War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 1807: A Great Crisis

Chapter 1807: A Great Crisis

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

At this moment, it did not occur to everyone present on the scene, including Zhao Deng, Zhao Ji’s father, that the matter of Zhu Lu Qi, the Palace Master of Heaven Palace, bringing Xu Jing away was not that simple.

In the first place, how did Zhu Lu Qi find out the Devil technique that Xu Jing cultivated was the Devouring Dark Devil Technique?

Zhu Lu Qi was not Zhao Ji. Therefore, he would not stoop so low as to use Li Feng to proved Xu Jing.

The instigator of this matter was none other than Zhao Ji who was standing next to Zhao Deng!

Previously, after Zhao Ji communicated with Xu Jing in the secret underground room, he had suffered a headache from the condition Xu Jing had proposed. To him, it was more than difficult for him to rescue Xu Jing out of the secret underground room. Unless his grandfather or father was willing to help him, it was an impossible task.

After that, he accidentally met Palace Master Zhu Lu Qi who was venting his anger in a remote canyon halfway up the Heaven Palace’s Mountain. The way he vented his anger was unlike someone who had lived to a hundred years old.

He had a life-sized stone carving of Feng Bu Yi, the Deputy of Mountainshade Black Market placed before him as he screamed Feng Bu Yi’s stone figure before he smashed it into dust!

At that moment, Zhao Ji could clearly sense Zhu Lu Qi’s anger. Hope welled up in his heart. ‘If the Palace Master of Heaven Palace, Zhu Lu Qi is willing to help me, it wouldn’t be difficult to rescue Xu Jing!”

It was from that point onward that he concocted a plan that revolved around Zhu Lu Qi.

He did not speak bluntly in the beginning. Instead, he tried testing the water with Zhu Lu Qi first by asking his opinion on those inhumane and barbaric Devil Dao Cultivation Method.

If Zhu Lu Qi sincerely detested those kinds of cultivation methods, he could only dismiss the idea of working together with him. However, after probing him for a while, Zhao Ji discovered that although Zhu Lu Qi detested those kinds of cultivation methods, his hatred toward Feng Bu Yi, the Deputy of Mountainshade Black Market, far exceeded everything. In order to kill Feng Bu Yi, he was willing to cultivate those kind of inhumane methods.

Once Zhao Ji discovered this, he revealed everything he knew to Zhu Lu Qi, including his own intention of saving Xu Jing in exchange for the Devouring Dark Devil Technique. Zhu Lu Qi who was blinded with hatred agreed immediately.

That was how this incident happened today.

Recently, it just so happened that it was Zhu Lu Qi’s turn to monitor Xu Jing. It was undoubtedly very easy for him to rescue Xu Jing from the secret underground room before the group of Mystical Sky Mansion’s high-ranking officials realized what was going on.

The only people who knew about this was Zhao Ji, Zhu Lu Qi, and Xu Jing. One must admit that apart from having extraordinary Martial Dao talent, Zhao Ji was quite quick-witted as well among the second generation in the Mystical Sky Mansion.

Take the deal Zhao Ji had struck with Zhu Lu Qi for example. With Zhu Lu Qi’s strength, there was no need for him to work with Zhao Ji. He could just work directly with Xu Jing.

However, Zhao Ji had threatened Zhu Lu Qi he would report the matter to his grandfather and father if he dared to act alone! The worst outcome would only be them not working together!

He used this to threaten Zhu Lu Qi and made him swear on the lightning penalty oath. Due to all this, all he had to do was sit back and enjoy the fruits of the other person’s labor.

From the beginning until the end, he did not even have to do anything, and he would be able to obtain the Devil Dao Cultivation Method Devouring Dark Devil Technique that he had been yearning for.

Naturally, he had yet to obtain the Devouring Dark Devil Technique since Xu Jing was only willing to pa.s.s on the Devouring Dark Devil Technique to him and Zhu Lu Qi after he had gotten out of the Mystical Sky Mansion.

“I hope Zhu Lu Qi is not useless…” Currently, Zhao Ji was most afraid that Zhu Lu Qi would be caught by his grandfather and Gu Ci Yun. Naturally, he was not worried about Zhu Lu Qi’s safety, he was only worried if he would be able to obtain the Devouring Dark Devil Technique after all the efforts he had spent convincing Zhu Lu Qi.

It was fortunate Zhu Lu Qi did not know what Zhao Ji’s thoughts were. Otherwise, he would probably throw up blood in anger!

He risked his life to rescue someone out from the Mystical Sky Mansion, and he was not even thinking of whether his efforts would be in vain. However, this fellow who was only talking but did not do anything was only worried whether he would be able to obtain the Devouring Dark Devil Technique.

After a few days, the two great Guardians returned empty-handed.

After Zhu Lu Qi brought Xu Jing away, it was as though they had vanished into thin air.

Due to Gu Ci Yun and Zhao Ji’s return, the group of Mystical Sky Mansion’s high-ranking officials with Vice Mansion Master positions or higher gathered again. Gu Ci Yun was the first one to speak to Meng Qing.

“I’m afraid Palace Master Zhu had planned this in advance… Even if you personally pursue them, I’m afraid even you won’t be able to catch them, Lord Mansion Master, let alone both of us.”

“In that case, there’s no need to waste our energy searching for him anymore. Based on his message, it’s clear he has made up his mind to cultivate that Devouring Dark Devil Technique. Now, we can dismiss the people from the Rising Sky Mansion’s estate. Moreover, spread the news that Mystical Sky Mansion has discovered someone from the Rising Sky Mansion cultivating the Devouring Dark Devil Technique, and that was why we attacked them!” Meng Qing nodded. At this moment, it seemed like he had regained his composure as he began to deal with the matter regarding the Rising Sky Mansion.

Previously, there were always people from the Mystical Sky Mansion guarding the Rising Sky Mansion’s estate since they were worried about news leaking out. However, there was no longer a need to worry about it.

“Apart from that, release news that Zhu Lu Qi, the Palace Master of Heaven Palace from the Mystical Sky Mansion has kidnapped the Young Mansion Master of Rising Sky Mansion, Xu Jing, and has been banished from our Mystical Sky Mansion! Additionally, Xu Jing is the first person who cultivated the Devouring Dark Devil Technique in the Rising Sky Mansion,” Meng Qing said.

Based on his words, it was apparent he intended on pus.h.i.+ng all the blame to Zhu Lu Qi. Since Zhu Lu Qi had dared to act in such a manner, he must have expected this as well.

“Send some men to the Mountainshade Black Market and notify Feng Bu Yi, the Deputy of Mountainshade Black Market. Inform him that Zhu Lu Qi had kidnapped Xu Jing to obtain the Devouring Dark Devil Technique that Xu Jing cultivated so that he can seek revenge and redeem himself!” Meng Qing added again.

The group of Mystical Sky Mansion’s high-ranking officials present on the scene did not have any objections to Meng Qing’s orders.

The other three Palace Masters of the three palaces, on the other hand, who had a good relations.h.i.+p with Zhu Lu Qi could only sigh inwardly.

However, they understood the Mansion Master’s decision. It was for the greater good. He did not do this intentionally to harm Zhu Lu Qi.

Just like this, the shocking news was spread from the Mystical Sky Mansion and caused a commotion in the Lower Province of the Dao Martial Saint Land.

“The Devouring Dark Devil Technique has appeared again?!”

“The fourth-rate force, Rising Sky Mansion, had obtained the Devouring Dark Devil Technique? Due to the Young Mansion Master of Rising Sky Mansion cultivating the Devouring Dark Devil Technique, he didn’t die even though he was pierced by a sword at the s.p.a.ce between his brows?”

“After the quasi third-rate force, Mystical Sky Mansion, discovered that someone from the Rising Sky Mansion had cultivated the Devouring Dark Devil Technique, they made their move and detained the people from the Rising Sky Mansion. The backbone of Rising Sky Mansion stubbornly put up a fight, and in the end, all of them were killed. Only the elderly, women, and children are spared?”

“Does this mean the Devouring Dark Devil Technique has fallen into Mystical Sky Mansion’s hand?”

“The Mystical Sky Mansion’s Palace Master of Heaven Palace, Zhu Lu Qi, had kidnapped Xu Jing for his own selfish reasons. The Mystical Sky Mansion had failed in capturing him. Therefore, they had publicly announced Zhu Lu Qi’s banishment from the Mystical Sky Mansion!”

“It seems like Zhu Lu Qi intends to cultivate the Devouring Dark Devil Technique!”

The tranquility of the Lower Province of the Dao Martial Saint Land was disturbed due to the commotion the news had caused.

Many people mused over the fact that an awe-inspiring fourth-rate force, the Rising Sky Mansion, was gone just like that.

However, more people discussed the strength of the Mystical Sky Mansion.

“As expected of a quasi third-rate force, its strength is not something a fourth-rate force can compare to. They had easily wiped out a fourth-rate force just like that!”

All of the fourth-rate forces had also received this news.

Some of the high-ranking officials from some fourth-rate forces gathered in their estates. They stood looking at each other in shock. “The Mystical Sky Mansion’s strength has actually risen to such a level? Don’t tell me this is the gap between a quasi third-rate force and a fourth-rated force?”

“The Mystical Sky Mansion is not even considered as the most powerful among the quasi third-rated forces… If the Mystical Sky Mansion is already this powerful, how powerful exactly are the Mountainshade Black Market and the Azure Cloud Mansion?” They were from fourth-rate forces so they never had any conflict with any quasi third-rate forces before. Therefore, they did not know how strong a quasi third-rate force was.

This time, the Mystical Sky Mansion had killed the backbone of the Rising Sky Mansion without much effort. Annihilating a fourth-rate force just like that revealed the strength of a quasi third-rate force. The strength they had demonstrated was more than enough to elicit fear from the fourth-rate forces.

“And I thought we would be able to rise and become a quasi third-rate force in less than a hundred years. Now that I think about it, it seems like I was only daydreaming!”

“The quasi third-rated forces have actually become so strong. There’s still a long way to go for us if we want to rise to become a quasi third-rate force.”

In the Lower Province of the Dao Martial Saint Land, many fourth-rate forces were shocked and shaken by the strength of quasi third-rate forces. They became even more afraid and did not dare to entertain thoughts of replacing them and become quasi third-rate forces.

The Mystical Sky Mansion had displayed the strength of a quasi third-rate force through their actions!

As one of the two most powerful quasi third-rate forces in the Lower Province of the Dao Martial Saint Land, the Azure Cloud Mansion, naturally, had received the news released by the Mystical Sky Mansion.

“The Devouring Dark Devil Technique?” A person was sitting high up in the Main Hall. He was none other than Duan Ru Feng, the current Mansion Master Azure Cloud Mansion.

“Yes.” An old man standing below nodded immediately.

“Elder Rong, you may retreat,” Duan Ru Feng ordered.

The old man was Rong Yuan, one of the two people beside Duan Ru Feng. When he saw Duan Ru Feng had asked him to retreat without saying anything after learning about the Devouring Dark Devil Technique, he was momentarily baffled. It prompted him to ask, “Lord Mansion Master, the Devouring Dark Devil Technique is bound to create evil and chaos now that it has appeared. Should our Azure Cloud Mansion make a move and search for the traitor from the Mystical Sky Mansion, Zhu Lu Qi, and kill him to spare troubles in the future?”

“Let’s wait and see for now,” Duan Ru Feng said again.

“Understood.” Rong Yuan nodded respectfully before he turned to leave.

After Rong Yuan left, Duan Ru Feng muttered to himself, “If I’m not mistaken, the Devouring Dark Devil Technique is a Devil technique the Black Nether created! However, the original Devouring Dark Devil Technique is cultivated by devouring the negative moonlight force and could be considered as a normal Devil Dao Cultivation Method. Moreover, the person who cultivated the Devouring Dark Devil Technique by devouring vital energies and blood of young women previously should be the disciple that was abandoned by Black Nether based on his memory!”

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