
Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Watchmen Chapter 11: Feast


Just as the scene was becoming conspicuously awkward, Gu Shi Tong’s phone suddenly rang.

He answered the phone and said a few simple words before turning towards Gu Shi Chen, “I have urgent business I need to handle. I’ll be troubling you to take care of Jiu Jie for a while—he’s an important guest. It’s his first time in Nanjing, so you need to carefully show him around and not neglect him.”

After that, he then turned to Jiu Jie, “Think carefully about our talk just now. After thinking it through, you can call me anytime.”

After Gu Shi Tong finished speaking, he walked away quickly.




Gu Shi Chen looked annoyed, and elegantly knitted her eyebrows while looking at his hurriedly retreating silhouette and shouted, “Old Gu!”

Gu Shi Ton didn’t even pause, just waved his hand, and shouting back, “If there’s a problem, give me a call.”

Gu Shi Chen angrily stomped her feet, while pouting, “Every single time it’s the same, you spare no thoughts for other people’s feelings!”

Jiu Jie stood at the side while watching the seething Gu Shi Chen. “Miss Gu, if it’s not convenient for you, then I won’t trouble you. You can do your own things, and I can go back myself.”

Gu Shi Chen’s pretty and delicate face had no change from the beginning till the end. She said icily, “How can that be? No matter what, you’re a guest. At the very least, we need to treat you to a meal. Nanjing is most famous for their duck blood vermicelli and Yan Shui duck. Which one do you want? Or do you want to try them both?”

As long as it was filling, Jiu Jie was not picky. He casually said, “Anything is fine.”

“Anything is it? That’s good. No need to trouble ourselves then. This school’s canteen food is pretty good, we can just eat there.

Jiu Jie, “…”

Gu Shi Chen led the way, with Jiu Jie following her on the side. She pa.s.sed through a winding alley, and onto the school’s main road while going deeper into the school. Looks like they really were going to eat in the canteen.

The two of them were silent along the way. Jiu Jie kept thinking about breaking the silence, but looking at the icy countenance of the lady beside him, the words died in his throat.

The two of them haven’t walked much, when suddenly, a male’s loud and clear voice shouted from behind them, “Shi Chen! Shi Chen! Wait a moment!”

Gu Shi Chen glanced back at the sound. Upon seeing the person, she immediately laid a hand on her forehead, while sighing, “Not this quack again.”

Just as the both of them paused for a moment, the boy behind them had managed to catch up. He was a young man slightly over twenty with bright neat clothes, oily hair, and a powdered face. In his hands was a bouquet of roses. Once he saw Gu Shi Chen, his face broke out into a smile. “Shi Chen, you left the hall too quickly just now. I looked everywhere for you, and I found you here.”

Gu Shi Chen held back her temper, her face as impa.s.sive as before. “Oh, so it’s Officer Zhen. Why are you so free today, no official business to take care of?”

The man laughed. “Shi Chen, just call me Dou Bi. Calling me officer is too formal. You and I both know what official business actually means, it’s just slacking off whole day in the office. Today, I specifically came to listen to your talk. Just now, you were too awesome. In the future, the most outstanding psychologist will be you.”

“Who’s outstanding?” Gu Shi Chen said calmly, “Didn’t you see the att.i.tude of the students j

ust now? They were clearly trying to tear me down. If I had really spoken well, why would they have done that?”

When the man heard that, he immediately rallied against it, while saying, “That is because those ignorant children don’t know a pearl when it’s right in front of them, they are ignorant of worldly matters. This school’s students are too much. Purposefully making your poster ugly is fine, but they even tried to publically provoke you. Shi Chen, you don’t have to worry. I’ve already memorized the faces of those troublemakers just now. Later on, i’ll find some of my friends to mess them up a bit, and make them kneel in front of you and beg for forgiveness.”

Gu Shi Chen’s att.i.tude became cold. “‘Find some of your friends to mess them up a bit? Officer Zhen, you’re a police officer, not some lowly gangster. How can you behave like this?”

“Right, right right, you’re right. This method is inappropriate.” The man quickly said. “I should go arrest them and lock them up for a few days. Will you be able to vent your anger with that?”

Gu Shi Chen shook her head, not willing to speak to him anymore, and then turned around and marched off.

The man quickly chased her, face full of smiles. “Shi Chen, these are the flowers I bought you. Congratulations on your successful talk today. Please take them.”

Saying that, he held out the bouquet of roses.


Shi Chen did not pause, and her eyes did not wander. She just coldly replied, “I hate roses the most. Give them to someone else instead.”

The man seemed unaffected by the blatant rejection. He smilingly said, “You don’t like roses? That’s no problem. I’ll just buy another type next time.”

He glanced around the area, and saw a rubbish bin nearby and ran over, tossing the whole bouquet in. After that, he ran back, and caught up to Gu Shi Chen and asked, “Shi Chen, where are you going?”

“To the canteen to eat.”

“Going to the canteen to eat? What’s there to eat at the lousy canteen? Let me bring you to Zui Xian Lou, I know the head chef, so you can eat until you’re satisfied. We can also go to a Western restaurant if you want. I know a nearby family restaurant that is very good.”
“Not going. Originally I had no appet.i.te, but I need to entertain my father’s friend so we’re just casually eating here.”

Saying so, she pointed a finger at Jiu Jie, who was being treated like air this whole time.

The man sized Jiu Jie up, who was wearing cheap clothing from head to toe, and covered in a loser’s stench. Gu Shi Chen then said, “This is…”

Gu Shi Chen slowed down. “My father introduced me to this person. I’m too lazy to elaborate. You can introduce yourselves without me.”

Regarding Gu Shi Chen’s ice-cold att.i.tude, Jiu Jie was already used to it. He held out his hand, saying, “My name’s Jiu Jie, nice to meet you, please take care of me.”


The man glanced at Jiu Jie, too impatient to shake hands. “Forget about shaking hands. My name is Zhen Dou Bi, you can just call me Brother Zhen. In the future, if you’re in Nanjing, and if there’s anyone who dares to bully you, just mention my name.”

Jiu Jie’s hand was in mid-air. Another awkward situation. “d.a.m.n it, this is the second time. These people are all sick! They either all have a phobia of holding hands or they want to act like pretentious p.r.i.c.ks!”

Zhen Dou Bi also ignored Jiu Jie, and started focusing all of his attention on Gu Shi Chen. He smiled, “Shi Chen, since this person was introduced to you by Uncle Gu, then eating in the school canteen is too neglectful. Uncle Gu is someone who loves his ‘face’. Being juniors, we need to mind his ‘face’, right? We should go eat at Zui Xian Lou, it has good food, so we can avoid Uncle Gu’s reproach, right?”
Gu Shi Chen thought about it, and felt that he made sense, so it was hard to reject. She replied, “That’s also good, but nothing too ostentatious, and no wasting too much time. I have something to do in the afternoon.”

Zhen Dou Bi heard her response in joy. “That’s good, nothing ostentatious and nothing too wasteful. My Land Rover is just outside, so i’ll drive you guys. A meal won’t take up too much time.”

“That’s good, let’s go.” Gu Shi Chen said placidly.

Zhen Dou Bi led the way, while the three of them left the school. Zhen Dou Bi drove, and a short while later, they arrived at Zui Xian Lou.

It was a three-story, richly-decorated building, with an extraordinary imposing manner. On the door was an eye-catching sign with “Zui Xian Lou” written on it in three big golden words.

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Zhen Dou Bi was a regular customer. When he stepped in, he had a short chat with the manager, and then led the way to a room on the third floor.

They said not to be too extravagant, but Zhen Duo Bi still filled the table with dishes. Seven dishes to be exact, all very sumptuous.

Gu Shi Chen eyed the full table, and faintly said, “Officer Zhen, this entire table will take up half of your pay right? Are you okay with that?”

Zhen Dou Bi laughed mischievously. “I already said, just calling me Dou Bi is fine. Both you and I know that a civil servant’s job is just to eat. This is all arranged by my old man, so I also have no choice. If I just rely on my wage, won’t I just starve to death? Come, come, quickly, before they get cold.”

Faced with the table full of such sumptuous dishes, Gu Shi Tong had no appet.i.te, and just simply took a few bites. Jiu Jie completely did not hold back. He got rid of his shame and started pigging out, his head not looking up even once. Anyways, Zhen Dou Bi kept making conversation with Gu Shi Chen, while no one was paying him any attention.

On the surface, this meal was to entertain Jiu Jie, a guest, but Jiu Jie was very clear that Zhen Dou Bi was just shamelessly trying to chase after Gu Shi Chen by using an excuse to treat her to a meal. He was just a tag along.

Jiu Jie didn’t care about this kind of thing though. Anyways, it was a free meal. Not eating was wasteful. He didn’t care for their intimate behaviour, he just wanted to eat until he was satisfied.


“Actually, I have always been curious. You’ve always been a rich young master, so why did you run to become a police officer?” Gu Shi Chen put down her chopsticks and asked.

Zhen Dou Bi smiled. “It was all arranged by my father. I don’t really understand, but my family’s business is a little special, there is a need to regularly interact with civil servants. Being a policeman is for me to get contacts, and at the same time, understand our customers. Next time, when I take over my father’s business, I won’t be going in blind.”

“According to what I know, you’re the sole heir. Your old man isn’t afraid that you’ll be in danger?”

“Danger, under normal circ.u.mstances, no. I’m quite close with all the people at the station. All the dangerous stuff will never befall me. Even if it does, with my skills, I can avert disaster. For example, I went to T city for a business trip, right into the middle of a terrorist attack. I just gave a casual hand and helped to solve the case, and even got three grades for meritorious deeds, which made my bureau chief overjoyed.”

Saying so, he took out a medal, giving it to Gu Shi Chen to show off. “This is a medal to award my contribution. You don’t know, but at that time, T city’s situation was quite serious, making the bureau chief of T city to go prematurely white. Luckily, I had business to attend to over there, so I gave them huge a.s.sistance. If not, half of T city would have been gone…”

Jiu Jie, who had been eating at the side, heard Zhen Dou Bi’s words, and his heart jumped. He interrupted, “Are you talking about the terrorist case in T city, the one with the chemical factory explosion?”

Zhen Dou Bi was dazed for a moment. “That’s right. That wasn’t on the news, so how did you know?”

“That’s because that’s the case I solved, so I would obviously know.” Jiu Jie casually commented.

The always cold Gu Shi Chen, after hearing those words, suddenly let out a laugh that transformed her face into a very charming blooming flower.

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