The next day 10 am, Seito"s house, bas.e.m.e.nt... "Actually we aren"t planning to bring you along Seito, but since you are quite close with Ruby, it doesn"t seem right if we just left you out like that." "But this trip could be very dangerous, you can choose not to tag along." "I"m going with you, Ruby - chan is really nice to me, so I"ll help with whatever I could." "Ah...Alright then, as for Ai, you actually have no reason to get involve so just stay here after you open the portal for us, I"ll send you some signal once we are done." said Chris to Ai. "Yes, I got it." "Alright! Now let"s open the portal." Sky gives the instruction to Ai to open the portal to the chosen dimension. "Hold on!" A voice came from the upstairs, it"s Itsuki. "Itsu, why are you here? "Seito is a bit surprised to see Itsuki. "Bring me with you." "What?" "Itsuki, are you about that? Do you even know why are we heading to?" Itsuki remains silent and did not answer Sky"s questions. Chris noticed something weird about him but can"t tell what is weird. "Alright, you may come with us, and just to let you know, this trip will be very dangerous, I can"t guarantee your safety alright?" Itsuki nodded. Ai raises her hands and start drawing a weird pattern in the air while chanting a really long spell. The pattern glows and forms a portal, Sky and the three others entered the portal. The portal closed and leaving Ai alone in the bas.e.m.e.nt. "Make sure to get back safely." said Ai...

At a different dimension, a portal appears, Sky and friends step out of the portal. The environment is very dusty and dirty, Chris coughed a bit due to the polluted air, he took out his mask and wear it. "This environment is even worse than the Afterworld... Chris, are you alright?" said Sky, Chris nodded.

The environment is covered by some weird grey gas which you can see some small particles in it, indicating a serious pollution. There aren"t any "natural features" or any living spotted, only numerous of old and abandoned building, in the middle of the city, there is a very tall building which is still functioning, it is the source of that weird gas. There are drain at the side of the street dim and deadly street. In the drain, it"s some weird green gooey sustains with cascades of some badly deformed animals...

"Uh... This place is disgusting... Everyone, please take extra caution is this place as we don"t know the potential danger we are having in here." said Sky. "Yes, this dimension is said to be the nest of some creatures that did weird experiments on other living beings, caution is needed indeed." Chris continues. "Yes, so what"s the next step or where we should be heading?" Seito asks while Itsuki remains silent... "Hmm... Let"s see..." The tall tower! We"ll be heading to that tower! " said Sky in excitement and walk to the direction of the tall building. "Wait! Ah... This idiot never learns... Never mind." Chris sighed while instructing the others to follow.

As they are heading to the tall building, Chris sensed a weird presence in an abandoned building which looks like a factory, so they decided to give that place a brief examination...

The air inside the building is even worse than the outside, Sky and Seito cover their mouth and nose with a hand, Chris hand over an extra mask to Seito while Itsuki shows no obvious reaction to the bad air pollution. Chris feels really weird about Itsuki as even Sky having trouble with the air in here. "Itsuki-kun, are you alright?" "Yeah, you have been really quiet since just now." Itsuki didn"t answer Chris and Sky"s question, he just stares blankly at the other three. "Itsuki-kun?...(!)...your eyes..." Chris noticed Itsuki"s eye turn red but before he could react, he found himself in a different place with Sky, Seito and Itsuki are nowhere to be seen. "Where is this place? I thought we were at the abandoned factory just now." asked Sky. "I think we are still in the factory..." "What... Wait! You mean that..." "Yes, I"m afraid we are in an illusion, or more specifically a mind control known as eternal sleep." "Eternal sleep? That"s one of the special techniques of Dracula right?" Chris nodded...

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