
Chapter 1

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Warlord – Chapter 1

“I can kill a G.o.d if there is enough distance!” – Warlord Zero

Dreams were shrouded in dark color as if they were faded old pictures.

“Ha ha ha … … chasing me …”

“… fool … you will come back …”

“What? You want me to marry you? … I didn"t say I"ll marry you …”

“… unless you … bring me 999 roses … then I may marry you … ha ha ha …”

A gentle and cheerful laughter echoed in the dream.

A tender and delicate figure swayed around as if a lily was blown by a wind.

He couldn"t see her face but he could clearly see pair of eyes. They were as gentle as water… Who is she?

“Li …” He tried to name her in the dream but the latter didn"t respond.

The dream gradually disappeared as if it was a bubble. He was about to fall into another long deep sleep.

But this time an accident happened.

He hazily heard another voice.

“… h.e.l.l … I thought I would find a baby but it"s a stinking man!"

“Haha, Hans it"s a boy. I have heard that you have done it with 13 year old Lampart…"

An unpleasant laughter burst up.

"Shut up! However mate this boy looks so pretty. I haven"t had something as tasty as this one in a long time."

The laughter was resounding when he felt something touch his body.

In the depth of his consciousness a signal was sent. Dozens of data transmitted through his body that had had stood motionless for decades. The deep sleep had rusted his body but at the moment he was about 5% slower than his body at its heyday. His body moved sideways for 30 centimeters and he sat up. Out of habit he pulled out the metal weapon.

The heavy object poked up as he lifted his arm. His hand stopped to move when the weapon touched the chin of his target. He slowly opened his eyes.

His eyes focused on the wretched face in front of him after a brief discomfort. The other side should be a caucasian judging from his brown hair and pale skin. There was fear and complex look intertwined in the eyes of the man who had a black s.h.i.+ne muzzle aiming at his chin.

“G.o.d, he woke up.”

“Hey, kiddo! Let go of Hans…Otherwise we will hurt you!”

The voices echoed from behind the caucasian. He saw the "hostage" in front of him. There were more than a dozen men dressed up as miners behind the "hostage". Some of them were black and the others were white. There were even two yellow people(asian). If shovels and copper hammers could be called weapons then they were armed to the tooth. They aimed these tools at him to show their resolve.

He was silent. He couldn"t sort out things from his memory. He didn"t know where he was now. He didn"t know who he was. He didn"t even remember what his name was. It seemed that he was wearing a uniform.

Am I a soldier? Maybe!

He couldn"t find the answer to the question. However he knew that the solid thing in his hand was a miniature automatic machine gun. The black barrel didn"t even move for a millimeter as he thought about many things.

Everyone was aware that the miniature machine gun in the boy"s hand could instantly blast the Han"s head like a hammer smas.h.i.+ng a watermelon.

Hans"s body was rapidly sweating as the barrel of the machine gun was placed on his chin. Hans didn"t even dare to change his posture for a more comfortable position. It may lead the other side to a misunderstanding. The next second hundreds of bullets would hit his head and blow it up.

Hans"s legs began to tremble after the confrontation last for a minute. An old man came out of the crowd when he saw the situation was going to get out of control.

The old man was totally different to the miners. It seemed as if they belonged to two different castes(cla.s.ses).

The old man was wearing a worn leather jacket and tattered blue s.h.i.+rt under it. The lower body of the old man was covered with oily jeans and he had a pair of black boots. He was totally different than the miners who were covered in mud.

The old man came to stand near Hans"s body. He said in a deep tone: “Survivor, let him go! It seems you are a warrior as you use a gun. They call me old Jack. I need people like you…soldiers…You shouldn"t care about the life of a dog like Hans, do you?”

He replied with a soft but slightly hoa.r.s.e voice: "Why should I believe you?"

“I"m the G.o.d in this base. No one would dare to go against my word. You can rest a.s.sured that these hybrids won"t trouble you later on. In addition, you have a gun.” Old Jack puffed out the smoke of the cigarette and laid down the pipe to continue to talk: "Otherwise you can shoot to kill everyone including the old me."

“But if you kill us all then there will be no one to explain survivor like you what the world had come to be.” Old Jack added.

The barrel of the gun left Hans"s chin. The legs of the Hans softened as he dropped down to the ground. Few miners quickly came up and pulled him up.

He stood up as he put the miniature machine gun to the side of his thigh. However the muzzle was still was looking towards the crowd. He was ready to shoot them at any time.

Old Jack turned a blind eye to the machine gun. He took out the pipe and asked: "Welcome to the new world! The life has to continue no matter what. Survivor! Do you mind to tell me your name?"


To be honest he couldn"t remember. But he noticed the word pa.s.sing through his mind.

He raised his head and looked at Old Jack. He said the name that will be known to countless people: "My name is…ZERO…"

“Zero …” Old Jack whispered the name. However he noticed that the boy named Zero had a different colors for his eyes.

The left eye was pure dark like the other ordinary yellow people.

However the boy"s right eye was dazzling gold like the eye of a dragon. The edges of the eye had silver lines.

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