Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 141 (Let’s Pretend This Time!)

Chapter 141 (Let’s Pretend This Time!)

There was a total of 32 people on the other side, most of them were players with long-range attacks. When I watched them walking over in formation, I had a feeling they had some ill intentions.

Murong Shan Shan suddenly pulled me back to hide and then hid in the bushes. I couldn’t help but ask in surprise, “Why are we hiding?”

“Fool, you’re really stupid!” Murong Shan Shan pouted and said proudly, “If they see us two with bright-red names, they will certainly take some actions. However, if they see our names, they might also be afraid to do something. Ah, it’s so contradicting. Should we attack them or not?”

“s.h.i.+t, I really admire you!”

From far away, we saw that group of people had approached Xu Lin. Guo Zi, who stood in front was a little nervous and couldn’t help but glance at the back.

“Haha, I didn’t expect to encounter the Green Veggies family here. Let me count… Oh, seven people altogether. Where’s White Jade Soup? Is he still together with Murong Shan Shan?” The leader, a middle-aged man who was called “Invincible”, said arrogantly. (TL Note: Since I used the translation for the other girls nicknames, I’m changing the MC’s too. Qing Cai Baiyu Tang literally means Green Veggies White Jade Soup. White Jade here actually is an a.n.a.logy for Tofu. So it actually means Tofu Soup. But I’m going with the literal translation.)

Xu Lin slowly moved back while remaining calm and collected. She said, “We’re all here to train. We just need to kill the monsters by ourselves and mind our own business!”

Invincible laughed out loud and said, “That’s right. My wife also advised me: when outside, do less PK, kill more monsters, that way the leveling would be faster. I didn’t expect your words are similar with my wife’s. Huh, Green Veggies Flying Feather, you didn’t change your avatar’s appearance. Tsk Tsk, what a rare gem. Are you interested in becoming my wife?”

Xu Lin’s face immediately became scowl. Xin Yu on her side also cursed, “Becoming your wife, my a.s.s! With your pig face, it’s just like a toad wants to eat swan’s meat. Oh, sorry, you’re even worse than a toad…”

Invincible’s face turned green and yelled, “f.u.c.k, all of you women, other than having a bit of higher levels, what else do you got? I think you’re just getting equipment and goods from some man’s crotch.”

Lu Xue Han couldn’t stand it anymore either and frowned, “How come your mouth smells so foul?”

Invincible was surprised at once. He looked at Lu Xue Han and said, “Yo, there’s even such a superb beauty. I didn’t notice before!”

f.u.c.k. I couldn’t resist anymore and was about to stand up when Murong Shan Shan immediately pulled me and said, “Endure it a while. If we go out now, we’ll certainly become the target!”

I thought for a moment and then suddenly smiled, “d.a.m.n, I almost forgot that I have a stealth skill. Shan Shan, you stay here, I’m going out to look at the situation!”

Murong Shan Shan was jealous to death, but could only grit her teeth as she watched me getting into stealth mode and left.

When my illusory figure appeared in front of Invincible, Xin Yu and Xu Lin were surprised for a moment, but then quickly revealed a hint of a smile.

Obviously, Invincible must have someone backing him up. Otherwise, he would certainly not be so arrogant that his spittle almost splashed two meters far at me while he talked.

“Well,” Invincible pointed at Xu Lin and said, “I’ll give you guys two options, so don’t say that we, the Righteous clan, are bullying you because of your small number. One, immediately leave this Silvermoon Plain. During this week, this place will be our Righteous Clan’s training ground, so you mustn’t set foot in this area. Two, hehe, you can all stay and service us. Hahaha, if you’re interested, we can exchange QQ. If you want to get married in real, that would also be okay.”

“s.h.i.+t, this guy is really shameless…” I secretly laughed.

Guo Zi wasn’t a good-tempered person. She immediately put up a smile and said, “You can’t even be considered a plaything. All of you are just a bunch of trash. What Righteous Clan? Hilarious. You’re just a disgrace!”

Invincible’s face had turned purple, “f.u.c.k. It’s clear that this group is just a bunch of f.u.c.king unappreciative b.i.t.c.hes!”

Almost in an instant, nearly twenty attacks. .h.i.t Guo Zi’s body. Even though she was equipped with the new top quality s.h.i.+eld, but still, she was. .h.i.t until her Health dropped empty. Lu Xue Han’s Healing arrived right after, but unfortunately, Guo Zi’s Health was really quite too little. When the second round of attack came, she was instantly killed.

Although she died, but her death was quite worth it because of the 32 people of the enemy, 20 people had their names in grey.

It was a rare opportunity, so I called out “Go!” at once. The Sword of Darkness quickly cut into Invincible’s body. With a Combo and Heavy Strike released, Invincible was killed without having the chance to even groan. He had even dropped a warrior’s helmet.

None of us had the time to pick it up, instead, it was Invincible’s people who rushed over to pick it up. Like howling wind and torrential rain, in a flash, Xin Yu’s Scattered Shot instantly killed several of them. d.a.m.n, that purple bow wasn’t for nothing. Right now, Xin Yu’s Attack wouldn’t be much lower than mine.


A scream came from behind me. When I turned around to look, Joly was already gone. It seemed that she couldn’t withstand the perilous situation.

My sudden appearance had given the other side no small pressure. Murong Shan Shan had suddenly emerged out of nowhere at the opponent’s rear side. That was the real shock. In a flash, their original formation had been destroyed.

“d.a.m.n, how come Murong Shan Shan and Green Veggies White Jade Soup are here?” rat-faced Mage screamed and then unexpectedly ran off.

A few seconds later, most of the 32 people were either dead or running away. Only a few of them were left standing there bewildered.

Xu Lin waved her hand, signaling everyone to stop attacking, then she stepped forward to ask, “Who is backing up Righteous Clan? Who is your leader?”

The remaining opponents were too late to return to the city, and couldn’t help but telling the truth. It turned out that their leader was that level 42 Knight “Release That Girl”. Although he had a lot of brothers in arms, but he lacked Prestige. So even though he had gotten the Guild Creation Certificate, but it was sold to Romantic Master.

I stepped forward and asked, “Who was that Invincible? Why was he so harsh?”

“He’s our boss’s friend’s cousin, so he’s kind of bossy and domineering. He also treats us the same and is also very l.u.s.tful. Fortunately, it would be impossible to rape in this game.”

Murong Shan Shan was stunned, “Oh, it’s him? No wonder he feels somewhat familiar…”

I vaguely remembered that Mad Warrior’s cousin had been chasing Murong Shan Shan. Could it be him?

“Today’s incident, does Release That Girl know about this?”

One of the opponent players immediately answered, “He should’ve known about this. This is the kind of thing that certainly must be consulted with him.”

Humph, so it was like that. This Knight was indeed not some good person!

Seeing those few people’s grey names had disappeared, Xu Lin was no longer bothering them anymore. However, I still felt a bit unsatisfied, so I spent 5,000 RMB to send out a system announcement: “To all people of the Righteous Clan, this time, we, the Green Veggies family, are letting your people off. Don’t think that our family lack of strength. If such things happen again in the future, I will let you all die miserably!”

Everyone looked at me surprised. Murong Shan Shan looked at me admiringly, “Wow, that you can say such words, I really admire you to death!”

“You flatter me…”

“You’re too modest…”

Since the fight was already over, Xu Lin started to count the spoils of war. Altogether, we killed 21 people who dropped 17 pieces of equipment, which were mostly green equipment, with three blue equipment. We split the loot. From our side, we only lost two people, Guo Zi and Joly. Fortunately, both of them had just reached level 36 and didn’t have many Experience. So, basically, there was no big loss.

Not long after, Guo Zi and Joly had come back, and we continued to start training again.

I had to admit that getting rid of those people from Righteous Clan was indeed a good decision. Right now, only the group of our people remained on this open plain. After sweeping the area a few more times, Guo Zi and some other rose a level again. The monsters here were up to level 46, that was fully ten levels higher than Guo Zi, so the Experience reward almost put these several people to die happy.

In contrast, Lu Xue Han’s, Murong Shan Shan’s, and my Experience had risen up very slowly. Until eleven at night, I had finally acc.u.mulated 99% of Experience of my level 43. Murong Shan Shan had only risen to level 41, and Lu Xue Han was still unchanged at level 42.

Seeing that it was time to rest, I immediately pulled Xin Yu to the side and transferred all the blue equipment in my inventory to her inventory. Then I urged her, “Xin Yu, please take the equipment to the city for auction. My name is currently red, so I can’t enter the city.”

Xin Yu blinked her beautiful eyes and asked, “Then, what should I do with the money?”

“You keep it. I still haven’t returned the 1,000 RMB I owe you last time.”

Xin Yu smiled lovely, “Lin Fan, why it has to be me?”

I was helpless, “Do I have other options? Xue Han and sister Lin won’t need it. I’m not close with Guo Zi and the other. If I give this to them, it won’t be good if a gossip were to spread out.”

“So, you’re not afraid being gossiped together with me?” Xin Yu looked at me flirtily.

I glared at her, “Jeez, are there not enough gossiping already? I don’t care if there’re some more!”

Xin Yu smiled with pursed lips, “Thank you, Lin Fan!”

“Don’t mention it…” I felt a little uncomfortable.

Xin Yu laugh grinning and didn’t say anything further. Xu Lin cleaned up training field and after confirming there were no more equipment left, she took Xin Yu and Lu Xue Han back to the city. However, Murong Shan Shan and I couldn’t get back to the city so we had no other option but to return to the neutral camp to repair our equipment. There were quite a lot of players from the Swords and Roses guild there prepared to level through the night. After greeting Murong Shan Shan, one team after another left to go into the forest.

Murong Shan Shan smiled and said, “The situation looks good. At the moment, our guild members’ level should be higher than the other guild’s members.”

I looked at her and said, “It’s already eleven now. Let’s get an early sleep tonight. Also, don’t forget to lock the door at night. Except for me, don’t open the door for any stranger!”

“Okay, okay, I know. Let’s get offline!”

“Yeah. By the way, tomorrow, I can’t get online until the afternoon. You should train by yourself first.”

Murong Shan Shan asked in surprise, “What’s the matter?”

“Nothing. I’m accompanying Xin Yu and Lu Xue Han to go shopping.” I told her honestly.

“OH… such a gentleman, shopping together with two beautiful women. Should I also come along to make it three?”

“No need. I almost can’t stand it anymore…”

At 8:00 the following day.

Xin Yu and Lu Xue Han dressed very brightly and neat today. Lu Xue Han changed her usual white attire and wore a pink sweater. And Xin Yu was even more excessive, wearing a plain black coat, and a brown scarf wrapped around her neck. Her white low-collar sweater revealed a seductive cleavage.

I had to admit that Xin Yu’s clothing was a nice mix. Her character was totally different from Lu Xue Han. In front of her, Lu Xue Han was like a young girl, who hasn’t completed high school, totally without s.e.x appeal.

Outside, the weather was cold, the water on the ground had frozen already. I quickly helped Xin Yu to b.u.t.ton her coat and stretched my head in the hope to catch a glimpse of her snow-white twin-peaks. I couldn’t help but sigh, “Xin Yu, are you cold?”

“It’s okay…” Xin Yu replied grinning and covered her open chest with her scarf.

I looked at Lu Xue Han at the side. She was beautiful and pure as a small white flower. Then I said to Xin Yu, “Next time, you need to learn how to dress from Xue Han!”

Xin Yu immediately threw me a wink, “Don’t you like it?”

d.a.m.n, how could a guy not like it?!

I hesitated for a second and then dragged Xin Yu to the side, “You can dress however you like at home. But outside, you need to dress more solemn.”

Xin Yu startled, then she suddenly exposed a charming smile, “Let’s get going. We’re going to buy a lot of stuff!”

My arm felt warm being hugged by Xin Yu, her small bag dangling from her right hand.

Lu Xue Han looked at me and Lu Xue Han with a complex expression, then, in the end, she followed along. I didn’t know how to handle this kind of triangle relations.h.i.+p, so I had no choice but to also held Lu Xue Han’s white small hand in mine. Xin Yu took a peek but only smiled without saying anything.

Other pa.s.sersby weren’t that big-hearted. A girl, who was waiting for the bus, said to her boyfriend, “Wow, Ashui, look. That handsome guy is two-timing those two beautiful women!”

Even though she had clearly suppressed her sound, but her voice was quite loud, so even the people at the supermarket across the street could hear her words.

The guy also sighed, “Heaven, those two women are really… beautiful!”

The other pa.s.sersby immediately admired us. Xin Yu quickly gave the men a glance. Her charming look immediately let several of them startled. Lu Xue Han’s face was all red, but she didn’t let go of my hand.

I glanced at the group of people looking at me and felt really nervous. So I said, “c.r.a.p, next time we should buy a car, so we don’t need to join the crowd taking a bus.”

Xin Yu and Lu Xue Han both agreed. However, a guy on the side relatively close to us quietly discussed, “This guy is really silly. Who does he think he is? A gigolo? Wanting to buy a car which cost hundreds of thousands just like that.”

When I heard those words, I snorted, “d.a.m.n, next time I surely must buy a BMW and let these few a.s.shole students envy to death!”

Being indifferent, Xin Yu only said, “It looks like you’re showing off more and more!”

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