
Chapter 135

Zero looked up at her.

She sat down next to him and took a few breaths. "He"s gone up the La.r.s.en River," she said.

"Are you sure?"

Due to the fact that he needed time to recover from his injuries, Zero was unable to scout by himself.

After more than two hours, the girl returned to the village.

"I"ve been the best hunter in the village since I was five years old," she said.


She stressed this point, then pointed to the map in front of Zero and said, "This guy is as crafty as you say!

He had cleaned up almost all the physical traces of his departure, including the footprints, but he couldn"t get rid of the smell.

"I have to say, the smell of you outsiders is rather obvious. It"s so obvious that you"re like torches in the dark night. I can smell you guys just by smelling you."

"Following his scent I came to the upper reaches of the Lamarsson River, where the plants were cut down and the heavy objects were pushed into the water.

"I don"t think he had any spare energy to clean up when he got here, so after cutting down the raft, he quickly chose to escape into the water."

she added.

Zero looked at the map. The Ramason River was a winding river that didn"t level out until about a kilometer downstream.

Most of them were rapids and dangerous beaches, and there was no place to land.

In other words, if Parkland"s killer got into the water, he"d have to go downstream before he could land again.

Zero pointed downstream and asked, "How long does it take for you to drift downstream?"

She closed her eyes, calculating.

After a moment she opened her eyes and said, "Three days."

"Three days?"

"This is the most conservative estimate. It includes the fact that the monster didn"t throw the water into the torrent or attack the crocodile and the crocodile in the Ramason River."

"It"s summer now," she said with a sneer. "The mutated beasts in the Ramathon are active."

Even if they didn"t attack the outsider, the intense activity in their water would cause all sorts of tornadoes and undercurrents that would greatly increase the pa.s.sage of time across the Ramason River.

"Three days is already the shortest period of time. It can"t be any shorter!"

Zero looked at the map, from the village of Semitic to the lower reaches of the Ramason River.

Other than taking the water route, the only other option was to cross Death"s Canyon.

Judging from the map, although the Death Valley did not run straight through the northern region, the slight slope was much faster than the twisting Rama.s.sin River.

"How long would it take us to reach the lower reaches of the Ramason River if we went down Death Canyon?"

Zero asked again.

"We"ll be there as soon as tomorrow afternoon."

The Canyon of Death was filled with Death G.o.d Flowers. The strong winds within the valley blew unceasingly, causing the Death G.o.d Flowers to dance all over the sky and become an insurmountable barrier.

But in the middle of the day, the wind stops between 12 and 3 a.m.

We can pa.s.s through the countless vines crisscrossing the valley without touching the flower of death.

"But …"

Looking at Zero, the girl said regretfully, "At least you will not be able to move until tomorrow, so we will have to postpone our arrival for another day."

"It"s too late."

Zero stood up, took out another bandages and wrapped himself in it before saying, "We"ll leave tonight. We must make it to the downstream area by tomorrow evening, and then we can give him a surprise."

"Can you hold on?"

It will take at least two hours to get across the canyon.

Aisha said doubtfully.

Lingcun smiled and said, "As long as there are no intense battles, there shouldn"t be any problems."

He was not exaggerating. The estimate for injuries during the day was based on the recovery data from the previous serious injury.

However, he discovered that his body"s recovery ability seemed to have increased.

His injuries, which he had only recovered from tomorrow morning, had already reached the minimum standard for him to move around.

At this rate, he believed that it was not impossible to recover from injuries as severe as Hans"s, or even to regenerate his body.

Seeing that she had no objections, she quickly packed up her things.

After waking Moni up, he saw that it was getting late. Naturally, he could not allow Monnie to do whatever she wanted, just like how she did during the day when he went to Death"s Canyon.

However, he could only act on his own in the case of a zero attack, and he couldn"t use Agility exceeding the fourth step. Otherwise, his injuries would worsen.

The task fell to her. Fortunately, she didn"t hate Monnie, so the black girl didn"t object.

Just like that, the three of them left the village and traveled through the mountains at a constant speed of 150 kilometers per hour in the dark night.

Although she was only using the third step of Agility, she didn"t seem to be much inferior to him in terms of Agility.

Dexterity enhancement was an auxiliary ability. Generally speaking, it was only in the Combat Department, and only women would enhance this ability.

Because a woman"s physical strength was inferior to a man"s, it determined that she didn"t have the potential to enhance her strength to a higher level.

Therefore, they needed more agility and speed to make up for their lack of strength.

Even the most advanced combat experts would at most choose the third step or so in terms of power.

After all, for them, agility was inferior to absolute suppression.

Therefore, in the eyes of many people, they did not expect Agility to enhance their ability, even though the lowest level of ability would cause a qualitative change once it reached a higher level.

But in many people"s eyes, Agility enhancement was a skill that allowed them to escape with their life. The person who chose to invest in this ability usually represented the weak.

Zero had no prejudice against him. He was not good at elemental or fighting techniques.

Whether it was sniping or short range shootings, they both needed to be kept away from the opponent.

For him, Agility had the highest price ratio.

For a gunman, distance is life!

Arisa, who had grown up in the forest, seemed to have invested a lot of effort into increasing her Agility.

Apart from being a woman, this was more or less related to her living environment.

After all, the G.o.d of Death Ridge had a faster speed and a higher chance of survival.

After two hours, the three of them came to the line they had seen earlier on the downhill side.

From the moment he stepped on the red-brown gravel, he could clearly feel that the intensity of the radiation in this area was far greater than the area occupied by the mutated plants.

To that end, Monnie had long since put on her protective clothing and activated her anti-radiation kit to resist the huge amount of radiation in the area.

However, this wasn"t enough. With Monnie"s physique and equipment, she would only be able to move around in this area for around two to three hours at most.

Over that time, Monnie would be infected, triggering a series of genetic lesions that would eventually lead to a complete breakdown of the gene.

Therefore, Zero and Atatha did not stop.

He only rested for a short moment before entering the gra.s.sy area with green vegetation. Then, he dashed towards the entrance of the Death Valley at a speed that left afterimages.

They both knew that this was not just a race against Parkland killers, but a race against time.

Leaving them the time to pa.s.s through the valley, with their skills, the distance between them, which was two hundred kilometers, was just perfect.

This also had to ensure that nothing unexpected happened while they were on the way, and as long as they carelessly dropped to the bottom, the DeathG.o.d"s Flower that covered the mountains would become their last resting place.

At the entrance to the canyon, the wind had stopped for a minute or so.

When the three arrived at the entrance of the valley, they could just barely make out the scene of the blue magic flowers falling onto the ground.

This scene was like a sky full of falling stars. It was so beautiful that it was like a beautiful dream of fireworks.

At the same time, it was also the most deadly firework.

She said nothing. Monnie, who was on top of her, had already secured herself with a rope made of ThunderClan bark.

So the black girl did not have to be distracted by Monnie. She concentrated on choosing each foothold, careful to stay away from where she might step on the flower of death, and kept moving toward the walls of the canyon.

Zero followed her, landing exactly as she"d done with the Atatosa action.

Under the night sky, the three of them continued to draw closer and closer to the walls of the gorge.

When they got close, Zero could see that the mountain face of Death Valley was charred black, but there were many holes in it.

Vines as thick as an arm were protruding from each of these holes. They were entwined in the air and connected to the other side of the canyon, forming a dark green barrier.

These vines were the only plant life in the canyon. They were slightly different from ordinary vines.

On the roots of the vines were round, hard sh.e.l.ls of varying sizes. It looked like the mutated tissue produced by a human body staying under the radiation of light.

As for the Death G.o.d Flower, it was actually grown from the mutated tissues of these plants.

The DeathG.o.d Flower was a product of the vine"s ability to expel the poison from its body. Otherwise, it wouldn"t have been able to grow so densely in this terrifyingly powerful radiation source.

He had no time to marvel at the wonder of nature"s creation as he watched her suddenly quicken her pace.

She carried Monnie almost as fast as she could along the sloping wall, and when she reached the top, she reached out and hung on a vine.

After that, her hands intertwined with each other, and she began to move towards the depths of the canyon with the aid of the vines that were everywhere.

Taking a deep breath, he increased his speed to the fourth step of Agility.

A painful signal came from every part of his body. His face was pale, but he suppressed the sounds of his body"s resistance with his Will.

The ma.s.sive amount of energy he gained in exchange pushed him and Aisha up the mountain walls, and as they approached the highest point, they suddenly grabbed onto a vine, releasing the ability of Agility of the fourth step.

Fortunately, this "journey" was not far away, and Zero"s body was still able to withstand it.

However, Zero could not help but smile wryly as he looked at the canyon"s direction in the distance.

Right now, he could only hope that his body would be able to hold on for a while. At the same time, it would not be too close to his body.

Otherwise, the faint blue light beneath his feet would become his most magnificent coffin!

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