Warrior's Promise

Chapter 1648: Is It A Success?

Chapter 1648: Is It A Success?

This thread of Chaotic Qi was thin but also delicate. Being incredibly tiny, it was unexpected that the inner portion of it was chaotic and it was completely different from the Chaotic Energy that legends spoke of.

However, the Qi was definitely Chaotic Qi and if there was a sufficient amount of it, Su Mo could refine it and turn it into Chaotic Energy.

“I hope it won’t disappoint me!”

Su Mo sighed deeply before he started to manipulate Dark Force into a sphere that surrounded the Chaotic Qi.

Then, Su Mo carefully controlled his own Dark Force and tried to separate the Chaotic Qi.

However, he suddenly stopped his actions before he started to separate the Choatic Qi.

If I do it this way, the effects may not be optimal.

It was better to use the devouring strength of the Devouring Power to refine it. That would be more suitable and there would be a higher chance of a miraculous success happening.

The Devouring Fighting Soul could refine everything that entered it. In the process of cultivation, there would be a clear refining calmness that came along with it.

That would be more suitable for him to resolve the Chaotic Qi.

With that thought, Su Mo activated the Devouring Fighting Soul and slowly absorbed the thin thread of Chaotic Qi into it.

Then, Su Mo began to slowly refine the Chaotic Qi. This process was incredibly slow, Su Mo had not refined anything at such a slow rate before.

Su Mo was being extra cautious with the Chaotic Qi. As though he was in front of a porcelain doll, Su Mo was afraid that he would break it with his movements.

Following the refining of the inside the Devouring Fighting Soul, the small thread of Chaotic Qi gradually started to change.

Originally, the Chaotic Qi was greyish-white, but as it was refined, the color of the Chaotic Qi slowly geared towards being colorless.

Su Mo focused his mental strength greatly and carefully observed and mentored this process.

His heart unwillingly started to beat faster, and it was now as fast as when he was in Skeleton Heart Valley.

Whether he would successfully be able to merge the five elements depended on his success today.

This was a counter-revision process. To merge the five elements, Su Mo would have to refine the five elements Qi together to form the Chaotic Qi.

On the other hand, he would split the Chaotic Qi into the five elements Qi.

Two opposite processes that would form a cycle. As long as Su Mo found the rules of the working of the mechanism in the process, or discover a miracle in it, he could use the reverse process to merge the five elements.

Su Mo was incredibly nervous and he carefully scoured every nook and cranny of the splitting process. He discovered that it was also a cause-and-effect process.

Every element required another element to link to it and then it would form a third element.

In other words, the lack of any element would cause the Chaotic Qi to immediately be destroyed.

The lack of any one element would result in the destruction of the other four elements.

Time pa.s.sed by slowly and one breath of time seemed to be a very long duration.

The wheels in Su Mo’s mind turned speedily. In the mere span of a breath, a few million thoughts and ideas had pa.s.sed through his brain.

Around five breaths of time later, the five elemental colors could slowly be seen on the greyish-white Chaotic Qi.

Then, the five elemental colors slowly started to split and from separate ent.i.ties.

The original body of Chaotic Qi finally split into five tiny threads of Spirtual Qi.

Metal, wood, water, fire and ground, the five elemental Spiritual Qi hovered in the air in separate groups.


Su Mo suddenly opened his eyes, a bright beam of light flashed through it. But in the next moment, he slowly shut his eyes again.

“Cause and effect… creation… link… counteract… coexistence…harmony… one destroyed… destruction…!” Su Mo mumbled to himself, as his eyes brimmed with realization.

However, very quickly, the realization in his eyes was covered by doubt.

A few moments later, his eyes brimmed brightly with brilliance again.

In the next few moments, the emotions in Su Mo’s eyes flashed and changed continuously like a zebra crossing light.

Su Mo better understood the process as he found out some marvel of the connection between the five elements. Yet, he also found some potential pitfalls.

Yet, Su Mo wasn’t sure what exactly those pitfalls were.

A few moments later, Su Mo sighed deeply and calmed himself down.

At that point, the thread of Chaotic Qi had already disappeared and broken down into the five elemental Spirtual Qi that were absorbed by Su Mo for cultivation.

“Seems that I might have a misconception previously!” Su Mo muttered to himself. He realized that the three elements could not be merged together. Only if he merged all five elements together could there be the possibility of success.

The merging of the five elements required Su Mo to take note of the cause and effect between each element as well as the creation and links between them. Also equally important was how the elements could destroy each other and Su Mo had to achieve the right balance between them for them to successfully coexist and create Chaos!

Between the wood, fire and water elements, there could be no coexistence between three elements only and hence he could not successfully merge them together.

“Since that is the case, then I shall try merging all of them at once!”

Su Mo’s face turned solemn. His observation and grasp of the process was remarkable and he had rationalized all his ideas according to the splitting process of the Chaotic Qi.

However, although he had logically reasoned everything, it was incredibly difficult for him to succeed.

After all, there were too many factors he had to consider. Su Mo had to have a good control of the five elements and had to time the process carefully before he could finally succeed.

After another deep breath in, Su Mo raised his palm and spread his five fingers. Bright light flashed out of his five fingers as each elemental Dark Force circulated separately on each finger.

The metal, wood, water, fire and ground Dark Forces flashed with five different colors.

Su Mo calmed his spirit and curled his fingers to form a circle before he slowly merged the Dark Forces together.

Based on what he knew, the five elemental Dark Forces had many laws of behavior to which they were subject. These were laws that were created based on the coexistence of the five elements.

Very quickly, in the process of merging, pairs in the five elements would collide and merge with each other.

Metal and water merged while water and wood would merge thereafter. The wood elemental would then go onto merge with the fire element before the product merged with the ground element. Finally, the ground element would merge back with the metal element.

Su Mo carefully refined the elemental Qi every time two elements merged.

This process was simple, after all, and he had good control over merging two elements together.

It was a test of his ability to control the Qi as it wasn’t a simple matter of merging two elements but the simultaneous merging of five.

Hence, Su Mo dared not lose focus and paid particular attention to achieve the balance between the Dark Force. He could not let any element falter.

Everything up to here had proceeded smoothly and in the mere span of a few breaths, the five elements merged within their pairs and Su Mo’s palm shone brightly with five colored lights.

Su Mo’s fingers slowly closed down upon each other before they finally touched, thus beginning the final merging.

“I hope I didn’t a.n.a.lyze this wrongly!” Su Mo was incredibly nervous, evidenced by the numerous beads of sweat on his forehead. He was even more nervous than when he had fought against experts in the past.

This was because he knew his fighting strength would increase exponentially if he successfully merged the five elements.

Bzz bzz bzz!!

A few moments later, Su Mo’s five fingers touched and the five elemental Dark Forces immediately started to merge together.

Su Mo’s control of his mental strength had been pushed to its limit as the five Dark Forces connected and harmonized with each other.

“Was it a success?” Su Mo’s eyes widened. The color of the Dark Force on his fingers had started to change and move towards a white color.

Although this process was slow, it was real and happening right before Su Mo’s eyes.

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