War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 1281: Wyrmdragon

Chapter 1281: Wyrmdragon

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Previously, when Duan Ling Tian went to Hidden Fog City, he had already obtained most of the ingredients needed to refine the Royal Grade Spirit Weapon.

Along with the Ink Steel, the refining material he had obtained in the Martial Emperor’s secret treasure that was left behind by Martial Emperor Qing Feng, he could now refine the Royal Grade Bow and Arrow.

“I wonder how long I spent cultivating this time.” Duan Ling Tian did not rush to craft the Royal Grade Spirit Weapon. Only after he had walked out of the wooden house and checked the Killing Formation he had set up in the surroundings that he finally left, feeling at ease.

The Killing Formation was set up when he and the two women built the house previously.

The Killing Formation was potent enough to kill a person below the Seventh Level Martial Monarch Stage. Even if someone above the Seventh Level Martial Monarch Stage but below the Martial Emperor Stage entered the Killing Formation, he would be severely injured if not dead.

It was due to the existence of the Killing Formation that Duan Ling Tian dared to go to Hidden Fog City to procure the materials needed to refine pills and weapons when the two girls were sleeping that day.

Duan Ling Tian went to Hidden Fog City again.

The reason he went to Hidden Fog City was to inquire about the date of the Hidden Fog Martial Compet.i.tion.

“Forty days later?” Soon after, Duan Ling Tian found his answer.

‘Looks like I cultivated for over a month,’ Duan Ling Tian thought to himself.

He still remembered when he reconciled with the two women, there were still two months and twenty over days left before the Hidden Fog Martial Compet.i.tion began. However, there were only forty days left now. This meant that a month had gone by.

Subtracting the few days he spent in bed with the two women, he had used about a little more than a month to cultivate.

After Duan Ling Tian confirmed the time, he left Hidden Fog City again.

On the way back, as though he was reminded of something, he let out a long sigh.

“The medicinal efficacy of the Rebirth Pill is fully gone now…” Currently, the Rebirth Pill’s medicinal efficacy was no longer in his Dantian. To be more precise, it was completely depleted.

Throughout his entire journey, it was all thanks to the Rebirth Pill that his cultivation speed was able to progress so swiftly.

Now that the Rebirth Pill was gone, he could not help but feel a little dejected.

However, his attention quickly s.h.i.+fted to another place.

“Right now, I’ve broken through to the Martial Emperor Stage, and I can solidify the Royal Grade Weapon Fire now… According to the Rebirth Martial Emperor’s memory, it’ll be easy for me to refine a Royal Grade Spirit Weapon.” Duan Ling Tian was certain about this.

The Rebirth Martial Emperor was originally a powerful Royal Grade Weapons Craftsman.

He, who had merged with the Rebirth Martial Emperor’s memory, was equivalent to the reincarnation of the Rebirth Martial Emperor when he refined a weapon. There was no pressure nor was it difficult for him at all.

“However, according to the Rebirth Martial Emperor’s memory, he had never refined any bow or arrow that were higher than the Quasi Royal Grade Spirit Weapon! The best bow and arrow he had refined was only a grade one Spirit Weapon! Even the bowstring of the grade one Spirit Weapon used… d.a.m.n it! Then, does this mean the cow tendon from the cow-type Void Transformation Stage demon beast was the bowstring of a mere grade one Spirit Archery Set?” From the Rebirth Martial Emperor’s memory, Duan Ling Tian quickly discovered that the cow tendon he had bought to fas.h.i.+oned the bowstring was a mere grade one Spirit Archery Set’s bowstring.

There were three main components on the bow and arrow.

First, the bow must be strong.

Second, the arrow must be excellent.

To Duan Ling Tian, these two were not difficult. He just needed to refine them like how he normally refined Spirit Weapons.

Third, the bowstring!

Previously, due to the memory of the grade one archery set the Rebirth Martial Emperor had refined, Duan Ling Tian went to buy a cow tendon in Hidden Fog City.

He went to more than ten shops just for the sake of that cow tendon.

The cow tendon was not an ordinary cow tendon. It was the cow tendon from a Ninth Level Void Transformation Stage cow-type demon beast. It was extremely rare.

Although there were many Ninth Level Void Transformation Stage demon beasts, not every part of its body could be used as materials for the bowstring.

According to the Rebirth Martial Emperor’s memory, only the cow tendon of a cow-type demon beast or the dragon tendon of a dragon were suitable as materials for the bowstring.

The cow-type demon beast could still be found easily.

Dragons, on the hand, were beasts with a vague and unreal existence.

Naturally, it did not necessarily have to be tendons from a divine dragon. Even those Wyrmdragon that a snake transformed into had dragon tendon in its body too.

Although it was slightly inferior, it was still much stronger than the cow tendon.

“The weakest Wyrmdragon is at the Demon Monarch Stage at least! Those strong ones are at the Demon Emperor Stage. Their strength is so powerful that ordinary Demon Emperors can’t compare to it.” Duan Ling Tian learned many things from the Rebirth Martial Emperor’s memory.

For example, once a serpentine demon beast made a breakthrough to the Void Transformation Stage, it would undergo a transformation and become a Pseudowyrm. However, it would still be serpentine in nature.

Only when it had broken through to the Martial Monarch Stage, it would transform into a true almighty Wyrmdragon!

Only a Wyrmdragon could be considered as a dragon!

Naturally, it was only a low-rank dragon.

In front of the pressure from a true divine dragon, it was only like an ant.

“When the Wyrmdragon is at the Martial Monarch Stage, it’s a called a Silverwyrm. Once it has broken through to the Martial Emperor Stage, it’ll undergo another transformation and become the Goldwyrm! Once a Wyrm Demon Emperor transforms into its original state, it’ll become a Wyrmdragon that’s fully covered in dazzling gold scales. Its dragon horn, in particular, appears as though it’s made from gold.” Duan Ling Tian learned all of this from the Rebirth Martial Emperor’s memory.

The Rebirth Martial Emperor had gone through two reincarnations and had seen the true form of a Wyrmdragon once. It was a Silverwyrm that he encountered at sea outside of Cloud Continent.

“If I use the Rebirth Martial Emperor’s weapon refining experience as a guide, I need to use the cow tendon of a Void Transformation Stage cow-type demon beast to make the bowstring of a grade one archery set. To make the bowstring for a Quasi Royal Grade Spirit Weapon or a Royal Grade Spirit Archery Set, I’ll need to use the tendon of a demon beast that’s at the Martial Monarch Stage at least, regardless if it’s the cow tendon of a cow-type demon beast or the dragon tendon of the Wyrmdragon.” The moment Duan Ling Tian thought of this, he immediately felt a wave of headache.

Putting aside how rare the Wyrmdragons were, even a cow-type demon beast at the Demon Monarch Stage or above was extremely rare.

During the two reincarnations of the Rebirth Martial Emperor, he had only encountered one Wyrmdragon.

As for cow-type demon beasts at the Demon Monarch Stage or above, he had only encountered three.

“Fine, let’s just give it a try first.” Duan Ling Tian felt extremely vexed. He shook his head. He planned to refine the bow first. After that, he would decide if the cow tendon was usable or not.

“Perhaps, the Royal Grade Spirit Archery Set that I refine can compensate for the complication caused by the grade one bowstring. At that time, if it can be considered as a Quasi Royal Grade Spirit Weapon after I a.s.semble them, I’ll just use it as it is.” Duan Ling Tian made mental preparations.

Even if it was only a Quasi Royal Grade Spirit Weapon, it could be considered as stepping into the threshold of a Saint Weapon. It would be enough to help him cultivate the Saint Grade Martial Tactic, Colossal Aerolite Arrow, that his miserly father left him.

After returning to the wooden house, Duan Ling Tian left again after he took a peek at the two women who were still cultivating.

Compared to pill refining, weapons crafting would cause a larger commotion so he needed a larger s.p.a.ce.

After all, pill refining was carried out in a cauldron. Even if there was a huge turmoil in the cauldron, the calmness of the outer world would not be affected at all.

However, weapons crafting was different.


Standing outside the wooden house, Duan Ling Tian raised a hand. A dazzling golden flame appeared and shone so brilliantly like the blazing sun. It was particularly stunning.

The golden flame began to burn wildly, causing the surrounding air to become hot instantly.

Gusts of wind blew past and turned into hot air that made one feel like one was in a sea of fire when it swept past.

The flame on Duan Ling Tian’s hand was none other than the Royal Grade Weapon Fire.

It was the Royal Grade Weapon Fire that could refine Royal Grade Spirit Weapons!

The moment the Royal Grade Weapon Fire appeared, Duan Ling Tian’s eyes turned solemn immediately. With a lift of his hand, the materials emerged one by one before they were devoured by the Royal Grade Weapon Fire one after another.

All of the ingredients, including the Ink Steel that he obtained in the Martial Emperor’s secret treasure, vanished in the Royal Grade Weapon Fire that surged up without warning.

The Royal Grade Weapon Fire seemed to have transformed into a flaming behemoth that devoured everything into its stomach.

Time continued to pa.s.s by quietly.

An hour quickly went by.

This time, beads of sweat began to form on Duan Ling Tian’s forehead.

Although he had merged with the Rebirth Martial Emperor’s memory, it was not easy to refine a Royal Grade Spirit Weapon. This was true even for the Rebirth Martial Emperor.

Duan Ling Tian would naturally feel pressured.

Fortunately, due to the fact that he had completely merged with the Rebirth Martial Emperor’s memory, it was similar to the Rebirth Martial Emperor refining the weapon himself. Due to this reason, it did not pose a problem for him.

Another two hours had gone by.

“Finally, it’s beginning to melt.” Duan Ling Tian’s gaze was like a torch as he glared fixedly at the Royal Grade Weapon Fire that surged from his hand.

At this moment, he could clearly see the last material in the Royal Grade Weapon Fire had begun to melt.

The material was none other than the Ink Steel.

The Ink Steel was a necessity to refine a Quasi Royal Grade or Royal Grade Spirit Weapon.

Duan Ling Tian found out through the Rebirth Martial Emperor’s memory that if he used the Quasi Royal Grade Weapon Fire, it would take him three days and three nights to melt the Ink Steel. However, it would only take him a few hours if he used the Royal Grade Weapon Fire.

Under the burning of the Royal Grade Weapon Fire, the Ink Steel finally began to melt.

Another hour had gone by, the Ink Steel finally turned into liquid. With Duan Ling Tian’s skillful weapon crafting method, the Ink Steel turned into liquid and merged with the liquid that was formed by the other materials.

The following steps were much easier.

With the a.s.sistance from the Royal Grade Weapon Fire, a Royal Grade Spirit Bow and Arrow began to take form.

Another half a day had gone by. The shape of a bow and arrow were finally molded into their final forms under the touch of the tyrannical Royal Grade Weapon Fire.

When the Royal Grade Weapon Fire was extinguished, the bow and arrow gradually descended and fell into Duan Ling Tian’s hand.

Whether it was the bow or the arrow, they were both completely black. No l.u.s.ter could be seen at all.

They were as black as ink even under the sun. Neither l.u.s.ter nor reflection could be seen at all.

The fact was Duan Ling Tian had intentionally crafted it to be like this.

The most powerful advantage of a bow and arrow was it could catch the opponent by surprise, particularly in the night.

A bow and arrow that could not reflect the moonlight would definitely be the best killing weapon!

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