WAR-Destiny Of Future

Chapter 106

They entered the cave and are surprised at the sight. The interior of the cave is different from what they expected. Instead of wet, slippery and dim like all other cave should be. It is filled with crystals that glow in dark, the floor is not slippery, and the surrounding is warmer than what to be expected from a cave on an icy mountain. As they walk in deeper into the cave, Sky feels a unique magic force along with another familiar magic force flow from the deepest part of the cave.

"Are these magic crystals?" Yuki asks.

"More accurately, these are moon crystals." said Sky.

"Moon crystal? But it looks very different from what we use to know." said Yuki.

"Well, these are unprocessed after all." said Sky.

"But why is this place filled with such a huge amount of moon crystals? Aren"t moon crystals can only be found in magical dimensions?" Seito ask.

"It is supposed to be that way. However it seems like there"s a unique magic force in here that caused the moon crystal to grow in here." said Sky while examining the crystals.

"Could this be the reason for the weird occurrences that happened here?" Seito asks again.

"Well... I don"t think so." said Sky.

"Huh? You mean you have found out the cause?" Seito ask.

"Yes." said Sky. "What is it?" "Well, let"s move on deeper into this cave and you will know the answer." said Sky with a rather suspicious smile.


As they continue to explore the cave deeper, the crystals on the cave walls glow brighter, and the magic forces get stronger, some small harmless magic creatures can be seen hiding around the cave. Then Itsuki feels that the unique magic force is actually reacting to his body which slowly leading him to a direction.

"Itsu, are you alright?" said Seito who had noticed something weird about Itsuki.

"I feel like I might know where is the source of the magic force." said Itsuki, a bit hesitated.

"I believe in you. Lead us to that place." said Sky. Then they start following Itsuki"s steps.

After about an hour, they reached a branching cave that glows in red light.

"So, this is the place." said Sky.

Then they entered the branch cave and saw a person that I have been wanting to write... I mean a person they haven"t seen for a whole month. It"s Chris with a red haired girl that behaves like a toddler. He is currently focus in examining some weird patterns on the wall that glows in red light, he so focuses that he did not notice Sky and others.

Sky, who is surprised to see Chris at this place, slowly approaching and trying to reach his hand to him from behind, but before he could touch Chris, Chris pointed a dagger at Sky.

"I haven"t forgiven you yet, don"t touch me." said Chris.

"Ah... So, you do notice us." said Sky, rather awkward, the others are confused as they don"t know what happened that day.

Chris continues to examine the pattern without even looking at Sky. Then Sky looks at the others, signaling them to leave them alone for a while.

"Chris, I"m sorry. I had been an idiot that day, I really regret of my brainless words. Please forgive me, okay?" said Sky while giving Chris a shoulder ma.s.sage which caused Chris to fringes a bit.

"Hey! Stop doing that! You are disgusting." said Chris, a bit annoyed.

"Aww... Please forgive me first then I"ll stop." said Sky while doing even more "intimate" things on Chris.

"Ah! Alright! I forgive you! Stop doing that." said Chris.

Yes, that Sky knows Chris"s weakness so well.


After a while, everyone are in the cave again.

"So, after examining these patterns here, have you got anything in your mind?" Sky asks.

"Well, I can"t give an exact answer right now, I need someone to help me to prove my theory." said Chris.

Then he looks at Itsuki. "Itsuki kun, can you please place your hand on this pattern here?" Chris ask.

Itsuki nodded, then he placed his hand on the pattern on the wall as instructed by Chris. As soon as he touched the pattern, he felt a strong magic force entered his body. His eyes started turning red again. Seeing this, Chris quickly pulled his hand away from the pattern, then Itsuki turned normal again.

"I guess my theories are right on the point after all." said Chris while staring at the pattern.

"What is it? Mind to share it?" said Sky.

"I believe something powerful is hidden in this cave, and it is directly related to Dracula. But I haven"t figured out how should we get that thing out of here without causing some unnecessary damages to this area. There are too many uncertainties before we can take any action. " said Chris.

"I see, you are still as cautious as always." said Sky.

"Uhm... May I ask something?" said Seito. "What is it?" said Sky.

"You said we will find out the reason for the weird occurrence once we reached the deepest part of the cave... So..." Seito hesitated for what he is going say.

"Oh..." then Sky look at Chris.

"You can"t be the one that caused those weird occurrences here at 3.33 am... right?" Sky asks. Chris turned away avoiding eye contact with the crowd. "You the one that did it?" Sky asks again. Chris coughed a bit, still avoiding eye contact. "There we have it, he"s the one that did it." said Sky to Seito.

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