War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 1774: A Palace And A Swamp

Chapter 1774: A Palace And A Swamp

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Three people appeared once again at the entrance of the Saint Martial Secret Zone.

“Why are three of you here?” When Zhao Deng saw the three men who came out, his expression turned grim immediately since these three men belonged to the Zhao Clan.

In fact, there were only five men from the Zhao Clan who had entered this time, including Zhao Ji. However, four people had been kicked out in just a span of a month.

Upon seeing Zhao Deng whose expression had turned grave, the three Mystical Sky Mansion’s disciples from the Zhao Clan had a bitter expression on their faces. They could not help but curse inwardly, ‘If it’s not because your son has offended him, we wouldn’t have been kicked out!’

n.o.body could blame them for having such thoughts.

Although they were Mystical Sky Mansion’s disciples from the Zhao Clan, they never had any interaction with Duan Ling Tian before, let alone offending him.

The reason Duan Ling Tian killed their clones and sent them out from the Saint Martial Secret Zone was all due to their backgrounds. Apart from being Mystical Sky Mansion’s disciples, they were from the Zhao Clan as well.

Faced with Zhao Deng’s grave expression, one of the Mystical Sky Mansion’s disciples from the Zhao Clan finally mustered up his courage and replied, “Our three clones were killed by Ling Tian. He’s just too powerful, and we’re completely powerless in front of him!”

Ling Tian!

Ling Tian again!

Upon hearing his words, many people present on the scene s.h.i.+fted their eyes that contained hints of pity to Zhao Deng.

“Him again!” Zhao Ji exclaimed in a deep voice. He seemed to have forgotten himself again. His eyes gleamed fiercely, and killing intent could be seen in them as well.

At the same time, a young man beside the Palace Master of Earth Palace whispered to him, “Lord Mansion Master, they were the ones who killed me and kicked me out.” Hints of delight could be seen in his eyes as he gloated over their misfortune.

This young man was the Mystical Sky Mansion’s disciple who was with Xiao Dun previously. The two Divine Ability Relics that Xiao Dun knew about was discovered by this young man.

After he had discovered the two Divine Ability Relics, before he even had a chance to explore the places, he had already been eliminated. One could just imagine how frustrated he was.

However, currently, when he saw the three Mystical Sky Mansion’s disciples from the Zhao Clan who had eliminated him were also eliminated not long after he had been eliminated, he was beside himself with joy. All the frustration he felt in his heart had also vanished without a trace.

The Palace Master of Earth Palace nodded. “What a pity the two Divine Ability Relics you’ve discovered have gone to waste. That Heaven Palace’s disciple has really lucked out… Seeing how three of them are kicked out not long after you came out, I think Ling Tian must have made his move and rescued that Heaven Palace’s disciple.”

“I think so too.” The young man nodded. At the same time, he sighed in relief. His eyes contained hints of envy but not jealousy.

This was because he and Xiao Dun, the Heaven Palace’s disciple, were both good friends who had known each other before entering the Mystical Sky Mansion. After discovering Xiao Dun was unharmed, he heaved a sigh of relief instead.

“d.a.m.n it! That Divine Ability Relic is going to end up in Ling Tian’s possession again!” Zhao Deng was boiling with anger. One could imagine if Duan Ling Tian was right in front of him, he would not hesitate to kill him at all.

When Zhao Deng and his son were still boiling with anger to the point of almost pa.s.sing out, the young man standing next to the Palace Master of Earth Palace looked at the three Zhao Clan’s disciples and feigned a pitiful sigh as he said, “It seems like some people are destined to miss the two Divine Ability Relics that I discovered.”

“What did you say?!”

“Two Divine Ability Relics?”

“Both of you discovered two Divine Ability Relics?”

At once, the three Zhao Clan’s disciples widened their eyes and looked at the young man, the Earth Palace’s disciple whose clone was killed and eliminated by the three of them, with disbelief.

“I’ve already been kicked out. Is there a need for me to lie? I think Senior Brother Ling Tian and Xiao Dun must be on their way to get the two Divine Ability Relics now,” the Earth Palace’s disciple replied indifferently. Based on the tone of his voice, he was taking pleasure in their misfortune.

“This…” The three Zhao Clan’s disciples were dumbfounded. Two Divine Ability Relics had escaped them just like that?

“Two Divine Ability Relics!” Many eyes immediately s.h.i.+fted again to look at Zhao Deng who was so furious until his body was trembling slightly when he heard the Earth Palace’s disciple’s words.

“How’s this possible? What did Ling Tian do to have such good luck?!” Zhao Ji’s eyes were bloodshot while an expression of discontentment appeared on his face.

“Ling Tian’s really lucky.” Qian Ping Sheng, the Palace Master of Yellow Palace, could not help but sigh.

“Indeed.” Many people agreed.

“Haha… Junior Brother Ling Tian’s really quite unpredictable.” Gu Li laughed.

‘Ling Tian’s really quite lucky… I wonder if he’s our Young Mansion Master or not.’ Standing by the side, Ku Mi appeared calm, but his heart was a different story.

Meanwhile, in the Saint Martial Secret Zone, Duan Ling Tian looked at Xiao Dun and said, “According to you, the first trial of the two Divine Ability Relics have almost the same level of difficulty. Based on this, it’s very likely the Divine Abilities should be about the same grade. Since you’re the one who provided the information about the Divine Ability Relics, you can take your pick first.”

Since they were about the same, Duan Ling Tian did not make a fuss about it.

Xiao Dun looked at Duan Ling Tian and asked carefully, “C-Can I choose the one in the palace?” There was a hint of anxiousness in the depth of his gaze.

After taking a deep look at Xiao Dun who was waiting anxiously, Duan Ling Tian finally nodded. “Sure.”

Although the level of difficulty for the first trials of the two Divine Ability Relics was about the same, the locations of the two Relics were on opposite sides of each other.

One of the Divine Ability Relics was located in a magnificent palace. That was where Xiao Dun and his friend failed the first trial.

The other Divine Ability Relic was located in a gloomy and dark swamp. It was completely opposite from the former one.

Although the first trials for these two places were about the same in terms of difficulty, most ordinary people would choose the former since the place was more majestic. The Divine Ability contained in the Divine Ability Relic should not be simple as well.

If Duan Ling Tian were to pick first, he would also instinctively pick the former.

However, since Xiao Dun had already picked one, he did not say anything since Xiao Dun was the one who had provided the information leading to the two Divine Ability Relics.

“Then, let’s get the Divine Ability Relic that you’ve picked first. After you’ve memorized the Divine Ability contained in it, you can bring me to the location of the second Divine Ability Relic. I’ll explore the location of the second Divine Ability Relic on my own so you can go on and search for another Divine Ability Relic. That way, you won’t have to waste your time,” Duan Ling Tian told Xiao Dun.

“Senior Brother Ling Tian, you trust me so much?” Xiao Dun was slightly taken aback by Duan Ling Tian’s plan. Initially, he had thought Duan Ling Tian would want to go to the swamp first to memorize the Divine Ability, but it did not cross his mind that Duan Ling Tian would help him to obtain his Divine Ability Relic first.

“We’re all Heaven Palace’s disciples so there’s nothing to not trust,” Duan Ling Tian said casually. However, when Xiao Dun heard this, he felt so ashamed he wished the ground would swallow him up. In fact, he had been slightly selfish by picking the Divine Ability Relic located in the palace.

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Dun made his decision and said, “Senior Brother Ling Tian, maybe we should switch our Divine Ability Relics. Even if the Divine Ability Relic hidden in the palace has the same grade as the one in the swamp, I still think the one in the palace will be better…”

“The fact that you said such words means you’re sincere enough. However, since we’ve already made a decision, there’s no need for us to change it. The Divine Ability Relic in the palace will be yours,” Duan Ling Tian replied, “Just lead the way.”

After he asked Xiao Dun to lead the way, he followed behind Xiao Dun as they made their way to the first Divine Ability Relic.

A day and a night pa.s.sed had pa.s.sed as Duan Ling Tian followed Xiao Dun into a vast gra.s.sland before they finally came to a halt in front of a huge lake.

“The entrance is in the lake?” Duan Ling Tian raised his brow, astonished.

“Yes.” Xiao Dun nodded before making his way in first. He entered the lake as adept as a fish.

Duan Ling Tian followed suit.

Since their cultivation bases had reached a certain level, entering a lake was as easy as traveling on land. With the True Origin enveloping them, they blocked the water out completely.

When they were nearing the bottom of the lake, Duan Ling Tian noticed the ripples from a Formation.

As they entered deeper into the lake, Duan Ling Tian realized Xiao Dun had disappeared before his eyes. As he went deeper, his vision turned black.

When light appeared again, Duan Ling Tian regained his senses and discovered he was in another place.

This place appeared dignified. A palace could be seen in front like a gigantic beast lying p.r.o.ne on the ground. It was exactly like what Xiao Dun had described earlier.

“Senior Brother Ling Tian, there are five flying-type fierce beasts guarding the entrance of the palace, and their strength is at the peak of the Pristine Saint Stage.” At this moment, Xiao Dun’s voice entered Duan Ling Tian’s ears. “The five flying-type fierce beasts are of different species so all their techniques are different as well. Previously, when we came here, we were almost killed. Based on our previous estimation, we needed at least three people at the peak of the Pristine Saint Stage to kill them before we can enter the palace. However, someone at the Refined Saint Stage or above should be able to kill them all by just relying on their strength.”

When Xiao Dun reached the end of his sentence, he looked at Duan Ling Tian with a burning gaze. Duan Ling Tian was someone at the Refined Saint Stage or above. Moreover, he was not an ordinary Refined Saint Stage powerhouse!

“Alright.” Duan Ling Tian nodded before making his move. Like a bolt of lightning, he charged out and made his way to the palace.

At this moment, the entrance to the palace was tightly shut.

When Duan Ling Tian was halfway there, a few sharp cries resonated in the distance.

Subsequently, five gigantic figures appeared out of thin air above the palace.

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