In the days following, their days had continued to be filled with preparations for the ceremony. Al"s work outside increased, and Urop"s accompanying him increased in kind. However, with this, there were also people who grew dissatisfied. Precisely because she was young, Estelle was one of them.

Estelle had some grounding in holy magic, so she should be working towards becoming a priest, and constantly at the seminary. However, as the ceremony approached, it was closed. The priests were setting up for the ceremony and weren"t there, and the students were also rounded up as volunteers. Estelle, with her boundless curiosity would have liked to partic.i.p.ate, even as a volunteer, but with the ceremony, lots of people were around the palace, so to strengthen their guard, Estelle"s partic.i.p.ation was overseen. That said, even in the palace, there wasn"t really anything to do. It was on the level of trying on clothes and practising the trifling greetings for the ceremony itself. Once that was over, she was suddenly free, and began to grow bored.

Coming to this, her last ray of hope lay in Al, who she loved like a real brother, and his accomplice, Urop. The two would always play with her, so in this situation, Estelle headed straight for them. But unfortunately, they were busy.

"I"ll help you too!"

She knew that they were busy, so she didn"t ask them to play, but offered them help. She really did want to help them; of course, part of that was that she didn"t want to be the only one left out, and if she helped, the work would be done that much quicker and they might be able to play. That was why she was serious about it.

"Ahh, umm…"

Here, Al was troubled. He"d currently got outside work planned for the day, so couldn"t really take Estelle along. The entire city was filled with excitement for the event, and bringing Estelle along while trying to work wasn"t an easy task.

If he was bringing Ceres or Sheila along, it would probably be fine, just with their age they"d be able to move quietly, and have the calm judgement to not go near danger. They"d actually gone out like that to survey the city already. But with Estelle"s curiosity and the fact that she was an energetic ten year old, expecting the same thing was difficult. This also meant that the number of guards that would be required would be much larger compared to them being able to move quietly. There weren"t enough people to hand with the preparations to begin with, so he couldn"t guarantee there would be enough soldiers.

"T-then, Uro, can I get you to take Lady Estelle with you for the work within the palace?"

"Was there any?" Al sought help from Urop next to him, but his eyes widened in surprise. Al wanted help from Urop because he couldn"t take her outside, but he hadn"t thought that far and was confused at how Al"s words fit with the schedule for today. "Weren"t we racing around outside today?"

"Ehh!? We"re going outside!? I"ll come, I"ll come!! I"ll help too!!"

Estelle"s eyes began to shine all the more at Urop"s slip. At this point, she already had her heart set on going out.


Urop finally noticed his mistake from Estelle"s reaction and looked up at Al apologetically while poking his fingers together.

"Sorry, Al…"

"Don"t worry about it, it was sudden…" He hadn"t explicitly asked for help, and he had no intention of making Urop shoulder the blame; instead, he began to think of what they would do now. Doing so, it seemed more possible that they could go out whilst maintaining Estelle"s safety if they were to change the order of their destinations. "Princess, while we are out, can you promise to behave properly like a princess?"

"I will, I will! Behaving like big sis Ceres is fine, right!?"

"Estelle, not like Sheila, right?"

"Yeah, I know!"

Feeling that she might be taken along, Estelle"s large eyes sparkled as she promised to be good. If the alternative was being bored in the palace, then even if it was a bit stiff, behaving like a princess outside was obviously better to her.

"…Lady Sheila would be so angry if she heard you."

Smiling wryly at their exchange, he considered several problems with Estelle"s trip. He quickly compiled them into a note, handing it to Urop.

"Uro, could you take that to my sister?"

"Yeah… I see, we need to do that."

Urop glanced over the note before giving a big nod.

Its contents were requests for a carriage for the outing with Estelle and to ask the bodyguards whether it was possible.

"I"ll be right back."

"Please, Uro."

Urop ran off immediately. If the princess was going to go out, there were several arrangements that needed to be put into place. Hurrying here would clearly relieve the pressure on the schedule. Urop ran off, his little legs moving at full speed. Even so, the best the dwarf could do was the pace of a normal human"s jog. After watching him leave, Al crouched down next to Estelle and looked her in the eyes.

"Lady Estelle."


Estelle noticed Al"s serious face and answered with a puzzled expression.

"Did I ask something I really shouldn"t have?"

Suddenly, Estelle was struck with unease. She loved Al as if he was her real brother, if he said it was impossible and disliked her, that would be the worst.

"I truly intend to take you, but I also think that it"s possible I may not be able to, if that happens, will you bear with it?"

"Yeah, I"ll bear with it! Thank you, Al!"

Fortunately, Al kept smiling, and Estelle relaxed at this, promising mentally that she wouldn"t say anything else selfish. She was young and didn"t understand a lot, but she had a vague understanding that Al was working hard for her. It was because she couldn"t ask anyone else that she came to Al, so she knew he actually wanted to say she couldn"t. So she began to think that if she was any more selfish, she really would make Al dislike her, and she didn"t want that, more than anything else. So she would behave like a proper princess and give up if she really couldn"t. In the end, while Estelle may be immature, she still had the disposition of a proper princess.

"There are a few places nearby, so won"t you come with me?"


Estelle nodded energetically and held her right hand out to Al. He soon understood what she meant by it, but hesitated as to whether he should accept because of his position.


"…It"s nothing, let"s go, shall we?"

"Let"s go~~♪"

But at seeing Estelle"s confused expression, Al took her hand and began to walk.

"Lady Estelle is still young, so I probably don"t need to be as careful as with Lady Ceres or Lady Sheila…"

Even as he thought that, he was slightly relieved that Estelle was still a child.

The place Al took Estelle was to his master, Claas" office. Claas Heidemann was the eldest of the court mages, and would turn seventy that year. He was their leader, and at the same time, he worked as the kingdom"s prime minister. In the Freislein Kingdom, the prime minister was at the top of domestic affairs and his role was to implement that which the kingdom decided, to as high a level as practical.

Claas had become a court mage at the same age as Al, in the latter half of his teens. Since then, he had served the royal family loyally as more than fifty years had pa.s.sed. Even since he had become prime minister, at least thirty years had pa.s.sed.

Throughout his long career, there had been no shortage of serious incidents, but he had splendidly solved them through both his experience and his own natural discernment. As an example, this sort of situation had occurred:

Several decades previously, n.o.bles with royal blood had led an insurrection against the current king. Normally they would have just been tried, but the fact that they were in the line of succession became an obstacle, and the decision, as to whether they should publicise their trial or to keep everything under wraps, loomed. Claas then advised the king, who couldn"t come to a decision, in words that made it clear it was for the citizens, that he should not betray them. With that advice, the king resolved himself to losing popularity and publicised everything. As a result, the populace had first been in uproar, but eventually, they came to accept it favourably as the king succeeding in being just.

Through this and other, similar results throughout his career, if you were to ask the country which politician should represent them, which was the very model of loyalty, they would point to Claas Heidemann. Now, he was respected on the same kind of level as the king and princesses.

His youngest apprentice was Al, so whilst to Al he was his master in magic, he was simultaneously his end goal as a politician. He wished to serve the country, to serve the princesses, through the years like Claas had, and so he strove, day and night in both his work and his training.

"What"s wrong, Al, did you make Claas angry?"

"No, that"s not it." Because it was his master"s office, and because he respected him so much, Al was always nervous when it came to entering the room. There was no need to be, and in fact, because he was still at the alliance meeting, he wouldn"t be in the room. But his presence was important to Al, so he subconsciously straightened himself and his expression stiffened. Estelle had noticed those changes and worried about him. "I"m just nervous going into his room, because he"s amazing."


She was young, so she didn"t really seem to get it, and made a non-committal face, because to her, Claas was something like an uncle. She smiled at Al"s taken aback face at her att.i.tude and knocked on the door. The door was made of a thick wood, so the sound echoed heavily through the palace corridor.

"The door is open, enter."

A young man"s voice came from inside the office. Identifying the voice, Al turned the door-k.n.o.b and entered the office.

"Excuse me."

""Scuse us."

Al entered hand-in-hand with Estelle and was met immediately by Claas" large desk. There were the tools of both a mage and a politician stored within, so it was bigger than Ceres". Going by sheer size alone, it was probably the largest desk within the palace. And that size itself was a symbol of Claas" importance within it.

"Just on time, Alex."

Al"s gaze moved from the empty desk to a smaller secretary"s desk that was about half the size, and when he saw the person working there, his tension eased considerably.

"Good morning, Elliot."

Al bowed his head to them. His name was Elliot Wiseman, he had worked as Claas" aide for several years and was tall, with a monocle. He was a tall youth that gave a strong impression that set you at ease. He was considerably older than Al, in his late twenties. He stopped his work and smiled at Al and Estelle.

"Lady Estelle, I am pleased to see you in a place like this."

Following his greeting to Al, he gave his greetings to Estelle while adjusting the monocle on his left eye.

"Only having the one is way more fashionable…"

Al either studied too much, or his eyes were a little weak, so he compensated for it with, and Elliot only had something on his left eye. Al had heard from him that he was born with a weaker left eye and couldn"t part with his monocle. So he always had it on his left eye, but it always fit with his clothes" designs and sharpened his intellectual image.

"Y-yeah, "scuse me."

Contrary to Al, who had relaxed at seeing Elliot, Estelle had grown nervous. Al noticed this, but thought that it was because she was intimidated by his intellectual image and hadn"t really made any provisions for it. Instead, he tightened his grip on her hand, and she returned it tightly.

"You"ve been working hard these past few days, Alex. I suppose it"s only fitting for Claas" apprentice."

Elliot continued his small conversation like that with them. Al knew that Elliot would notice Estelle"s unease and know not to push, he didn"t just look talented, he was an extremely talented individual. He was originally a guard with Claas" detail, but his outstanding talent had caught Claas" eye and he had come to work as his a.s.sistant, and was now recognised as a successor to Claas" work.

"My thanks."

And Elliot was someone that Al looked up to. As a mage and a politician, Claas was Al"s goal, but as an adult, Elliot was. Al always felt that Elliot’s refined manner and composure were how a true man ought to be, so being praised by him made Al"s spirits rise a little. Elliot gave him a small smile, it was the smile that Al had always wanted to be able to smile when he grew up, a smile with confidence and composure.

"Ha ha ha, Alex, young people like you should be a little more overconfident."

"Should I?"

"Baseless confidence and just a little ambitious dreams are the purview of the young."

"Then I want to become like you."

"I"m happy to have you say that, Alex. Then, to act as an example to you, let"s move on to work."


With an energetic nod, Al thought to himself earnestly.

"Elliot really is an adult… If I could be like that in the future…"

If Al became like Elliot, he was sure he would be able to support the princesses, both in public and in private. Al had very little time left that he could act like their childhood friend. Without a doubt they would need someone like Elliot in his relationships and ability. Al couldn"t think of anything better as their childhood friend than being able to support the princesses nonchalantly like that. Even as that era drew to a close, he would stand in the shade with his sister Friede and protect them as they stood in the sun.

"Lady Maltina, please bring what I requested earlier."

Elliot turned to the other side of the room and called out. There there was a woman working like him. Her name was Maltina, she was another of Claas" aides, with a differing skill-set. Maltina was his apprentice from the generation before Al, and could probably be called his sister apprentice. She helped Claas here and her role was to head the work related to magic, and related things. In other words, Elliot helped with the political side of things, and Maltina helped with the magic side. Of course, she was also well trusted by Claas.

Complicating things with her was her slight lack of social graces, her expression was always severe, and her voice clipped. Al always felt like he would end up angering her as he spoke with her. Thanks to that, both Al and Estelle had stiffened, Al with nervousness towards Maltina, and Estelle with the same to Elliot, so both of their grips had tightened even further.

"I shall bring it presently."

Maltina placed a bundle of papers on a large tray, and brought them to Elliot. Whilst she did so, her harsh expression didn"t falter in the slightest and as she approached, Al realised what the papers were. They were many letters, tied into a bundle with a thick cord.

"Alex, your job today is to distribute these."

Elliot took the bundle from her and placed them in front of Al. Judging from its thickness it would take about half the day to do so.

"Huh? Were the invitations not distributed last month?"

"This is the extension of those invitations." Al was puzzled, and Elliot took them in hand and began to explain. "You know the significance of this year"s ceremony I imagine?"

"I do…"

He understood that, but didn"t understand why they were sending invitations again. The responses had come in long ago.

"I"d like you to keep this to yourself, but… these letters are final confirmations to determine who will be absent, to improve the impression of the display. If the reserved seats were empty because someone didn"t attend… I"m sure you understand?"

"Ahh, so that"s what it was."

Al understood the circ.u.mstances.

Even if they had said they would attend, there would be several whose schedules would have changed and could no longer make it. If there were many, then the empty seats on the day would draw the eye. If they were left like that, it would give a bad impression to the people. To avoid that, they had to re-confirm attendance closer to the day, and revise the number of seats.

"That"s master Claas alright… avoiding empty seats at the ceremony would change the impression a lot… rearranging the seats on the day would be awkward… I see, I"ll remember this…"

Along with his admiration to his master"s attention to detail, Al engraved it on his mind. He intended to serve the royal family like this, so this kind of thought process would be necessary in the future, he couldn"t just admire it.

"I understand, I shall do so immediately."

"Please do, Alex. And I don"t think there"s any need to say to you, but make sure not to mistake the address."

"Right, I"ll do my utmost."

Each letter was to be sent to a key figure, influential n.o.bles and clergymen, along with resident amba.s.sadors were some of them. So to mistake the address would be the height of rudeness. Not only because the letter would be in the wrong place, but also in highly political ways. It was a job that would require attentiveness. But rather than think that a burden, Al felt happy. Being given a job like that showed that he was trusted, so Al was in high spirits.

"And also escort Lady Estelle properly."

The discussion of work was over, so Elliot closed just the eye behind his monocle and smiled at Al.

"You already know?"

"Of course, I am standing in for prime minister Claas after all. The report and request soon arrived her. Your requests were all granted, please take good care of lady Estelle."

"I will."

"…But then, that"s not something I really need to ask you."

Elliot gazed at Al and Estelle"s hands, which had been entwined the entire time. His expression was extremely bright, not teasing in the slightest, but with a smile that would be appropriate for watching over his younger siblings.

"Not at all, thank you for being careful."

Al bowed deeply to Elliot, took the letters and gave his farewells.

"Then, Elliot, Maltina, please excuse me, I think I"d like to deliver these quickly."

"I"m counting on you."

"Good day."

"Right, I shall go and do so."

With another bow, Al led Estelle out of the room by her hand. She had been silent up to that point, and remained so as she walked after him. She only regained her energy when they had stepped into the corridor and the thick door had closed after them.


Still holding Al"s hand, she let out a slightly exaggerated sigh, and then looked up at Al and smiled. Returning her smile, Al asked.

"Lady Estelle, do you really dislike Elliot?"

"Yeah, I just don"t really get him." Estelle looked back and furrowed her eyebrows slightly. She really didn"t like him. "He"s not really… clear… like you and Urop."

That was Estelle"s sensitivity, she liked people like Al and Urop whose impression matched their true selves. But Elliot wasn"t like that. Elliot had a mask he showed, she could feel that and didn"t feel like his true self matched it. This was her frank impression due to her youth, it was part of the skills of a priest that she was born with that she felt it like this.

"So Lady Estelle is scared of Elliot"s "adult-like" parts…"

What Al viewed as reliable, Estelle saw as unfamiliar and scary. Using an adult"s composure well, Al would be able to hide the fact that he held feelings beyond that of loyalty to the princesses, and it would be helpful. But if he made a mistake in using it, it would be for hiding ill-will and discontent. Al felt that because Estelle was still young, she wanted simplicity and honesty, so was afraid of that.

"So… umm, don"t… become like that?" Estelle looked worriedly up at Al. But Al couldn"t immediately a.s.sent to her words, because Elliot was one of his goals. "Me and my sisters want you like you are."

"…Lady Estelle…"

Her words were easy to understand and rephrase, she wanted him as her childhood friend forever.

But as the princesses grew, the time that would end approached, no matter how Al and the princesses felt, that was an inescapable reality.

"…Then I shall try my best to remain so."

So it was all Al could do to answer like that.

The Freislein palace had its main gate to the south, the building itself was on a small hill so it could be seen bathed in sunlight from dawn until dusk, this was one of the architects" ideas to made the palace as beautiful as possible. The town had developed from that side and so the carriages that left the palace often left to the south and set out for many places. The carriage Al was in was no exception, and used the southern road, and after reaching the bottom of the slope, it changed its heading to the east. Ahead of them was the first destination for the day.

The carriage they were using wasn"t a dedicated Royal"s carriage, but was one used by officials at the palace for their work. Estelle was going out into the town relatively covertly, so they couldn"t use a dedicated carriage. Therefore, Estelle wasn"t alone in the carriage, Al and the others were also riding with her. In addition to Al and Estelle, Urop and Friede were riding with them, bringing the total to four.

"I apologise for pulling you away from your duties whilst you were busy, lady Bartrall."

"I don"t mind. Honestly, standing constantly in the same place was growing a little tiring."

Friede was riding with them as a guard, and for the same reason, there were several others from the guards following them, guarding them whilst wearing the uniform of normal soldiers rather than the bodyguards. There were four riding on horses around the carriage, and the carriage"s driver was another. Combined with Friede, there were six guards, but they were all for Estelle being out in the city covertly.

"There"s no one else here, so we can chat like normal, eh, Estelle?"

"Uri"s right, everyone"s being so quiet."

Al and Friede were both intending to work, but the other two were in a playful mood. Estelle and Urop were both pressed against the window, watching the streets overflowing with a festive mood.

"We can"t do that, we will be working soon."

Al gave a pained smile as he showed where the carriage would go. Playing for the entire day like Estelle and Urop wanted was tempting, but unfortunately, they couldn"t.

"Anyway, Al, where are we going?"

"The academy, that"s where our first job is."

By "academy" he meant the Royal Academy, that he had attended until last year. The academy was one of the educational inst.i.tutions that the kingdom had recently established that was split into primary, secondary and higher curricula, an overarching organisation that taught people constantly until they were adults.

Al, Ceres and Sheila had attended the secondary section until last year, the goal was to learn basic academics and to experience their citizens lives. The academy was attended by many n.o.bles" heirs so it was strongly guarded from the start. The grounds were also surrounded by a large fence, so intruding from outside was difficult. Due to this, there wasn"t a great need to surround it with guards, and it was ideally suited for the princesses to study at.

And precisely because it was an ideal environment that Al had decided to bring Estelle here. At the academy, he could guarantee her safety even without the guards. Al had thought that he could go from there and deliver the letters, and Estelle, Urop, Friede and the other three guards could remain.

"I wish I could have gone to school with you…"

Estelle was born with an apt.i.tude to holy magic, so rather than the academy, she attended a seminary established by the state religion of the Dawnlight Orthodox Church. Because of that, she could count the number of times she had pa.s.sed the Royal Academy"s gate on one hand.

"You"re at the seminary aren"t you. I was alone too, so I understand how you feel."

The one to understand Estelle"s feelings was Friede. She smiled at Estelle with a gentle smile that would be seldom seen while she was commanding her troops. Even Friede couldn"t help but let her Knight"s Mask slip a little when faced with Estelle, and her natural kindness showed on her face.

In addition to being two years older than Al, her skill had seen her skip years so around the time that Al was entering the secondary section, she was already at officer school. Because of that, she had no experiences of sitting at a desk with her brother Al and her best friend Ceres.

"You"re the only one that says that. Everyone else just leaves me behind and goes to play at school."

"I don"t really think they were playing."

"You were! Everyone came back and always talked about how fun it was!"

Estelle pouted and ignored Friede"s calming words. She felt that Al, Ceres, Sheila and Urop, who had happily gone along to the academy were playing. They actually went to study, but because of the environment the princesses had been brought up in, it gave a sense of freedom to Ceres and Sheila. Of course, Estelle also felt lonely because she was being left out. So as far as she was concerned, it didn"t really feel like they had been studying.

"So let"s play a lot today."

"Fu fu fu, let"s, shall we?"


Finally, Friede gave up on persuading her and agreed. Estelle was like a much younger sister to her, so she"d allow her a little selfishness. At this, Estelle"s mouth returned to a smile and she started looking out of the small carriage window at the academy"s main gate. Her mind was filled with how they"d play today.

"If you say somethin" like that… you"ll regret it later~"

Urop knew that Estelle was something of a tomboy, so imagined an awful fate awaiting Friede as he snickered.

"Why are you talking about it like it"s just her problem, you"re looking after her too, you know?"

"I-I am!?"

Urop goggled at Al"s statement, he"d completely intended to help Al.

"Yeah, I"m just taking these to the same places as last month… or would you rather deliver all this on your own?"

Al or Urop would have to deliver the letters alone, it wasn"t enough to need both of them, so it was better to have one of them take care of Estelle, there just weren"t enough of them.

"No way, I"ll just play with Estelle."

It"d be tough playing with her today, but much more fun than delivering letters alone. Urop was a typical bright and cheerful dwarf after all.

"I"m counting on you, Uro."

Giving a nod to Urop"s snap decision, Al checked the addresses one by one, splitting them by location. Delivering them would be a dull and lonely job, but it was an important one nonetheless that he couldn"t be lax with.

Al didn"t immediately leave to deliver the letters after arriving. He actually had things to do other than that that day, and had come here for that. His other job was briefing the volunteers that would partic.i.p.ate in the ceremony. Chief among them were Al and Ceres" former cla.s.smates from the secondary division. Because they were originally friendly with them, and could use the volunteering for moral credits, they had decided to partic.i.p.ate. And because Al was acquainted with them, reporting from the palace and giving the briefings were left to him.

So Al had originally planned to arrive here that afternoon. Due to also being burdened with Estelle, he had switched the order, and alongside briefing the volunteers, he had thought he would have Estelle partic.i.p.ate with them.

"You"ve grown a little, Alex."

"Just a little though."

They were met first by Al"s former form tutor, Sandra Marsh, and taken to the cla.s.sroom the volunteers were working in. She was the one at the school in charge of the volunteers.

Sandra Marsh had a slightly strange carrier history. She was originally part of the army, and had great prospects for the future. She had graduated from officer school at the top of her cla.s.s and had become a company commander — the same rank that Friede currently held — in very few years for someone from a commoner"s background. However, her left eye had been injured in the course of her duties, and she had taken that as a reason to leave the army, and become a teacher at the academy. She taught morals and martial arts. The first to teach Sheila any martial arts was actually her.

"Fu fu fu, boys start growing at your age, don"t worry."

"I sure hope so."

But now, Sandra didn"t seem the type at all, in fact, that impression was stronger from Friede. She just had the calm atmosphere of an adult woman flowing from her now, and the eye patch covering her left eye was the single remnant that showed her past.

"Sandra, is everyone well?"

Urop knew her too. He had met Al when he enrolled in the academy, and he had ended up attending with him, so had seen Sandra daily. That was why he didn"t have a trace of hesitation when calling out to her.

"Yes, perhaps a little too well."

For the same reason, Sandra replied with a smile. However, Friede and Estelle had kept their silence, she was someone they were peripherally a.s.sociated with, so weren"t really acquainted with her, and weren"t really related enough to step into the conversation, so left it to Al and Urop.

"Although, morals isn"t really a popular subject with the boys, so there aren"t that many faces that you"d be looking for."

"Honestly, I didn"t really like the subject either."


As Al listened to Sandra and Urop"s conversation, he looked around the corridor of the higher section of the school. The white-covered brickwork was the same as the secondary section, but they were built at different times, so the interior design was a little different. This wasn"t the first time he"d been here, but he was always a little caught off guard by the difference in atmosphere from the secondary section where he"d spent several years.

"Who did this bit? It"s a bit crooked isn"t it?"

"Sorry, that was me."

"I thought leaving the delicate stuff to Milra would be a bad idea…"

"She"s so good at maintaining the weapons I thought she"d be suited to this… it"s a surprise."

But when he saw the familiar faces in the cla.s.sroom, his emotions went back to normal. His cla.s.smate"s unchanging appearances bringing him back to the time he spent in the secondary section.

"Everyone, Alex is here!"

Sandra announced to the cla.s.s, and the group"s eyes turned to Al and the others. There were about twenty people in the room, amongst them, about half knew Al and were his cla.s.smates. As she had said, the majority were girls, and once they saw Al and Urop, smiles spread across their faces and they rushed towards them. The people who didn"t noticed Estelle next to Al and were in an uproar. His former cla.s.smates however, were friends with Ceres and Sheila so even seeing Estelle didn"t really shock them.

"My greetings to you, lady Estelle. And it"s been a while, Bartrall."

Amongst the girls that approached them, the first to give her greetings was a small girl at the front. After adjusting her dress, she bowed her head politely while giving her greetings. She seemed used to her position and the aura of the upper cla.s.s flowed from her. The quality of her clothes" tailoring strengthened that impression all the more.

"It seems you haven"t changed at all, young Lady."

After Al politely returned the greeting, he smiled at her. She was someone he found it easy to talk to in several ways.

"Could you do something about addressing me like that already?"

"You"re young Lady, young Lady."

The girl that Al called "young Lady" was Margaret Heidemann, and called Marie as a nickname. As her surname implied, she was Claas" granddaughter. She was both his cla.s.smate, and his master"s granddaughter, so he was more often in contact with her than his other cla.s.smates, and had often spoken to her since they were in the secondary section. Her personality was a slightly irritating type, so prideful that she had to be the best at everything. But this was because she was doing her best to uphold the Heidemann name, essentially, Marie was a normal girl. Her endless confidence and need to be the best was because the Heidemann name was heavy in the country. And because he carried the name of Claas Heidemann"s apprentice, Al shared her worries, so the two were people the other could speak to without reserve, and they had a good relationship.

"h.e.l.lo, Marie."

"Welcome to our humble cla.s.sroom, lady Estelle."

Following the same reasoning, Marie and Estelle had often been in contact, and Estelle was happy at finding a face she knew."

"So, Marie, what are you doing here?"

"We"re making decorations for the ceremony. Professionals are doing the most visible places, but we"re in charge of the parts where numbers are more important."

"I want to try too!"

"I"m honoured, lady Estelle."

Estelle started talking to Marie like that, and Al and her conversation ended naturally. Thereupno, the next appeared in front of Al in a flash.

"Heyyy, Al!! Long time no see!!"

The next to open their mouth was the right one at the back of the group. After waving vigorously from the back, she"d pushed her way through the crowd to Al. Her body was generally bigger than Marie"s, so even from behind her, he"d met her gaze. Marie had been uncomfortable with that,and so quickly made s.p.a.ce for her. The one thing all Marie"s effort couldn"t change was her height.

"Milra! You seem in good spirits!"

"I am, I am!"

Milra Irvine was the name of the girl. She was the only daughter of the Irvine family, who were famous blacksmiths in the capital. She was born when they were practising smithing in the area, so she was active by nature and was rarely still, her skin was always tanned, what she wore seemed to give off a somewhat wild air. She was the total opposite of Marie the city girl, in everything including height.

"What about you!? Is Sheila okay!? Tell her to at least come say hi sometimes! If she doesn"t have anyone to spar with, her body will decline."

"Sheila and I are both fine. She seems to be having some trouble with finding someone to spar with, so I"ll be sure to tell her."

"Well, I could beat up on you too?"

"I"ll pa.s.s on that."

"Ahaha, no way♪"

Al and Milra were mainly study buddies. Al with his outstanding grades, and Milra with her awful grades. Al had taught Milra, who was always on the verge of failing, so her academic abilities had improved, and were now no different from an average student"s. On top of that, they had also worked on their final year project of the secondary section together; Al had lead the research, and she had helped with the Irvine smithing techniques. The project was exceedingly difficult, but the two had persevered at it.

"Oh yeah, Al, I met Yel when I was doing deliveries earlier."

"Is he doing well?"

"He is, but he"s as creepy as always."

"Ahaha. That"s right, Milra, I remember Yel, but I think we might meet lady Signaria again with the ceremony"s return."

"I"ll come, I"ll come! I haven"t seen her in ages!"

The two had had outside help with their project, the aforementioned Yel and Signaria. Even with them, they"d had a lot of trouble.

Thanks to their help with the troubles of the project, they became people Al and Milra could go to easily for help. Their project had been so difficult it was deep in their memories. And as a result of their effort, their project had been highly praised and recognised at the graduation ceremony. Even with Al no longer at the academy, their relationship hadn"t changed. Al often placed orders to Irvine through Milra and the opposite was also true. Milra was the first connection Al had made to the economic world. For a politician, she could probably be called a sworn friend. So the two of them both thought they would get along for a long time to come.

"I can have it!?"

As Al and Milra were renewing their friendship, Urop"s voice resounded throughout the cla.s.sroom, it was full of surprise and happiness, something good and unexpected had happened to him.

"Yes, please use it well, Urop."

"Thank you, Fei! I"ll look after it!"

Urop was holding something above his head in both hands. It was a wooden musical instrument, a string instrument often made in the south, a lute. His earlier yell had been from joy at being suddenly gifted it. Lutes were adored by bards since long ago, and Urop was one of them, this was a peerless present for him. He quickly began to pluck the lute in joy. At first as if testing it, and then gradually more grandly. Before long, the room was filled with the bright notes from the lute he was playing.

He didn"t have much experience with the lute, so the tune was a little awkward and somewhat off in tone. But that strengthened the impression of enjoyment from it all the more, it was a performance that wonderfully showed his feelings.

"Thank you so much, lady Feitana. Something so expensive…"

Al paused in his conversation with Milra and gave his thanks to the girl that was closing her eyes in pleasure at Urop"s performance. Feitana Shamna Eralda was the girl that had given Urop the lute. Even the cheapest of lutes were far too expensive. That was why Al was so grateful, but she didn"t particularly seem to mind it and devoted her ears to Urop"s performance in satisfaction.

"It"s fine, being played like this should make the spirits in the lute far happier than gathering dust in a warehouse."

"Thank you."

Feitana was an exchange student from a country to the south, so she had slightly browned skin. She also wasn"t just a transfer student, she was a part of the royal family of the country Eralda. She had left her motherland to study at the Royal Academy to better relations between the countries.

Her motherland, Eralda was a country ruled by Shamanism. They believed that everything had spirits dwelling within them, and it was important to devote yourself to hearing their voices. For that reason, they had a custom where the one within the royal family that could hear the spirit"s voices the best would become the monarch. In Eralda, singing, dancing and playing music were revered, they were thought of as special acts which allowed anyone to become one with the spirits. So Feitana herself was a master of song and dance. Because of who she was, when she saw the lute gathering dust in a warehouse, she thought of Urop, so she had brought it to the academy on the day she knew Al would be coming, to pa.s.s it to a suitable musician. It was a natural idea for an Eraldan.

There were many people from highly economically developed nations that were against this spirituality, they felt that it would inhibit economic growth. To them, giving an expensive lute to Urop would probably seem the height of folly. It was true that Eralda was an underdeveloped country economically. But to Eraldans, that was a point of pride, their way of life. They had things more important than growth, that was how those that lived in Eralda went about their lives. And because she could sympathise with that, Ceres, currently dealing with Freislein"s state affairs, prized her relationship with Feitana.

"Come on, Uro, thank her again properly."

"Thank you, Fei!"

However, Urop was unconcerned with that. He was simply enjoying playing music, and at his side, Estelle was swaying her body haphazardly with the music.

"Not at all, I"m glad you like it."

Urop and Estelle"s actions right now were the greatest thanks to her. They were actions from the heart, out of tune music and haphazard dancing. That was how Eraldans lived, so Feitana began to step lightly with Estelle. Her dance was lively and filled with happiness, she was glad from the bottom of her heart that she had given him the lute.

"…Oh no, I almost forgot my job."

Al had been staring at them blankly, but suddenly remembered his own job. In response to his muttering, the people in the cla.s.sroom came back to themselves and went back to work. The ceremony was close, they didn"t have time to relax playing music and dancing.

"Elisha, where is the Cla.s.s-rep? I actually came to speak to her about the ceremony."

Al spoke to a nearby former cla.s.smate, Elisha Leylam. She had learnt magic with Al, but because she was timid, even though she had come with Marie and the others, she hadn"t spoken to Al, so suddenly being spoken to by him put her in a bit of a panic.

"U-uh, the Cla.s.s-rep is over there…"

Hiding her eyes with her trademark thick, Elisha pointed to a corner of the room. Al looked in that direction and saw a girl crawling out from under a large cloth decoration.

"I"m over here, Al."

She waved at Al, her name was Katie Kreifer, affectionately known as Cla.s.s-rep, her serious personality and strong sense of responsibility meant that she had been the cla.s.s representative many times, and she could be depended upon to allot roles for events. She was responsible for the volunteers this time. Al had come to the academy today to speak to her, who was in charge of the student side of things, and Sandra, who was in charge of the academy"s side of things.

"Wait a minute, I"m on my way."

Katie couldn"t immediately extricate herself from the decorations. The entrance to where she was working was narrow, and thanks to that, it seemed it would take her a while to get there.

"…That"s right, Elisha, I"ve got some good news."

Using the time before Katie arrived, Al spoke to Elisha again. He actually had something he wanted to tell her.


She was frozen as her cheeks reddened slightly. Al wasn"t as bad, but she couldn"t really deal with men. The sole exception was probably Urop, who she didn"t feel was manly.

"You"re aware that his highness Dee is coming to the ceremony this time?"


But once "his highness Dee" left Al"s mouth, Elisha suddenly straightened and looked him right in the eye. That was the prince of the neighbouring country, The Magic Empire Diegaloan. Strictly speaking, his name was Deetree Magbal Diegaloan. Diegaloan was a country that prized mages, the imperial family all received training in the magic arts. Deetree was no exception to that and was a mage, and the talent he had been born with along with the special education from when he was young had him known as the strongest mage nearby.

"I can"t tell you the details because of security, but you may be able to meet him at the ceremony."


Elisha grabbed Al"s shoulders and asked, all but biting his head off. It was like her earlier shyness was a lie.

"Yes, well, that is if he is not in a hurry."

"I don"t mind!! Thank you Alex!!"

At Al"s confirmation, Elisha thanked him with the same vigour, and after she had done so, pressed her hands to her face and stared up at the ceiling.

"Ahhh, I might be able to meet sir Deetree…"

Elisha should be seeing the ceiling, but she could also see a mirage of Deetree there, and as she imagined his smile being turned on her, Elisha"s expression slackened.

"Ufu, ufu, ufufufufufu…"

She was a big fan of his, he wasn"t only the strongest mage, he was also famed as a handsome man. He was a prince, a strong mage, and handsome, thanks to that, he had a vast popularity with the surrounding women. And that trend was particularly evident in Elisha, it was to the point that when he visited, all the official functions revolved around him.

"His highness Dee is so popular… well, he really is amazing, so it"s only natural…"

Al thought of him while watching Elisha. He had met him several times since working at the palace. His personality was kind and cheerful, his face was dainty and beautiful, and the magic dwelling inside him was tremendous. Al could never say it to Urop, but he felt that if times hadn"t have changed, it would be Deetree that became a hero. Deetree Magbal Diegaloan was the kind of person that would draw that kind of image.

"If I could be like prince Dee, maybe…"

And there, Al was jealous of him. That was because he knew his own powerlessness better than anyone.

Then, Katie had managed to extricate herself successfully and arrived. She understood what had happened with a glance at Elisha and slumped exaggeratedly.

"…Geez, Elisha, are you symptoms acting up again?"

Katie"s words were sharp, she thought Deetree was amazing too, but felt that falling for him completely like Elisha was too much. In addition, her serious nature and old-fashioned morals were against showing such feelings for a man like Elisha was, so her gaze was cool. The reason she did this however, was because they were good friends, they had known each other for a long time, if not, Katie"s cold gaze probably wouldn"t find itself turned on her.

"Yeah, a bit."

Al knew their relationship, so could listen to Katie"s sharp words with a smile, he thought they were similar to him and Urop, or perhaps him and Sheila. There was also another reason for him to smile.

"Miss Marsh, we"re starting work now!"

Katie"s gaze went to Sandra and her eyes began to sparkle. Her gaze towards Sandra was very similar to Elisha"s towards Deetree. So he felt they were both similar to each other.

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