Violet Evergarden

Chapter 1 (Part 2)

Violet Evergarden Chapter 1 (Part 2)

Continuing from the translation of part 1. Raws and . Please feel free to message me about possible corrections. If you can, support the creators by buying the official releases .

After three more days of his time with Violet went by, Oscar got on hisfeet again. What he had gained inspiration for had been a specific scene.

The story Oscar was having Violet write was about the adventures of alone girl. Said girl, who had left home, visited many lands, came in contactwith many people and witnessed many occurrences, thus growing up. The girl’smotif was his diseased daughter.

At the end of it all, the girl would return to the home she had parted from.Her father had awaited her there, and could not tell if it was really her, as shehad changed too much. The sad girl begged him to remember, reminding him of apromise they had exchanged in the past – to try crossing the lake close totheir house by walking on the decayed leaves that fell on the water.

“Humans can’t walk on water.”

“I just want the image. I’ll make the girl be a.s.sisted by the blessingshe had earned from a water spirit in the middle of her adventure.”

“Even so, I’m not cut for this. The girl from the story is vivacious andendearingly innocent. That’s unlike everything I am.” the Auto-Memories Dollargued.

Oscar had Violet put on clothes that imitated his main character andrequested her to play around a little at the lakesh.o.r.e. He had alreadymade her do cleaning, laundry and other house, and on top of it, askedfor such a favor. It was as if she was a factotum.

Even as Violet was a percipient professional woman, she mused insurprise, “What a troublesome person…”

“Your hair color… may be a little different, but it’s blond, just likemy daughter was. If you put on a one-piece, surely…”

“Master, I am but an amanuensis. An Auto-Memories Doll. I am not your wifeor concubine. Nor can I become a replacement.”

“I-I know that. I wouldn’t have that kind of interest in a girl likeyou. It’s just… your appearance… if my daughter were alive, I think… she’dhave grown into someone sort of like you.”

Violet’s firm rejection crumbled at that. “I really did think you were being too stubborn… so your young lady pa.s.sed away?” she bit her lip lightly. Her face seemed to show that herconscience was conflicted.

During these few days, Oscar had become able to understand one thingabout her. That was how Violet would stick to what was considered ‘righteous’when torn up between good or bad things.

“I’m an Auto-Memories Doll… I want to grant my clients’ wishes… butthis one violates my work regulations…”

She behaved as if she was inwardly wrestling with herself, and althoughOscar felt bad for it, he tried one last time, “If you could build the image ofthe girl as a grown-up, coming back home and ready to fulfill her promise, my willto write will soon be revived. It’s true. If you want a reward, I can give you anything. I can pay double your original price. This story is really preciousto me. I want to finish writing it, and make it my life’s milestone. Please.”

“But… I… am not a dress-up doll…”

“Then I won’t take photos or anything of the sort.”

“You had intended to?”

“I’ll burn it into my memory, and write the story with just that.Please.”

Violet thought it over a little more with a sullen face after that, andwound up complying, losing to Oscar’s persistence. She could be the type thatbecame weak when pressured.

Oscar then left behind his life of confinement, went out on his own andbought fancy clothes and an umbrella for Violet. The outfit was a white laceblouse with a ribbon belt over a blue one-piece. The umbrella was cyan andwhite-stripped, abundant in frills. It seemed to pique Violet’s interest as she spun itaround after repeatedly opening and closing it.

“Is the umbrella weird?”

“It’s my first time seeing such a cute umbrella.”

“Aren’t you wearing cute clothes yourself? Do they not match your tastes?”

“We wear what the superiors of the company suggest us to. I myself don’tvisit fashion stores very often.”

It was like a child dressing up as her mother told her.

――It could be… that she’s far younger than even she herself thinks.

Thinking like that, she faintly resembled a little girl, regardless ofher adult-like appearance. While Violet still had not changed her mind, once Oscar was doneshopping, he wasted no time in asking her to get changed.

It was late afternoon, a bit cloudy outside. It did not seem like itwould rain, but the atmosphere implied so. The chilly air that brought the feelingthat autumn was coming was not yet cold enough to prod into one’s skin.

Oscar was the one to go out first. He sat on a wooden chair in thevicinity of the lake, smoking a pipe. Because he had somewhat taken care ofhimself and not smoked since she had arrived, the feeling of the smoke steepingthrough his belly was diffused.

A few minutes of blown smoke floating in the air ensued. Then, the front door withincreasingly worse rattlingwas opened with a creaking sound.

“I apologize for the wait.”

He turned only his head at the dispa.s.sionate voice. “You…”

“…didn’t make me wait much” was what he was going to say, but thewords did not come out as his breath had stopped for a second. He swallowed back a gasp,as dumfounded as the first time he had seen Violet.

She was too gorgeous withher hair down – a beauty that stole the moment of appreciation of everythingelse. The hair that had once been braided was leniently spread and slightlycurled at the ends. It was fairly longer than he had imagined. And, mostimportant of all…

――If… my daughter had been able to grow up… she’d be like this.

Had she come to show him her dressed-up form? As he wondered about that,warmth welled in his chest.

“Master, is the image of me wearing the clothes you gave me good enough?”In the midst of the world of autumn colors, the girl of inhuman beauty grabbedher skirt and attempted swirling around once. “With this, I just have to model as though I were crossing that lake,right? Eh, but Master, is that really the kind of setting you wanted to write?Rather than merely walking around like this, even if just for a fewseconds, it would be better if I actually did run across the lake. Master,leave it to me. I’m specialized in physical activities, and although it’s onlyfor a little, I can follow your expectations.” Violet explained asexpressionless and indifferently as ever, not paying any mind to Oscar, who was overcomewith too many emotions at the same time and could not come up with any reply otherthan ‘aah’s and ‘uuh’s.

The one standing in front of him was the total opposite of his daughter.Despite possessing the same golden hair, her pupils lacked that sweet glow.

Violet leaned the closed umbrella against her shoulder while gripping ittightly. She stood at a broad distance from the lake, staring at it as thoughexamining the water surface. Dyed in the withering colors of autumn, fallen leaves were afloat on it.

The wind was unstable, blowing and stopping, blowing and stopping. Oscarworriedly observed her licking one of her mechanic fingers with the tip of hertongue, confirming said wind’s direction. As she steadily stepped backwardsinto the ground, she glanced at Oscar with a tiny smile.

“Worry not. Everything… shall be as Master wishes.” after rea.s.suring with a clear voice, Violet leaped widely. Although she had been far from him, in a second, she flew past Oscar’seyes. Such speed was like the wind itself.

Before stepping onto the lake, the ever-so-fast Auto-Memories Doll firmlykicked the earth. The impact was strong enough to shake the soil. Her tough legsmade real the possibility of jumping a frightening height. It looked as thoughshe was about to climb the stairway to heaven. Oscar’s mouth was agape at thesuperhuman action.

From then on, everything seemed to have happened in slow motion. Reaching the critical point, Violet raised the umbrella she had takenwith her and opened it flashily. It was like a blooming flower. The umbrella’sfrills swayed beautifully and, as if predicting the perfect timing, the wind pushedher feet forward. Her skirt and umbrella bulged softly in the air, herpetticoat sticking out. Her long knit-up boots gently stepped onto the decayed leaves floating about the water surface.

That one moment. That one second. That one picture. The scene was engraved into Oscar’s memoryas clearly as a photograph. A girl with a swingingumbrella and a fluttering skirt, stepping onto the surface of a lake, just likea sorceress.

The words of his daughter from the day her heartbeats had stopped came backto him.


“You’ll show it to mesomeday, right? In that lake close to our house, when the leaves that fall inautumn gather together on the water surface.”

“Someday… I’ll showit to you someday, Dad.”

A voice… the voice from that girl which he had ended up forgettingreverberated in his mind.

――You had no idea, did you? I wanted to continue being called by you, ahundred more times even.

“You’ll show it to me someday,right?”

“Dad.” a lisp,sweet voice said, “I’ll show it to yousomeday, Dad.”

――Your voice was more comfortable to hear than anyone else’s.

“I’ll show it to you someday.”

――Ah, that’s right. You, with that voice, would innocently entertain me.You had said that, had you not? We made a promise. I had forgotten. I hadforgotten it all. For a long time, I couldn’t bring myself to remember you properly, so I’mglad we met again. Even as an illusion, I’m glad I met you. My gracious littlelady. Mine, mine. My treasure shared with my most precious person. I knew…that it definitely couldn’t be fulfilled. Yet we still promised it. Thatpromise, your death… they destroyed me, while pushing me on to keep living untilnow. And up to this day, I kept dragging myself through life. I lived messily,looking for vestiges of you. I had resented it, but this moment… the momentwhere someone who isn’t you resembled you to me… was an instant, a chancemeeting, an encounter, and an embrace. I had wanted to see it, thinking itwould make me want to live for real again. You, whose name I can’t even whisperout of sadness. I had… wanted to see your gracious self once again, all thistime. The last family member I had left. Always, always… I had constantlywanted to see you. I loved you.

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He was so happy he actually wanted to smile, and yet…

“Fu… uh… uh…”

…only sobs came out. Tears flowed as though to start bringing Oscar’sfrozen time back to action.

“Aah… man…”

He could hear the tic-tac of a clock. It was the sound of his formerlyfrigid heart beating.

“I really, really…”

As he covered his face with his hands, he realized how unpleasantlycreased they had become. Just for how long had his time stopped ever sincethose two had pa.s.sed away?

“…wanted you… to not… have died…” his face was distorted as hemurmured with a tearful voice, “I had wanted you to live… live and… growup… a lot…”

――…and show me how beautiful you would have become. I had wanted to seeyou like that. And after being able to see you in that form, I wanted to havedied before you. Before you, after having been taken care of by you – I hadwanted to die like this. Not have… to take care… of you instead. Not like that.

“I want to see you…”

Oscar’s tears leaked from his eyes down his cheeks and dripped onto theground. The sound of Violet stepping onto the lake echoed through his world ofweeping. The moment of gleam was gone, and his daughter’s voice, which he hadfinally remembered, was soon forgotten again. The illusion of a smiling face,too, disappeared like soap bubbles.

Oscar blocked his field of vision not only with his hands, but also withhis eyes closed. He rejected the world where she no longer belonged in.

――Ah, it would be fine if I died right now. No matter how much time Ispend mourning, they won’t return. Heart, breathing, please stop. Ever since mywife and daughter died, I’ve become as good as dead. That’s why, now… rightnow, in this very second… I want to drop dead onto the earth as if I hadbeen shot down. Just like flowers, which can’t continue to breathe if their petalsfall off.

He implored, but even if he made that wish several hundreds of milliontimes, nothing would change. He, who had already wished it these severalhundreds of million times, knew it very well.

――Let me die, let me die, let me die. If the only other option is livingin loneliness, let me be dead with them.

As much as he begged, nothing of it came true. Nothing came true,however…


In the world he neglected, he could hear the voice of a thing whose timewas as stagnant as his own. With ragged breaths, it made its way towards him.

――I’m… alive.

He was still living. And, while at it, he was struggling to disappear,just as his late loved ones had. It was not a prayer that would be answered bybeing mustered out, but with a darkness-engulfed field of vision, where nosunlight could penetrate, he supplicated anyways.

“G.o.d, please…”

――If I’m not to die yet, at least may my daughter be happy within thatstory. May my daughter be satisfied with it. And by my side. May she be… bymy side forever. Even if only inside a tale. Even as an imaginary girl. Beby my side.

He could not help but wish so. After all, his life would go on.

In front of Oscar, who cried without caring about his age, Violetarrived, drenched in lake water. Water droplets dripped from her messy clothes,which were now ruined. Yet she had on the most joyful expression, which could even be considereda smile, that she had ever showed until then.

“Did you see? I was able to walk three steps.”

Without revealing that he had become unable to see through the tears,Oscar answered while inhaling with a runny nose, “Hm, I did. Thank you, VioletEvergarden.” he put his grat.i.tude and respect into his words.

――Thank you for making it true. Thank you. It really was like a miracle.

As he said he did not think a G.o.d existed, but if it did, it wasdefinitely her, Violet merely responded, “I am an Auto-Memories Doll, Master,” without denying nor confirming G.o.d’s existence.

Afterwards, Oscar warmed up a bath for Violet, who was utterly soaked.

She did not show up for meals, but she did use the bathroom every dayand supposedly rested in the room that had been given to her. She was a veryhuman-like mechanic doll.

――Really, civilization is amazing nowadays. The development ofscience is remarkable.

Not even while being a machine girl could she be left with wet clothes. Asa change was necessary, she lay a bathrobe around her supposedly perfectbody and headed for the bathroom. It had been a while since anyone other thanOscar had regularly used it, so in a lapse of memory, he entered it withoutknocking and ended up seeing her while she had not yet put anything on.

“Ah, I’m sor… ry… eh?”

He swallowed his breath due to perplexity.


What was reflected in Oscar’s eyes was a sight more bewitchinglybeautiful than any naked woman. Dripping golden hair. Beautiful blue orbs of adeepness that would not soften even within a painting and the finely-shaped lipsjust below them. A flesh body with a slender neck, an outstanding collarbone,plump b.r.e.a.s.t.s, and feminine curves.

Her artificial arms consisted of metal parts from the shoulders to thefingertips. But it was only them. Despite the many scratches, other than the arms,the rest was surprisingly real skin. With that delicate body, she did not seemat all like a mechanical doll, but a relatively normal human being.

With everything he had believed in until then being mantled over by theshocking revelation, Oscar attempted to confirm what he was seeing many times over.

“Master.” Violet called with a voice that seemed to be judging him as hecontinued to ogle in astonishment.


Part of the outcome of that incident was Oscar’s screaming. The otherwas him half-crying while going beet-red, after having yelled on top of hislungs, frantically inquiring, “Are you human, after all?!”

Wrapping a towel around herself, Violet plainly commented, “Master is,truly, a troublesome person.” Her cheeks were rose-dusted as she muttered, her face a little lowered.

‘Auto-Memories Doll’. It had been a long time since such name waspopularized.

The creator was the researcher of mechanical dolls, Professor Orlando. Hiswife, Molly, was a novelist, and it all started when she lost her sight. Onceshe had become blind, Molly was extremely depressed that she could not writenovels – something she had done for the majority of her life – and had grownweaker as the days pa.s.sed. Unable to bear seeing his wife in that state, Professor Orlando built the first Auto-Memories Doll. It was meant for registeringeverything said by a human voice – in other words, a machine that served as an ‘amanuensis’.

After that, some of Molly’s works won worldwide literary prizes, and Professor Orlando’s invention became known as necessary for the course of history. Although he had onlymeant to make one for his beloved wife, it later became well-known with thesupport of a great amount of people. Currently, Auto-Memories Dolls were sold at a reasonably low price, and there were types that could be rented or borrowed.However, the latters were only amanuensis that possessed similar characteristics toAuto-Memories Dolls, and were referred to with the same name.

After having bid goodbye to Violet, Oscar came to learn through hisfriend that she was famous in the industry. As the friend found out Oscar had at first mistaken her for an actual Auto-Memories Doll, he let out an obnoxious,amused laugh. “You sure live under a rock! Did you really think a machine sopretty could exist?”

“It’s because you said she was a mechanical doll…”

“The technology of the present human civilization hasn’t reached thatlevel yet. There are actual mechanical dolls, though. Some cute ones. But Ijust… thought she’d be a good medicine for someone like you, a shut-in whodoesn’t interact with people. That girl… doesn’t talk much, but she has thepower to restore people. It served the purpose, right?”


She was indeed quiet, but, yes, she was a really good girl.

“They’re no match for Violet Evergarden, but next time, for you to havea permanent a.s.sistant, I’ll send you an amanuensis that isn’t half-human.”

In the end, a package was delivered to Oscar’s house. It contained asmall doll, completely different from Violet Evergarden. It was a mechanicaldoll meant for recording everything said by him with his typewriter, and would usuallybe sitting on his desk, clad in a lovely dress.

――I see. Definitely, this is extraordinary.

“But, it can’t compare to her…” Oscar smiled wryly, looking at theroom he had lent to the girl who was no longer around. If he said he waslonely, he knew exactly how she would reply.

“Master is… such a troublesomeperson.” a clear voice echoed. Its owner spoke expressionlessly, with only the corners of herlips curling upwards a little bit.

Even without her there, he had a feeling he could hear it.

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