In the dark, there is a nasty looking creature approaching them slowly. It is a huge ghoul that has at least a hundred head and face attached to it. It looks a bit like melted marshmallows.

"Ehm... Why do I feels that they"re a bit cute?" "Because you have the weirdest sense of cuteness, Yuki... Marisan, those are actually soul eaters right?" "Yes, after years of been "worshipped" and devoured countless of the sacrificed souls, they undergo some weird mutation and fused together." "So, the rumors are real." " Not all of it... We will talk about that later, right now we have a more important thing to do... *stared at the creature *..." "Ah! Right! I almost forgot about that."

Alongside the multiple head ghoul /soul eaters there is a large number of normal single headed ghouls although some of it had started to show the sign of "mutation"... "Uh... Actually, this is really disgusting, let"s just finish them off." said Seito. "No! Wait! AlthoughI could easily eliminate these things, but it will be too boring if we do this in a normal way, let do it the exorcist way!" said Maria. "Wait! What?"

Then, Maria pours out the items from a small bag showing all the exorcist items from different religions, there is a cross, a small bottle of water, some ashes, some talisman and incense and etc... "Let"s see ~ What should I use?" The creature slowly approaching but Maria created a barrier preventing them to get any nearer while he continues digging through his exorcist items... "Uh... Marisan, since you already used your magic for the barrier, why don"t you just finish them off? And Yuki! Stop trying to take a picture of a ghoul, it will never appear in the picture!" Seito is a bit frustrated but those two ignored him... "d.a.m.n...I think I somewhat understand how Chris feels most of the time now."

As the trio continues to fooling around, Maria"s phone rang. "Answer it for me. Oh! Wait! On the speaker..." "Okay." so Seito answer the call with the speaker on. "h.e.l.lo, this is Hangan from the After Life..." "..!... *quickly pick up the phone and turn off the speaker *... Yes, Blaze is here... Yes, I know... I will get it done by today, please tell Emmsama don"t need to worry about that. Okay... I see, thanks for informing... *click*... Ah... Seito-kun, I heard that you are an omyoji right?" "No I"m not!" "Don"t mind about the detail, you have your empty seal contracts talisman with you right?" "Yes." "We got a request from Enma, do you think you can seal that thing?" "No problem!"

Seito took a piece of green talisman paper, he chanted something, cut his fingertip with a small dagger, then he smeared his blood onto the talisman paperman. "The seal is ready, help me weaken it so that I can successfully sealing it." "Okay! Leave it to me!" Maria gently blows a weak blue colored sparkle onto that multiple head ghoul and totally freezing its movement. "Nice move Marisan !" Then Seito starts chanting a weird and long spell which caused the ghoul to slowly get absorbed by the talisman. While Yuki... Is still trying to get a picture of the ghoul...


Years ago, in a well-known hospital, there is a head doctor. One day, he heard a voice in his head telling him to do some sacrifice to a certain powerful and evil existence that will give him wealth and longevity. So he killed all the patients along with his staff as sacrifice but later he realized that it was all his hallucinations, that certain existence is actually not real, realizing his mistake, he committed suicide. Thus the hospital abandoned since then, but the rumors had been spread widely until there was a certain group of ignorant people who actually believe the rumors of the evil being and actually set an altar for it every day with animal sacrifice. However they didn"t realize it, the thing that they worship is not any of the powerful existence but just some random ghouls. With all the worship and sacrifice, the ghoul somewhat transformed and grow into some creepy creature...And with the creature grow stronger, it"s desire became greater, it starts l.u.s.ting for fresh human soul even more than before and thus it starts luring whoever gets near to the hospital and get a chance to devour on their souls, those who get their soul devour will be totally "erased" from the world...

"And thus, Enmsama give me a request to investigate this matter and bring the creature back to his Palace for further examination." "Hmm... I see. So what are you gonna do with the Utube live broadcast?" "Ah... That one... Borrow me your dagger for a while..." "Hmm?"

"Hi everyone! Sorry for the sudden interruption just now, but we have solved that problem again for now, we will see you again next week! Bye!" In the live broadcast, Maria is making a conclusion for the live broadcast with some blood on his face...

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