Unwise Child

Chapter 11

"He didn"t want help, of course; he was merely conducting an experiment.

There are many areas of knowledge in which he is as nave as a child."

Mike nodded. "It figures. At first I thought he was just a remote-control tool, but I finally saw that he was a real, honest-to-goodness robot. Who gave him the idea to make such an experiment as that?"

"No one at all," said Dr. Fitzhugh. "He"s built to make up his own experiments."

Mike the Angel"s cla.s.sic face regarded the wrinkled one of Dr. Fitzhugh.

"His own experiments? But a robot--"

Fitzhugh held up a bony hand, gesturing for attention and silence. He got it from Mike.

"Snook.u.ms," he said, "is no ordinary robot, Commander."

Mike waited for more. When none came, he said: "So I gather." He sipped at his black coffee. "That machine I saw is actually a remote-control tool, isn"t it? Snook.u.ms" actual brain is in Cargo Hold One of the _William Branch.e.l.l_."

"That"s right." Dr. Fitzhugh began reaching into various pockets about his person. He extracted a tobacco pouch, a briar pipe, and a jet-flame lighter. Then he began speaking as he went through the pipe smoker"s ritual of filling, tamping, and lighting.

"Snook.u.ms," he began, "is a self-activating, problem-seeking computer with input and output sensory and action mechanisms a.n.a.logous to those of a human being." He pushed more tobacco into the bowl of his pipe with a bony forefinger. "He"s as close to being a living creature as anything Man has yet devised."

"What about the synthecells they"re making at Boston Med?" Mike asked, looking innocent.

Fitzhugh"s contour-map face wrinkled up even more. "I should have said "living _intelligence_,"" he corrected himself. "He"s a true robot, in the old original sense of the word; an artificial ent.i.ty that displays almost every function of a living, intelligent creature. And, at the same time, he has the accuracy and speed that is normal to a cryotron computer."

Mike the Angel said nothing while Fitzhugh fired up his lighter and directed the jet of flame into the bowl and puffed up great clouds of smoke which obscured his face.

While the roboticist puffed, Mike let his gaze wander idly over the other people in the cafeteria. He was wondering how much longer he could talk to Fitzhugh before Captain Quill began--

And then he saw the redhead.

There is never much point in describing a really beautiful girl. Each man has his own ideas of what it takes for a girl to be "pretty" or "fascinating" or "lovely" or almost any other adjective that can be applied to the noun "girl." But "beautiful" is a cultural concept, at least as far as females are concerned, and there is no point in describing a cultural concept. It"s one of those things that everybody knows, and descriptions merely become repet.i.tious and monotonous.

This particular example filled, in every respect, the definition of "beautiful" according to the culture of the white Americo-European subcla.s.s of the human race as of anno Domini 2087. The elements and proportions and symmetry fit almost perfectly into the ideal mold. It is only necessary to fill in some of the minor details which are allowed to vary without distorting the ideal.

She had red hair and blue eyes and was wearing a green zipsuit.

And she was coming toward the table where Mike and Dr. Fitzhugh were sitting.

"... such a tremendous number of elements," Dr. Fitzhugh was saying, "that it was possible--and necessary--to introduce a certain randomity within the circuit choices themselves-- Ah! h.e.l.lo, Leda, my dear!"

Mike and Fitzhugh rose from their seats.

"Leda, this is Commander Gabriel, the Engineering Officer of the _Brainchild_," said Fitzhugh. "Commander, Miss Leda Crannon, our psychologist."

Mike had been allowing his eyes to wander over the girl, inspecting her ankles, her hair, and all vital points of interest between. But when he heard the name "Crannon," his eyes snapped up to meet hers.

He hadn"t recognized the girl without her parka and wouldn"t have known her name if the SP ensign hadn"t mentioned it. Obviously, she didn"t recognize Mike at all, but there was a troubled look in her blue eyes.

She gave him a puzzled smile. "Haven"t we met, Commander?"

Mike grinned. "Hey! That"s supposed to be _my_ line, isn"t it?"

She flashed him a warm smile, then her eyes widened ever so slightly.

"Your voice! You"re the man on the foyer! The one...."

"... the one whom you called copper on," finished Mike agreeably. "But please don"t apologize; you"ve more than made up for it."

Her smile remained. She evidently liked what she saw. "How was I to know who you were?"

"It might have been written on my pocket handkerchief," said Mike the Angel, "but s.p.a.ce Service officers don"t carry pocket handkerchiefs."

"What?" The puzzled look had returned.

"Ne" mind," said Mike. "Sit down, won"t you?"

"Oh, I can"t, thanks. I came to get Fitz; a meeting of the Research Board has been called, and afterward we have to give a lecture or something to the officers of the _Brainchild_."

"You mean the _Branch.e.l.l_?"

Her smile became an impish grin. "You call it what you want. To us, it"s the _Brainchild_."

Dr. Fitzhugh said: "Will you excuse us, Commander? We"ll be seeing you at the briefing later."

Mike nodded. "I"d better get on my way, too. I"ll see you."

But he stood there as Leda Crannon and Dr. Fitzhugh walked away. The girl looked just as divine retreating as she had advancing.


Captain Sir Henry (Black Bart) Quill was seated in an old-fashioned, formyl-covered, overstuffed chair, chewing angrily at the end of an unlighted cigar. His bald head gleamed like a pink billiard ball, almost matching the shining glory of his golden insignia against his scarlet tunic.

Mike the Angel had finally found his way through the maze of underground pa.s.sageways to the door marked _wardroom 9_ and had pushed it open gingerly, halfway hoping that he wouldn"t be seen coming in late but not really believing it would happen.

He was right. Black Bart was staring directly at the door when it slid open. Mike shrugged inwardly and stepped boldly into the room, flicking a glance over the faces of the other officers present.

"Well, well, well, Mister Gabriel," said Black Bart. The voice was oily, but the oil was oil of vitriol. "You not only come late, but you come incognito. Where is your uniform?"

There was a m.u.f.fled snicker from one of the junior officers, but it wasn"t m.u.f.fled enough. Before Mike the Angel could answer, Captain Quill"s head jerked around.

"That will do, Mister Vaneski!" he barked. "Boot ensigns don"t snicker when their superiors--_and_ their betters--are being reprimanded! I only use sarcasm on officers I respect. Until an officer earns my sarcasm, he gets nothing but blasting when he goofs off. Understand?"

The last word was addressed to the whole group.

Ensign Vaneski colored, and his youthful face became masklike. "Yes, sir. Sorry, sir."

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