War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 1602: Dark Nether Sect’s Slave

Chapter 1602: Dark Nether Sect’s Slave

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The Dark Nether Sect was a seventh-rate force in Windfall Nation.

It was barely strong enough to be considered as a seventh-rate force in Windfall Nation. It was one of the bottom-rank seventh-rate forces in Windfall Nation.

There were only two Saint Stage powerhouses in the Dark Nether Sect. The sect was made up of 80% Devil Cultivators. Devil Cultivators were abundant in the sect while non-Devil Cultivators were rare.

The Dark Nether Sect’s estate was situated in the middle of the mountains and in the middle of a vast valley.

The seventh-rate Saint Stone reserve the Dark Nether Sect controlled was located in this valley. Usually, there would be many people mining for Saint Stones here.

As a Devil Dao sect, the Dark Nether Sect was, naturally, unlike other ordinary sects when they mined for Saint Stones. Ordinary sects would send out their disciples to the Saint Stone reserve, but the Dark Nether Sect would capture and enslave people to mine Saint Stones for them.

Due to this reason, the Dark Nether Sect’s progress in mining Saint Stones had always been very fast and smooth. That was what allowed them to catch up to most of the seventh-rate forces.

Although the Dark Nether Sect was not too powerful, in terms of Saint Stone storage, they could be considered as one of the tops among the seventh-rate forces in Windfall Nation.

In the vast valley where the Dark Nether Sect was located, a group of slaves was busy working as the sun shone fiercely in the sky. Each of them looked exhausted, but they did not dare to stop working at all.


When a middle-aged slave stopped working for a moment, he was immediately whipped by a Dark Nether Sect’s disciple who was keeping an eye on them.

The whip lashed on the middle-aged slave’s back heavily and left a streaky scar as blood continued to pour out.

The middle-aged slave had stopped working for a moment because he was too tired. Now that he had been whipped, he collapsed on the ground immediately. He no longer had any energy left to stand.

Enduring the pain, the middle-aged man struggled as he told the Dark Nether Sect’s disciple who was holding the whip, “L-Lord, I can n-no longer m-move…”

However, the moment his words left his mouth, a sharp sword appeared in the Dark Nether Sect’s disciple’s hand. The instance that sharp sword appeared, the middle-aged man’s expression turned horrified. Before he had time to react, it had already pierced his chest and killed him.

After killing him, the Dark Nether Sect’s disciple reached out and lifted the middle-aged slave’s body up. Then, he began to drink the fresh blood that flowed out from the chest wound of the middle-aged slave.

When he was drinking the fresh blood, a faint crimson mist appeared on his body. It was clear that he was cultivating using an unorthodox method. It was the cultivation method of a Devil Cultivator.

Naturally, not all Devil Cultivators relied on human blood to cultivate. Only a small group of Devil Cultivators cultivated using this method.

Upon seeing this, the hearts of the slaves in the surroundings jolted. They quickly straightened their exhausted bodies and continued working. They did not want to end up like the middle-aged slave.

In the Dark Nether Sect, the life of a slave had no worth at all.

“This is a Devil Cultivator?” Not far away, several men gathered together to mine Saint Stones.

Although the robes on their bodies seemed to be made from valuable materials, their bodies were covered in a layer of dust from head to toe, giving them a dirty appearance.

If Duan Ling Tian was here, he would definitely be able to recognize these people with just a glance. These few men were none other than Feng Wu Dao, Sima, and the others.

Apart from Bai Li Hong who was missing, Feng Wu Dao and the others were here. They were currently slaves of the Dark Nether Sect.

“It’s fortunate we have Elder Bai Li’s protection. Otherwise, I would’ve been killed yesterday.” Nangong Yi smiled wryly.

Yesterday, he had also secretly taken a break since he was too exhausted. He had also been whipped several times. At that time, he could no longer stand up, but the Dark Nether Sect’s disciple did not kill him. He suspected it was because of Bai Li Hong that he was given this treatment.

“I wonder how Elder Bai Li is doing? The people from Dark Nether Sect is quite rude to Elder Bai Li, especially once they found out we’re his weakness. They actually used us as leverage to force Elder Bai Li to inscribe Saint Inscriptions for them,” Chen Shao Shuai said, worried.

“I think Elder Bai Li is safe for now. Otherwise, the Dark Nether Sect’s disciple wouldn’t have given Nangong Yi preferential treatment yesterday,” Xiong Quan said.

“Come to think of it, we’re really unlucky to encounter the Dark Nether Sect when they were capturing slaves. Moreover, if it wasn’t for us, Elder Bai Li wouldn’t have allowed himself to be captured without putting up a fight.” When Gold Thug reached the end of his sentence, a guilty expression could be seen on his face.

“That’s right. With Elder Bai Li’s strength, even if he couldn’t bring us with him, he still would’ve been able to escape by himself,” Sima concurred.

Originally, after Bai Li Hong brought Feng Wu Dao and the others away from the Moon Illumination Sect, just as Duan Ling Tian had suspected, they indeed came to Windfall Nation. Their destination was also the capital of Windfall Nation.

However, they were pretty unlucky. Not long after they arrived in Windfall Nation, they encountered a group of people from Dark Nether Sect capturing slaves. The group of people was led by the Vice Sect Leader of Dark Nether Sect. He was an Imminent Saint Stage powerhouse who was ranked in the top five in the sect.

In front of this powerhouse, Bai Li Hong could have escaped on his own. However, it was impossible for him to bring Feng Wu Dao and the others along. Bai Li Hong could only let himself be captured along with Feng Wu Dao and the others.

Initially, Bai Li Hong had revealed his ident.i.ty as a Three Star Saint Inscription Master. He wanted the Dark Nether Sect to treat Feng Wu Dao and the others nicely and did not want them to become slaves.

However, as a Devil Dao sect, the Dark Nether Sect did not allow itself to be pushed around by Bai Li Hong.

Not only did they make Feng Wu Dao and the others into slaves, but they even used their lives to threaten Bai Li Hong into serving the Dark Nether Sect. If Bai Li Hong disobeyed them, they would kill Feng Wu Dao and the others.

In Bai Li Hong’s opinion, Feng Wu Dao and the others were entrusted to him by his junior brother, Duan Ling Tian. If anything were to happen to them, he would have no way to explain it to him. Due to this reason, he could only obediently follow the Dark Nether Sect and did not dare to act recklessly.

However, he had one condition. Feng Wu Dao and the others could not be killed. Otherwise, he would no longer inscribe any Saint Inscription for the Dark Nether Sect even if he died.

The Dark Nether Sect also realized this was Bai Li Hong’s bottom line and had agreed to his condition.

Due to this reason, Feng Wu Dao and the others were not in any danger even though they had become Dark Nether Sect’s slaves.

Suddenly, one of the two Dark Nether Sect’s disciples who was walking near Feng Wu Dao and the others said, “Hey, did you hear? Another remarkable talent has appeared in Windfall Nation. He’s called Duan Ling Tian or something. He’s the Interim Advisor of the Situ Clan in the capital.”

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