Warrior's Promise

Chapter 1433: Yun You You

Chapter 1433: Yun You You

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

After Su Mo bade farewell to the youth clad in yellow robes, he headed north, rus.h.i.+ng off in the direction of Tian Shan.

He travelled for 4 days and finally he saw a magnificent peak on top of a mountain. There were several buildings perched on the mountain.

“This seems like the Tian Shan!” Su Mo muttered and he quickened his pace, moving swiftly towards the huge peak.


After a short while, Su Mo landed on the breath-taking peak.

At the top of the mountain there was a wide platform where the universe’s Teleportation Formation stood.

Beside the the universe’s Teleportation Formation, there was a stone hall; the door to the stone hall was opened and a few warriors were in the hall.

Su Mo scrutinised the men, one of these warriors was the Rank 9 Martial Emperor Realm’s Cultivation, the other Cultivatiors were members of various ranks.

“In order to use the universe’s Teleportation Formation, we need Five Thousand Lower Spiritual Crystals!” one senior warrior came out & said to Su Mo.

Su Mo nodded his head, and he took out the Five Thousand Lower Spiritual Crystals and pa.s.sed them to the man.

“Every evening, we shall activate the universe’s Teleportation Formation, do be patient with us!” those were the senior warrior’s last words before he returned to the stone hall.

Su Mo shook his head in resignation, and then walked away to a corner where he sat down cross-legged. He seemed unfazed by the situation he faced.

After all, the force that controlled the Teleportation Formation,was raking in Five Thousand Lower Spiritual Crystals in profit. Su Mo understood that he could not expect that them to make an exception for him.

He was not in a hurry and hence he could afford to wait for the activation time.

As time pa.s.sed, apart from the few random warriors who pa.s.sed the mountain, most of the visitors came to utilise the universe’s Teleportation Formation.

In the evening, about twenty people gathered at the mountain peak. Subsequently, a few warriors came out of the stone hall to activate the universe’s Teleportation Formation.

Su Mo was transported by the universe’s Teleportation Formation to visit another galaxy.

In the next 3 months, Su Mo went from one galaxy to another, he was guided by the galaxy’s route map which he had earlier obtained from the youth in the yellow robe.

The journeys in and out of the galaxies were enlightening, Su Mo began to understand the history of Ming Xu Galaxy.

The Ming Xu Galaxy was ruled by the Sun Moon Tribe, which was an indomitable force.

There were many forces within the universe, all of them were subservient to the Sun Moon Tribe, who was clearly the chief and leader.

The powerful Sun Moon Tribe governed 7 super powers. These superpowers were willing subjects to the Sun Moon Tribe and were completely under their control.

The situation in Ming Xu Galaxy was entirely different from AncientSpirit Galaxy. The latter was a force in its own right.

Perched on a small galaxy, Su Mo was suspended in the high skies, and he was able to raise his head to look at the universe.

Within the borderless universe, and surrounded by glittering starlights, Su Mo saw a mammoth and ancient universe that had existed since the universe came into existence.

Hundreds of thousands of small galaxies surrounded the huge universe, as if they were its defenders and protectors.

Su Mo knew that this huge galaxy was the Sun Moon Star.

Sun Moon Star and the hundreds of surrounding small galaxies, formed the entire Ming Xu Galaxy. All of the super forces were gathered here.

All the galaxies he had travelled to during these few months were clearly outside of the jurisdiction of the Ming Xu Galaxy.

“Two more teleportations… I shall reach the Sun Moon tribe!” Su Mo heaved a sigh of relief, he had already drained both his spirit and his energy. The relentless journeys had taken a toll on him, and he felt very lethargic.

At that moment, he was still pale and weak.

Su Mo’s body moved in unison with the tilted vessel. He was at once teleported to another destination.


3 days later.

At noon, Su Mo exited from a large palace.

“What a strong presence of spiritual Qi!”

Taking a deep breath, Su Mo was aghast. The Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi on the Sun Moon Star was more enriching than that of the Star GuZhou, and that made the place a terrific place for Cultivation.

He took a glimpse of the surroundings and found himself within a city. Outside the palace hall was the wide streets.

Instantaneously, Su Mo stretched his legs and walked around the city. As he was new to the Sun Moon Star, he was quite unfamiliar with it, hence he decided to find out more.

Even though Qingxuan was abducted by a Sun Moon Tribe’s lady, dressed in a palace’s costume, Su Mo was uncertain about whether Qingxuan would be brought into the Sun Moon Tribe.

If Qingxuan was unable to be located within the Sun Moon tribe, Su Mo reckoned that he would have difficulty with discovering her whereabouts within such a huge universe.

Su Mo did not know who Qingxuan’s abductor was, not even their name, so he decided to try his luck at Sun Moon Star.

Soon after, Su Mo found a restaurant called Qing Feng in the city. He went into it and sat at a table placed next to a window.

The patrons in the restaurant came from all walks of life, and hence a restaurant might provide the best clues as to what he would like to find out.

Qing Feng Restaurant was big and crowded and the place was rowdy..

“Sire, what would you like to order for food and drinks? ” a waiter dressed in green approached Su Mo and inquired politely.

“What good wines do you serve here ?” Su Mo enquired with a smile.

“The best wine of the house is our signature Qing Feng Wine, one pot for one thousand Lower Spiritual Crystals!” the waitress said smugly.

“Oh really? An expensive wine indeed!”

Su Mo was taken aback, and soon curiosity got the better of him. A pot of wine priced at one thousand Lower Spiritual Crystals was outrageously exorbitant!

“Sire, I can tell that you are not a warrior from Sun Moon Star. Our Qing Feng’s Signature Wine is renowned throughout the entire Sun Moon Star. It will be an utter disappointment if you visit Sun Moon Star and do not try out our Qing Feng Wine.”

The waiter continued to brag about the masterpiece. He never doubted that Su Mo was unable to pay. Even though he was uncultivated, he had good judgement.

“Oh is that so? Please serve me a pot then!” Su Mo chuckled. He would like to find out what kind of wine could fetch such a high price of one thousand Lower Spiritual Crystals.

“Yeah ! Please wait to be served, Sire!” the waiter answered, and in a jiff he rushed off to fetch the wine, and within minutes he had served Su Mo his wine.

Su Mo paid the waiter one thousand Lower Spiritual Crystals, and when he opened the pot, he could smell the wine’s fragrance drifting from it.

The fragrance was pure, light & breezy. It made one look forward to drinking it.

“Excellent wine!” Su Mo praised before he had even tasted it. He had soon gulped down a cup.

Once the good wine entered the belly, it worked fast to generate a warmth that circulated throughout his body and sent a weakness to his limbs, he might have to extend his cultivation to pay for such a moment.

Su Mo was taken aback. He was impressed by the wine, gulping one cup of the liquid brought better effects than absorbing several lots of Lower Spiritual Crystals.

He was a Ranked 8 Martial Emperor Realm’s warrior, and the results of the wine were quite prominent. Any Martial Emperor Realm’s warrior could have benefitted in cultivation through a mere sip of the drinking the wine.

It came as no surprise then that the wine commanded one thousand Lower Spiritual Crystals. It was indeed incredible!

Su Mo enjoyed sipping the wine and eavesdropping on the conversations around him.

Nonetheless, he was puzzled. He had been sitting from noon to evening, and the crowds had made a few changes, he had drunk 3 pots of Qing Feng wine, and he had yet to obtain any useful information.

The patrons mostly discussed nonchalant stuff, or talked about queer things they had encountered. He did not gather any information that was of use to him.

“I have to say, that Yun You You is quite amazing, her cultivation is roaring, she has already attained Level 8 Martial Emperor Realm Cultivation in such a short period of time!”

“Indeed! Having an Empty G.o.d Realm Power as her mentor, her soaring achievements are of no surprise!”

“The main thing is talent! With a Pure Yin body, this could be one of the most suitable body const.i.tutions for the Sun Moon Tribe!”

The three young warriors chatted in the middle of the Hall as they drank.

As for Su Mo, his eyes glittered brilliantly as he heard the three of them talk.

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