Sensing trouble, Qi Le Ren, without any hesitation, thundered, "Run!"

Qi Le Ren"s reaction was instantaneous, he immediately ran. Doctor Lu"s soul only just returned, he screamed, "Ah! Ah!" a few times and stumbled while turning to run. The two people couldn"t even bother thinking about their own weapons. With their minds completely encroached by instinctive fear, they only knew how to run away.

As an adult male who looked like a minor, there was no doubt that Doctor Lu"s motor skills should be cla.s.sified as "terrible"; in a panic, he tripped himself before falling onto the ground in the dark. Just when he presumed he was dead this time, the figure bolted past him and didn"t glance his way at all!

Doctor Lu was lying on the floor in a daze; he watched the killer chase after Qi Le Ren with a chainsaw and disappear into the corridor.

Unexpectedly, he was able to escape somehow?

On the other hand, Qi Le Ren was facing the most serious crisis that had ever existed in his life. The killer"s speed was unbelievably fast, the distance between the two was increasingly shrinking. As the footsteps came closer and closer, Qi Le Ren instead started to calm down.

How does one survive in the hands of a murderous, cold-blooded killer? What could he possibly do in the end…

An idea suddenly lit up in his brain: SL Dafa!

Not that far ahead was a safe pa.s.sageway, and less than ten meters from his location was an office with the door left ajar. His idea was to set up a save point at the door of the office—in his eyes, he could already see the plan1. He didn"t even have to stop; he took a sharp turn, plunging directly into the right-hand side of the safe route.

SL Skill Countdown:

9 seconds.

Qi Le Ren slowed down, stabilizing his body.

8 seconds.

He took up the crowbar in his hand.

7 seconds.

The sound of the killer"s footsteps appeared right outside of the safe pa.s.sageway.

6 seconds.

Qi Le Ren shouted and brought his crowbar down; the killer faltered.

5 seconds.

The killer"s body leaned forward, the buzzing chainsaw brusquely cut downwards on Qi Le Ren"s right arm, getting rid of the crowbar.

4 seconds.

Qi Le Ren was lying on the ground, the blood from his severed arm splattered, the pain penetrated his bone marrow.

3 seconds.

Qi Le Ren struggled in pain to get up, and then a burst of strength erupted from his desperation!

2 seconds.

The killer also fell to the ground, and bracing his body on his knee, he ferociously brandished his chainsaw at him, chopping down!

1 second.

Qi Le Ren craned his neck, facing the killer head on—

At his last moment in life, he forgot the pain; he only saw the boundless blood spewing from his carotid artery, like a dark crimson fountain. The killer"s vicious face was only a foot away; he was infected by his scalding blood, like a demon, like Asura2.

Suffered a fatal injury within 10 seconds. Load successful.

Qi Le Ren lost consciousness.



This moment seemed so short, and yet, it seemed so long. When Qi Le Ren came back to life, the image of the chainsaw slashing his throat, spilling his blood, and his fear at that scene, was freshly engraved in his mind. Even after loading, his intact right arm was aching; there wasn"t any blood, and the sleeve of his right arm was still in one piece. He awkwardly stood in front of the unlocked door to the office; the killer was at the corner of the safe route, the distance between the two was not even ten meters.

He did not know whether his body was still left there, or if his body would disappear automatically, restoring it back to when he saved ten seconds earlier.

If it was the latter…the danger he faced still wasn"t over.

The killer"s footsteps sounded in the safe pa.s.sageway. Qi Le Ren didn"t want to push open the ajar door to hide in the office—but it was already too late to turn back and run away, not to mention, he couldn"t conceal the sound of his footsteps from the killer. Just being in this corridor that had no forks was enough to expose his whereabouts.

However, Qi Le Ren couldn"t express just how much regret he had the instant he opened the office door—this seemingly ordinary door turned out to utter the slightest of creaks upon opening. It was very slight, but in this silence, the sound was so abrupt, he didn"t dare think of whether the killer in the safe pa.s.sageway heard it or not.

Qi Le Ren was regretting it so much.

This scene was so similar to when he hid himself under the reception desk, praying for the killer not to discover him, to when he also felt a foreboding premonition.3

The office was so small. In addition to the two desks, there was only a closet. Qi Le Ren looked around, he carefully opened the door to the wardrobe; it was completely empty, more than enough to hide an adult, so he got into the wardrobe.

The closed wardrobe doors blocked out the light. There was a gap between the two closet doors, it was so narrow that it wasn"t enough to see outside, but he could still vaguely see some light. He heard his own shortness of breath and his heartbeat, he was in a state of panic.4 

The SL skill countdown had already been set to zero, so it was too late to load. Although save points can be used three times in a row, if he did not die within ten seconds, then the save point would be invalid.

He couldn"t wishfully hope on loading.

Right now, he couldn"t do anything but pray.

The stifled footsteps sounded outside in the corridor, and there was a sound of grinding metal. It should be the sound of the switched-off chainsaw being dragged on the ground. He walked slowly, his footsteps seemed to contain perplexity and hesitation.

Come on, hurry up and go away! Qi Le Ren couldn"t help but clench his hands. He prayed for the killer to walk away.

But, things always turn out contrary to one"s expectations5; the worst is always possible.

The footsteps stopped!

Qi Le Ren"s heartbeat nearly stopped. He impa.s.sively listened to the creak of the office door opening. At this moment, he was able to indistinctively affirm his previous doubts; yes, the sound he heard was the killer opening the door.

As before, his footsteps were slow; the head of the chainsaw carelessly dragged on the ground and issued a piercing noise. Qi Le Ren"s pupils contracted because of the tension, he recollected the memories of him ten seconds before dying6.

He recalled the penetrating pain when his arm was cut off, and the sound of death as he struggled to meet the chainsaw head on. He practically watched on helplessly as his own neck met with the wild chainsaw, and afterwards, the blood. The pain was insignificant. He remembered even more, the scent of death approaching.

The hideous, decadent, smell of iron.

Although it was only for a matter of seconds, everything seemed to move in slow motion, captured by his eyes, etched into his brain, making him tremble at the very recollection of that moment.

He felt7 the air of death again.

The footsteps paused once more, outside of the wardrobe.

Qi Le Ren forgot to breathe, the palpitations of his heart were as rapid as the beating of drums. He clearly saw that the light between the two wardrobe doors was blocked, and it soon turned into a shadow of death—the killer was right outside the wardrobe, and only a thin layer of wood separated the two people!

He could almost imagine the person"s eyes, twisted, despotic, bloodthirsty, carrying the thrill of sniffing out prey. But it seemed he was still suspicious, because his sudden disappearance was just unimaginable, beyond science.

Once again, the chainsaw started up. At this moment, Qi Le Ren finally gave up his last chance at luck. He was doomed to die here. Again, he would be slashed at the throat with the chainsaw, or even worse, like that corpse just outside the transfusion hall, with a pain more excruciating that a cut to the throat, he would die slowly, agonizingly, struggling to crawl to live, while one viscera after another slipped out of his body until he died.

The imagination of death tortured his mind; perhaps his spirit would collapse after a long while. Or perhaps fate is so wonderful that at this critical moment, a shrill scream came from the nearby stairwell: "Ahhhhhh! Ahhhhh! A ghost!"

The killer pushed the door to the office opened, and with vigor, he rushed out. The sounds of the footsteps accompanied by the chainsaw went further and further away. Qi Le Ren silently curled up in the wardrobe. Once a terrible scream came from the stairwell, he immediately opened the closet door, and stumbled in the opposite direction of the corridor in order to escape.

The screams became distant, fading away, until they became difficult to hear.

1一个半透明的图腾 - Literal is "semi-transparent scheme", but I"m a.s.suming that it means he already planned it out. Meaning it isn"t a complete plan, but he already had the details down.
2There are several definitions, but I doubt the author is referring to Asura, the benevolent deity. She"s most likely referring to the malevolent spirit/deity when she says Asura.
3It didn"t say "foreboding premonition", it just said ominous feeling, but I put it like this instead.
4他听到自己急促的呼吸和心跳,惊魂未定。- Not too sure about this sentence… orz
5事与愿违- I used the direct idiom: "things turn out contrary to the way one wishes"
6几十秒前亲历的死亡回忆接踵而来。- No idea if I translated this part correctly…
7Original said "smelt", but there was just too much "smelling of death"s odor", and I didn"t like it… Sorry….

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