War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 1785: Elementary Devouring Tactic

Chapter 1785: Elementary Devouring Tactic

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

It was only natural.

This old man was connected to the Divine Ability Relic in the Abyssal Swamp, so how could he be ordinary?

Even if such a person suppressed his cultivation base to his level, he still had his own advantage.

The old man’s combat experience and martial techniques were not something an ordinary Early Refined Saint Stage Martial Cultivator could compare to.

Currently, Duan Ling Tian counted himself lucky that the old man could not cast his Sun True Origin.

In fact, it was thanks to the Sun True Origin that he had the strength equivalent to an Early Eminent Saint Stage Martial Cultivator that he managed to move forward with just his clone.

In terms of strength, the Sun True Origin at the Early Refined Saint Stage was in no way inferior to an Early Eminent Saint Stage powerhouse’s True Origin.

“It has increased again!” When Duan Ling Tian dodged the old man’s attack in a timely manner, he was astonished to find that the old man had picked up speed again.

Duan Ling Tian extended his Divine Consciousness and was certain the old man’s True Origin did not change at all. It was still an ordinary True Origin at the Early Refined Saint Stage. The reason its speed had increased was due to the old man’s movement technique.

It was an extremely light and rapid movement technique.

“Even the movement technique inside the Heaven Rank Advanced Saint Grade Martial Tactic that’s cultivated to the highest stage wouldn’t be able to compare to this.” Duan Ling Tian clicked his tongue when faced with the old man’s speed.

Even an ordinary powerhouse at the Intermediate Refined Saint Stage would not be able to compare to the old man’s current speed.

If Duan Ling Tian did not have the Sun True Origin and was only an ordinary Early Refined Saint Stage powerhouse, he would not have gained any advantage in terms of speed.

The offensive technique the old man cast with a raise of his hand was extremely powerful as well. It was much more powerful than the attack of an ordinary Intermediate Refined Saint Stage Martial Cultivator.

However, he was overpowered by Duan Ling Tian in terms of strength. It was useless. No matter how powerful his attack was, it could not touch Duan Ling Tian.

Although Duan Ling Tian’s cultivation base was at the Early Refined Saint Stage, he possessed the Sun True Origin so his speed was similar to the speed of an Early Eminent Saint Stage Martial Cultivator.

Faced with the old man whose speed was at the Intermediate Refined Saint Stage, he did not feel any pressure at all.

“Fortunately, I’m the one who encounters this trial… If it’s an ordinary Martial or Dao Cultivator who encounter this trial, it would’ve been impossible for them to pa.s.s this trial!” Duan Ling Tian knew very well that he was the only one capable of pa.s.sing this trial easily.

If it was another Early Refined Saint Stage Martial Cultivator, he would have been defeated long ago without the Sun True Origin.

“Huh? Why is he not moving?” At the same time, Duan Ling Tian realized that after the old man had chased him for some time, he suddenly came to a halt and looked at him in a slight daze before saying, “Little fellow, looks like you’re the person I’ve been waiting for. If you can still defeat me after I cast the Elementary Devouring Tactic, then I’ll pa.s.s the Elementary Devouring Tactic to you!”

Duan Ling Tian did not pay much attention to the first half of the old man’s words. However, when he reached the second half of his words, Duan Ling Tian’s eyes widened immediately.

‘I’ll pa.s.s the Elementary Devouring Tactic to you!’

Did this old man mean the Elementary Devouring Tactic was his Divine Ability?

‘Could it be that… This Abyssal Swamp was left behind by this senior?’ The moment he thought of this, Duan Ling Tian’s heartbeat increased by several beats.

Although he had entered the location of three Divine Ability Relics before, the three Divine Ability Relics did not have anyone appearing like the old man, let alone communicating with him.

However, not only did this old man appeared in the Abyssal Swamp, but he even said he would pa.s.s the Elementary Devouring Tactic to Duan Ling Tian if Duan Ling Tian was able to defeat him!

How could these thoughts not fill his mind?

“Huh?” When Duan Ling Tian was beginning to indulge in his train of thought, he was shocked to discover that the Sun True Origin in his body had begun to leak out despite him not activating it.

It was fortunate he had noticed it in time and had put a stop to it. Otherwise, he would have lost much of his Sun True Origin.

After Duan Ling Tian regained his senses, he realized the robe on the old man standing nearby had begun to flutter.

The air in his surrounding began to stir and ripple before it transformed into a gigantic whirlpool.

This whirlpool was devouring the Heaven and Earth Spirit Energy in the surrounding ceaselessly and storing it in the old man’s body.

“His aura seems to be getting stronger now!” At the same time, the Divine Consciousness that Duan Ling Tian extended out could clearly sense the aura on the old man’s body was continuing to increase. In the end, the air in the surrounding seemed to have stopped stirring. Only then did the old man’s aura stop increasing.

At the same time, the whirlpool that was shrouding him began to vanish as well.


For a moment, the air began to shake as Territory began to consolidate in a 100-meter radius around the old man.

However, the True Origin consolidating the True Origin Territory was not at the Early Refined Saint Stage.

Instead, it was at the peak of the Refined Saint Stage!

Naturally, it was not comparable to the True Origin of a real powerhouse at the peak of the Refined Saint Stage since the True Origin the old man used to consolidate his Territory was very unstable.

The reason it was unstable was due to it being forcefully raised. The true nature of the True Origin was still at the Early Refined Saint Stage.

“This is the Elementary Devouring Tactic?” When Duan Ling Tian saw this, he could not help but gasp. He was extremely shocked by this.

The Elementary Devouring Tactic allowed an Early Refined Saint Stage Martial Cultivator to devour the energy in the surrounding in a short period of time to forcefully raise his own True Origin to the peak of the Refined Saint Stage?

This Divine Ability was just too heaven-defying, right?

The old man’s Territory was a dark Territory. Once in a while, some pythons that were shrouded in blood mist would leap out of the Territory, but after writhing here and there, they would hide in the Territory again.

When Duan Ling Tian looked at the surrounding, he could see there were about 1,000 pythons that appeared in the old man’s Territory.

The 1,000 pythons were shrouded in a blood mist as they writhed in the Territory. Sometimes, they would show themselves, but sometimes they would hide. It gave off a creepy vibe.


When Duan Ling Tian heard the sound of wind billowing, he realized the old man had begun to charge at him after he had consolidated his Territory.

The unstable True Origin emitting from his body began to show signs of weakening at this point although it was a slow process.

‘Looks like the True Origin that’s raised using the Elementary Devouring Tactic doesn’t last too long. He wants to take advantage of his True Origin at the peak of the Refined Saint Stage to kill me with just one blow!’ The moment Duan Ling Tian thought of this, he began to make his move as well.

One must admit the speed that the old man demonstrated using his True Origin at the peak of the Refined Saint Stage was extremely fast. It was even faster than 99% of the Martial Cultivators at the peak of the Refined Saint Stage.

However, he still could not catch up to Duan Ling Tian whose cultivation base was equivalent to an Early Eminent Saint Stage Martial Cultivator.

Although the old man’s speed was equivalent to an Intermediate Refined Saint Stage Martial Cultivator with the True Origin of an Early Refined Saint Stage powerhouse, his True Origin that was at the peak of the Refined Saint Stage was still unable to beat the speed of an Early Eminent Saint Stage Martial Cultivator.

For example, the Early Refined Saint Stage and the Intermediate Refined Saint Stage, and the peak of the Refined Saint Stage and the Early Eminent Saint Stage. The former was different because it was still in the same Saint Stage. The gap was not too wide. However, the latter’s difference was huge since it was not in the same Saint Stage. The differences could not be compared at all.

For this reason, although the old man had raised his True Origin through the Elementary Devouring Tactic to the peak of the Refined Saint Stage in a short time, he still could not touch Duan Ling Tian at all.

Whoos.h.!.+ Whoos.h.!.+ Whoos.h.!.+ Whoos.h.!.+ Whoos.h.!.+

At this moment, the old man was, naturally, not fighting alone. He had the help of 1,000 pythons that were shrouded in blood mist in his Territory. They quickly joined the battle and charged toward Duan Ling Tian as well.

“Territory?” Faced with the attack from the old man’s Territory, Duan Ling Tian smiled nonchalantly as the Sun True Origin in his body began to surge out as well.

10,000 Swords Territory!

Swis.h.!.+ Swis.h.!.+ Swis.h.!.+ Swis.h.!.+ Swis.h.!.+

The pythons were completely annihilated in the wake of the 10,000 sword rays. The old man’s Territory was subsequently shattered by the 10,000 Swords Territory.

A Territory relied on one’s True Origin.

Duan Ling Tian’s True Origin was the Sun True Origin. It was equivalent to the True Origin of an Early Eminent Saint Stage powerhouse. Such a Territory that was consolidated from such a True Origin would undoubtedly crush the Territory that was consolidated by the old man’s True Origin that was at the peak of the Refined Saint Stage.

“Huh? It’s getting weaker now?” At the same time, Duan Ling Tian noticed the True Origin on the old man’s body had weakened to the Mastery Refined Saint Stage.

“It’s time to end this now!” Duan Ling Tian’s eyes flashed as his heart jolted. His 10,000 Swords Territory converged abruptly. The 10,000 sword rays gathered in his hand and transformed into a heavy and big broadsword.

From afar, it looked as dazzling as the sun.

Duan Ling Tian moved without any warning.

He wielded the gigantic sword that was like a blazing sun dexterously. Faced with the old man who tried to cast his Divine Ability, the Elementary Devouring Tactic, to raise his True Origin to the peak of the Refined Saint Stage again, the gigantic sword slashed downward and landed violently on him.

The old man’s True Origin had just been raised to the peak of the Refined Saint Stage again, but faced with the Sun True Origin and the strike from the sword that contained the profundity of the Sovereign Heart Sword, it crumbled immediately. It vanished along with the old man’s body before Duan Ling Tian eyes.

“I can’t believe the last trial would be the easiest one.” As Duan Ling Tian’s heart gave a jolt, the gigantic sword in his hand disappeared as well. At the same time, he soared up into the air as a faint smile appeared on his face.


Ever since he entered the Abyssal Swamp, every step he had taken before he arrived at the ninth trial had been arduous.

In Duan Ling Tian’s opinion, the ninth trial should be the most difficult one. However, when he was faced with it, although he appeared indifferent, he was actually feeling anxious. He wondered if he would be able to successfully pa.s.s the trial and obtain the Divine Ability in the Divine Ability Relic that was located in the Abyssal Swamp.

However, at this moment, he had finally pa.s.sed the trial. Moreover, it was an easy trial that was to his advantage. Naturally, this was all because of the Sun True Origin in his body.

If it was another person, it would be impossible for that person to pa.s.s this trial.

This had already been mentioned many times.

‘This Abyssal Swamp is really terrifying! However, that Divine Ability, the Elementary Devouring Tactic, is even more terrifying!’ The moment Duan Ling Tian recalled the Elementary Devouring Tactic the old man had cast earlier, his eyes brightened. He could not suppress the excitement in his heart.

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