
Chapter 17

Chapter 17
Watchmen Chapter 17

Gu Shi Chen was stunned for a moment. She asked in disbelief, "It"s mine?"

"Yes, it"s yours." Jiu Jie said confidently.

"That"s impossible. It"s your subconscious, so how can my projection appear? It"s too absurd!"

"You don"t believe me? Then, how about we take a closer look?"

Saying that, Jiu Jie pulled Gu Shi Chen along until they reached the water"s edge, and stood right beside the man and the little girl.

"Look carefully at who they are." Jiu Jie told Gu Shi Chen.

Gu Shi Chen was bewildered. She bent down and sized up the crying girl. Even though the girl"s face had turned red from crying, her features were still recognizable.

Gu Shi Chen got more and more surprised the longer she stared. She felt that the girl looked exactly like her when she was younger!

"Don"t you feel like she"s very similar to how you were when you were young?" Jiu Jie said. "It"s practically the same as the photograph on your office table."

"That"s impossible, this is impossible." Gu Shi Chen muttered.

"If you still don"t believe me, then take a look at who the man is." Jiu Jie said as he pointed at the man.

Gu Shi Chen followed Jiu Jie"s orders and headed to the familiar man. Looking at him, she was rooted to the spot.

That man looked exactly the same as a younger Gu Shi Tong!

Gu She Chen was thoroughly stupefied.

"Now you should believe it already." Jiu Jie said.

"This is impossible! How can this be possible!?" Gu Shi Chen said with a face full of bewilderment. "How can your subconscious project the image of Old Gu and me when we were young! This should be a memory of your previous trauma, and you"ve never met us before, so how can our younger selves appear here, this is illogical!

"You"re right." Jiu Jie said. "I have never seen your younger self, nor Uncle Gu"s younger appearance, so this is an impossible projection in my subconscious."

"Then, how do you explain the situation in front of us?" Gu Shi Chen asked urgently.

"It"s a very good explanation." Jiu Jie smiled. "Because this is not mine."

Gu Shi Chen was dazed. "Not yours? Whose is it then?"

"Do you still need to ask? The situation has already happened to this extent, so it"s already very obvious. This memory is yours."

"That"s impossible. How can your subconscious have my memory?"

Jiu Jie shook his head. "How do you not get it? Who said that it"s my subconscious?"

Gu Shi Chen was stupefied after she heard that. "Not your subconscious? Weren"t we always in your dream?"

Jiu Jie laughed bitterly. "That"s fine. I"ll ask you. Everytime you hypnotise someone, how do you get information from their unconsciousness?"

"I"ll ask questions. They will then relay back information about their dreams to me." Gu Shi Chen said.

"Then, have you ever directly entered their dreams?"


"That"s good. Since that is so, then with you standing here right now, how do you explain it?"

Gu Shi Chen suddenly didn"t know how to answer.

"Also," Jiu Jie continued, "Do you still remember how you got here?"


"We crossed the door of dreams together, then walked a very long way before reaching here."

"Then, what about before? How did you appear in the vicinity of the door of dreams? Do you still remember?" Jiu Jie asked.

Gu Shi Chen thought about it, before shaking her head. "I don"t remember."

"Dreams are like that. They will always drag you to the middle of a situation, I"m sure you"re familiar with this. Then, until now, do you still not understand?"

Gu Shi Chen was startled incessantly and dazedly said, "You mean that we"re actually in my dream?"

Jiu Jie nodded. "Not bad. This is your dream, your subconscious, your projection. Your a.n.a.lysis just now was absolutely correct. What happened just now was a traumatic memory. There is hate in your heart. You hate your father who stood by and watched, you hate him for killing your mother. This is your sore point, right?"

Gu Shi Chen didn"t reply, she was deep in thought.

"Even though we found the crux of the problem, just this isn"t enough. We should continue to investigate. Let"s go."

Finished speaking, Jiu Jie walked forward and pulled on Gu Shi Chen"s hand, but it was shaken off.

"What"s wrong with you?"

"Who allowed you to do this?" Gu Shi Chen asked coldly.

"Do what?" Jiu Jie questioned.

"Who allowed you to spy on my mind?" Gu Shi Chen"s words were as cold as the winter in Siberia.

"I"m doing this to help you," Jiu Jie stated.

"I don"t need any help. Get out of my head!"

"Miss Gu…"

"Get out of my head!" Gu Shi Chen roared, her tone very severe.

"Okay," Jiu Jie raised his hands. "Since you refuse to investigate any further, than forcing you will be detrimental. I"ll just stop here. We can discuss this again when you"ve managed to calm down."

Jiu Jie walked over to Gu Shi Chen and whispered, "Excuse me."

Right as he spoke, he raised one finger, and suddenly pushed it against Gu Shi Chen.

It was too sudden, Gu Shi Chen was unprepared for it and fell backwards. "Splash!" She fell into the pond.

Icy cold water rushed at her from all sides. In a flash, she was submerged.

Gu Shi Chen felt like her body kept sinking. It was very cold, and very deep.

She wanted to struggle, but her body wouldn"t move. She could only let her body slowly sink further down into the pond.

The pond water was very cold. Gradually, her consciousness became more numb, and more fuzzy. Until finally, she couldn"t hear, couldn"t see, and couldn"t feel, everything was silent and only darkness was left.

After an unknown amount of time, Gu Shi Chen gradually felt her body warming up, her heart was beating, and her consciousness was returning.

She strained to open her eyes and realized that she was lying on the sofa in her office.

It was already dusk and the office was very dark. Outside, the pitter-patter of rain was non-stop, the temperature has also dropped a few degrees.

"You"re awake?" A voice came from the side.

Gu Shi Chen turned towards the voice and saw Jiu Jie. He was sitting on the single person sofa, a battered red book held in his hands.

Gu Shi chen pushed herself upright, and raised her hand to arrange any loose hair, her expression dispirited and her state of mind messy.

"You"re so professional." Jiu Jie ridiculed. "How come you fell asleep when trying to hypnotise me?"

Gu Shi Chen ignored him. She stood up to stand in front of a mirror and neatened her appearance. She realized her face was slightly pale and her eyes had a bit of edema (swelling with fluids).

She glanced at her watch, it was almost five pm.

"You really slept for quite a while. Looks like you"ve been very tired recently. You should look after your body better, don"t work so much." Jiu Jie said that as he read the book without even lifting his head.

Gu Shi Chen turned around and slowly walked to his side and sat down. "It"s so dark, why didn"t you turn on the light? Can you see?"

"No need." Jiu Jie said. "In this book, what I want to see is not the words."

"Then, what do you want to see?"

Jiu Jie closed the book and looked up. "I want to see it"s meaning."

Gu Shi Chen didn"t understand his meaning, but she didn"t want to be entangled in that question.

She gazed at him for a moment before saying, "I had a dream just now."

"Oh? That shows that the quality of your sleep is not good." Jiu Jie casually said.

"I dreamt of you." Gu Shi Tong stared at him and said.

"What you see in the day is what you dream at night. We were together since we met this afternoon. It"s normal that you would dream of me."

"I think it"s abnormal."

"How is it abnormal?"

"You were too real in the dream, and full of metaphorical meaning."

"Can you go into more detail? My interest has been piqued from listening to you."

"No," Gu Shi Chen shook her head, "I feel like even if I don"t say it, you"d still know."

"Know what?"

Gu Shi Chen looked at his calm countenance faking idiocy, and started to feel slightly angry. Her tone was cold when she said, "I am a person who has undergone professional training. It"s best if we"re frank with each other, there is no need to beat around the bush."

Jiu Jie spread his hands. "I don"t even understand what you"re talking about."

Gu Shi Chen decided to get straight to the point and asked, "Was my dream just now your doing?"

"That"s what you were talking about then." Jiu Jie scratched his head. "Yeah, you could say that."

Gu Shi Chen was shocked for a moment. She didn"t expect that he would admit it so quickly. Feeling like it was a bit unexpected, she asked, "You"re really very frank."

"Of course, I have always been very honest, I have never told a lie." Jiu Jie said.

"How did you do it? Are you also a hypnotist? Just now, I wasn"t ready, so you managed to hypnotise me?" Gu Shi Chen asked.

"I"m not a hypnotist, but I can do things that a hypnotist can"t." Jiu Jie said.

"For example…?"

Jiu Jie thought about it. "Ah, forget it. Since you"re Uncle Gu"s daughter, that means you"ll find out sooner or later. I don"t need to hide it from you now."

He held up the red book in his hands. "Just now, didn"t you ask me what I was reading? This book is called the Red Book.There are three pages at the moment; First page: How to Enter Dreams, Second page: How to Attract Dreams, and Third page: How to Release Dreams…"

Gu Shi Chen knitted her eyebrows. "Enter dreams? Attract dreams? Release dreams? What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Explaining it is too complicated. Simply put, this book is used to manipulate dreamland."

"You can manipulate dreamland?" Gu Shi Chen asked doubtfully.

Jiu Jie nodded. "That"s right. It"s a secret, so you"ll need to keep it for me."

Gu Shi Chen looked at his mysterious appearance and started to get angry. She asked coldly, "Who exactly are you?"

"Who I am is not important. More importantly, who are you?"

"Who am I?"

"That"s right. Who are you? What are your desires? What kind of trauma do you have? Why are you suicidal?"

Gu Shi Chen shook her head. "Don"t speak nonsense. I don"t have a trauma, and i"m not suicidal."

"Can I see your arm?" Jiu Jie asked a question in lieu of a reply.

Gu Shi Chen unconsciously pulled down her sleeves and hugged her shoulders, her expression grave and stern.

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