Unprecedented Pill Refiner: Entitled Ninth Young Lady

Chapter 123 – Timeless Affection Flower (3)

Chapter 123 – Timeless Affection Flower (3)

"Of course. You can also stop constantly calling me my lady. Just calling me Fengyan will be fine." Ji Fengyan readily agreed.

Gong Zhengyu smiled and didn"t say anything else. With warm eyes, his gaze seemed to imperceptibly sweep over Ji Fengyan before he stood up. "Then I"ll head back first, Fengyan. Tomorrow, I"ll be sure to come again to sample your hospitality."

"Definitely," she nodded.

Not speaking anymore, Gong Zhengyu brought those two cautious black-clothed men with him as he left under Ji Fengyan"s gaze.

After Gong Zhengyu and his group had left, Zuo Nuo who had been standing off to the side all along couldn"t resist from coming forward and asking about Liu Huo"s circ.u.mstances in concern, to which Ji Fengyan gave a brief summary of.

"Since my lady feels that Liu Huo"s condition is related to the timeless affection flower, then why… why did my lady believe what Gong Zhengyu said so easily?" Zuo Nuo asked in confusion. Their young lady didn"t seem like somebody who could be fooled so easily though.

Ji Fengyan waved it off, "I know he didn"t lie."

When other people made a judgement about whether somebody was lying or not, they usually relied on their experience and perception, but for Ji Fengyan she relied on their aura and their eyes to decide. Unless they had a certain amount of strength to completely conceal their aura, she would always have a way of discerning the truth from them.

Gong Zhengyu"s body was weak, so he naturally didn"t have that level of strength and his expression remained the same while speaking, unlike most people who lied. What"s more… Gong Zhengyu had just met Liu Huo for the first and hadn"t even talked with him, therefore he had little to no reason to try and harm Liu Huo.

"T-then Liu Huo…" Zuo Nuo asked in concern.

"I"ll take care of him." Ji Fengyan sighed. Standing up, she headed towards Liu Huo"s room, her mind racing with the memories of when she was refining his medicinal pill. She was trying to check whether or not something really went wrong at that time, but even after she had reached his room, she still hadn"t found a mistake about her refinement process.

Inside the room, Liu Huo"s condition was as terrible as ever. It was so hot in there that it was almost like an oven and Ling He who had been standing inside all along was dripping with sweat. As for Liu Huo, his handsome face was pitifully strained with pain, the bedsheets under him already completely drenched with the sweat pouring off of him.

"My lady…" Ling He panted as he saw Ji Fengyan. The temperature inside this room really was too ridiculously high.

"Big Brother He, don"t worry about me. I"ll take care of Liu Huo from here on." Ji Fengyan rea.s.sured, patting Ling He on the shoulder. Ling He hesitated for a moment before finally leaving under Ji Fengyan"s persuasion.

Only two people were left inside the room now, Ji Fengyan and Liu Huo.

Standing beside the bed and seeing Liu Huo"s pained expression, Ji Fengyan"s usual cheerfulness had already been unknowingly replaced by anxiety.

"Little Liu Huo, it took a lot of effort to save your life, so even if King Yama wants it, he still has to see if I"m willing or not." Ji Fengyan whispered, taking a deep breath. Acting decisively, she took out the medicinal pills that her ancestral master had left behind for her and fed it to Liu Huo. Still not feeling rea.s.sured, she then took off her outer garments and lied down on the bed with him, carefully spooning his body which was curled up in pain. Silently, she controlled the power within her to wrap the both of them up.

A white mist slowly floated out from Ji Fengyan"s body and curled around them. Bit by bit, the mist dispersed the heat emanating from Liu Huo"s body and gradually his brows began to smooth out.

The spirit energy that Ji Fengyan had gathered with great difficulty slowly began to drain away, but after seeing Liu Huo who was still curled up on her chest with clenched fists, she didn"t stop.

"d.a.m.ned brat, if you don"t up soon then I"ll throw you into the pond," she whispered.

However the hands that were holding him couldn"t help but tighten…

【Irresponsible Little Theatre】

Little Lunatic: Ye Yueban, get over here!

A certain Bei: Not going over!

Little Lunatic: What did you do to my little Liu Huo?!

A certain Bei: Hey! You actually dare to blame your own mother because of a man? ********!

Little Lunatic: You wouldn"t even let off such a beautiful and pretty little shota? You"re simply too merciless and wicked!

A certain Bei: You"re saying that as if you"re any better! How about you remove your hand from his posterior first and then talk?! I gave you such a good opportunity to take advantage of him and here you are trying to pick a fight with me… Absolutely and completely unfilial!

Liu Huo turned around to take a look…

Little Lunatic: That doesn"t matter. He"s all mine anyways, so what if I touch a bit first?

Liu Huo: ……

Chapter 124 – Cuddling (1)

Over the next few days, Liu Huo still hadn"t woken up from his slumber. During that time, Ji Fengyan continued to hold onto Liu Huo while giving him a rather considerable amount of medicinal pills, her spirit energy constantly being used to nourish his body, but despite all of that, the little fellow didn"t show any signs of waking up any time soon.

At this point, Ji Fengyan was beginning to feel a bit anxious.

Those last few days of no sleep or rest along with her consumption of spirit energy was already starting to take a toll on her. She could go without sleep, but the expenditure of spirit energy was especially gruelling towards her in her current condition. However, every time she saw Liu Huo"s curled up body, Ji Fengyan just couldn"t bring herself to stop.

It was another evening where night was approaching. Unable to hold out any longer after going for days without rest, Ji Fengyan finally collapsed in exhaustion, her body fast asleep on the bed while holding onto little Liu Huo.

However, just as Ji Fengyan fell asleep, Liu Huo who had been unconscious in her arms all this time abruptly opened his eyes.

In the darkness, those crimson eyes of his were particularly striking.

Moonlight shone into the darkened room from the half-opened windows, its soft brilliance enveloping Ji Fengyan"s body. During the instant that Liu Huo opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was the delicate chest holding onto him, causing him to feel a bit stunned. As he felt the warm breath on his forehead, his body slightly stiffened, before he rigidly tilted up his head to gaze upon Ji Fengyan"s sleeping visage, the image becoming deeply engraved into his mind.

The warm sensation of contact near Liu Huo"s waist caused his face to abruptly redden. He didn"t know what to do so he just stayed still while looking at Ji Fengyan in a daze, his nose flooded with her unique scent.

After a moment, he slowly lifted up his hand to push away Ji Fengyan"s arm around his waist. However, the instant that he came into contact with it, Ji Fengyan"s brows started to lightly furrow, her young and delicate little face looking extremely pitiful.

Liu Huo didn"t dare to move any more after that.

Although he had been unconscious the last few days, he still retained some awareness of the outside world.

He knew how long that Ji Fengyan had been holding onto him without letting go. It was very likely that her body was already stiff from inactivity.

Not daring to move any more, Liu Huo could only patiently look at Ji Fengyan"s happily sleeping little face. Borrowing the light of the moon, his crimson eyes swept over her delicate features bit by bit.

That face couldn"t be said be incomparably beautiful, even to the extent where it couldn"t even be called beautiful at all. The long time of harsh treatment had taken its toll, causing that little face to still seem a bit emaciated despite the recent period of nourishment. However, for some unknown reason, Liu Huo actually found himself lost in looking at it.

Silently reaching out his hand, he hesitatingly used his fingertips to gently touch Ji Fengyan"s cheek.

He felt a warmth through his fingertips. The heat of it flowing through his arm and into his heart, its temperature blazing hot.

"Don"t move," Ji Fengyan murmured in her sleep, the arm she used to hold Liu Huo unconsciously tightening.

Startled, Liu Huo didn"t dare to disturb her anymore and obediently retracted his hand.

The final little s.p.a.ce between the two of them had disappeared at this moment.

His face was tightly pressed up against the front of her still-undeveloped chest. Although she was only a half-grown child, that slight softness there caused Liu Huo"s face to blush bright red, the beat of his heart so fast that it seemed as if it was about to leap out of his chest at any moment.

Thump, thump, thump…

Her heartbeat resounded though his ears, its rhythm neither fast or slow, but it still managed to mix perfectly with his crazily beating heart.

Abruptly, something in Liu Huo"s mind clicked, his consciousness seemingly being pulled at by a certain powerful force. Unable to control it, the temperature of his entire body frantically soared…

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