WAR-Destiny Of Future

Chapter 136

The winged werewolves starting howling on the windmill house under the full moon, as it howls, the trees and bushes start rustling, suddenly a big pack of wolves surged out from the bushes followed by a big swarm of bats from the trees.

"Is this normal?" Sky asked, rather calm.

"Nope, never happened before." said Grandpa White.

"I see. Hey Chris, strategy change?" Sky asked, then Chris gives him some unique hand signal.

"I see... Maria, let"s go." said Sky before heading towards the windmill house with Maria.

The sudden movements caused the wolf pack and bats to chase after them.

"Ah... The animals are after them! What should we do... Eh?" Bob was panicking but silenced as he saw Chris.

A tattoo pattern appeared, glows, and disappeared from Chris"s arm as he removed a part of his magic seal, then his eyes glow in golden light. As he did so, the movement of the animals stopped, then the animals slowly retracted from the area.

As for Sky and Maria, they managed to have a short fight with the winged werewolf before letting it escaped into the dark...

"AH! Why did you let it escaped? You are able to finish it off easily right?" Bob asked as soon as Sky and Maria get back to them, he looks a bit frustrated. The trio did not answer, they recall their discussion a few hours ago.


A few hours ago. Resort room.

"Heh? Hidden werewolf gene? Are you serious about that?" said Sky, he is a bit hard to believe what Maria just told them.

"That"s what I heard from the girls." said Maria.

"Think of it carefully, it actually makes sense." said Chris after a short thought.

"What do you mean by that?" Sky is a bit curious about what"s in Chris"s mind.

"Well, the chief said that his son went missing when this "monster" first appeared, and Maria said the villagers in this village have hidden werewolf"s gene, plus full moon... Didn"t all these points click in your mind?" said Chris to the two.

"You mean that monster is actually the son of the chief?" said Sky. "And he is actually a werewolf?" said Maria.

"I know it sounds stupid, but all the clues are leading to this possibility, so, I believe this possibility is valid." said Chris.

"We believe in your a.n.a.lysis. So, any plans?" said Sky. "For now, let"s just have some brief contacts with it, before we make any moves without any knowledge about our target. We will take real action in the coming two days." said Chris.

"I agree with Chris chan, especially when that monster could be Grandpa White"s son." said Maria.

"Let"s go with this plan tonight then." said Sky.


Chris looked at Bob with a rather stern look.

"Are you having any grudge with that monster that you want to eliminate it so badly?" said Chris.

"Uhm... Well... It destroyed our crops and farm animals after all." said Bob, a bit nervous.

"I see... Don"t worry, it will come out again tomorrow night right?" said Chris.

"Yes." said Bob.

"We will be here again tomorrow night, right now, let"s head back and get a rest for tomorrow." said Sky.

Then Bob and Grandpa White went home while the trio went back to the resort... But instead for rest, they are having a lock door meeting/discussion.

"Found out anything about that creature?" said Chris while examining a feather they get from the winged werewolf.

"First, we can confirm he is a human that transformed into this kind of weird creature. And second, try to guess what we found on his back." said Sky.

"Gospeler"s seal?" said Chris.

"Nope, but close enough. Holy crest." said Sky. Hearing this, Chris"s eyes turned golden and the atmosphere around him became a bit heavy, Sky and Maria can obviously feel his anger.

"Chris - chan, are you alright?" said Maria while holding Chris"s hand.

"Even after so many years, they still trying to do that wicked experiment." Chris murmured, which makes Sky and Maria even more confused.

"What experiment?" Sky asked.

"They are trying to create a hybrid that can defeat their own G.o.d." said Chris, with a slightly shaky voice, while clenched his fist.

"Hybrid?... Hold on! You mean that..." Sky is astonished by Chris"s words.

"Now come to think of it, that pair of wings, although rigged, it definitely looks like a pair of angel"s wings." said Maria after having a close look at the feather.

"But what"s the reason for those angels to do that? Are they going to rebel against their G.o.d? Chris, you know something about that right? Or are you trying to hide something from us?" Sky asked, a bit anxious. But Chris did not give any response.

Sky tried to continue asking but getting stopped by Maria. Then he noticed how tensed Chris is right now, so he knew that it"s not wise to continue forcing the answer out of Chris, and through the reaction of Chris on this incident, Sky had a rough idea about the whole truth, so he decided to put that topic aside until Chris ready to reveal that secret to them.

Sky took away the feather from Chris and give him a bottle of iced black tea.

"Let"s put this topic down and have some tea." said Sky while patting Chris"s shoulder, which successfully calmed down Chris for a bit.

Chris sipped the cold tea, the icy cold sensation from the tea turned Chris back to his usual calm and fearless att.i.tude.

"Now we had confirmed that monster is actually a human and very likely to be the son of the chief, there is one person that draws my suspicion." said Chris.

"Who?" Sky asks.

"Bob. I found that he has a high grudge towards that creature and wants to kill it so badly." said Chris.

"Ah... Now you said it. I do found that he is weird, but why would he want to kill that creature, despite of no obvious harm had been made? Even the chief who lost his son didn"t act so aggressively." said Sky after a short thought.

"I"m not sure but let"s a.s.sume that he might know that creature"s ident.i.ty since the beginning." said Chris.



*Something out of the story

Sky: "Dear readers."

Chris: "Hmm?"

Sky: "This chapter is meant to be released for webnovel.com."

Chris: "Oh! This matter. Yes, if you"re reading this chapter on another platform than webnovel.com, know that it"s an illegal copy diffused without the Writer"s authorization."

Sky: "As what Chris said. Right now, this story is free on the authorized platform, so please read it from authorized platforms as mental support for the writer."

Chris: "Mhm... There are two authorized platforms. One is webnovel.com. And another one is that messy and half-dead Weebly site that she uses for draft and backup... But not recommended."

Sky: "Ah... Haha. Yes, as Chris said."

Chris: "But look out, those sc.u.ms might change this note to their own website link. So, be cautious.

Sky : "By the way, if the cover page is the old cover page that shows two stickmen, stop reading it, it"s cursed and might caused the writer to stop writing."


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