Warhead Pet Hamster

Chapter 6 – Glutinous rice dumplings, rat cakes and mice b.a.l.l.s

Translator – Red

Editor – Leaf, Rein

Chapter 6 – Glutinous rice dumplings, rat cakes and mice b.a.l.l.s

Chen Chengduo came up and clapped Shi Rui on the shoulder, “You go drive first.”

Shi Rui"s expressionless face looked around the men in the underground garage before he turned around and went out. The crocodile on the ground flicked its tail, closed its mouth, and crawled out with Shi Rui.

Chen Chengduo plucked the cartridge from the Gatling gun and looked at Li Hui. “You go.”

Suddenly, Li Hui swept up like wind to the person who ridiculed those people just now. He reached his hand out, seized his shoulder and said, “Brother, what"s your name?”

The young man was shocked by Li Hui"s speed and answered subconsciously, “Shen Botao.”

Li Hui patted him on the shoulder and said, “Tao Tao, I like you very much. You have good abilities. Fire ability is very rare. It"s even more powerful if you can find your warpet. Besides, there are many cars in the garage. You can find a few car-mounted with radios and listen to the news more. First of all, try to connect your location with the radio stations mentioned in the garage and make some air drops. At that time, you"ll have the capability to go to the new town.”

People who listened beside them immediately settled down and looked eagerly at Shen Botao.

Chen Chengduo narrowed his eyes. Their desire to survive was understandable. But for those blood suckers could not be tolerated. Chen Chengduo took off his Gatling, and threw it to the young man named Shen Botao.

Shen Botao, holding the machine gun, looked eagerly, “Give… Giving it to me?!”

Li Hui took Shen Botao"s shoulder. “The latest Gatling laser gun, do you like it?”

Then Li Hui said in a low voice, “Do you understand what our boss means? Before setting out for the new town, work out the order. Force the ordinary people to fight against one or two beasts. Do you understand the whole nation"s war? It"s better to rely on people than on themselves, or wait for all to be destroyed."

Besides, Chen Chengduo tidied up his clothes and turned around. “Li Hui, lets go.”

Li Hui patted Shen Botao on the shoulder again before he followed Chen Chengduo and went out of the underground garage.

A little hamster felt more and more that Chen Chengduo"s team was more reliable so he followed along carefully.

The pace of those several people was very fast, he had to do his best to keep up with them, his four short legs turned faster than any other time. He also had to be careful not to be found out by Chen Chengduo.

He always felt that it was a very shameful thing for a little hamster to be such a powerful person"s warpet. A certain hamster did not know how to explain to Chen Chengduo. It"s not like he could run to that person and say that he was his warpet right?

As Chen Chengduo jumped onto their SUV, a tired hamster thought: he should just go one step at a time.

Chen Chengduo took another weapon from the side of a crocodile in the trunk. Professor Wei specially modified it for him. He had never used it, it"s not unhelpful to him, but because it was too overpowered to deal with ordinary semi-mechanical beasts. It was a little wasteful to use it on. However, he implicitly felt that the beasts had evolved very quickly and the weapon was about to go on battle.

With his weapons, Chen Chengduo sat on the co-pilot. He frowned imperceptibly, then looked at Shi Rui and said, “Let"s go.”

Li Hui said, “Boss, don"t we have to go find your warpet first?”

Chen Chengduo looked at the road ahead and smiled vaguely. “I"m not sure where it is but I"m not in a hurry. I"ll finish the task first.”

Chen Chengduo"s remark made the other three in the car felt a little strange. This didn"t seem like the persistent att.i.tude boss always had towards his warpet!?

The SUV rushed out and headed in their original direction.

Along the way, they met some semi-mechanical beasts, which were easily solved by them.

Until it was dark, Chen Chengduo pointed to a gas station by the road and said, “Let"s stay here tonight.”

Shi Rui nodded and the steering wheel turned, directly hitting the broken gla.s.s door. He drove the car into the supermarket at the gas station and stopped at a location.

After the people got off the car, a dizzy hamster moved and rolled down, landed under the bottom of the car. The smell of gasoline made him felt bad. Shu Xiaohui eased down after resting for a while and then moved to the corner of the wall in the dark.

There was nothing to eat in the supermarket at the gas station. The shelves fell to the ground, and all kinds of packing bags were scattered with broken gla.s.s in place.

Chen Chengduo reached out to hold up a shelf and pushed it aside. Others tidied up a little, took a bag from the car and took out some food and water supplies.

A hamster huddled in the corner saw the four people over there taking out their food and realized that he was hungry.

Shu Xiaohui took out a raw melon seed from his small s.p.a.ce. His two small claws hugged it as his teeth cut off the skin of the melon seed. He chewed the melon seeds in his arms. After eating one, he took out another.

Shu Xiaohui was about to nib off the skin of this melon seed when he suddenly felt something weird. He stopped moving and carefully raised his small head. His small black eyes looked at Chen Chengduo, G.o.d  knows when, was standing in front of him.

When Chen Chengduo left the underground garage, he felt that they were being followed by someone who was very hidden. He took notice carefully several times and found no figure.

However, he had a vague feeling that he was familiar with the thing that was following them, which made him suspect that it was his warpet, so he kept quiet all the way. He always felt that his warpet might not trust him enough, so he did not plan to surprise the Warpet who he had never met.

Several battles with those semi-mechanical beasts on the road were all cleared by his hands, the purpose of which was to let his warpet witness his strength. It"s his Warpet ah, the comrade-in-arms who he would be sharing the life and death for a lifetime, so he should have more patience.

It was not until Chen Chengduo stopped to rest here that he thought it was almost time to see his Warpet, and he followed that feeling to the corner of the wall.

Then Chen Chengduo saw the glutinous rice dumpling in the corner hugging the melon seeds as it gnawed at it. He then once again looked around doubtfully. There were no other animals around him except this hairy glutinous rice dumpling.

Could it be that his warpet know how to conceal itself?

According to the way Li Hui said, Chen Chengduo spoke to his warpet through the consciousness, “I see you, don"t hide anymore.”

Shu Xiaohui was shocked by Chen Chengduo"s voice that suddenly rushed into his consciousness. His little claws shook and his beloved melon seeds dropped. His first reaction was to run away first.

Just turning his head, a huge cat blocked his road.

Under Shu Xiaohui"s small vision, Li Hui"s Warpet leopard was simply a super giant cat. Its big opened mouth was really horrible. A hamster"s courage as broken from the fright. He suddenly stepped backward and almost flipped over. He unconsciously screamed out, “Squeak!”

In Chen Chengduo"s ears, he could not be more familiar with it anymore. When he communicated with his warpet, he had heard it twice, but the voice of the first two times were a little quieter than now.

Chen Chengduo closed his eyes and raised his hand to his forehead. He wondered if he was blind or it was just coincidental. How could the glutinous rice dumpling in the corner be his warpet?

Just then, Li Hui"s battle pet leopard, treat the hamster in the corner as a fun thing, stretching its big paw and pressed the hairy rice dumpling on the ground.

Chen Chengduo"s saw and his hands quickly lifted the glutinous rice dumplings from the ground, and blocked the big claws of Mao Ya. Mao Ya held his arm and bit at it. After a long time, nothing was bitten out and it walked away insipidly.

Shu Xiaohui shivered in Chen Chengduo"s hand, he almost turned him into a rat cake.

Chen Chengduo looked at the trembling glutinous rice dumpling in his hand. It was too small, not much bigger than an egg. He had a feeling that he could break it with just a little effort.

The little animal"s cheeks were supposed to be filled with melon seeds. At this time, it was squeaking away. Chen Chengduo could not help but reach out and poke at it.

“Squeak!” Shu Xiaohui instinctively cried out when he was poked.

Then a howitzer-equipped a.s.sault rifle/gun appeared in the air and hit the ground with a bang. The three men who was sitting at the side eating all looked up.


“It"s nothing. Go on eating!” Chen Chengduo prevented the three from coming to see the excitement.

Chen Chengduo looked at the gun on the ground. However, he could not resist reaching out and poking a certain hamster"s cheek again.

Shu Xiaohui waved his paw indignantly, but his strength was so small that it was close to nothing, so he could not stop a certain someone from stretching out his finger! 

Then, in Shu Xiaohui"s uncontrolled squeaks, the same gun and some bullets fell out. There were still a floor or all kinds of dried fruit grain, along with the small bottle of mineral water Shu Xiaohui drank.

His small warehouse was going to be cleaned up!

Shu Xiaohui got angry. He struggled to jump up and gawned at someone"s finger the moment he grabbed it.

Chen Chengduo looked at the sharp teeth of the glutinous rice dumpling in his hand, but he did not stop it. He was a metal attribute ability user. This kind of little tooth might not be able to bite his finger.

Then Shu Xiaohui covered his mouth with two small claws and sat down feeling wronged. This hand was certainly made of stainless steel, his teeth were all gobbling off ah…

If only there were something that would smash on this person"s head!

A hamster thought angrily.

Then, a very coincidental scene appeared, on top of Chen Chengduo"s head, a supermarket ceiling more than two meters long PVC ceiling suddenly fell off.

Seeing that it was going to hit him on the head, Chen Chengduo moved to the left to dodge and he easily avoided it.

However, when Chen Chengduo just moved to the place, another ceiling also fell down, it was not a light and weightless object, Chen Chengduo lifted his foot to kick it away, at the same time, he wrapped his palm around the soft ball like a mouse ball curled up in his hand safely.


Well last two weeks ago, my promise to update an extra seemed to goes with the rain as I was sick got from the rain. So, sorry for you guys to wait for a little long time. Will give you a compensate chappie in a while. ??

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