JAMES. She"s tremendous run after.

JOHN. Even if that"s true, it"s just keeping me in reserve in case she misses doing better.

DAVID [relieved]. That"s the situation in a nutsh.e.l.l.

JOHN. Another thing. Supposing I was to get fond of her?

ALICK [wistfully]. It"s very likely.

JOHN. Yes, and then suppose she was to give me the go-by?

DAVID. You have to risk that.

JOHN. Or take it the other way. Supposing as I got to know her I COULD NOT endure her?

DAVID [suavely]. You have both to take risks.

JAMES [less suavely]. What you need, John Shand, is a clout on the head.

JOHN. Three hundred pounds is no great sum.

DAVID. You can take it or leave it.

ALICK. No great sum for a student studying for the ministry!

JOHN. Do you think that with that amount of money I would stop short at being a minister?

DAVID. That"s how I like to hear you speak. A young Scotsman of your ability let loose upon the world with L300, what could he not do? It"s almost appalling to think of; especially if he went among the English.

JOHN. What do you think, Miss Maggie?

MAGGIE [who is knitting]. I have no thoughts on the subject either way.

JOHN [after looking her over]. What"s her age? She looks young, but they say it"s the curls that does it.

DAVID [rather happily]. She"s one of those women who are eternally young.

JOHN. I can"t take that for an answer.

DAVID. She"s twenty-five.

JOHN. I"m just twenty-one.

JAMES. I read in a book that about four years" difference in the ages is the ideal thing. [As usual he is disregarded.]

DAVID. Well, Mr. Shand?

JOHN [where is his mother?]. I"m willing if she"s willing.

DAVID. Maggie?

MAGGIE. There can be no "if" about it. It must be an offer.

JOHN. A Shand give a Wylie such a chance to humiliate him? Never.

MAGGIE. Then all is off.

DAVID. Come, come, Mr. Shand, it"s just a form.

JOHN [reluctantly]. Miss Maggie, will you?

MAGGIE [doggedly]. Is it an offer?

JOHN [dourly]. Yes.

MAGGIE [rising]. Before I answer I want first to give you a chance of drawing back.

DAVID. Maggie.

MAGGIE [bravely]. When they said that I have been run after they were misleading you. I"m without charm; n.o.body has ever been after me.

JOHN. Oho!

ALICK. They will be yet.

JOHN [the innocent]. It shows at least that you haven"t been after them.

[His hosts exchange a self-conscious glance.]

MAGGIE. One thing more; David said I"m twenty-five, I"m twenty-six.

JOHN. Aha!

MAGGIE. Now be practical. Do you withdraw from the bargain, or do you not?

JOHN [on reflection]. It"s a bargain.

MAGGIE. Then so be it.

DAVID [hurriedly]. And that"s settled. Did you say you would take it hot, Mr. Shand?

JOHN. I think I"ll take it neat.

[The others decide to take it hot, and there is some careful business here with the toddy ladles.]

ALICK. Here"s to you, and your career.

JOHN. Thank you. To you, Miss Maggie. Had we not better draw up a legal doc.u.ment? Lawyer Crosbie could do it on the quiet.

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