Qi Le Ren had long known that looks were everything in the world, but what he didn"t know was that there was such a face like this in the world.

It didn"t even take Xue Ying Ying a second before she jumped ship. Not too long ago, she enthusiastically called Qi Le Ren "handsome." But now, she redirected her enthusiasm to another person, addressing Su He, the stunning man in front of them, as "handsome" instead.

Doctor Lu didn"t have the slightest feeling of dislike for a similar kind1, and he chatted with Su He…about the body on the ground.

This topic made Xue Ying Ying feel sick to her stomach, but she tolerated it for the beauty before her.

Meanwhile, Qi Le Ren was contemplating. How did this Su He avoid the killer on the rooftop? Judging from the time, he has either been on the rooftop since the beginning, and he managed to avoid the killer"s line of sight by using obstacles, or he was like them; he came up after the killer left the rooftop.

"I just came to see someone at the hospital, but I didn"t expect to see anything like this." Su He faintly knitted his brows.

"Me too! I"ve worked in the hospital for three years, but I"ve never even seen something so terrifying!" Doctor Lu cried out in frustration2, "If I had known earlier that today was going to happen, I would never have become a doctor! Just what did I do to deserve this?!3"

"… … …" Xue Ying Ying did not speak. She simply wanted to go to the hospital to get an abortion, but who knew that the bus she was riding would be in an accident. She also felt unlucky enough.

"… … …" Qi Le Ren stayed silent as well. He only wanted to repair his computer; who knew that because of the traffic accident, he was sent to the hospital (and his computer even disappeared). He felt that he was the most unfortunate; this was more than just a miserable encounter, he was even mixed up in such tragic events.

"Have you seen a killer a while ago?" Qi Le Ren asked.

Su He shook his head, "When I came, this corpse was already on the ground, and the number "5" was written in blood next to it. You said it"s a killer; then he most likely didn"t kill only one man, correct? There are at least going to be four more victims."

Xue Ying Ying nodded her head, "Yup, you"re right. Hey, handsome, you didn"t know, but there"s a psycho killer out there. Doctor Lu said that he was a prisoner who was sent to the hospital to get treatment for self-harming. But before that, he was sent to prison because of serial killings."

"This is truly the worst…" Su He muttered.

The expression the handsome guy had on while he was thinking was too attractive, so Xue Ying Ying couldn"t help but sneak a few peeks. At the same time, it was honestly comforting; knowing that they had strength in numbers, there was no need to be afraid anymore!

It had already happened twice. He almost died, but he managed to flee ignominiously each time.  And there was also that "ball bashing" incident, the killer definitely wanted revenge because of that; the immense hatred the killer had for Qi Le Ren was set in, and it made him speechless. If he ever met the killer, there was no doubt he would…

Just thinking about it made him feel tired.

The foggy days made the light dimmer than usual, and the night arrived earlier than expected. Soon, everything will be completely enveloped in darkness.

It could be that the dense fog contributed to it also, but all of the people on the rooftop were feeling extremely depressed. Everywhere they looked, there was only fog; the further the distance, the heavier the fog became. It was impossible to see the adjacent buildings.

Doctor Lu suddenly shuddered; his sense for crises increased, and he said, "Let"s go, I have a very bad feeling…"

Except for Su He, who wasn"t fully aware of the circ.u.mstances, Qi Le Ren and Xue Ying Ying tensed up. They had already experienced how accurate Doctor Lu"s premonition skills were. Xue Ying Ying raced towards the staircase, she saw that Su He still hadn"t caught up, so she turned back around to call out to him. However, this one turn left her frightened, her wide eyes stared unblinkingly: "Hand….. Ghost….."

Qi Le Ren, who stood beside Su He, subconsciously looked down after hearing Xue Ying Ying"s terrified voice—a deadly pale, skinny hand stretched out from the edge of the rooftop"s railing, seized Su He"s wrist, and dragged him off the roof!

On instinct, Qi Le Ren reached out and grabbed Su He"s other hand, but the strength of the pull was too great, and he was also dragged to the edge of the rooftop. He narrowly grasped the railing, so that he didn"t fall down, but more than half of Su He"s body was hanging off the rooftop"s edge. One hand was gripped by Qi Le Ren, while the other hand was firmly held by a ghost crawling on the wall!

Su He struggled in mid-air; Qi Le Ren forced himself to support them both, so that they wouldn"t be dragged down. Doctor Lu also dashed over to help Qi Le Ren pull Su He up; at the side, Xue Ying Ying snapped, "Go away! I"ll be the one to pull!"

Doctor Lu was easily hauled to the side by Xue Ying Ying. Relying on her strength skill, which activates when she loses blood, Xue Ying Ying used both hands to pull on Su He"s arms, forcibly dragging him up.

"Use some blood! Su He, use some blood! It"s afraid of it!" Doctor Lu shouted from the sidelines.

Seeing that Su He did not react at all, Qi Le Ren simply bit the tip of his own tongue, and sprayed a mouthful of blood in the direction of Su He"s body. The blood scattered in the mist, and thereafter, the crawling ghost loosened its hold on Su He"s wrist. With both hands holding onto Su He"s wrist, Xue Ying Ying pulled the man back up, and the two people tumbled on the rooftop; Qi Le Ren held the railing with one hand and steadied his body as he looked down.

There weren"t any ghosts on the outer wall, only boundless fog remained.

No, there seems to be something?

Qi Le Ren saw something before his eyes. It was faint, but the shadow of what seemed to be a sharp arrow shot out of the fog. Its body twisted into what can be considered a somewhat humanoid figure, but it was more like a spider; nevertheless, its speed was remarkable. It barely took a few seconds for it to climb up and finally arrive in front of Qi Le Ren!

Doctor Lu looked at Xue Ying Ying and Su He, and he saw that there was nothing to worry about. He turned his head around to shout for Qi Le Ren, but one look at the scene before his eyes scared him out of his wits!4

A white shadow was embracing Qi Le Ren, and in an instant, he was dragged into the dense fog, falling from the top of the tall building!



SL Dafa cooldown is complete.

When Qi Le Ren was holding on to Su He with his life, a prompt appeared in his mind; unknowingly, the cooldown period of one hour had already elapsed.

Once Su He was saved, Qi Le Ren stood by the railings and looked down; he saw some dark shadows rapidly rising, and an indescribable premonition welled up in his heart. Without thinking or even hesitating, he successfully saved a point at the critical moment. In the very next second, cold air rushed into his nostrils; that sinister shadow that was climbing up to him threw its entire self on his face, and then dragged him down the building.

The world was still at this moment. Dazed and weightless, his body pa.s.sed through the thick fog; it was too fast, utterly nerve-wracking, it was but a few seconds, so he shouldn"t have had time to see anything before he died so horribly5. But he saw it!

While clinging onto the translucent body of the ghost, the fog in front no longer obscured his line of sight. He saw an endless crowd of people just standing on the earth, male and female, young and old. They all looked up at him and stared at him in the same manner; their torn lips were curled and drawn back into a twisted grin, as if saying… Welcome, come join us.

All of them looked up at him like that, watching him fall from the roof towards them.

His head crashed against the ground, his skull shattered, and blood flowed. Because of this scene, Qi Le Ren didn"t even have time to feel asphyxiated or fearful.

The load was successful, and Qi Le Ren lost consciousness.

In the next second, he appeared out of thin air and returned to the top of the building. In front of the trio"s startled expressions, he sat down on the ground with a thump.

Trembling in fear, shivering in horror6.

1"同性相斥"的感觉—"Like repels like" feeling.
2 捶胸顿足—Idiom: To beat one"s chest and stamp one"s feet
3 Original said, "Just who did I even provoke in the end!"
4 魂飞魄散—Literal: "The soul flies away and scatters" (Idiom)
5粉身碎骨—Literal: "Torn body and crushed bones" (Idiom)
6 不寒而栗,毛骨悚然—"Shiver all over though no cold/tremble in fear, to have one"s hair stand on end/to feel one"s blood run cold"

Next update will be EIC! I will most likely update two consecutive chapters, seeing as I’ve updates two for NG. Hopefully, I will also be able to update NG at the same time… Please be patient as well, since I am going to be rather busy these next few days!

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