
Chapter 120 Compet.i.tion

Chapter 120 Compet.i.tion

"Don"t kill me!" "Don"t kill me!"

An one-armed man was curling at the foot of the bed, trying to crawl under it, trembling. But two strong male nurses pulled him out and forced his sleeve up so that the doctor could inject a shot of sedative into his hand.

The man gradually calmed down, but he kept on saying "don"t kill me" as he laid on the bed. If Ling were here, he would recognize this insane man, who is no one else but Kazuo Watanabe.

On the huge screen of a completely dark room displayed the scene of a man walking in his room. On the left side of this light screen, there were five small light screens which reflected the image of Kazuo Watanabefrom different angles. Different data beat under each screen, each line of data representing the condition of Kazuo Watanabe.

Before the huge screen a man stood upright.

The man wore a stiff military uniform with a gold phoenix emblem in front of his chest. He was no longer young, and the gray hair on his face revealed his age from another side. However, even though he was almost seventy years old, the light in his eyes was not any less than that of a young man"s, perhaps even sharper.

A rectangle of light suddenly appeared in the dark room. In the light George came in. When the rectangular alloy door closed, the room became dark again, except for the light on the front screen.

George walked behind him and looked at the man respectfully.

His name was Morgan, and he was a general of Phoenix City. General Morgan was the founder of Phoenix City. Even though Phoenix City now had a new board of directors besides of the military department, General Morgan was still the highest authority in Phoenix City. His iron handmade the philistine businessmen on the board of directors wait for him to speak.

"Have you heard of the werewolves yet?"

George lowered his head and said in a deep voice. "I"m sorry, General Morgan,". The new life form of Fenrisulfr seemed to have left MorinCity, and we"ve searched every hole and corner, but found nothing. "

The general let out a soft sigh.

" You Must find it, George." It"s important to us. "

George nodded. "We will do our best, General."

Werewolves were important subjects of research To Phoenix City, just as General Morgan had said.

After catastrophes, the genes of all living things on the earth underwent a tremendous change. Creatures were evolving all the time. However, a fundamental change in life form like the werewolf was an rare example.

After solving the most basic problems of food and clothing, the emergingbase cities also began to pay attention to the study of genes. The most representative of this, of course, is the Dark Council, which was well ahead of other cities in genetic research. Phoenix City"s research in genebegan twenty years ago, but due to the limited resources, the research was very long and rare achievements were obtained.

It is well-known that in the turbulent years, whoever grasped the secret of gene evolution was the overlord of the earth. The Dark Council was already proving this point with facts. The superior technology of genes than any other city enabled it to produce low-level ultrcapable among the Knights of Blood in ma.s.s production. Of course, abilities above the seventh rank couldn"t be produced by potions, but it was the ability to produce large numbers of ultrcapable under the fifth rank that allowed the Dark Council to hold its position as the continent"s tyc.o.o.n.

In the records of a few large corporations and cities, only the mysterious organization Hall of Heroic Spirits could contend with the Dark Council.

And the Dark Council"s strength naturally benefited from the unceasing discovery of the mysteries of life from their gene research inst.i.tute.

The reason why General Morgan attached so much importance to Fenrisulfr"s evolution was also because it would help Phoenix City make a breakthrough in gene research. At this point, however, when the evolution form of the werewolf has yet to be discovered, Kazuo Watanabe who has been recorded as having fought it head-on and survived is an important target for Phoenix scientists to learn about the evolution data.

All in all, in order to survive, humans and mutated beasts had to compete with each other. There was also an inevitable compet.i.tion between humans. Phoenix City was the same, as was the emerging city of Lemott.

Unfortunately, it was impossible for the crazy Watanabe to provide any more data.

With a disappointed glance at the screen, General Morgan shook his head and left the room. When the general left, the lights came on, and George looked at the man on the screen with his hands clasped behind his back. Then he gave an order on behalf of the General.

"Throw this piece of trash out of the city." George said to the communicator.

It was a realistic and cruel era. Since Kazuo Watanabe had no value, it was naturally impossible for Phoenix City to provide him with any guarantees of survival. So half an hour later, an SUV drove out of Phoenix City and Watanabe was thrown off the road in the bleak wilderness as if he were trash. Looking at Watanabe rolling on the ground, the soldiers of Phoenix City coldly drove their cars back to Phoenix City.

However, after the soldiers of Phoenix City left, Kazuo Watanabe who was rolling on the ground slowly stood up. He coldly glanced in the direction of Phoenix City, and grabbed his only coa.r.s.e hemp cloak,walking towards Morin.

At this moment, Kazuo Watanabe wear a face full of perseverance, not a bit of madness could be seen.

In fact, his madness was faked. But to fool the doctors and the instruments, Kazuo was almost mad. He had no choice but to do this, from the moment when George rescued him back to Phoenix City and sent him directly to the army command post, he had faintly figured outPhoenix City"s thoughts.

If he doesn"t pretend crazy, he must stay in the command post. Even if Phoenix City found the werewolf, due to the confidential principle, he would eventually be killed by them in secret. So he pretended to be mad from shock, all for the sake of getting Phoenix City to voluntarily abandon him.

Just like now, they threw him out of the city as trash. Now, Watanabecould only leave before Phoenix found out it. He didn"t want to go back to Morin, who knew if the werewolf was still in town. But Morin was his only place to stay unless he wanted to cross Death"s Ridge.

In turbulent times, everyone had to think hard to survive. Although Kazuo had successfully left Phoenix City, it would not be easy to survive in Morin, especially when he had lost one arm and was without any weapons.

But like many people, sometimes you don"t have much choice!

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