We Live in Dragon’s Peak

Chapter 20: Blue Dragon Knight


Chapter 20: Blue Dragon Knight



While we were talking with each other while eating & drinking the sweet drinks、we seem to have arrived at the royal castle before I was aware。
The wagon stopped & I was called。

「Now then、let’s go。Ernea、don’t get too nervous, alright?」

On Ristia’s signal、we sequentially got off the carriage。
I got surprised when I went down since we were greeted by a large amount of people。There were a lot of knights & government officials。
One of those people、a lovely girl with an overwhelming sense of existence has greeted us as a representative of everyone。

It is Serisu-sama。

「Welcome home、Ristia。So you have successfully invited Ernea too」

I awkwardly bow to Serisu-sama as she smiled to me。
Though I’m a bit close to her at school but I as a commoner can’t understand any gesture that I should do since were here at the royal castle with many people looking。

With my strange movements、Ristia、Neimi、Slatton & Kurishio grinned。They’re looking at me like I’m something amusing。They’re really awful。

「Please、do come inside」
(TLN: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

Only Serisu-sama is nice to me。We were urged so as we were guided to the inside of the royal castle。

Though this is the first time I’ve entered a royal castle but it really looks quite good as expected。
The foyer is already twice as big as our house。
The floors, walls & pillars were all made out of marble。There were sculptures in every place that we reached & there were paintings too。Vivid colors of flowers are arranged in the vases。
Fuaaaa、my eyes are dazzling from the extravagance of this place。
Even if I worked throughout my whole life、I wouldn’t even be able to buy one of the wonderful luxurious furniture in here。

「You’re really like a country b.u.mpkin」

He looked at me who isn’t calm as I’m looking at everything so Slatton said so & gave a bitter smile。

「It can’t be helped。This is my first time being in an extravagant place。With that、I might not be able to go here for another time in my life」
「Hahaha。That ain’t true。If that’s so then I’ll just call for you everyday to come here」
(TLN: Is that a proposal Ristia? Be careful though cuz Onee-sama is ALWAYS WATCHING)

Ristia laughed。

Incidentally、Ristia has been living in the royal castle after getting engaged with Serisu-sama。Is it the same with Slatton & Kurishio、with Neimi at that too?
(TLN: No worries, bruh. I can feel that Onee-sama will ALWAYS be there for you)

「Okay、then I’ll be visiting here for Kurishio in the future then」
「Oh my~!」
「You’re so awful、you’re not going to visit me?」

Everyone from the Hero party gave off their reactions & laughed。

「It seems like you’re not nervous、Ernea is unexpectedly strong huh」

When Ristia pointed that out、I stuck my chest out & said Hmph。

「Well、it would be troublesome if you were nervous from just being at the foyer」

d.a.m.ned Slatton、he seems to like teasing me。
(TLN: The yaoi is strong on this one)

「Okay okay、this is the way」

We are being led by Serisu-sama as we walked inside the royal castle。

And after going out in some courtyards & long pa.s.sage ways、we have finally reached a place where two large doors were。

When Serisu-sama urged the guard that were in front of the door、they opened the door & guided us inside。

The room is where a large number of people could feel at home & relax in。
The walls & pillars are made of marble as usual。A high cla.s.s carpet is spread out on the floor which I hesitated a bit on stepping on it & there were extravagant sofas & desks that are set up in some places of the room。
There are fireplaces in both ends of the room。Though my house only had one。

Fuaaaa、while I’m looking around at the room、my back got pushed。

「Go inside faster」

(TLN: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

It’s Slatton。
Behind Slatton were a couple of preceding visitors。

Ah、I’m nervous。

The first thing that entered my sight is a Knight wearing blue armor from all over his body。There were 2 knights wearing white armor on his side。At the opposite side of those three people who have sat around a single desk was a stout person who is wearing gaudy clothes & beside him is a thin person。The thin person is also wearing gaudy clothes。I’m sure that they’re government officials。
With that、there was a white haired old man with garments above his armor & there is also a black bearded old man with the same clothes as him but has different ornaments in it。
Lastly、there’s a really big man in the center。That really big man had the most extravagant clothes than anyone in here & he had a crown on his head。
Ah、I’m certain that man is Serisu-sama’s father。In other words、he’s that。

We who had entered the room were greeted by everyone。

「Ristia、I apologize for pressing you with these tasks」
「No、I’m honored to be helpful」

With the big man’s words、Ristia lowered his head。
I-、is it alright if I didn’t kneel?
I didn’t expect to suddenly meet the king so fast so I was fl.u.s.tered & didn’t know what I should do。

「Father is a candid sort of person。Please be at ease」

Serisu-sama gently pat my back & whispered it to me。

「Fumu、that boy that I have seen for the first time、is he the one that is called Ernea」
「Uh、Yes。My name is Ernea・Isu」

My name was suddenly said so panicked & knelt down。Though she just said that I should be at ease。
Before I came here、I thought that I’ve become accustomed to people with high dignity since I’ve been talking with Old Sleigstar & Mistral but the king is a different existence huh。

What might be it。The king is a person filled with dignity & also a leader for the people so even I who doesn’t have any manners had unconsciously knelt to him。
(TLN: Dammit don’t kneel to others! Only kneel to ONEE-SAMA!)

「Ahahaha。This place isn’t in public so there’s no need to humble oneself。You have been called by Ristia & Serisu as a friend。I do not mind children with an att.i.tude like a child。Doesn’t Graive-dono mind it to?」

The king placed his gaze upon the man who wore a blue armor all over his body。

「Yes。I think that I’m alright with it。I’m also tired of having a respectful conversations」

The blue armored man nodded。
I timidly stood up。

「It is so、let us have a self introduction first of all。Since Ernea-kun has already introduced himself then first of all would be me」

His majesty which is Serisu-sama’s father had said so with a friendly smile。

「As you can see、I am the King of this country。Amuado the 4th」

His crown is the proof of that。Even I have understood it at once。

「Fumu、then the following would be me。I am the Prime Minister Collanta、I am pleased to make your acquaintance」

The thin man who is wearing an extravagant clothes has bowed。I also bowed myself。

「I am Nal。I am the Sub prime minister」

This time was from the stout man who was wearing extravagant clothes too。It’s like、the stout one seems to be more dignified & had an air of superiority。He seems to be arrogant。

「I am the general of the National army Teizenal」

It’s the black bearded large man。He’s a bit taciturn & he was indeed a military man is what it felt like。

「I am the Imperial Guard Knights commander Colan」

The one who said that was the smiling white haired old man with garments above his armor。Though his appearance tells that he is very gentle but since he is the leader of the golden guard knights then he is an amazing person。

「Then I’m next。I am the leader of the Yorutenitosu Dragon knights、I am called Graive。Nice to meet you」

The man who was in a full blue armor placed his hand on his chest & introduced himself。
Oohh、so this person is the leader of the Dragon knights from this morning。He’s really cool。

「Since these two at my sides are my guards so I’ll be omitting their self introductions」

To the words of Graive-sama、The two white armored knights also placed their hand on their chests & gave their greetings。So these men are Dragon knights too。

「P-、pleased to meet your acquaintance」

I bowed to them respectively。
Ah、my stomach is starting to hurt with my nervousness。Though the atmosphere of everyone is calm then this might be the situation where everyone here shall be baragging me with questions。
Though I ran away from the students at school but it seems like I can’t run away from here。

SAVE ME、MISTRAL-SAN! Even if I shouted inside my heart but even Mistral might not come here to help。
(TLN: This b.a.s.t.a.r.d….He’s underestimating ONEE-SAMA!)

「It’s really narrow in here。Let us move to the seats near the window & converse there」

The king guided us as we moved to the place near the window。
The sofas are arrange like the letter コ near the large window。

When Serisu-sama rang a bell、the employees entered the room & distributed some drinks to us as they also left different kinds of food in the desk。

「Well then、from what should I tell & for what should I listen to」

While the king was thinking、the Prime Minister Collanta raised his hands。

「Let us finish the things that are necessary first of all。Though I apologize if it is too sudden but Ernea-kun。Do you mind if we could have you explain the recent event in the ruins?」

Here it comes~! It came immediately。I nodded while giving a nervous look。
I contained my mouth with the drinks to make it damp & I started to talk。

Though I’m saying this but I mixed some lies in it since I didn’t want to say anything about Mistral。

On the story that I’ve defeated the Dragon Knight that became a Demon Blade user、everyone of the Dragon knights were interested in it & leaned forward。
I’m sure that they’re doubting that a child like me has defeated a Dragon knight like them from their country。Glaive-sama’s stares were pretty painful。

「Fumu、So an adventurer that pa.s.sed by was the one who defeated the Dark armored Demon blade user & treated the wounds of the Shrine maiden」

The stout Sub Prime minister says as if he’s deeply doubting my words。So this person is one of those who are doubting me huh。

「Y-、yes。Since my hands were full at that time so I didn’t have a chance to discern the adventurer’s face」
「Hmmm。Since that adventurer suddenly appeared & left the demon blade user then we might be able to hear more information from that adventurer」

The Prime minister Collanta-sama placed his hand on his chin and started to ponder。
Ah、I pray that my lies wouldn’t grow into a bigger problem。I trembled as I thought that this lies of mine might be the reason for my grave to be dug earlier。
But there were people who misunderstood my frightened appearance。

「Oh、I apologize for making you remember such a frightening memory」
(TLN: Acting skills 999999999. Give Ernea an Oscar award…..none for leonardo di caprio)

The king patted my head。It was different from the time with Mistral so I wasn’t happy with it。It seems that the feeling of being patted by someone differs from which person is patting you。Though being patted by the king is shockingly a valuable experience。
(TLN: Onee-sama’s pats is like a G.o.ddess is touching your head and you reach enlightenment)

「If it’s an adventurer then there might be information in the Adventurer Union。I shall conduct my investigations in that place」
「If that is the case then I’ll be searching in the kingdom’s area in the inns for information on the people that stayed there or any evidences left behind」

Collanta-sama and Nal-sama said so and left the room。

「Fumu、then can I be allowed to hear about the Demon blade users a bit more」

The king desired for more details。

「We too want to hear the details of how the Dragon knight of our country that turned into a Demon Blade user has been defeated」

Since the Blue Dragon knight Graive told me too then I recalled everything while talking。

The thing about his entire sword strength、his offensive and defensive measures is what I answered the questions of the Blue Dragon knight。

「Fumu。Apparently from what I’ve heard、The sword strength of the Demon blade user has fallen、In case of the Hero Ristia at any rate, I cannot think of a Dragon knight of our country would be easily defeated by a weak looking boy like you」

The Blue dragon knight leader Graive-sama leaked his dissatisfied impression。

He doesn’t seem to like the fact that a knight from his kingdom has been defeated by a weak looking boy from another country。The white armored knight on his sides too were looking at me with killing intent filled eyes。

Though I can’t think of myself being able to defeat a dragon knight but isn’t it alright to not give such a disatified anger like that to me?

I answered without telling a lie other than the dark armored demon blade user and the Dragon ki。But it looks like they were still condemning me。

「First of all、Ernea-kun saved the shrine maiden and the teacher。It is a work that needs to be praised。For the future of this country、Let’s formally put out a reward for you」

Ah、the king changed the topic。
(TLN: Please award him with 2 princesses please….Twin Oppai princesses would be appreciated….)

The king dispelled the ominous atmosphere and patted my head with a smile on his face。
I was a bit happy this time。

Time pa.s.sed as the Hero’s & the Dragon knight’s words were heard afterwards。
Truth be said、I felt really out of place in that room & I couldn’t calm down。
I thought in my mind that I really want to hurry up and go home & a voice from outside of the room was heard as 2 people came into the room。

They’re obviously a shrine maiden and a priest from just looking at them。

「I occasionally wanted to report to his majesty so that is why I have visited his majesty for today」

The priest knelt。The shrine maiden which was standing at his side held 4 swords。

I have seen those swords。I couldn’t forget about its appearance、it were the possessions of the Demon blade users that appeared in the ruins from a few days ago which were the Demon blades。


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