"Shi-xiong, you can"t take me away like this. Long Hao Tian will not let you go."

Hai Yao kept persuading all the way but he did not stop. All along the way, he had been using his martial arts skill to get away but he was at a loss where to take her.

"Shi-mei, do you have feelings for Long Hao Tian? Is that why you are not willing to leave him?"

Cheng Gang frowned and looked at the person in his arms. If that was so, then wouldn"t that make him a villain?

"I don"t know. All I know is that he will not give up on me. Shi-xiong, I don"t want to implicate you. It will be better for you to send me back quickly."

At this moment, Long Hao Tian must have discovered that she was gone and would be searching for her. If he knew it was Shi-xiong who had taken her away, he would definitely make her Shi-xiong pay.

Cheng Gang finally stopped and put down the person in his arms. The two people were now deep in a forest surrounded by thick foliage as cover. It would not be easy for Long Hao Tian to find them.

"Shi-mei, do you know why he is so anxious to return to the palace?"

"I don"t know."

Since Shi-xiong asked this question, could it be he knows something?

"I heard that the Emperor is going to decree a marriage for Jing w.a.n.g to marry Prime Minister w.a.n.g"s daughter. So are you still planning to stay beside him?"

As her Shi-xiong, he would not allow her to suffer any injustice by staying beside Long Hao Tian. Moreover, his Shi-mei has pride and absolutely will not accept sharing her husband with others.

When she heard those words, Hai Yao"s expression changed slightly, her eyes clouded and pondered for a long time.

"Shi-xiong, don"t worry about this matter. With my understanding of him, he would not agree to a decreed marriage. If I guess correctly, he is rushing back to the palace to stop this marriage. Anyway, I have an agreement with him. Before I recover from my internal injuries, I will not leave him. Shi-xiong, it will better for you to quickly send me back."

Since Long Hao Tian was so determined to have her, she believed that he would never give up her. In addition, she had heard he had refused to accept forced marriages by the Emperor and the Empress Dowager, on numerous occasions. She believed that this time, he would also not agree to this marriage.

It seems Shi-mei is beginning to have feelings for Long Hao Tian. Even if she does not have any feeling now, it does not mean she will not in future. At least now Shi-mei is not willing to leave Long Hao Tian. Just this point alone, it was not right for him to interfere with their matter.

"Since you are so confident, I will not stop you. But there is one thing I must tell you."

"What is it?"

"Xiu Luo has escaped."

"What?! When did this happen?"

Hai Yao was shocked. She was afraid it would be a mammoth task to catch him again.

"Two weeks ago. Just the night before his execution, he broke away from his iron chains and killed the four prison guards. Now every major county"s Yamen is trying their best to capture him. Shi-mei, you must be careful. If news leaks out that you are still alive, he will never let you go."

Shi-mei is now blind and also seriously injured. Obviously, she will be no match for Xiu Luo. Fortunately, she has Long Hao Tian"s protection and it should not be a problem.

"I know, I will be careful. I just hate that I can"t arrest him now. Shi-xiong, you have to be careful."

After Jade Face Hunter had fallen down the cliff, he no longer existed in this world. From now on, Dong Fang Jie also does not exist.

"Such good relationship between a pair of Shi-xiong and Shi-mei. It makes others very envious."

Suddenly a deep gloomy voice drifted through the forest. Then a tall, straight figure appeared silently.

"You are good, Cheng Gang. You even dare to take her away from me. In your eyes, does this Jing w.a.n.g have any importance at all?"

Long Hao Tian narrowed his eyes dangerously. Cheng Gang subconsciously moved his body forward to shield Hai Yao. Long Hao Tian glared fiercely at him. His palms on his sides secretly gathered his inner strength and the rage in his chest began to circle.

"Let my Shi-xiong go. He had mistakenly thought I was under duress, let him go."

Even though Hai Yao could not see with her eyes, she also understood that a fight might start because of her. In order to prevent her Shi-xiong from getting injured, she groped towards him. She put both her hands on his broad chest from behind and voluntarily encircled both her arms around him to hug his stiff, angry body to prevent him from having the chance to start the fight.

"w.a.n.g-Ye, since this is a misunderstanding, then I will leave. I"ve to trouble you to look after Shi-mei."

He understood his Shi-mei"s intentions, not to mention, this was also his Shi-mei"s choice. Cheng Gang knew he should not stay any longer, cupped both his hands into a fist, bowed and then with a leap, he was gone from the forest in a blink of an eye.

"Your Shi-xiong had mistakenly thought you were held captive by me and you chose this time to come to me. Is this because you wanted to protect your Shi-xiong or that you know you cannot escape me?"

His long fingers lifted her chin, his dark eyes stared sharply at the expression on her delicate face and did not miss any of her emotions. His hot breath full of anger blew on her face.


She raised up both arms and wrapped them around his neck. Her clear sightless eyes looked at him.

"It"s just because of our agreement. Can it be Jing w.a.n.g who had always thought so highly of yourself is not confident that you can make me fall in love with you?"

"Remember what you have just said. You"d better not let me find out that you are lying to me."

His iron arms clasped her slender waist and pull her close to his body without leaving any s.p.a.ce between them. His fiery lips swiftly seized the softness of her lips and that crazy action was like he could not wait to swallow her all at once. He only released her when she could not breathe and he murmured against her panting lips.

"From now onwards, I will not let you have a chance to be out of my sight."

He did not wait for her reaction and picked up her in a horizontal position. He carried her out of the forest followed by a worried Liu Yong.

When he saw w.a.n.g-Ye"s reckless concern and fanatical possessiveness for Hai Yao, it really made him worried. He just hoped that Hai Yao"s feelings for w.a.n.g-Ye is true otherwise he is afraid the whole of Dong Fang Residence will suffer a calamity.


The moving carriage had changed its previous slow pace, not stopping and rushing forward. Liu Yong was in charge of driving the horses and Xing Hua was sitting beside him, both had a worried expression on their faces. From time to time, they would turn their heads back towards the curtain and they could vaguely hear the anxious voice of Long Hao Tian.

"Hai Yao, you have to bear with it for a little while more. The mansion is just in front and the moment we return to the mansion, I will immediately summon an Imperial Doctor to diagnose and treat you!"

Long Hao Tian"s handsome was full of worry. His dark eyes looked worriedly at the person in his arms who had suddenly developed a high fever without any reason. He could only see her beautiful little face which had become unusually fiery red and her whole body was hot. Her face was buried in the curve of his neck. A small hand was clutching the clothes on her chest as if in great pain. She was endlessly murmuring in a low voice.

"Long Hao Tian.......I"m in pain......."

She could only feel her whole body burning hot and her chest tightening which made her breathless. Now, the only person she could rely on was only him.

"I know. Hai Yao, you must hold on."

Long Hao Tian looked at her pain filled little face and his heart ached with distress for her. It was all his fault. He had forgotten about Dong Fang Tang"s instructions. With her serious internal injuries, she must be carefully nursed. She could not afford to be tired and she could not catch a cold otherwise it would be more difficult for her to recover. It was thought, she was better but did not expect that these few days as they traveled on the journey, although the carriage was slow-moving, they were still not careful enough which resulted in her falling sick.

Long Hao Tian held tightly to the delicate fragile body in his arms. He wanted so much to take away her pain and suffer it on her behalf. Nothing must happen to her. When he realized the person in his arms had fainted, he became panic-stricken and shouted at Liu Yong.

"Liu Yong, go faster!"

The carriage was being driven at break-neck speed. Xing Hua who had shrunk into her seat beside Liu Yong, in front of the carriage, was already scared. Fortunately, Jing w.a.n.g Mansion was not far ahead or her heart would have failed her.

A quarter of a sichen later, the carriage stopped at the gates of Jing w.a.n.g Mansion. Long Hao Tian immediately picked up Hai Yao and got down, at the same time, he said anxiously to Liu Yong.

"Quick! Go to the Palace immediately and pa.s.s my order to summon an Imperial Doctor!"

Liu Yong received the order and in a flash, he disappeared in the direction of the Palace.

Long Hao Tian carrying Hai Yao in his arms, rushed quickly into the mansion. He ran all the way into the courtyard where he lived and along the way, he had startled many of his servants. Before they could gather their senses after being shocked by the sudden return of their w.a.n.g-Ye, they were instantly scared by the gloomy expression on his face. Automatically everyone stepped away and hid by the side.

Long Hao Tian carried Hai Yao to his own bedchamber followed by the smart Xing Hua who had already prepared a basin of cold water. She soaked the towel in the cold water then wrung some water off and the towel was immediately s.n.a.t.c.hed away by Long Hao Tian. He personally placed the wet cloth on the forehead of Hai Yao.

His dark eyes looked worriedly at the person on the bed and he held her hot hands with both his palms. He felt so anxious that he did not know what else to do.

"Go and see whether the doctor is here!" He shouted at Xing Hua who was standing at the side.


Xing Hua was so scared by his sudden outburst that her face turned pale. She quickly escaped from the room in two steps instead of three.

"Hai Yao, you will be fine. I will not allow anything to happen to you."

His big hand stroked her unusual red cheeks. At this moment, it seems he had returned to the time when she had just fallen off the cliff. He uncertain whether she was alive or dead, he was on the edge of his nerves and he was uneasy all the time.

"w.a.n.g-Ye, Dong Fang Tang is here."

Liu Yong entered the room followed by Dong Fang Tang. When he went into the palace, unexpectedly he encountered Dong Fang Tang who was in the palace to check on the Queen. So he had quickly brought Dong Fang Tang back to the mansion.

Long Hao Tian looked at the man coming in with surprise. Instantly he stood up to give up his seat, stood to one side and watched anxiously as Dong Fang Tang checked Hai Yao"s pulse.

After Dong Fang Tang had checked her pulse, his gentle face revealed a serious expression. He hurried removed a green porcelain bottle from the sleeves of his arm, poured out a pill and fed it into Hai Yao"s mouth. Then he left the bed and walked towards the round table where a brush and paper were already prepared. He wrote down the prescription and handed it to Xing Hua who was standing at the side.

"Quickly acquire this medicine according to this prescription. Three bowls of water to be simmered down to one bowl and bring the medicine as soon as possible."

"Yes, I"ll go right away."

Xing Hua took the prescription and rushed out.

"How is her condition now?"

Long Hao Tian"s patience could only last until Dong Fang Tang had finished writing the prescription. He did not wait for Dong Fang Tang and took the initiative to ask.

Dong Fang Tang"s expression was heavy and his eyes stared resentfully at him. He turned and walked back to the bed and looked at his younger sister whose condition had turned serious. His voice contained deep condemnation and blame.

"w.a.n.g-Ye, I remember telling you, again and again, my younger sister"s present condition is not like an ordinary person. With such serious internal injuries as hers, she is lucky to be alive. Even if she recovers well it must not be taken lightly. She needs at least half a year to nurse back her health, not to suffer from cold and avoid constantly on the move. But now her small life was nearly killed by your hands. w.a.n.g-Ye, you made me regret my trust in you. If you are unable to take care of my younger sister then as an elder brother, I will have to take her away."

"Don"t even think of it. Without my permission, no one can take her away. This time, it is due to my negligence. I promise this will not happen again."

The expression on Long Hao Tian"s handsome face was malicious and terrifying. His lower jaw was stretched taut. In his eyes, a fierce light flashed. His tall figure stood protectively in front of the bed. If Dong Fang Tang is thinking to take her away by force then he will not hesitate to fight this out with him.

Just when the anger of the two men was on the verge of bursting, Xing Hua rushed in with quick footsteps carrying a bowl of medicine.

"w.a.n.g-Ye, the medicine is ready."

"Give it to me."

After taking over the bowl of medicine, the tall figure settled himself at the side of the bed. He lifted up the unconscious Hai Yao and let her rest in his arms. He took a mouthful of the medicine in his mouth then slowly fed her personally sip by sip. Then he turned to face Xing Hua and directly spoke to her.

"Doctor Dong Fang is tired. Take him to the guest room to rest."

Xing Hua who was standing by the side blushed and her heart beat erratically as she watched the two people on the bed. She bowed down her head in embarra.s.sment and said to Dong Fang Tang.

"Doctor Dong Fang, please."

Dong Fang Tang frowned as he looked at the way Long Hao Tian was feeding his younger sister the medicine. His move stated clearly that Hai Yao was his and no one was allowed to take her away. This matter......it is imperative for him to ask clearly.

"w.a.n.g-Ye, it"s about the marriage that the Emperor is going to decree. What are your plans?"

"This time I rushed back because of this matter. I will ask the Emperor to decree a marriage for me and Hai Yao. In this life, except for Hai Yao, I will never marry another. Jing w.a.n.g-Fei"s position belongs to her and no other."

Long Hao Tian used the hem of his sleeve to wipe the medicine stains at the corner of her lips. If it was not for this matter, she would not be affected. He lightly rested his handsome face to her still hot forehead. Once the Emperor gave his decree, she would never escape from him.

"I have just given her a Bingxin Yulu pill which can protect her heart. Now that she has taken the medicine, she will be fine when she wakes up later."

(Bingxin Yulu is just a name of the pill which literally means "frozen heart jade dew")

Dong Fang Tang"s gentle face was thoughtful. Once the Emperor decrees the marriage, his younger sister will belong to Long Hao Tian.

It"s best not to interfere with this matter! Everything will have to wait until she wakes up.

With a turn of his heel, he left his younger sister in the personal care of Long Hao Tian and walked out of the room.

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