"h.e.l.lo Mr. guard sir! May I know how much to enter the village?" i said

"Ha! I know you! Your the clown who tried to pa.s.s on that alien language. You know your not funny right? You need better materials in order to make a living as a jester! And to enter is just 20 demon coins." -(guard)

"Can I use beast cores or anything else in collateral? I will pay you back once i sell my stuff in the guild."

"You know what! I need some beast cores myself for my son. He just become a 1-star silver rank demon spiritualist. I"ll tell you what! Show me what you have and I"ll choose 1 beast core. If the beast core amount is greater, i will pay the difference!" - (guard)

I nodded. And took out 10 digferent beast cores with qi signatures. He looked through it and was shocked at some of the beast cores I got.

"You have an abysst tiger brasy core?! What rank are you? That"s a gold rank demon beast! You can have a small fortune with one of those!"

"How much are we talking about?" i said

"Well my uncle run store that sells demon spirit cores, so i am aware of how the prizes go. Bronze rank demon beast cores sell for 100 to 200 demon coins depending on the abilities of the beast. Next the silver rank are in another level, they go from 500 to 1,000 demon coins. The gold rank is between 5,000 to 50,000 demon coins. Black gold rank are 100,000 to 1,000,000 demon coins. Legend rank beast cores are rare. I only saw 1 in my life time, and it was sold in an auction hall to the city lord of the capital in glory city. It cost him 500,000,000 demon coins. Any beast cores stronger than legend rank are priceless. Haaa~! I want that beast core but i only got 700 demon coins to my budget for my son, gate guard pay is good but it won"t make you rich. I should have become a demon beast hunter, they got the honor and fame." - (guard)

"Tell you what! Lets have a deal. I"ll sell the abyss tiger core to you for 700 demon coins in exchange for the entry fee and information regarding everything I ask and we got a deal!" i said

"Sure thing kid! Ask away but my knowledge is limited. And by the way, my name is Frank Di of the Di branch family." - (Frank)

He told me about the village is run by the Di family main branch. It is a poor fishing village that relies heavily on fishing for income for the commoners. The main income are demon spirit cores and alchemy pill production. Those are jobs only for demon spirit cultivators. There is no guild that give missions, they have sects for that. But in order to get missions for the sects, you have to be a member of that sect. I also found out there are no other races but humans and demon beast. It was called the demon continent due to it being shortened from demon beast continent. Glory city is the capital of the country I"m on and there are other countries. If I took out my it will be normal for them, thinking i integrated with my demon spirit. In my knowledge I am as strong as a peak black gold rank. And the patriarch of the Di family is only 5-star gold rank. Alchemy is no different than the alchemy of the forest elves. I think I can make a living making pills. The cultivation energy is spirit qi. It"s a little different than natural qi. It"s more like soul energy than qi energy. It changes the const.i.tution of the body. It"s like my blood line abilities. I can use the bloodline to change my physics. Integrating spirit energy wakes the bloodline powers. They have different dragon demon beast here but they are black gold rank. The legend rank demon beast Frank saw was a Phoenix demon beast core. The person integrated with it can revive 9 times from death, and powers of the strongest fire flames.

After last information pours in, I completed the transaction and gave him the beast core.

He now need to go to a clothing shop to look presentable to the alchemy a.s.sociation guild.

At the clothing shop, he was met with stares. He hated the feeling of being stared upon. He bought clothes by recommendation of the salesclerk. After dressing up, he bought dozens of the same style of clothes. All amounted to was 600 demon coins. He was still being stared upon. So he ended up buying a cloak that had a hood on for 50 demon coins. He was only left with 50 demon coins, but he couldn"t stand the stares. It was annoying and to him It"s hara.s.sment. He thinks it was because of his vamphir const.i.tution which makes him paler and his eyes were red.

Unknowned to him, the stares were of admiration. The girls were lovestruck to his handsomeness and men want to look like him and some men with different taste were lovestruck to his charms which makes them wonder if something is wrong with them.

He headed towards the alchemy a.s.sociation guild and was on the reception desk.

"Hi! I"m new here, may I know if i can take the apprentice test and sell my herbs for demon coins."

The receptionist girl was just staring at him.

"Umm..h.e.l.lo~ hey! I"m talking to you!" he said

She snaps back to reality.

"Oh! Sorry about that! Hi my name is Jessica and I"m single!" - (receptionist)?

Her face became red as a tomato.

"Hiiieee! S-Sorry! I didn"t mean that. I have no idea what came over me! How may I help you again? - (Jessica)?

"Ahahaha! That was funny.? Like i was saying, may I know if i can take the apprentice test and also sell some materials for alchemy use for demon coins....And i am also single."?

"Ah! Don"t tease me! It was a slip of the tongue. The test is tomorrow, you can register for the test here for 100 demon coins. The study materials are also 100 demon coins for each book. If you do not have the money, you can exchange demon cores around the corner and the alchemy store is also around the corner next to the beast core store. If you are a member of the alchemy a.s.sociation, the tax is waived at a certain percentage. An apprentice is waived 25 percent, master alchemist is 50 percent and grandmaster since it is rare, is waived completely." - (Jessica)

"Okay, Thank you Jessica. My name is Michael by the way. It was nice to meet you. I have to exchange some cores and materials, So i will be back." he said

He went around the corner and went in the beast core store.

"Hi there! I want to sell some beast cores"

The old man was wearing all sort of jewelry and rings. He answered with a high and mighty att.i.tude.

"Yes, i can do that. I must warn you though, my charging fee is 25% of the cores worth and 25% goes for the taxes. So you will only get 50% of the value of the beast core!" - (old man)

"That"s highway robbery! What is this a p.a.w.n shop!" he said?

"I don"t know what highway or p.a.w.n shop is, but i think your insulting me. For your information most beast core sellers charge 35% and also 25% is the tax charge given be the city patriarch. If you want tax free, go sell fish. Food items are tax free." - (old man)

"Oh. Sorry about that! I deeply apologize! I did not know the financial accountability of selling materials. You see, I just become independent lately." he said

"Kids today! Shees, okay I"ll let it slide this time. Okay kid what you got."

He only let out 27 beast cores. The old man"s jaw drop on what he saw. He did not thing so many gold rank demon cores he has.

"Okay! The abyss tiger cost 50,000 demon coin, so i will give you 25,000 for each of those. The Fire lion is also a gold rank but it is on the lower end, which cost 15,000 demon coins. So i will buy it for 7,500 demon coins." - (old man)

All in all, he ended up taking out more demon cores that made the old man jaw drop. In the end, Michael sold over 100 demon cores. A lot of siver and bronze rank demon cores was in the transaction. He ended up with 2,000,000 demon coins in which converts to 2,000 demon crystal cards. (1 crystal card = 1,000 coins)

"I like you kid! If you come across this amount of cores again, I will only charge you 20%. My name is Lester Di by the way. I"ll give you a inters.p.a.cial ring for free for doing so much transaction. You use your qi to take something in and out of the ring!" -( Lester)

"Thank you Old man Lester! This ring will help a lot." he said

He bowed. as a sign of respect and waved goodbye to old man Lester. And went next door to the alchemy store.

He used the

"h.e.l.lo! I want to sell materials" he said

"I can help you with that. Please show your alchemist badge please." (clerk)

"Umm! I"m not an alchemist yet, so I just want to sell some stuff." he said

The clerk looked at him sadly and said.

"I"m sorry to hear that. Im afraid I have to charge you 25% buyers fee and 25% tax. If you are an alchemist, there won"t be a buyer"s fee and less tax. The amount is like nothing for herbs. Are you sure you want to sell you stuff here?" -(clerk)

" Well no choice then. I will sell! Do you also buy pills and elixers?" he said

"What?! Yes we do! Pills and elixers are different. The buyer"s fee is only 10%. Let me get the manager. He is a master alchemist, he can better appraise the pills." - (clerk)

The clerk called the manage and came an old man wearing a white robe with a golden alchemy symbol on a necklace.

"h.e.l.lo there! I am Master Alchemist Donald Di of the Di main family branch. My apprentice said you have pills and elixers?" -(Donald)

He nodded and pulled out various pill and elixers. The master alchemist"s eyes almost bulged out when he saw some pills and elixers he doesn"t know about.

"Tell me young man! Do you know the person who made this pill and elixers. Tell me that and we will buy all these tax free and waive the buyer"s tax as well." - (Donald)

"Okay sure! I made them!" - he said

Donald looked at him funny and full of doubt.

"Haahaha! Kid your joking I can tell. These pills are made by a grandmaster cla.s.s alchemist. Your just a kid. Now just say it, who is your master?" -(Donald)

"No it"s true! I can even mix it here if you like! I have all the materials. Just pick a pill from what i bring out and I"ll mix it." he said

"This one then! What is this?!" -(Donald)

"Oh that one! That one is special! It is called Blood and Qi pill! It is good for strengthening the blood with qi. It helps a cultivator cultivate twice as fast. Hold on let me get the stuff out to mix. It will take 15 minutes to concuct." he said

He took out his cauldron and integrated with the fire lion bloodline by inserting qi to it. His hands became flaming paws and his hair turned red. Since he made those pills with fire magic, He found a way around it by using the fire lion"s flames to control the temperature.

There was 44 different herbs he was concucting. In about 15 minutes. 10 blood and qi pills were made. The master alchemist was stunned. He also did not recognize some of the herbs he used.

"Tell me kid! What"s your name?" - (Donald)

"Michael Drakonis!" he said

"Hmm! Never heard anyone with last names ending with Drakonis. Are you from a country up north?" - (Donald)

"Something like that!" he answered

"Do you have anymore of thise mystery herbs, I"m willing to pay you a good price for it so I can grow those in our domain." - (Donald)

He nodded and took out a lot of herbs and sold it. The tax and buyer"s fee was waived. Donald also bought all the pills and elixers he got. The total amount of profit he got was a staggering 150,000,000 demon coins which converts to 150,000 demon crystal cards.

"Tell me Michael do you want the grandmaster cla.s.s alchemist rank. I can vouch for you and you do not have to take the test." - (Donald)

"Sure! But just keep it at Master rank. I dont want to be bothered too much. And I want to be a wandering alchemist to research new herbs and formulas." he said.

"Oh! That"s a great idea! I want to be like that but I have responsibility to my family. Follow me to the alchemy a.s.sociation building to get you registered as a master cla.s.s alchemist and get your robe and starter package." -(Donald)

He followed Donald and got his starter equipments. Once he was registered, he became the youngest master cla.s.s alchemist. The news spread throughout the land.

"Hey michael! What do you say to a business proposal i have. You get 40% profit and i get 40%, the 20% goes to materials. All I need is the formula or recipes for the pills and elixer. We can earn a fortune." - (Donald)

"Oh sure thing partner!" he said

They signed a contract and gave the formula and recipes to Donald. He coached Donald each step of the process. He made sure Donald perfected the process before he leaves. He doesn"t want to be sued for defective products. All the profits will be deposited on his account at the Alchemist bank.

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