Villain Days

Chapter 31:

Hi everyone ^^

So&h.e.l.lip; we have some drama coming up. Also, something many people have guessed is coming true .

Were you one of the ones who predicted it?

Asterisks (**) denote wonky translations. This is an MTL, so there are bound to be mistakes in here. I don’t consider myself a translator, and instead more of just an excited fan ^^

As always, please leave a like or a comment if you enjoyed this (:

Chapter 31:

High School – Thirteenth Part

“&h.e.l.lip;The snake has started to move&h.e.l.lip;hehe&h.e.l.lip;Well, what shall I do&h.e.l.lip;?”

“Is it alright for the escort to maintain the status quo?”



“The wind blows from the south&h.e.l.lip;Bunny-chan, what will you do?”


Yuu: “&h.e.l.lip;Eh&h.e.l.lip;”

Out of nowhere Suzaku-kun knocks on my desk, before asking me a question.

Suzaku: “So~. I heard rumors that Houou-senpai is accompanying Renmyouji-senpai somewhere! You didn’t hear anything about this?”

Yuu: “&h.e.l.lip;Hiroto likes Suzaku-kun.” (T/N: I think here Yuu is trying to convince himself that Hiroto is destined to be with Suzaku. So he shouldn’t feel bad about hearing that Hiroto’s out with another person.)

Suzaku: “&h.e.l.lip;Are you sleeping? Ah~. He~llo? Are you awake~? Don’t say creepy things! Wow&h.e.l.lip;Look! I’ve got gooseb.u.mps!”

Yuu: “&h.e.l.lip;Eh?”

Suzaku: “It’s not ‘eh!’ Ah chills&h.e.l.lip; It’s so chilly.”

Teruki: “&h.e.l.lip;Yuu&h.e.l.lip;Where did you even get that idea from?”

Teruki calls out to me looking amazed.

Yuu: “Ehh? That’s because&h.e.l.lip;” it’s like that in the novel.

Starting from the time when Suzaku-kun fell under the care of the Student Council, he should have already garnered Hiroto’s attention.


When will the story start?

It’s already July.

“&h.e.l.lip;Huh&h.e.l.lip;.? Nnn&h.e.l.lip;.?”

As I’m suffering, Teruki speaks to me in a concerned voice.

Teruki: “&h.e.l.lip;Well&h.e.l.lip;Oh&h.e.l.lip;Yuu, are you okay?”

Yuu: “&h.e.l.lip;Nn&h.e.l.lip;?”

Teruki: “&h.e.l.lip;No, so&h.e.l.lip;”

Student: “Is Byakko-kun jealous that Houou-senpai is accompanying Renmyouji-senpai somewhere?&h.e.l.lip;Is he alright? I didn’t say any of this~.”**

Student: “That’s right. During middle school whenever I saw Houou-senpai accompanying someone I’d feel like crying.”

(&h.e.l.lip;Oh&h.e.l.lip;) It’s been a long time since I’ve heard these kind of things!

I can see the two people who uttered those words.

I’ve never spoken much to them though we are cla.s.smates. With a well-organized face, they’re the type that’s confident with themselves.**

Surely&h.e.l.lip;they’re fans of Hiroto.

Student: “Generally speaking, Renmyouji-san is more suitable than that guy. And he’s the childhood friend. It’s not even a fight.”**

Moreover, Renmyouji-senpai’s fans.

Student: “Just because he’s entered high school, he thinks he can turn from the childhood friend to someone else? Ahaha.”

I think about this for a little bit.

Hiroto hasn’t said anything to me about all this. However, it’s also true that we haven’t met up to talk in a while. The last time I saw him was in the Student Council office. That’s right! He was trying to talk to me! He was trying to tell me about meeting up with Renmyouji-senpai!

But, why?

Thinking about Hiroto going out with Suzaku-kun is such a painful experience. Him going out with Renmyouji-senpai doesn’t shock me as much.

But, this is my ordeal.

If you get jealous here and copy the novel Amano Yuu’s behavior, all you’ll get is a death flag!

I’ll have to watch those two warmly&h.e.l.lip;!

Suzaku: “Hey~, Amano. Come back here.”

Teruki: “&h.e.l.lip;Yuu? Because of your brooding and lack of action, those two people are already out somewhere singing~.” (T/N: Not sure if they mean Hiroto and Renmyouji, or those two gossipers. Probably the gossipers.)

Suzaku: “Amano~? Are you alive?”

Yuu: “Haah. Hm? Am I dreaming?”

While Teruki strokes my head, he stares at me and smiles.

Teruki: “&h.e.l.lip;dreaming fool&h.e.l.lip;Ah~&h.e.l.lip;what’s senpai’s reason for doing this? I’m concerned.”

Suzaku-kun and Mizuki also voices their encouragement for me.

Suzaku: “That’s right. That sticky quality of yours won’t give up so easily, right?

Mizuki: “I haven’t told big bro Ken anything.”

Yuu: “&h.e.l.lip;Yeah. I’ll watch those two warmly! I don’t want to die!”

Teruki: “&h.e.l.lip;Hah? Why is death involved?”

Yuu: “Because right now I have Byakko by my side&h.e.l.lip;and Mizuki, and Suzaku-kun! It’ll be okay!”

Mizuki: “&h.e.l.lip;Hey, are you’re forgetting big bro Ken?”

Teruki strokes my head again. It feels nice when he rubs it. And he grins gently at me. I’m happy and I smile a lot.

Yuu: “&h.e.l.lip;I always used to think of how Hiroto and Suzaku-kun would fall in love. Just imagining it made me feel lonely.”

Suzaku: “&h.e.l.lip;! Stop it! Please stop it!”

“Accompanying Renmyouji-senpai, honestly&h.e.l.lip; that’s it. I wondered why I was so lonely when it was Suzaku.”**

I pause before saying one word.

“Um&h.e.l.lip;I liked Hiroto when I was young, but I also like Suzaku-kun. So when the two of you started getting close I thought I felt lonely, because  it was like my childhood friend and my other friend  were leaving me.”

Suzaku: “&h.e.l.lip;Amano.”

Yuu: “Hey&h.e.l.lip; thank you for being my friend. Ah, but if you guys do go out, please let me know okay? Wouldn’t want to hear it through the rumor mill, right?”**

Suzaku: “How~ev~er that won’t happen! Where are these thoughts coming from&h.e.l.lip;? I’m sorry about this&h.e.l.lip;! Ye~ah&h.e.l.lip;”

Suzaku groans as he looks at me and before I can think, he’s already near by.

And then he grabs on to my shoulder, pulling me close to him.

Yuu: “&h.e.l.lip;What&h.e.l.lip;..?”

Suzaku: “&h.e.l.lip;I prefer this one.”

Suzaku-kun whispers this into my ear.

I think my face is flushed.

Teruki: “Suzaku! What are you doing?”

Mizuki: “Don’t kiss~! It’ll be a pain if big bro Ken finds out!”

Knowing that he’d be strangled by Teruki, Suzaku-kun smiles mischievously and puts in his tongue.


I knew this would happen.

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