
Chapter 23

t.i.tle: A New Task

Gu Shi Tong"s driver sent Jiu Jie back to his hotel while he stayed at the office.

He walked through the door and saw Gu Shi Chen looking through a medical record.

"Thanks for today," Gu Shi Tong said.

"Don"t be so formal," Gu Shi Chen didn"t even lift her head and replied.

Gu Shi Tong walked to the desk and found a chair to sit in before asking, "What do you think of Jiu Jie?"

"What are you referring to?"

"Everything matters; appearance, temperament, character, skill level, and conversational ability."

"Why are you asking?"

Gu Shi Tong smiled. "When you were just born, Ming Shan and I joked about betrothing you two to each other. Haha, what do you think of your future husband?"

"Old Gu!" Gu Shi Chen turned around and glared at him.

"Haha, it"s just a joke." Gu Shi Tong held up his hands. "Seriously though, what do you think of him?"

"His appearance is mediocre, temperament is restrained, his character is above average, skill level is average and his conversational abilities…crude and straightforward." Gu Shi Chen said coldly.

"Do you approve of him being a Watchman though?"

"I don"t." Gu Shi Chen shook her head and replied.

"Why?" Gu Shi Tong asked. "I have never seen anyone else with a stronger Li Bi Duo. He"s even stronger than you. If we give him the right guidance, in the future, his control over dreamland will be unparalleled."

"You"re right. His Li Bi Duo is very strong. Even I cannot estimate what his strength will be like in the future, but that isn"t the problem."

"What’s the problem then?"

"With his temperament," Gu Shi Chen started, "With what I have observed so far, he"s severely repressing himself. On the surface, he"s like a knight in a dream seriously following the seven virtues. These rules though, in the deepest parts of his heart, he exists in conflict. He"s a rebel and his unconsciousness hides a deep hatred. Even though he"s able to control his temper, if he doesn"t fix it, his personality will get worse and worse. If it worsens to such a certain degree, the consequences will be unimaginable."

Gu Shi Tong inclined his head slightly and said, "Not bad, that"s how it is. So, that"s why I said that at the beginning, Old Luo"s thinking is immature. He wishes to reform him, while using the virtues to expel the hate inside him. He didn"t realize though that hate will not disappear in time. It"s like a knot, it grows tighter and tighter."

"Then, what do we do next? Do we still help him?"

Gu Shi Tong nodded. "Of course. This is only the beginning. Also, when we help him, we also help ourselves."

"But when things are over, he"s going to leave. What excuse can we give to keep him here?"

Gu Shi Tong smiled. "This case isn"t over, he won"t go back yet..  Even if he does go back, I have a plan to lure him back out."

Gu Shi Chen glanced at her watch and said, "That"s good. Later, if you need me to do anything, just ask. If there"s nothing else, let"s end it here. I have a patient coming at three pm."

"Then, I won"t bother you. Go do your thing."

Gu Shi Tong stood up and gave Gu Shi Chen a onceover, his eyes filled with deep emotion, and his heart moved. "If she were still here today and managed to see our daughter now, how great would that be!"

Gu Shi Chen looked at Gu Shi Tong"s unmoving form and met his emotional gaze. She was dazed for a moment before asking, "Do you still have business left?"

Gu Shi Tong was jerked out of his thoughts, and forced a smile. "Nothing. You busy yourself, I"m leaving."  

"You thought of her, right?" Gu Shi Chen sounded cold and calm, but her words drew blood.

Gu Shi Tong smiled bitterly with nothing to say.

Gu Shi Chen sat up straight and firmly asked, "So, many years have pa.s.sed and you still have nothing to say to me regarding that case?"

"Sorry, Shi Chen. The time isn"t right yet, I still cannot say anything."

"Do you have any secret troubles? Anything you want to explain to me?"

Gu Shi Tong was silent for a moment, his expression pained, before he faintly replied, "Shi Chen, I could only save one of the two, I"m sorry."

"That"s all?"

Gu Shi Tong nodded his head with difficulty.

Gu Shi Chen looked down in disappointment, and started to silently refocus on the medical record she was holding. Gu Shi Tong helplessly shook his head, glanced at her, then turned around and left.

When he reached the door, Gu Shi Chen"s cold voice could be heard. "Dad, it"s cold today. You need to keep warm, especially your old leg. Now is the easiest time to catch a cold, so you need to be careful."

Gu Shi Tong trembled as he heard that, and rigidly stood there. He could scarcely believe his ears. The word "Dad" put a spell on him, making him lose his ability to move. He couldn"t remember the last time Shi Chen called him "Dad".

Gu Shi Tong"s mood surged, his nose turned sour, and his vision unexpectedly became fuzzy. He struggled to compose himself and lightly replied, "En, I understand."

That forcefully controlled tone still carried a hint of carefully choked back sobs. Gu Shi Tong pushed open the door and left the room after he was finished.

Gu Shi Chen"s eyes started to lose focus by looking at the medical record for very, very long.

Gu Shi Tong"s driver left Gu Shi Chen"s house with Jiu Jie, sending him to his hotel.

After today, he was still really tired, especially since he spent so much time going  past so many levels in dreamland. His consciousness was extremely exhausted.

He immediately fell asleep when he reached the room and only woke up when it was dark.

Jiu Jie lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. He was lost in thought, thinking about what happened today. A haze of doubt and confusion slowly started building up in his mind. He flipped open the red book, and turned to the fourth page.

The fourth page of the red book was like a dividing line for Watchmen. Those that are able to reach this level are now considered mid-tier and their ability to control dreamland will also increase. The fourth page"s appearance though was neither too early or too late, it was right on time. Is it really as Gu Shi Tong said, that my power was restrained by someone?

Who did it? Uncle Luo? Even if it"s not him, he would know who it was, right? But then, why would they do this anyway?

Jiu Jie thought a lot about it, but he was still unable to think it through.

"How about I just ask Uncle Luo directly?"

Following that, he shook his head, feeling that it was inappropriate. If there were people paying attention, it would be way too rash, right?

Maybe it was better to follow Gu Shi Tong"s words and conceal his changes while pretending nothing ever happened.

Just as Jiu Jie was about to continue his train of thought, the phone beside him suddenly rang. He picked up the phone and saw that it was Uncle Luo calling.

Jiu Jie sat up and answered the phone. "h.e.l.lo, Uncle Luo?"

"That"s me. How is your progress?" Uncle Luo sounded virtuous through the phone.

"The situation has been resolved." Jiu Jie purposefully played it down, but it was still hard to conceal the little bit of pride that he had for himself.

"Solved? So quickly?" Luo Yi De was shocked.

"Even if it"s slow, it still doesn"t count as a big problem. It was a piece of cake."

If it wasn"t for the Watchmen"s humbleness, Jiu Jie would have really liked to be a bit more smug.  

"What happened? Tell me."

And so, Jiu Jie explained everything from when he arrived at Nanjing, but of course, he left out his improvement and acquisition of a dream alert. Luo Yi De listened very seriously, occasionally clarifying some details.

When he finished, Jiu Jie said, "Uncle Luo, since everything"s fine here, I"ll go back there tomorrow."  

"No, don"t come back yet, just stay there. I have another arrangement." Luo Yi De said.

"What arrangement?" Jiu Jie inquired.

"Wu Yang will be going to Nanjing tomorrow for a case. I don"t have enough people right now, so I can"t send anyone else. Just stay behind and help him."

"Who did you say was coming?" Jiu Jie asked, his voice higher by several octaves.

"Wu Yang. Why? Is there a problem?"

Jiu Jie"s expression was ugly. "What is it… Uncle Luo, can I reject? I miss you, I want to go home."

"Stop acting. Last time, you didn"t see me for a week, but now, it"s only been a day, yet you say that you miss me with that kind of excuse? Wu Yang is there on business. Don"t skirt around your duties!"

"Wu Yang is a high-tier Watchman. He is a capable man, he can solve things all by himself. What does he need me for? I"m extra here, it"s better if you call me back."

"Stop talking such nonsense! Four hands are harder to beat than two. No matter how skilled he is, it"s too difficult for one person. This time, I"m informing you, not asking your opinion. Stop complaining,  just accept it!"

Jiu Jie fake-sobbed and knew that his decision was unchangeable. He asked listlessly, "Then, what time will he reach Nanjing? How do I find him?"

"You don"t need to find him, he"ll find you. You just need to bring your phone with you and don"t run around. He will use his GPS to find you."

"Okay, but what exactly happened in Nanjing? Why don"t I know?" Jiu Jie asked.

"It"s not convenient to discuss  it on the phone. Wait until Wu Yang is there to explain. Also, Jiu Jie, you"ll need to know when to retreat when working with Wu Yang. Don"t try to show off. You two just need to try and solve it first, I"ll send reinforcements when they"re available."

Jiu Jie had known Luo Yi De for a long time and he knew that the so-called knowing when to retreat that he was talking about is basically, "Just run away when you can"t handle it." Specifically, he wanted him to let Wu Yang take the brunt of it if any dangerous came his way.

He knew that even though Luo Yi De was usually very strict towards him, the elder would still protect him.

Jiu Jie smiled. "I got it. Uncle Luo, relax."

"That"s good. That"s all, contact me if you have any questions."

Luo Yi De hung up after he was done speaking.

Jiu Jie heaved a deep sigh and threw his phone away, while flopping down onto the bed. He muttered in his heart, "Uncle Luo is too much. Sending someone else is fine, but he deliberately sent Wu Yang, that b******. The next few days won"t be good at all."

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