
Chapter 15

Chapter 15
Watchmen Chapter 15

Jiu Jie ascended the mountain stairs. He walked for quite a while before he finally reached it"s peak.

Towering in front of him was a tall imposing building, and the surroundings were blending together.

It was a shrine, a castle as well as a residence. It had a waterfall and a flowerbed with painted screens and an ornate arched roof.

Jiu Jie couldn"t say for sure whether it was one or a hundred houses. They were all intersected and shone irregularly.

He could see numerous courtyards, orchards, and trees. In the middle of the bizarre flower beds, and on the neighbouring trees; spring flowers, autumn leaves, and summer fruits were all growing eagerly.

Gorgeous birds were singing in the trees, and they had feathers ranging in colors from red to blue that were beautiful and lively, just like soaring flowers. The singing was also indescribably bizarre.

Jiu Jie was stunned by this display that he has never seen before.

In front of the magnificent building, an arched door was built with golden wood. On the surface, a strange beast was carved.

"Is this the door to my dreams?" Jiu Jie thought.

He walked closer, hitting the gong hanging on the door.

The gong rang noiselessly, but Jiu Jie had a feeling. He was sure that the people here already know of his arrival.  

He waited for a short time before the large doors opened. Gorgeous, colourful beings greeted his sight.

There was a strange bird there, it had the head of a lion, teeth like a snake"s tail, and it was big enough to cover the entire sky. It was an incomparably large bird, a being that only existed in fairy tales.

"Why have you beat the gong?" The time bird asked.

This place is really beautiful." Jiu Jie couldn"t help but praise. He looked up at the large arched door and asked, "Is this the door of dreams?"

"Of course, this is indeed the door of dreams." The time bird said impatiently.

"Then, I would like to pa.s.s. I want to know what"s behind that door."

"Behind the door is the castle of dreams. Of course you can go, but before that, you need to show me your key."

"Key? What key?" Jiu Jie asked, confused.

"What? You actually came here without the key!?"The time bird roared.

"I don"t know about any key, can you please explain it to me?" Jiu Jie slowed down his words, trying to appease it"s moodiness.

"No key means you"re trespa.s.sing, so your only choice is to die!"

The time bird screeched and spread its large wings; while it was taking off, it generated a large gale of wind.

Without waiting for Jiu Jie to understand, it opened his large lion"s mouth and rushed downward, looking to devour Jiu Jie in one bite.


Jiu Jie shouted and suddenly collapsed in terror, his head full of sweat. He realized that he was currently sitting upright in Gu Shi Chen"s office.

He took the room in dazedly, trying to re-familiarize himself with it; it"s set, and it"s single seat sofa. The room was dimly lit and the outside had unknowingly started raining.

Jiu Jie took deep breaths. Having just woken up from a dream like that, he let his mind go empty, compartmentalizing the dream away.

"You"re awake?" Gu Shi Chen was sitting beside him, and she asked that while looking at her watch. "You slept for quite a while."

"What time is it?" Jiu Jie asked.

"It"s already two-fifty pm. You slept for over an hour."

Jiu Jie shook his head to wake himself up faster.

"I had a very long dream just now." He said.

"I know, I know everything." Gu Shi Chen said faintly.

Jiu Jie was silent fo

r quite a while before he suddenly gave a thumbs up, while saying, "Respect! You"re really amazing!"

"Oh? What are you doing?" Gu Shi Chen asked.

"Just now, you managed to hypnotise me, right?"

Gu Shi Chen smiled confidently and nodded. She said lightly, "I said it before. In here, even if you don"t cooperate, I can hundred percent hypnotise you."

Jiu Jie reclined on the sofa, wiping the sweat from his forehead as he said, "I can see through your method, but I can"t guard against it. Amazing."

"You can see through my technique? Let"s hear it."

"There"s nothing to say. You still used excessive information as a means of attack, just like the hypnosis on the male student, but with different details. Also, this stage is specially designed by you to help with your hypnosis. Just counting these, I have lost the round. I"m convinced, and concede to you."

"No," Gu Shi Chen said. "It"s too early to decide. You"re also quite good, your harder to deal with than I thought. Your consciousness is very deep and complicated, i"ve underestimated you."

When she finished speaking, she walked to the front of the table and picked up the phone. She dialed a number, then spoke into it, "Hi, Aunt Liu… Yes, it"s me. Help me cancel the three o"clock appointment. Yes. I still have some business to deal with here. Help me apologise to the patient and inform him that he can pick the time for the next appointment. Yes. Okay, that will be all."

Gu Shi Chen put down the phone and returned back to Jiu Jie"s side, while asking, "Jiu Jie, who exactly are you?"

After a short rest, Jiu Jie had become energized again. He rubbed his neck and said, "I said it before. I"m just an unemployed person."

"Normal unemployed people don"t have your strength of spirit. Who exactly are you?" Gu Shi Chen continued to ask.

"Didn"t you already hypnotise me just now? Don"t tell me that you didn"t even get any information?" Jiu Jie questioned.

"That"s the area that makes me suspicious." Gu Shi Chen said. "Even though I managed to hypnotise you, but I didn"t get any useful information. Additionally, your protections were very strong. I"ve never seen such a long journey to access the door of dreams. Also, you had a specialist add some protections as well. You are definitely not an ordinary person."

Jiu Jie kneaded his temple and asked, "What door of dreams?"

It is a door to get into the subconscious." Gu Shi Chen said. "Everyone"s subconscious holds a lot of information, including their own desires and people that have come and gone throughout their lives. If the door of dreams can be opened, the whole unconscious is available, which in turn, enables you to completely understand that person."

"So, you call it a door of dreams. Not a bad name, better than the name we came up with."

"The name "we" came up with? You also have your own definition of the door to the unconsciousness?" Gu Shi Chen asked.

"That"s not important. More importantly, this situation. Is it going to just end like that? You hypnotize me, but get no prize?" Jiu Jie asked.

"Of course not." Gu Shi Chen said. "Your conscious is very deep, and you have very strong protections in your unconsciousness. Just now, I was too confident, but that doesn"t mean that I don"t have other methods."

"Oh? Other methods? Don"t tell me you"d like to hypnotise me again?" Jiu Jie laughingly asked with a hidden meaning.

"Of course. This time deeper though. That way, I can open your door of dreams. This time, I won"t mess up." Gu Shi Chen said expressionlessly.

"Being too confident may not necessarily be a good thing."

"Your way of thinking is because you haven"t seen my other techniques."

"That"s fine." Jiu Jie made himself comfortable on the sofa. "Actually, i"ve always wanted to see what my unconsciousness actually looks like."

"You"ll see it." Gu Shi Chen pa.s.sed him a gla.s.s of water. "Have you drank yet?"

Jiu Jie received the gla.s.s, and raised it to eye-level and observed it. "Just now, the gla.s.s you gave me, was it drugged?"

Momentary surprise flashed across Gu Shi Chen"s face before it disappeared. "That"s right, your spirit was too strong. If I didn"t borrow the strength of drugs, then just relying on the innumerable amount of information to hypnotise you would be very difficult."

"Then, this gla.s.s is also drugged, right?" Jiu Jie asked.

Gu Shi Chen casually admitted to it. "Yes, and it"s a double dose too."

"I said it before," Jiu Jie said, relieved, "If I got hypnotised without being drugged, Uncle Luo would definitely have scolded me as a useless thing."

Finished speaking, he looked up and swallowed all the water down in one gulp.

Gu Shi Chen couldn"t help but laugh at the scene. "You still drank it even though you knew it was drugged?"

Jiu Jie leaned back onto the sofa, and closed his eyes. "Actually, you don"t need to do this. I didn"t come here to compete with you, but rather to help you."

Gu Shi Chen laughed lightly when she heard him. "Situations may not turn out like how you thought it would."

Jiu Jie laughed bitterly and shook his head, declining to comment.

It was darkness once again.

The first thing Jiu Jie heard was an unceasing sound of the waves. He opened an eye and realized that he was standing on an island. The island was very sinister and black, not much bigger than a rock.

A blind old man was standing in front of him, his eyes facing the ocean.

Seawater splattered, the sea breeze wailed, and seagulls were lamenting in the sky.

The old man opened one wrinkled hand, holding out a small black spoon. His movements were slow, just like a machine toy.

"Take it, it will help you pa.s.s through the door of dreams."

Jiu Jie took the black spoon. At this time, a seagull flew above their heads, crying out three times before flying away. When Jiu Jie turned back, the old man was gone.

Jiu Jie held onto the spoon very tightly. Such a playful island. He wanted to find something that would help him escape the island, but it was very barren. The sky was empty and he couldn"t find anything.

At this time, Jiu Jie felt like something was spying on him. He glanced all around, but there wasn"t anyone. There was only the seagull in the sky, and a slim silhouette in the distance on the edge of a cliff. Even though he couldn"t see it clearly, he could confirm that the person standing there was a beautiful girl.

Jiu Jie felt his mouth curling up, a sly smile flashing on his face before disappearing.

The sound of the waves continued incessantly.

Before long, the sky had darkened to a complete black. The world once again entered an endless darkness.

Following closely behind, the sound of the waves also steadily disappeared.

Immediately, Jiu Jie couldn"t feel the island he was standing on, nor the torrential waves. Actually, he couldn"t feel anything.

Couldn"t see, couldn"t hear, and couldn"t feel. All five senses were muted, everything was silent.

After that, from the darkness, a fluorescent light slowly shone through. A bit, then a bit more, the light brightened, and strengthened. The innumerable fireflies once again appeared.

Jiu Jie tightly clutched the black spoon in his hand, and stepped forward resolutely. At the same time, the black spoon emitted a bright light, even brighter than the fireflies.

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