WAR-Destiny Of Future

Chapter 100

"Ai, what are you doing? Calm down!" said Itsuki while s.n.a.t.c.hed the dagger from Ai.

"No, Itsuki kun, don"t stop me! My killer instinct told me that she..."

"Just follow the flow, don"t resist it." Ai suddenly heard a voice from her head again, it"s a lady"s voice that she cannot disobey, so she stops her moves.

"Ai... I apologize for her deed Sister, her emotion wasn"t quite stable recently, please forgive us." said Itsuki while helps the nun up.

"It"s alright, I"m not harmed. But you are injured, let"s go inside and treat your wound." said the nun while leading Itsuki to a side room in the cathedral.

Ai stared at those two as they are walking away from her...


Elves Kingdom. The King of the Almighty Kingdom is sipping a cup of tea with Athena and Queen Elaine, he had taken off his mask, but still, you can"t see His face, yes, you. He is watching the messed-up fight below the throne and outside his barrier.

Sky and Terence are fighting the horned elves together while Sal is fighting the minotaurs with the a.s.sistance of the elves royal guards that actually doesn"t help so much. One of the royal guards almost gets his head crushed directly by the minotaurs if Sal didn"t intervene. Sal "stopped" the minotaurs with his demon claws and tossed them directly to the King"s barrier that caused the minotaurs to meltdown on the spot.

However, the fight at the other side doesn"t seem to progress well, the horned elves are very powerful and aggressive, they have a strong defense, high agility and speed, it"s hard to predict or catch their movements. The Immortals had dealt with several damages on them, but it doesn"t seem to be quite effective.

"Hmm... As expected from horned elves. But aren"t they are a bit too strong for horned elves? Or just those two are getting weaker?" said the King, still sipping that cup of tea.

Suddenly a horned elf"s head getting crushed by an unknown force while another one is disintegrating in a dark mist.

"Ah... I take back what I said, they are just "playing" with the elves. But still, there is something about those horned elves that give me a feeling that they are not real horned elves that naturally formed through mutation, as if they were artificially created by someone... "said so, the King looks at Queen Elaine with a suspicious look.

"Are you saying that My people created them?" said Queen Elaine with a slightly disagree look.

"Well, I didn"t say that but with all the weird phenomenons being reported, it can"t be just a pure coincidence right?" said the King before sipping the tea... again. Queen Elaine is silenced by His words.

The fight continues, however, the King noticed something weird about the fight but He can"t tell what it is. He stared at Sky for a while, then he swings his hand, the floor under the enemies glows and engulfed all the enemies at once. Athena exclaimed in excitement when he did so. But then, he realized those ministers and officials are getting engulfed along with those minotaurs and horned elves.

"Oops... My hands slipped." said the King to Queen Elaine without any sense of guilt.

Then he looks at Terence.

"What"s your opinion on these incidents?" he said. "Your Majesty, I believe these unusual horned elves are actually related to those insane elves Sky fought that day, it"s probably the results of continuous failed experiments on them to mutate them into horned elves." said Terence.

"Okay, please continue." said the King after glared at Sky for a while.

"I am making a bold hypothesis that the guard outside are actually those successful experiments in disguise which caused the Elves Queen unable to detect, as for the minotaurs, Sky and I had discussed about it before, we had confirmed that those minotaurs had pa.s.sed through the Rainbow Lane with methods we yet to know, although we highly suspected that it had something to do with the elves. And obviously, they had done something weird to the unicorns there causing the unicorns to act unusual." said Terence while leering at Athena who is playing with the King"s robe, which Sal quickly pulled her away from the King.

"I heard that the tips of unicorn"s horn have powers to completely hide a person"s existence. But anyway, in order to find the truth, we"ll have to interrogate those elves official and ministers once we get back to Kingdom. That is if, they can make it alive by that time... Hmm? Terence... Is something wrong with.... (!)..." A totally unexpected thing happened...


Null Dimension, cathedral. Itsuki is talking with the nun in the side room, they are talking about Ai"s conditions and unstable mental state, or at least he thought so. The nun suggested Itsuki to bring Ai to the cathedral every week, which might heal her "polluted" soul. Itsuki agrees with her suggestion although it sounds a bit ridiculous. But the nun looks so polite and clean, so Itsuki accepts every of her single words, like how your boyfriend listened to everything his cute girl-next-door said... Oops. However they did not notice there"s a pair of eyes watching at them from the wall...

Later, Itsuki walks out from the room and told Ai about the nun"s suggestion.

"No, I don"t want to!" she said

"My instinct told me she is not a good person." she added.

"Ai chan, you need to calm down, your mind had affected by your awful past that you can"t trust people easily." said Itsuki.

"No it"s not..." then she heard that voice again in her head which makes her stop her current action.

Then Jason walks in and tells them they should leave the place as it"s almost evening time. So they left the cathedral...

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