War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 1884: Heading To The Upper Province

Chapter 1884: Heading To The Upper Province

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Zhu Lu Qi!

This name could be considered as well known in the Lower Province of the Dao Martial Saint Land.

Earlier, the guards at the great entrance of the Mountainshade Black Market’s headquarter did not realize what was going on. However, now that they had regained their senses, they looked at each other in shock and disbelief.

“Zhu Lu Qi, the former Palace Master of Heaven Palace in the Mystical Sky Mansion? The person who cultivates the Devouring Dark Devil Technique?”

“There seems to be a rumor that says the reason Zhu Lu Qi began to cultivate the Devouring Dark Devil Technique is to seek revenge from Deputy Leader Feng! Initially, I didn’t think it’s true. However, it seems like it’s true!”

“Deputy Leader Feng has really been killed by Zhu Lu Qi!”

Soon after, news of Deputy Leader Feng Bu Yi’s death spread in the entire Mountainshade Black Market’s headquarter.

Due to this reason, a group of Mountainshade Black Market’s high-ranking officials gathered with Mountainshade Black Market’s Leader Dugu as they discussed how to catch Zhu Lu Qi and kill him in order to seek revenge for Feng Bu Yi.

At the same time, Zhu Lu Qi who left the Mountainshade Black Market’s headquarter had returned to the place where he was currently staying.

The place where he was staying was located in a valley in a remote mountain range with two simple wooden houses. Judging by the wood used to build the wooden houses, they were recently built.

He occupied one of the wooden houses while the other wooden house was occupied by the former Young Mansion Master of Rising Sky Mansion, Xu Jing.

Currently, Xu Jing’s soul was almost completely healed, and it was trying to merge with his body. As soon as it was completely merged with his body, he would gain a new life and see the light of day again.


The door to Xu Jing’s wooden house opened without warning.

“You’re back?” Although Xu Jing’s soul had not completely merged with his body, he could already use his Divine Consciousness as he pleased. Due to this reason, he could easily identify the person who just came in.

“Yes.” The person who entered was none other than Zhu Lu Qi.

At this moment, Zhu Lu Qi’s eyes that were trained on Xu Jing were gleaming coldly.

“Didn’t you go out to seek revenge from Feng Bu Yi? How did it go?” Xu Jing asked.

“Very smoothly. He’s dead,” Zhu Lu Qi replied indifferently.

“Good! Once I’m completely healed, I’ll disclose the final part of the Devouring Dark Devil Technique to you! In the future, we’ll be able to roam wherever we like if both of us join forces!” Xu Jing said excitedly.

“I’m afraid you won’t have the chance to do that,” Zhu Lu Qi replied suddenly.

“Stop joking!” Xu Jing thought that he was joking.

“I’m not joking.” Zhu Lu Qi’s voice gradually turned colder.

“Don’t forget that you and Zhao Ji have sworn on the lightning penalty oath before I disclosed the Devouring Dark Devil Technique to both of you. Unless I take the initiative to go against both of you, you can’t kill me at all! If you kill me, you’ll die!” Xu Jing did not seem worried at all.

“Don’t worry. I won’t kill you! I’ve thought about it. Even if I don’t kill you, I can still make you unable to see the light of day again for eternity!” Zhu Lu Qi spoke in an even more carefree tone.

“W-What are you trying to do?” Finally, Xu Jing began to panic. Judging by Zhu Lu Qi’s voice, it did not seem like he was joking.

“Tell me, if you lose all your limbs, what use is there even if your soul returns to your body?” Zhu Lu Qi seemed to be talking to Xu Jing, but at the same time, he seemed to be talking to himself.

“NO! NO! You can’t do that! You can’t! You can’t! You can’t!” Xu Jing was panicking now. When he transmitted his voice to Zhu Lu Qi it sounded as though he had lost his mind.

However, Zhu Lu Qi merely ignored him. With a raise of his hand, he cut off one of Xu Jing’s limbs.

“D-don’t you want the final part of the Devouring Dark Devil Technique?” Xu Jing’s Voice Transmission roared in Zhu Lu Qi’s ears.

Although his soul had yet to completely return to his body, and he was unable to feel pain, through his Divine Consciousness, he could tell one of his limbs had been severed.

“I plan to cultivate the Devouring Dark Devil Technique normally by devouring the Lunar Force in the future. Do you think I still need the final part of the technique?” Zhu Lu Qi asked nonchalantly. At the same time, he severed another one of Xu Jing’s limbs.

In the end, under Xu Jing’s shout of despair, Zhu Lu Qi severed all his limbs and threw him into a hidden cave that he had long prepared.

Then, he proceeded to fill the hole of the entrance and imprisoned Xu Jing inside forever.

As for Xu Jing’s soul that was almost fully healed, it was injured again by Zhu Lu Qi.

Not only that, but he had even left behind a powerful corrosive Devil Qi that would corrode Xu Jing’s soul constantly, stopping him from fully recovering.

He could not kill Xu Jing due to the lightning penalty oath so he could only do this much.

After Zhu Lu Qi dealt with everything, he rose into the sky and looked in the direction where the Mystical Sky Mansion’s estate was located and muttered to himself, “Mansion Master, although I can’t kill him due to the lightning penalty oath, he can no longer cause trouble for the Mystical Sky Mansion! This will be my parting gift to the Mystical Sky Mansion before I leave the Lower Province.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he began to make his way north.

Before he killed Feng Bu Yi, he had already come up with a plan. He would remove the threat that Xu Jing posed to the Mystical Sky Mansion and leave the Lower Province of the Dao Martial Saint Land for the Upper Province after he had killed Feng Bu Yi.

He wanted to start a new life in the Upper Province.

With the Devouring Dark Devil Technique, he believed that he would be able to forge his own way even if he did not use any shortcut!

At this instant, he felt the righteous blood that had been hibernating for many years in his body began to boil again. It was as though he had returned to when he was young, burning with righteousness!

“Huh?” A few days into his journey, when he was about to reach the pa.s.sage connecting the Lower Province to the Upper Province, two familiar silhouettes appeared in Zhu Lu Qi’s eyes.

“It’s them! A-Are they planning to go to the Upper Province as well?” Zhu Lu Qi muttered to himself. He was able to figure out that much at least.

The two silhouettes that he saw belonged to Duan Ling Tian and Gu Li whom he had encountered not too long ago.


In just a blink of an eye, Zhu Lu Qi overtook Duan Ling Tian and Gu Li and appeared in front of them.

“Palace Master Zhu?” Duan Ling Tian had long noticed the movement behind them. However, he did not sense any hostility from the person behind them so he was not bothered about it.

At this moment, he was shocked by the person who had appeared before them.

“W-What are you trying to do?!” Unlike Duan Ling Tian’s surprise, horror dawned on Gu Li as soon as he saw Zhu Lu Qi again.

He thought Zhu Lu Qi regretted letting him and Duan Ling Tian go, and he was here to kill them!

“Duan Ling Tian, are both of you heading to the Upper Province?” Zhu Lu Qi asked.

“Yes.” Duan Ling Tian nodded before he asked in a slightly shocked voice, “Are you planning to go to the Upper Province as well, Palace Master Zhu?”

“Yes.” Zhu Lu Qi nodded. “Now that I’ve avenged myself, I have no more ties in the Lower Province. For this reason, I plan to go to the Upper Province to start a new life. If both of you don’t mind, why don’t we travel together for the time being?”

Upon hearing that, Duan Ling Tian did not reply Zhu Lu Qi immediately, He looked at Gu Li to see what his opinion was. This was because respected Gu Li’s opinion as well.

After all, he was not alone.

If he was all alone, he would not have minded traveling with Zhu Lu Qi. After all, since he had gotten his revenge, he no longer planned to cultivate the Devouring Dark Devil Technique using the shortcut. Since he would be cultivating an orthodox Devouring Dark Devil Technique, it could be considered as him returning to the right path.

As the saying went, ‘A criminal who changes his way is more precious than gold!’

Now that Zhu Lu Qi no longer carried out deeds that were beyond evil, he did not feel repelled by Zhu Lu Qi.

The fact that Duan Ling Tian asked for Gu Li’s opinion made him feel warm inside.

“Junior Brother Ling Tian, you decide.” However, Gu Li still let Duan Ling Tian have the final say.

“Palace Master Zhu, let’s travel together then,” Duan Ling Tian told Zhu Lu Qi.

It was obvious Zhu Lu Qi was excited upon hearing his answer. After all, if he headed to the Upper Province alone, he would be alone when he arrived at the Upper Province. He did not know anybody there and would have to start from scratch.

However, if his fellow companions were also strong, things would be different. At the very least, the journey would be slightly smoother.

Although Gu Li kept quiet, he still kept his guard up against Zhu Lu Qi.

Zhu Lu Qi, naturally, noticed this. However, he acted as though he was not bothered by it. Inwardly, he felt bitter.

Compared to Duan Ling Tian, the relations.h.i.+p between him and Gu Li when they were in the Mystical Sky Mansion was quite good.

Duan Ling Tian was just an ordinary Heaven Palace’s disciples while the former, strictly speaking, was still his Junior Nephew.

The three of them traveled together and soon arrived near the pa.s.sage that connected the Lower Province to the Upper Province.

A towering snowy mountain appeared before three of them. Due to the geographical location, this area was covered in snow all year round. It was even snowing heavily at this moment.

“Elder Liu.” Duan Ling Tian encountered a Watcher on the summit of the snowy mountain. It was Elder Liu whom he had met in Azure Cloud Mansion not too long ago.

When Duan Ling Tian took the initiative to greet Elder Liu, he instantly recognized him as the Young Mansion Master of Azure Cloud Mansion, the son of Mansion Master Duan Ru Feng.

“Heading to the Upper Province?” Elder Liu asked.

“Yes.” Duan Ling Tian nodded. “Elder Liu, although we know the pa.s.sage is somewhere here, we still can’t find it despite searching for a long time. Can you point us in the right direction please?”

After Elder Liu glanced at Zhu Lu Qi and Gu Li who was standing next to Duan Ling Tian indifferently, he said to Duan Ling Tian, “Follow me.”

At the same time, he rose up into the air and brought Duan Ling Tian and the other two to the middle of the towering snowy mountain. It was snowing heavily where he brought them. Everything was covered by the snow.


Under Duan Ling Tian and the other two’s watchful eyes, Elder Liu raised his hand. A vast energy appeared in his hand. As he waved it across the sky, an invisible energy swept out and swept off a fraction of snow that was gathered at the waist of the mountain, revealing an entrance to a cave.

With just one glance, the cave was completely dark and nothing could be seen at all.

“This is the pa.s.sage leading to the Upper Province?” Looking at the entrance to the cave that was completely ordinary, Gu Li was slightly disappointed.

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