4431 The Meng Clan’s Supreme Powerhouse, Meng Tian Feng!

Tan Xiu Teng replied to Meng Yu Zheng, “He should be arriving soon.”

At the same time, a figure flew from Green Billow City to Blue Dawn City at lightning speed. He was so fast that most people could not even catch a glimpse of him.

The figure belonged to an old man with snow-white hair and ruddy cheeks. He looked rather youthful for his age. As he flew, the hem of his long gray robe fluttered in the wind as thunder and sparks of flames lit up the sky.


‘The w.a.n.g clan…’

Memories from his earlier years flashed in his mind as he flew in the sky.

The old man was not even 10,000 years old when he followed his elders and went to the w.a.n.g clan in Blue Dawn City for the first time to meet the w.a.n.g clan’s supreme powerhouse.

The w.a.n.g clan’s supreme powerhouse was stronger than ordinary supreme powerhouses, and for this reason, the w.a.n.g clan was respected not only in Blue Dawn City but in the Divine Sand Realm as well.

The w.a.n.g clan’s supreme powerhouse was so strong that if Blue Dawn City were facing destruction like Dancing Sun City did, he alone was powerful enough to make the supreme demon from Chi Ming Mountain think twice about attacking.

‘I didn’t expect the once mighty w.a.n.g clan to fall to such a pitiful state after the death of their supreme powerhouse. They might have the support of a few supreme powerhouses now thanks to their late ancestor. However, how long can the clan rely on them? If a supreme powerhouse doesn’t appear in the w.a.n.g clan, they won’t be able to maintain their status in the Divine Sand Realm for long. Alas, the Meng clan isn’t exempted from this as well. Although I’ve grown stronger and my lifespan has increased, I’ll also die eventually. I brought glory to the Meng clan after becoming a supreme powerhouse, but this glory will vanish with my pa.s.sing…’ the old man mumbled to himself as he sighed.

The old man was none other than Meng Tian Feng, the new supreme powerhouse of the Meng clan.

Back in the w.a.n.g clan in Blue Dawn City.

In a huge open-air hall.

The atmosphere was lively as Duan Ling Tian and w.a.n.g Luo Yu walked in.

“The w.a.n.g clan’s new son-in-law has an extraordinary bearing!”

“His handsome appearance is truly worthy of our Blue Dawn City’s number one beauty!”

“I wonder who he is… He must have a powerful background. Otherwise, the w.a.n.g clan wouldn’t have rejected the Meng clan for him…”

The guests could not help but discuss among themselves as they watched Duan Ling Tian and w.a.n.g Luo Yu walk from opposite directions toward the high platform in the center of the hall. They were naturally familiar with w.a.n.g Luo Yu, the number one beauty of Blue Dawn City. Perhaps, their attention was mostly focused on Duan Ling Tian who was a mystery to them.

At this time, the host of the wedding, w.a.n.g Kui, also the Clan Leader of the w.a.n.g clan, bowed slightly to the guests and said, “Dear guests, I, w.a.n.g Kui; the Clan Leader of the w.a.n.g clan, would like to thank all of you for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend this wedding.”

Under normal circ.u.mstances, w.a.n.g Kui, as the Clan Leader of the w.a.n.g clan, would not be the host of the weddings in the clan unless the bride or groom had an extraordinary background. Moreover, even if the clan leader hosted a wedding, it was usually the wedding of a male descendant of the w.a.n.g clan. It was even rarer for the clan leader to be the host of the wedding of a female descendant.

For this reason, the guests were even more convinced that Duan Ling Tian, whom they knew as Li Feng, had a very powerful background.

“Today is the wedding of our clan’s direct descendant, w.a.n.g Luo Yu, and Li Feng, a prodigy from outside the Divine Sand Realm. The clan and I wish both of them a fulfilling and harmonious marriage. Apart from that…”

w.a.n.g Kui continued to give his speech as Duan Ling Tian and w.a.n.g Luo Yu made their way up the high platform. Even after the couple arrived on the platform, w.a.n.g Kui was still not done with his speech. The speech was so long-winded that Duan Ling Tian nearly fell asleep.

With nothing else to do at this moment, Duan Ling Tian swept his eyes across the guests seated below the high platform. Most of them were only looking at him curiously and nothing was out of the ordinary except for Meng Yu Zheng from the Green Billow City’s Meng clan who was glaring at him.

From the moment Meng Yu Zheng arrived until now, Duan Ling Tian only ignored Meng Yu Zheng. However, it did not stop Meng Yu Zheng from hara.s.sing Duan Ling Tian.

Meng Yu Zheng stared at Duan Ling Tian murderously as he said threateningly through Voice Transmission, “Brat, you’ll pay for your impudence! My ancestor, the supreme powerhouse of the Meng clan, is going to arrive soon! He can end this wedding in just a blink of an eye! I want to see how arrogant you can be in front of him!”

Duan Ling Tian continued to ignore Meng Yu Zheng. It was as though he did not hear the Voice Transmission at all.

This naturally only made Meng Yu Zheng even more furious.

‘This bast*rd! Does he think I’m joking?!”

At this time, w.a.n.g Kui finally ended his long-winded speech and introduced Duan Ling Tian to the guests. He briefly explained that Duan Ling Tian came from a clan outside of the Divine Sand Realm before he handed a wedding from the w.a.n.g clan to w.a.n.g Luo Yu and said with a broad smile, “Luo Yu, you’ll always be a part of the w.a.n.g clan even if you’re now married.”

Slightly startled by this gesture, w.a.n.g Luo Yu reached out to accept the gift, feeling rather guilty. However, it was imperative that she put on a perfect show to ensure the success of the plan.

‘I’ll be leaving the w.a.n.g clan soon after the wedding is over. Based on Brother Duan’s words, the place where he comes from, the G.o.d Defying World, seems perfect. Perhaps, I’ll settle down in one of the mundane realms there…’ w.a.n.g Luo Yu thought to herself.

Just as the ceremonies were about to end and the guests were about to feast, a crisp and clear voice rang in everyone’s ears. It was difficult to tell where the voice came from since it seemed to echo from all directions.

“Since the w.a.n.g clan is holding a wedding banquet, I, Meng Tian Feng from the Meng clan, came to toast the w.a.n.g clan.”

Everyone was shocked when they heard the voice. Then, they began to fervently discuss among themselves.

“The new supreme powerhouse from the Green Billow City’s Meng clan?!”

“It’s him. I didn’t expect him to show up!”

“What’s going on? That supreme powerhouse actually came to attend the wedding? This is unbelievable… I guess it’s true that the Meng Tian Feng wanted the w.a.n.g clan to marry w.a.n.g Luo Yu off to his direct descendant…”

“If that’s the case, he definitely came with malicious intentions…”

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