Villain Days

Chapter 47:

Hey guys! This chapter is THE CUTEST. Also, it’s rated R-18. It’s not too graphic, but some naughty stuff does happen here.

Also, real talk here: is my blog ugly? I would like some opinions and advice on how to improve the site’s look and navigation.

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Chapter 47:

High School – Twenty-seventh Part

On that day, my phone receives a call from Kenshin.

The kendo club has advanced to the finals.

I’m overjoyed, leaping from the spot.

“…Wow! I’ll definitely come to support you! Wah, I’m looking forward to it…”

I imagine a gallant Kenshin in the match venue, swinging a bamboo sword. Kenshin will attain victory without a doubt.

Even after the supplementary exam I am still receiving aid from Genbu-senpai’s place.

Because senpai is still worrying about something, he wants me to wait for him before going home.

Apologizing in my head, I stay over there anyway.

After senpai, who was out working on errands with the Public Morals committee, returns to his apartment, I jump into his arms.

“…Senpai! Welcome back! It looks like Kenshin’s entry in the national tournament has been finalized! I…want to go cheer him on…Is that okay?”

Hugging me carefully in place, he smiles.

“…Hehe. I’ve heard about it from Seiryuu…Do you want to go with Byakko? But, I want you to promise me one thing. You must absolutely not leave Byakko’s side…Okay?”


He sprinkles soft kisses on me, lifting me up as it is.

“…It looks like you did well on your test…You’ve worked hard.”

“…Yes! It’s all thanks to senpai! Thank you very much.”

I cling to him as I’m caught up in his arms. As a result, he lowers himself down on the sofa with me sitting in his lap, holding my hand.

“…A gift for your hardworking self♪.”

While laughing and smiling, he slips a silver ring gently on my index finger.


“…I actually wanted to put it on your ring finger but~ since it wouldn’t be fair this time, I slipped it on your index finger instead! …Yeah, hehe. It suits you♪.”

I try to return the ring quickly.

“…I can’t accept such an expensive thing!”

“…Yes, I won’t take back returned goods!”

He kisses me, changing the angle so that our tongues entwine. He lays me on the sofa, hanging over to cover me with his body like a blanket.

Senpai’s long fingers sweep over my weakest parts. I tremble from the pleasure that I haven’t felt in a while.


“…Airu, isn’t it?”

As he kisses me, I can see the pa.s.sion carried in those purple eyes.

His hands are gentle, occasionally inviting me roughly. In the blink of an eye, I am brought up to his height.

Breathing on me heavily, he licks the c.u.m on his hands as he watches me.

“…Hehe. Thanks for the meal.”


I notice that that place of his is very hot, scorching to the touch.

“…N~…n~…Right now I don’t feel like how I did from that time…It’s my perception but…back then, did you feel like stopping? Even if you say it, I’ll take you until the end….Are you prepared? Now is plenty fine.” (今はその時じゃない気がするんだよねぇ…………僕のカンだけど………その時は、キミがやめて?)

His kisses me again, piercing my earlobe with something.


“…Though I was worried over whether it’d pierce you or not… I’ve finished making it into a ring. Absolutely do not remove it, okay? This is a charm that will protect you…Hehe. Every time you see this ring, remember what I did to you. If you can’t stand it, I’ll give you one again♪.” (ピアスにするか悩んだんだけどね……指輪にしちゃった)

He kisses my finger and watches me intently.

“…Hey Yuu…can you promise me…one more thing?”

He meets with my gaze.

I feel a sincere sentiment from the color of his eyes, fixing my posture naturally.

“…Currently, you’re in a dangerous situation…To be honest, I don’t approve of you going out. But, I don’t wish to disregard your feelings in wanting to cheer on Seiryuu…I want to watch over you like an guard, but on the day of the event I have a meeting with the members of the Public Morals committee and a teacher at school. If by chance something happens, I won’t be able to accept it…Ah~ I’m worried…I want to protect you…”

Senpai tells me this in a whisper, holding me tightly.

“…That’s why, don’t forget this…I like you…As long as you are you, I will accept any part of you…”

I don’t understand his true intention at this time.

But, his words will save me later on.

Ending notes: Holy c.r.a.p Airu gave him a ring. And finally, such a blunt confession scene!

Two weird lines here. Not sure how to write them since there were too many clauses and ellipses.

I think it’s safe to say now that Airu is best boy.

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