War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 3627: That ‘Young Master’

Chapter 3627: That ‘Young Master’

Fear struck Zhong Si’s heart when he recalled how he had been intent on seeking revenge from those in room nine earlier.

“Fourth Leader, we’re really lucky we didn’t act yet. Otherwise, it’s not just us, but the entire Zhong clan will likely fall as well!” the old man said fearfully. He was a member of the Zhong clan as well.

“You’re right. I didn’t expect there to be such terrifying figures here,” Zhong Si said as he wiped the sweat off his forehead.

“Fourth Leader, although the two women have left, the young man didn’t leave with them. That young man seems to have a very close relations.h.i.+p with the Young Miss whom the Lord of G.o.ds mentioned earlier. When I was in their room, I saw that Young Miss holding onto that young man’s arm…” the old man said, puzzled.

Upon hearing the old man’s words, Zhong Si’s eyes lit up. He immediately said, “Let’s go! Let’s go! Let’s go and greet the Young Master!”

Apart from Zhong Si, the representatives of the four lord-rank forces in the Zhou clan’s auction house had long recalled that apart from the two women, there was a young man as well.

Alas, when they went to room nine, they discovered the room was empty.

Since they did not see Duan Ling Tian leave, they began to speculate among themselves.

“Could it be that the young man’s voice was faked by one of the two women?”

“Could it be that the voice of the young man was also faked by one of the two women?”

Not many people thought this was the case. After all, there was no need for such prominent figures to disguise their voices. Moreover, they had even openly spoken and appeared in front of everyone toward the end of the auction without any signs of trying to hide their ident.i.ties.

Moreover, they learned from one of the staff members in the Zhou clan’s auction house that there was indeed a young man in room nine.

“If I came to room nine earlier, I would’ve been able to meet the Young Master,” Murong Sui Feng, the Vice Sect Leader of the Hidden Fog Sect and the dean of the Hidden Fog Academy, muttered to himself regretfully.

The other three representatives from the lord-rank forces sighed regretfully as well.

From what they had gathered from the staff member that served those in room nine, the Young Miss was very close to the young man and had addressed the young man as ‘brother’. Whether the two were related or not, they were sure the young man must also have a powerful background.

Duan Ling Tian was naturally unaware that many people went to room nine to meet him after he left the Zhou clan’s auction house. After leaving the auction house, he returned to the inn immediately.

Duan Ling Tian had picked an inconspicuous inn that belonged to a small clan, which was a branch of a king-grade force in Skywind City. For this reason, when the Zhou clan and the Zhong clan tried to look for Duan Ling Tian in the inns they owned and the other inns owned by other king-rank forces, they could not find Duan Ling Tian at all.

In the end, they could only give up on looking for Duan Ling Tian. After all, none of them had thought that a n.o.ble ‘Young Master’ would deign to stay in a small inn in Skywind City.

Duan Ling Tian had chosen to stay in the small inn because he liked the environment. Moreover, the inn was located in a quiet and remote area, which was suitable for his cultivation.

He was naturally unaware that people were looking for him. After he returned to the inn, he brought out the three divine pills he had obtained from the Zhou clan’s auction. He planned to break through to an intermediate G.o.d as soon as he could. After all, there was only half a month left before the commencement of the Hidden Fog Academy’s recruitment.

Duan Ling Tian thought to himself, ‘An intermediate G.o.d who’s younger than 2,700 years old should be enough for me to stand out without attracting trouble even if I don’t take my comprehension of the law into account, right?’

In the Realms of G.o.ds, those below the age of 3,000 were considered very young.

Let alone an intermediate G.o.d younger than 3,000 years old, there were quite many advanced G.o.ds and Kings of G.o.ds younger than 3,000 years old in emperor-rank forces. However, in a place like Skywind City, an intermediate G.o.d who had yet to reach the age of 3,000 was quite rare. With this, he would definitely attract attention, but his achievement was not outstanding enough that he would attract trouble. After all, although rare, he was not the only one in and around Skywind City who became an intermediate G.o.d before reaching the age of 3,000.

In fact, among the current students of the Hidden Fog Academy, there was a Ten Stars student who had yet to reach 3,000 years old. That person had already been accepted as a direct disciple of a high-ranking official from the Hidden Fog Sect before he even graduated from the academy. After entering the sect in the future, he would be directly under the care of the high-ranking official.

Duan Ling Tian and the others in Skywind City were not aware of this because this young genius had only broken through and become an intermediate G.o.d not too long ago.

While Duan Ling Tian was in closed-door cultivation, it was very lively in parts of Skywind City.

Everyone was fervently discussing the shocking and exciting event that happened in the Zhou clan’s auction house.

“Did you hear? A Lord of G.o.ds attended the Zhou clan’s auction!”

“I did! I even heard that the Lord of G.o.ds is a very beautiful woman! I heard she’s guarding a little girl whom she referred to as Young Miss!”

“I wonder who’s that little girl? She even has a Lord of G.o.ds protecting her! Not even the daughter of the Sect Leader of the Hidden Fog Sect, the most powerful lord-rank force near Skywind City, is afforded such a treatment!”

“That young girl must have come from a top lord-rank force at least. There’s even a possibility that she’s from an emperor-rank force!”

“I heard the young girl’s brother accompanied her to the auction as well. When she left with the Lord of G.o.ds, her brother didn’t leave! There’s a chance he’s still in Skywind City!”

“Is that so? I wish I could meet him! If I’m able to befriend him, my status in Skywind City would rise crazily!”

Even those in the small inn where Duan Ling Tian was staying were discussing this matter.

However, since Duan Ling Tian only stayed in his room, he was unaware of this matter.

Apart from Yu Qiu Xuan, Duan Qiao Yu, and Duan Ling Tian, Han Li Gang also became a topic for many people’s conversations.

“I heard that Han Li Gang, the second elder of the 10,000 Devils Sect, kneeled and apologized to that Young Miss in the Zhou clan’s auction house! Not only is he a second elder of a lord-rank sect, but he’s also an advanced G.o.d. How could he disregard his dignity? What an embarra.s.sment!”

“You’re all talk! If you were in his shoes, do you think you’d be able to maintain your pride and dignity when faced with a Lord of G.o.ds? Are pride and dignity more important than your life?”

“That’s right! I think Han Li Gang is a wise man who knows how to adapt to the situation. He had worked hard his entire life to cultivate and become an advanced G.o.d. If he loses his life, all his hard work would’ve been in vain!”

“I agree!”

Although Han Li Gang’s actions were embarra.s.sing, most people in Skywind City were rather understanding.

As the days pa.s.sed, fewer and fewer people spoke about the events during the Zhou clan’s auction. Since the day of the Hidden Fog Academy’s recruitment was drawing closer, most people’s attention had s.h.i.+fted to the academy.

“I heard that many disciples from top king-grade forces will be partic.i.p.ating in the Hidden Fog Academy’s recruitment this time.”

“How’s that surprising? It’s the same every year. However, very few of them were admitted.”

“This year, a junior from my clan will be partic.i.p.ating in the recruitment as well. However, I don’t hold much hope of him being admitted. I only hope he doesn’t embarra.s.s himself too much…”

“Thousands of people partic.i.p.ated in the academy’s recruitment last year, but only seven people were admitted!”

“I’m afraid things aren’t going to change and that it’ll be the same this year.”

The Hidden Fog Academy was very prestigious in Skywind City since it was founded by the lord-rank Hidden Fog Sect, which was the strongest lord-rank force closest to Skywind City. Naturally, there was no lack of people who wanted to join the academy. After all, if they performed well, they would be granted entry into the Hidden Fog Sect after graduation. Moreover, there were also a few who rose to rather high ranks after joining the sect.

For all these reasons, the king-rank forces in Skywind City placed great importance on their younger generation entering the Hidden Fog Academy. Moreover, they placed a lot of pressure on the younger generation to do well too. After all, the future of their respective forces hinged on the performance of the younger generation.

For example, if someone from the Zhou clan became an elder in the Hidden Fog Sect while someone from the Zhong clan did not, it would put the Zhou clan in a precarious position. The Zhou clan could easily destroy the Zhong clan if they so wished.

Although there were many lord-rank forces of equal strength with the Hidden Fog Sect around Skywind City, the Hidden Fog Sect was located closest to the city. For this reason, Skywind City was under its control.

Half a month pa.s.sed by in just a blink of an eye.

On this day, the doors of the Hidden Fog Academy were officially opened early in the morning.

Anyone whose bone age was younger than 2,800 years old could partic.i.p.ate in the recruitment. After verifying their bone ages, they would be led to an a.s.sessment area. Only partic.i.p.ants were allowed in the a.s.sessment area.

When Duan Ling Tian arrived at the entrance of the Hidden Fog Academy, he saw many parents sending their children off. It reminded him of his previous life on earth when he was taking his college entrance exams. However, since he was an orphan, there was no one to send him off. At that time, his heart had been filled with envy when he saw people of the same age being sent off by their parents at the school gates.

As Duan Ling Tian walked, half immersed in his memories, he could hear the conversations in his surroundings.

Duan Ling Tian heard an elderly man encouraging his daughter at the entrance of the academy at this moment.

“My daughter, you can do it! Strive for a good ranking! However, it doesn’t matter if you fail this year; we still have next year! What’s important is that your rank keeps rising. With that, you’ll definitely be able to enter the academy one day!”

“Son, if you successfully enter the Hidden Fog Academy, I’ll die without regrets!”

“Long’er, good luck!”

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