War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 1514: Fang Hui’s Crisis

Chapter 1514: Fang Hui’s Crisis

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

When Duan Ling Tian was probing He Zhong’s cultivation base, He Zhong was also looking at him with a complicated gaze.

The reason he had made a breakthrough so quickly to the SaintRudiment Stage was due to Duan Ling Tian to a certain extent. This wasbecause in these three months, after he heard about Duan Ling Tian’sbreakthrough to the Saint Rudiment Stage, he was deeply affected by itand began to feel pressured.

Like the saying went, ‘Pressure gives rise to motivation.’ It wasthis invisible pressure that helped He Zhong make a breakthrough to theSaint Rudiment Stage in a month. After he had broken through, he alsoofficially became Vice Sect Leader Zhong Huo’s disciple.

It was at that time the outer court disciples realized He Zhong hadnot been secretly taken in as a disciple by Liu Huan. In fact, it wasVice Sect Leader Zhong Huo who had taken him as not just a disciple, buta direct disciple. However, with all the ways Duan Ling Tian hadshocked them, they were already somewhat immune to it so they were nottoo surprised with this news.

After all, Duan Ling Tian had become Elder Bai Li Hong’s Junior Brother.

Who was Elder Bai Li Hong? He was the number one inner court elderwho was recognized by the Moon Illumination Sect. His position was sohigh that it even surpa.s.sed the few Vice Sect Leaders in the sect.

Moreover, even the few Saint Stage powerhouses in the MoonIllumination Sect, including the Sect Leader, also had to be courteouswhen they meet Bai Li Hong. It was as though they had equal positions.

From the moment Duan Ling Tian was acknowledged by Bai Li Hong as hisjunior brother, his position in the Moon Illumination Sect had alsorisen.

Even He Zhong’s master, Zhong Huo, one of the Vice Sect Leaders ofMoon Illumination Sect, had to be courteous to Bai Li Hong and addressDuan Ling Tian as Junior Brother when they met.

‘I can only hope uncle has dismissed the idea of going against DuanLing Tian and that he’s not just brus.h.i.+ng me off,’ He Zhong thought tohimself.

When he heard Bai Li Hong had accepted Duan Ling Tian as his juniorbrother, the tiny bit of remaining enmity he felt toward Duan Ling Tianquickly vanished without a trace. He had completely put the incidentthat happened in the past behind him. He knew that if he did not do so,he would only harm himself.

It was because of Duan Ling Tian that he managed to make abreakthrough to the Saint Rudiment Stage faster than he had imagined. Inhis heart, he felt slightly indebted to him.

“Congratulations, He Zhong,” Duan Ling Tian took the initiative to greet He Zhong through his True Energy Voice Transmission.

He Zhong was stunned when he heard Duan Ling Tian’s words.

This ‘Congratulations’ from Duan Ling Tian was obviously intentional.All he could think about now was the matter of him breaking through tothe Saint Rudiment Stage. If he was not mistaken, up until now, only heand his master knew about his breakthrough. He had not revealed hiscultivation base to the public yet.

He had a feeling of being exposed now that Duan Ling Tian had seen through him.

“Y-You can tell?” He Zhong could not help but ask through True Energy Voice Transmission after he took a deep breath.

Duan Ling Tian did not respond to him in regard to this. Instead, he merely smiled mysteriously at He Zhong.

At this moment, the degree of danger Duan Ling Tian posed rose a few levels in his heart.

Soon after, the other two inner court elders who were also patrollersfor the Hunting a.s.sessment also took the initiative to greet Bai LiHong enthusiastically, “Elder Bai Li.”

The group of inner court disciples, including He Zhong, also took theinitiative to greet Duan Ling Tian politely, “Junior Brother Duan.”

The two inner court elders also looked at Duan Ling Tian and took the initiative to greet him as well.

This scene made the group of inner court disciples feel green withenvy. There were jealousy and hatred as well. However, there was nothingthey could do. Who asked Duan Ling Tian to be so talented in MartialDao and lived such a blessed life?

After Bai Li Hong became his senior brother, he could basically roam freely in the Moon Illumination Sect.

“Let’s go!” Bai Li Hong motioned for them to leave, and Zhong Huogave an order to the group of people before they walked out of the MoonIllumination Sect’s monastery gate in a mighty formation.

After they had left the Moon Illumination Sect’s monastery gate, theysoared up into the sky and headed to the venue of the Huntinga.s.sessment.

Not long after the group of people left, in a s.p.a.cious mansion in theinner court of Moon Illumination Sect, Liu Huan sat in front of thestone table in the courtyard. His hands were tapping lightly against thetable. “Duan Ling Tian must have already left to partic.i.p.ate in thatHunting a.s.sessment at this hour, right?”

“This is a good opportunity… I just hope the Mountainshade BlackMarket won’t let me down again,” Liu Huan muttered as killing intentflashed in his eyes.

“Besides, there’s Fang Hui as well… So many years have gone by… It’stime for us to end things completely! Initially, I didn’t think he wouldbe able to cause much trouble even if I let him be. I didn’t expect hewould be able to take in such an outstandingly talented disciple likeDuan Ling Tian!” Liu Huan’s eyes had a piercing look as it flashed withkilling intent again.

Very soon, he stood up and prepared to leave.

“Master!” Right at this moment, a figure walked toward him. It was Su Qi.

Su Qi’s hand was holding a bowl of gruel. “This is the Clear JadeGruel that I made for you, Master. Please drink it while it’s hot.”

“Indeed, you’re the most thoughtful. That unfilial disciple of mine,Zhou Qi, has never even made me gruel before.” Liu Huan was prettysatisfied with this disciple in front of him. Even since he became hisdisciple, put aside the fact that he was very diligent in cultivating,the most important part was he would make gruel for him every few days.It would be a different flavor every time.

After finis.h.i.+ng up the gruel that Su Qi pa.s.sed to him, Liu Huan’s eyes flashed as an idea appeared in his mind.

“Su Qi, follow me on an outing,” Liu Huan told Su Qi.

“Alright.” Su Qi did not question Liu Huan about their destination and immediately agreed to it.

“You’re not going to ask me where I’m bringing you?” Liu Huan asked.

“I’ll go wherever you plan on bringing me, Master. Even if its ablade or fire mountain, I’ll still go without so much as a frown,’ Su Qianswered solemnly.

“Haha… Good! Good! The biggest mistake I, Liu Huan, made is to takethat unfilial disciple, Zhou Qi, as my disciple. However, the bestdecision I made is to take in such a good disciple like you.” Liu Huanburst out laughing, incredibly satisfied with Su Qi’s answer.

“Let’s go! I’ll bring you back to Mound Hill City!” Liu Huan exited the door the instant he finished speaking.

Mound Hill City!

Su Qi’s heart began to tremble when he heard Liu Huan’s words. Hecould faintly guess Liu Huan’s intention. He knew all this was closelyrelated to Duan Ling Tian’s abrupt rise in the sect.

However, after taking a deep breath, he still followed Liu Huan.

Prior to this, the news of Duan Ling Tian becoming Moon IlluminationSect’s inner court elder Bai Li Hong’s junior brother had already spreadto the Governor Estate of Mound Hill City. It made Fang Hui, theGovernor of Mound Hill City, to be in shock for a long time before heregained his senses.

“H-he’s actually taken by Elder Bai Li Hong as a d-disciple?” FangHui was pleasantly surprised. He laughed in delight and tears streameddown his eyes. It was obvious it was tears of joy.

As an outer court deacon sent out by the Moon Illumination Sect, FangHui was once a disciple of Moon Illumination Sect. Naturally, he knewwho Elder Bai Li Hong was.

He was someone even the Sect Leader of Moon Illumination Sect had to treat courteously.

To the former him, Bai Li Hong was an insurmountable towering mountain whom he looked up to.

When he first met Elder Bai Li Hong, he did not even dare to breathe loudly, afraid of offending him.

However, he just found out his disciple Duan Ling Tian had been acknowledged by Elder Bai Li Hong as his junior brother.

How could he not be pleasantly surprised by this?

“He’s made a breakthrough to the Saint Rudiment Stage?” After sometime, Fang Hui received another news that was also sent out by the MoonIllumination Sect.

The news stated that Duan Ling Tian had already broken through to the Saint Rudiment Stage.

“No wonder Elder Bai Li Hong acknowledged him as his junior brother.It seems like he has long seen through how extraordinarily talented DuanLing Tian is… To think I wanted to accept him as my disciple andaddress me as ‘Master’!” Fang Hui muttered and mocked himself.

However, he felt very happy for Duan Ling Tian.

‘With Elder Bai Li Hong supporting him, I don’t think Liu Han wouldcarelessly make a move against him anymore… And since Duan Ling Tian iswatching over Ling Yun and Xiong Hui, I think they’ll be safe as well,’Fang Hui thought to himself before he sighed in relief.

In the period of time that followed, Fang Hui’s mood was extremelygood. He felt the haze that had acc.u.mulated and surrounded his heart haddispersed substantially.

Naturally, this kind of days did not last very long.

“Fang Hui!” A thunderous voice resonated from the sky above the CityGovernor’s Estate of Mound Hill City, causing Fang Hui who wascultivating to turn glum.

This voice was extremely familiar to him that he would never forget about it.

“Liu Huan!” Fang Hui’s face had turned completely grave as he took adeep breath. He did not expect Liu Huan who had trampled on his masterand who had not taken the initiative to look for him during all theseyears would come calling now.

However, he could faintly guess the reason for Liu Huan’s visit wasmost likely related to Duan Ling Tian. Perhaps, Duan Ling Tian hadsucceeded in pressuring him.

The moment Fang Hui thought of this, his face eased up a little as asatisfied smile appeared on his face. “Liu Huan, you’ve begun to feelafraid huh?”

When he walked out of the room door, he soared up into the sky. Themoment he flew up into the sky, he discovered Liu Huan was not alone.There was another person with him. It was someone he was extremelyfamiliar with.

“Su Q.” When Fang Hui saw Su Qi hovering in the air next to Liu Huan, his heart skipped a beat.

Su Qi was originally his disciple whom he was most fond of. He had aremarkable innate talent. His innate talent was the highest among allthe young talents in Mound Hill City before Duan Ling Tian showed up.

He had spent a lot of blood and sweat on Su Qi. He did not expect Su Qi would use him as a stepping stone to Liu Huan.

When he saw Su Qi hovering in the air, he realized he must havebroken through to the Saint Rudiment Stage. Otherwise, he would not beable to disregard the Flight Prohibiting Formation in Mound Hill City.

The Flight Prohibiting Formation in Mound Hill City applied to allMartial and Dao cultivators below the Saint Rudiment Stage. Only thosewho were at the Saint Rudiment Stage or above could fly and hover in theair.

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