War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 962: The Eighth Form!

Chapter 962: The Eighth Form!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Duan Ling Tian had the medical catalyst, the Tricolor Plant, that was required to refine the Tricolor Pill before his eyes. Moreover, he had the medicinal herbs that were needed to refine the Tricolor Pill.

Therefore, he made up his mind to refine the Tricolor Pill immediately!

In terms of grades, the Tricolor Pill was a grade three medicinal pill that only an Alchemist above grade three could successfully refine.

It would not work if it was not an Alchemist who was above grade three even if he knew the refining method.

Meanwhile, Duan Ling Tian who had fused with the Rebirth Martial Emperor"s memories had inherited the Rebirth Martial Emperor"s refining methods and experience. He was a qualified Alchemist who was above grade three.

Now that his cultivation base had broken through to the First Level Void Transformation, he could make a grade one Pill Fire with the help of the Rebirth Martial Emperor"s memories and experience in refining methods.

That was why he was currently a grade one Alchemist!

A grade one Alchemist"s existence was rare even in the Foreign Lands. They were usually present in first-rate forces, and their number was extremely low.

Even in a first-rate force, having a grade one Alchemist was considered rare.

Some first-rate forces did not even have any grade one Alchemists among them.

They would usually solicit a grade one Alchemist outside whenever they needed grade one medicinal pills, and the price they had to pay was hefty.

However, although that was the case, they would still go for it like a flock of geese.

A grade one medicinal pill"s value could not be compared to a grade two medicinal pill, let alone medicinal pills that were grade three or below that could not even compare to a grade two medicinal pill.

Duan Ling Tian"s achievement in Martial Dao aside, the fact that he became a grade one Alchemist before the age of thirty was enough to make one"s jaw drop.

"However, with the Pill Fire that I have mastered, I"ll need a grade one spirit weapon cauldron to refine the medicinal pill… An ordinary cauldron won"t be able to endure my Pill Fire at all."

Duan Ling Tian lifted his arm, and a gust of purple flame began to burn on his arm. There was a golden color on the edges surrounding the purple flame.

It was the Violet Gold Pill Fire, it was a grade one Pill Fire!

Only a grade one spirit weapon cauldron could contain a grade one Pill Fire.

Low-grade spirit weapon cauldron would melt into a pool of liquid as soon as a grade one Pill Fire was put into it, let alone refining medicinal pills.

"With my current ability, it won"t be difficult to refine a grade one spirit weapon cauldron… It"s just that I don"t have the necessary materials to refine a grade one spirit weapon cauldron on hand," Duan Ling Tian frowned when he thought about this.

Ever since his cultivation base had broken through to Void Transformation, apart from being able to form a grade one Pill Fire with Origin energy, he could also form a grade one Weapon Flame.

Ever since he fused with the Rebirth Martial Emperor"s memories and inherited the Rebirth Martial Emperor"s experience, and medicine refinement and weapon crafting methods, he could be considered as a qualified grade one Alchemist and weapons craftsman since he managed to form a grade one Pill Fire and Weapon Flame.

Due to the fact that he had inherited the Rebirth Martial Emperor"s experience, and medicine refinement and weapon crafting methods, he had become so powerful that he could be considered as being the best among the group of grade one Alchemists and weapons craftsmen in Cloud Continent.

Based on his medicine refinement ability, he could refine a grade one medicinal pill with a Purity above 90%. Could the other grade one Alchemists achieve that?

When it came to crafting weapons, he could easily refine a grade one spirit weapon that could provide a 90% boost. Could other weapons craftsmen achieve that?

Since he possessed the Rebirth Martial Emperor"s memories, he was like a reincarnated Rebirth Martial Emperor whenever he refined medicinal pills and spirit weapons. He could easily refine the best of the best.

"I have quite a lot of Spatial Rings on hand… I haven"t gotten a chance to open them up and look at what"s inside. Perhaps I"ll be able to find the materials that I need to refine a grade one spirit weapon cauldron.

Duan Ling Tian"s heart jolted as an a.s.sortment of Spatial Rings came out of the Spatial Ring in his hand. One by one, he performed the Blood Owners.h.i.+p Claim on the rings with the intention to look for the materials that he needed to refine the cauldron.

These Spatial Rings were the rewards that he obtained earlier. He was too lazy to manage them so he usually put them away in his Spatial Ring.

After looking at more than thirty Spatial Rings, Duan Ling Tian stopped moving his hands. He managed to gather all of the Crafting weapon materials that he needed to refine a grade one spirit weapon cauldron.

"I should perform Blood Owners.h.i.+p Claim on the remaining Spatial Rings and take everything out later when I have the time… Otherwise, I wouldn"t know if there"s anything in there that might possibly help me during a critical situation."

Duan Long Tian made up his mind after learning a "lesson" this time.

Since Duan Ling Tian had gathered all the materials, he began to refine a grade one spirit weapon cauldron. He did not go out of his way to look for a secluded place.

The fact that he inherited his Crafting weapons" ability from the Rebirth Martial Emperor and that he was currently a grade one weapon craftsman, he could ignore all the external disturbance to a certain level.

Even if there was an interference, the worst it could do was affect the quality of the cauldron he refined.

Although a high quality was not a requirement because the grade one spirit weapon cauldron belonged to the a.s.sistive spirit weapons category instead of the defensive spirit weapons category, the higher the spirit weapon cauldron"s quality, the higher the success rate of the medicinal pill.

However, Duan Ling Tian who had fused with the Rebirth Martial Emperor"s memories and inherited his life"s Crafting weapon methods and experience did not have to bother with the spirit weapon"s quality at all.

He could successfully refine medicinal pills no matter how poor the spirit weapon cauldron was!

All of these did not only come from the Rebirth Martial Emperor"s Crafting weapon methods and experience that he inherited. After all, he had also inherited the Rebirth Martial Emperor"s medicine refinement methods and experience in his other life.

The Rebirth Martial Emperor had two lives" experience. In Cloud Continent, he achieved peak attainment in the Dao of Weapons Refinement and Dao of Medicine Refinement.

Naturally, Duan Ling Tian who possessed his memories was not inferior to him.


Duan Ling Tian"s eyes gleamed as he took out the old spirit weapon cauldron that he had earlier and began to refine the grade one spirit weapon cauldron with the a.s.sortment of Crafting weapon materials.

The materials floated in midair, it turned into liquid one after the other as Duan Ling Tian worked on them.

At the same time, Duan Ling Tian"s both hands were moving like lightning. The magical weapon crafting method came effortlessly to him. It was so fast that ordinary people would not be able to see his movements clearly at all.

Soon after, the liquid merged together.

As time pa.s.sed by, the spirit weapon cauldron"s form began to appear. After Duan Ling Tian refined it, a grade one spirit weapon cauldron appeared.

From the beginning to the end, Duan Ling Tian had only spent three hours.

If the other grade one weapon craftsmen from Cloud Continent were to see this with their own eyes, they would be stunned for a long time by the weapon crafting speed.

An ordinary grade one weapon craftsman would take at least three to five days to refine a grade one spirit weapon cauldron like this.

It would not be surprising if they took ten days to perform the refinement in detail.

However, Duan Ling Tian managed to refine a grade one spirit weapon cauldron successfully within a short three hours. Since n.o.body disturbed him, the cauldron"s quality was extremely high.


Duan Ling Tian grabbed the cauldron as he lifted his arm. After he looked at the cauldron and the few cave exits, he mumbled to himself, "Seems like there are not many left alive in the Martial Emperor"s secret treasure… It"s been a whole three hours but n.o.body came here."

There were many treasures in the Martial Emperor"s secret treasure, it drove the group of young powerhouses crazy when they came in.

Casualties were naturally unavoidable when the group of young powerhouses fought each other for the treasures.

Along his journey, Duan Ling Tian had seen at least fifty dead bodies.

"They were here for the treasures, they must have amazing dreams in their minds when they first came in… However, dreams are beautiful, and reality is cruel. In the end, they lost their lives here."

As he recalled the bodies lying everywhere along his journey, Duan Ling Tian could not help but sigh.

Soon, Duan Ling Tian"s eyes were focused on the grade one spirit weapon cauldron that was in his hand. He had a smile on his face.

Duan Ling Tian plucked the Tricolor Plant slowly as he thought to himself, "Now I can finally refine the Tricolor Pill."

After cleaning the soil off, he rolled it into a ball and tossed it directly into the cauldron.

At the same time, Duan Ling Tian took out some medicinal herbs from his side. Those were just some rather ordinary medicinal herbs.

Although the Tricolor Pill was a good grade three medicinal pill, the other medicinal herbs were nothing special due to its low grade, and it depended on the Tricolor Plant as the main medicine.

After gathering all the medicinal herbs, a wave of violet gold flame formed and burned in Duan Ling Tian"s hands. It was the grade one Pill Fire.

As a grade one Alchemist, there was naturally no pressure at all for him to refine a grade three medicinal pill like the Tricolor Pill.

Following the Rebirth Martial Emperor"s memory, Duan Ling Tian"s hands were gradually moving faster like lightning that was continuously intersecting. The current in the s.p.a.ce seemed to follow the rhythm as well.

A faint air explosion sounded and rippled in the air. A suppressed current swept toward him while gusts of strong wind blew at him. It caused the plants in the damp cave to shake.

It would take three to four hours at least for another grade one Alchemist to refine a grade three medicinal pill like the Tricolor Pill.

However, grade one Alchemist Duan Ling Tian naturally could not be compared to other grade one Alchemists.

He recalled his Pill Fire after a mere one hour.


As both of Duan Ling Tian"s hands landed on the cauldron, a medicinal pill shot out from the cauldron all of a sudden. The medicinal pill looked unique.

It was unique because there was a combination of three colors on its surface.

There were gold, purple, and red color. Those were the three colors from the Tricolor Plant.

It was the Tricolor Pill!

Without further ado, Duan Ling Tian hurriedly tossed the Tricolor Pill into his mouth and sat cross-legged in the air immediately. He began to cultivate with his eyes closed.

When Duan Ling Tian"s cultivation base was at the Void Interpretation, he cultivated the Seventh Form, the Sword Dragon Form, from the Nine Dragons War Sovereign Technique.

Apart from helping him to comprehend the Sword Concept, the Sword Dragon Form came with a set of heaven rank Advanced sword skill, the Nine Dragons" Radiant Flash. It was a set of extremely overbearing sword skill.

Now that Duan Ling Tian"s cultivation base had broken through to Void Transformation, naturally he was no longer cultivating the Seventh Form, the Sword Dragon Form from the Nine Dragons War Sovereign Technique.

He had begun to cultivate the Eighth Form of the Nine Dragons War Sovereign Technique.

When the author mentions above grade three he actually means grade one and grade two.

Grade two is above grade three and similarly grade one is above grade two.

Also, this was originally Drip Blood Establish Owners.h.i.+p (滴血认主) which represents the act of dripping one"s blood to claim owners.h.i.+p on it. We"ve renamed it to Blood Owners.h.i.+p Claim.

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