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Chapter 44.1

Dragon’s Peak is a mountainous zone that lies between the east and west of the Armard Kingdom and the countries controlled by the demons . The dragon tribesmen live in numerous villages based along tribal lines on steep mountains that reach even higher than the clouds and areas that are generally inaccessible .

Up until five hundred years ago, conflict frequently broke out between them and the demons . Sometime after that, a new maou took over the area east of Dragon’s Peak and suppressed the other maou . At present, conflicts between the two are quite rare . Still, radical demons do invade Dragon’s Peak and fight against the dragon tribesmen and dragons .

Mistral explains such to us while making a simple map on a desk . Key points are designated with small items .

“So, the maou controlling the territory that has Dragon’s Peak towards its west was replaced?”

“Yes, this maou is known as the Giant Maou . This maou’s strength is in a completely different league from other maou . ”

“Fuun .  And then, there are radical maou in the north who continue to rampage?”

“My, my, well, well, looks like there exists various types of maou . ”

“Such can be said of the demons of present . Just like how there are good and bad people in human tribe, not all demons are actually evil . ”

“To speak with such a tone, Mistral, you must be acquainted with good demons . ”

“Just a little bit . ”

An uneasy expression crosses Mistral’s face .

“Relations with the area controlled by the Giant Maou have been improving . Hence, we have little interaction with them . ”

“Ehh, how strange . ”

“It really is . Discussions about demons can be held without the preconceived notion that demons are heinous after all . ”

Ruiseine and I nod our heads, “Un, un . ”

“That can’t be helped . Even among the dragon tribesmen elders, such thinking exists . “

Mistral makes a wry smile .

“Then, within the dragon tribesmen, some are conspiring with demons?”

“That’s right . Just like with humans, demons, and even dragons, all tribes have good and bad members . ”


“Just who is behind all of these evil deeds . ”

“It isn’t someone working alone . Dragon’s Peak is ruggedly complex . There are also numerous clans living in various small villages all over . Crossing through Dragon’s Peak without being discovered isn’t something that can be done with an individual’s abilities . ”

“That means, bad things are being done to those small clans?”

“I’m sorry for bring trouble to all of you of the human tribe . ”

As Mistral lowers her head, I reach out my hand out to her .

“Mistral, this isn’t your fault . You don’t have to apologize . ”

“That’s right . Mist-san, you did nothing wrong . ”

“Fufu, it really helps to hear both of you saying that to me . Still, this is a problem of the dragon tribesmen . As the Dragon Princess, I must be strict with this matter . ”

“P-please do it calmly . ”

Mistral is fierce when angered . Are you aware of this, dragon tribesmen members?

“Once this problem is solved, I would like to go to the Dragon’s Peak at least once . ”

“Uwahh . Ruiseine, you’re really capable of taking action . ”

“Ernea, don’t you want to go?”

“Me too, of course I want to go . I want to visit Mistral’s home village . ” 

“When we get married, you’ll have to greet my parents and the family head after all . ”

“Gununu, th-that’s right . ”

My face stiffens .

“My, my, well, well, Ernekun, do please ensure to properly greet my parents as well . ”

“Gwahh, o-of course I will . ”

Cold sweat breaks out all over my body .

What kind of people are Mistral’s parents? Are they scary? Kind? And I have to greet the chief too? Except, of course I do . I am going to take the dragon princess, the pride of the dragon tribesmen, as my wife .

Now that I’m thinking about it, I wonder if I also should greet the other dragon tribesmen in her village? Old Sleigstar said she’s popular and has a flood of suitors . I get the feeling the men will be scary .

Ruiseine’s parents must be absolutely strict . Anyone who sees her conduct can easily judge that . Ristia’s bride candidate, Kiri, is also a shrine maiden like Ruiseine . According to Ristia, they won’t easily accept someone with other brides . I’ve no doubt Ruiseine’s will be the same . Will I be able to convince them?

But before I can live a sweet married life with Mistral and Ruiseine, I still have a super difficult problem .

Mistral says, “Ernea, before greeting our parents, you need to make us fall in love with you first . ”

“That’s riiiiight!”

Yep, that’s my challenge . Just, how do I make Mistral and Ruiseine fall in love with me?

“Rather, Mistral, Ruiseine, you don’t like me right now?”

“To ask that is a foul . ”

“Do your best, Ernekun . ”

Mistral and Ruiseine smile, both of them pat my head together .

After that, we continue to talk without holding back . Then, we separate for the night .

“Good night, Ernekun . ”

“Un, good night . ”

“Ernea, don’t do anything strange to Priscilla . Nymia, please watch him properly . ”


“Ehhhh, I won’t do anything strange!”

Mistral and Ruiseine smile at my fl.u.s.ter as they leave back to their room .

“Nymia, you’re still awake?”


I thought for sure she was asleep with Priscillchan by now .

Before leaving the room, Mistral put Priscillchan in the futon . While doing so, she made sure to leave a s.p.a.ce open for me to sleep .

I turn off the illumination device within the room and carefully enter the futon . Nymia positions herself between Priscillchan and me, and then curls into a ball .

“Good night . ”

“Good night, nyan~”

Afterwards, I fall asleep .

Or so I thought I would .  Priscillchan suddenly hugs me .

“Ufufufu .  I’m together with onii-chan!”

“Uwahh, Priscillchan was awake all along?”

Could she have been pretending to sleep all this time?

“Nnmtto, I’m just woke up . ”

“My, did I wake you up?”

Priscillchan giggles as clings to my arm .

“Priscillchan, go to sleep again . ”

“Nnmtto, I’m not tired anymore . ”

“No, no, no, it’s still night . You have to stay in bed until morning . ”

“Don’t wanna, don’t wanna~”

“Even if you speak cutely, a no is still a no . ”

“Muuu, onii-chan is so mean . ”

“Ahaha, come on, you really need to stay in bed . You won’t be able to wake up tomorrow morning if you don’t . ”

“Nnmtto, I’m not sleepy, so let’s stay like this for a little longer . ”

“It can’t be helped then~”

She doesn’t look like she is going to get out of the futon, so I decide to go along with Priscillchan’s selfishness .

“Tell me a story . ”

“Ehhh, what kind of story?”

“Mist tells me fairy tales!”

“Mumumu, that’s hard . ”

Mistral is good at handling playful children . I panic at times like these since I don’t really know how to deal with small children .

“I want to hear onii-chan‘s story . ”

Priscillchan is really closer to me . Her body temperature is warm .

“Yeah, alright . ”

I speak while trying to remember all of the human tribe’s fairy tales my mother used to tell me long ago . Soon after that, I hear the calm breath of Priscillchan’s sleep .

Uuu .  I wonder if it wasn’t interesting . Maybe I should be relieved she immediately fell sleep . While having that mixed thoughts, I enter my dreams .

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