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Chapter 43.1

“Very well, but if you do something strange to Priscilla, it won’t end with me just not forgiving you . ”

“My, my, well, well, Ernekun has this kind of hobby?”

“N- no, I don’t! Mistral, don’t say strange things that will give misunderstands either!”

“Nnmtto, Priscilla doesn’t mind . ”

Priscillchan’s innocent statement shocks everyone .

“Priscilla doesn’t mind sharing the same room with onii-chan?”

ah, so it’s that? Priscillchan must have thought that Mistral and Ruiseine were fighting because they hated having to share a room with me . Hence, she said she didn’t mind it .

I thought that she was saying didn’t mind to a completely different thing .

Ahaha, Mistral and Ruiseine give dry laughs . They too must have thought the same thing . They match gazes before averting them in embarra.s.sed .

Priscillchan smiles, unaware of our misunderstanding . Nymia too seems to be enjoying herself on Priscillchan’s head .

“With that, Ruiseine and I will move to the next room, okay?”

Mistral regains her senses and picks up her luggage .

“Ye-yes, let us . ”

Ruiseine’s face goes red as she takes her luggage and leaves the room in a fl.u.s.ter .

“There will be no bath tonight . We’ll go and have a dinner later . I’ll call you then . ”

With those words, Mistral too leaves the room .

“Nnmtto, we won’t take a bath? Is it because we have small b.r.e.a.s.t.s?”

W-what a dreadful thing to say, young lady .

“Uun, that’s not it . It’s because everyone would be surprised by Priscillchan’s ears . ”


Fuu, I gently press my hand against my chest . I’m relieved Mistral and Ruiseine didn’t hear what Priscillchan just said .

I move my luggage to a more suitable place within the room and sit on a chair near the edge of the room .

I release a sigh . The various events of today have left me exhausted . At the same time, Priscillchan climbs up on my lap .

“Nnmtto, today is a sleep over with onii-chan . “

“Sleeping over, nyan~“

Nymia is still on Priscillchan’s head as usual .

“Un, that’s right . Are you lonely being away from Mistral and Ruiseine?”

“I’m alright? Priscilla likes onii-chan after all!”

“Ahaha, thanks . ”

Does she think Mistral and Ruiseine hate me? Receiving the consideration of a small child makes me feel warm and fluffy .  

I stroke both Priscillchan and Nymia .

Mistral often strokes my head and it feels great . That’s why I’m gently stroking Priscillchan and Nymia, so that can feel comfortable . Priscillchan closes her eyes in glee, and before I know it, falls asleep while clinging to me .

Priscillchan sleeps really well, eh . She plays with all of her might, eats plenty, and sleeps well . This girl will surely grow healthy .

“Ernea is aiming at Priscilla, nyan~”

“W-w-what are you saying? I never look at Priscillchan with eyes like that . ”

“Nyan~ just kidding, nyan~”

Nymia jumps onto my head from Priscillchan who’s fully asleep . She really likes the tops of people’s heads .

“The fluffy heads of Priscilla and Ernea onii-chan feel good, nyan~”

“Uumu, no matter how I think about it, Nymia’s fur looks fluffier . ”

“Other people’s are the best, nyan~”

“I see . ”

I then realize that Nymia, being perched on my head, is just the right weight . Upon doing so, I feel a unfathomable amount of dragon power and dragon spirit from her . She might look like a kitten, but she’s is an ancient dragon who’s at least one hundred years old after all . According to Old Sleightar, to say nothing of myself, she is even stronger than Mistral .

Speaking of which, her true form is more or less several times larger than flying dragons . She should be really heavy, but right now, she isn’t heavy in the slightest . I wonder if her weight changes with her appearance .

“I’ve never minded about it, nyan~”


Then, if she can only changes her appearance but not her weight, would Priscillchan or I get crushed when she jumps on our heads?

I suddenly feel a bit chilly .

“It’s okay, nyan~ I won’t crush Priscilla, nyan~”

“But you’ll crush me?”

“If you lay your hands on Priscilla, I will crush you, nyan~”

Ooh, what a thing to say .

Looks like I have another guardian besides Mistral and Ruiseine who’s properly monitoring me .  Ah, of course I won’t do anything strange . I’m not a pervert after all .

“Is it because Priscilla has a smooth flat-chested that you won’t touch her, nya? Small b.r.e.a.s.t.s are no good, nyan~”

“T-that’s wrong . You’re making a lot of misunderstandings . ”

Priscillchan said something terrible and now Nymia is saying it too . If Mistral and Ruiseine heard that, before falling in love with me, they’d absolutely come to hate me .

“That means, you admit that both of Mistral onee-chan and Ruiseine onee-chan are small, nyan~“

“Gununu . ”

She might look like a kitten, but she is a dragon who has lived far beyond what any of us have after all . She isn’t just stronger than me, she is more intelligent too .

“B-By the way, you ran away from home, right? Why did you run away for?”

I forcibly change the topic .


Fufufu, this is a topic that Nymia hates . Since coming to the Dragon Forest, she has yet to tell us why she ran away from home .

“Ernea onii-chan is mean, nyan~”

“Fufufu, come on, just confess now, young lady . ”

“What a transformation in character, nyaa~”

“Now, now, it will be easier for you if you speak now . ”


I grab her from the top of my head and tickle her .

Nymia tries to run away by twisting and turning, but to match her kitten body, her strength seems to have changed along with her weight . She cannot escape from my clutches .

Nymia’s long tails tickles my nostrils .


My nose feels itchy, and I sneeze .


Nymia, having discovered how to counterattack me, Nymia continues to a.s.sult me with her tail .


Gununu, her fluffy tail induces another sneeze from me .  


“Oh my, Ernea, did you catch a cold?”

Mistral enters the room while Nymia and I are playing .

“Hey, hey, well, well . ”

Ruiseine peeks into the room from behind her, seeming worried .

“Ah, I’m not . I was just playing with Nymia . ”


I release Nymia and she moves back onto Priscillchan’s head .

“Really? Then everything is good . Anyway, let’s go eat . ”

Mistral makes a wry smile upon seeing Priscillchan sleeping on my lap .

“Priscillchan sure sleeps well . ”

Ruiseine also smiles . Everyone who sees Priscillchan’s sleeping face must end up think the same thing .

“Now, Priscilla, wake up . It’s time to eat . ”

Mistral gently rubs Priscillchan’s back and her drooping ears twitch .

“Nnmtto, Priscilla is hungry . ”

Still looking half asleep, Priscillchan opens her eyes . Despite that, she properly reacts to the mention of food . We all exchange glances and laugh .

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