done now" which I had never expected.

Surely, the answer was already in my heart.

However, expressing this answer properly was an extremely difficult task.

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