What is a Yandere?

Chapter 10

Ch 10 - What is a Yandere?

Chapter 10

Glancing at Miwa near the door entrance while I"m halfway washing the vegetables; she"s wearing a hotpants which tightly accentuated her rear, her thighs were wrapped up in over-length black socks as if to prominently display a young girl"s vitality, long silky hair which danced by the wind that blew past the opened door, matched along with the cute hairband, making her entirety extremely and lovably cute, The Miwa now, looked vastly different compared to the  one before that was wearing spectacles.

"Miwa...... so pretty." Stunned, I stopped washing the vegetables.

"Hiroto, you like it?" Miwa eagerly asked me.

"Y-yeah, I like it." I hastily nodded my head.

"As long as Hiroto likes it then it"s fine eheheheheh, my efforts of dressing up since yesterday night isn"t wasted, normally I don"t like to dress up, so my first time may be a little unsure~ ."

"Wait-waitwaitwait, what did you just say? From yesterday, till now? Didn"t you sleep?"

"No~ ope~ , it is because Hiroto said for the first time that he wants to go on a date with me, so I have to dress up perfectly in order to be eligible for Hiroto ~ " Miwa said while looking at me with a face of extremely serious expression.

"Heh heh heh..... So Hiroto had already planned this with Miwa all along.....................Heh heh heh, well then, today I won"t be going to the theme park, just you and Miwa will do, go out and have fun; here, the tickets I bought online." Yamazaki grinned evilly as he pa.s.sed over two theme park tickets.

The theme park tickets have the characters [DOLPHIN THEME PARK] on it, and at both sides of the characters are two cute-looking dolphins.

"Then Hiroto, let"s go."

I was looking at the tickets when suddenly I got dragged by Miwa out of the house, I couldn"t even struggle against her, and didn"t had the chance to bade Yamazaki nor Yamada obaa-san goodbye before leaving the house.

"Oww, Miwa, you"re hurting me."

"Aah....... sorry, sorry... I"m simply too excited, once i thought about going on a date with Hiroto I couldn"t control myself."

"Miwa, how is it that your strength is too ridiculous, plus this isn"t really a date, isn"t it supposed to be trying to help me relax my sad feelings instead?" I rubbed my wrists which were grabbed by Miwa until it became reddened while saying.

After hearing me saying that, tears started to well up in Miwa"s eyes, while looking as if I have evilly bullied her and saying pitifully: "It"s a date, it"s a date right, yesterday Hiroto told me he wants to go on a date with me, now Hiroto wants to go back on his word......."

Standing on the streets with my face showing the "Ah, whatever" expression beside Miwa"s tear-contorted face successfully attracted pa.s.serby"s attention, some nosy obaa-sans even stopped by and pointed fingers at us.

"This fella probably found another woman outside, and now he wants to break up with his girlfriend, that"s why she"s crying so sadly now."

"I think it looks more like his girlfriend wanted some money, the guy refused, then that"s why his girlfriend cried." 

I nearly spat out blood after listening to these wacky theories, oooii, we"re still in high school alright, how could you people be that inconsiderate..... as the theories get worser and worse by the minute, the exasperated me took action and tried to comfort Miwa.

"Miwa, please don"t cry, uhh, let"s quickly go
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to the theme park." While saying, I placed a hand on Miwa"s shoulders in an attempt to comfort her.

"If it"s not a date, then I"ll won"t go, and I"ll keep crying here." Miwa shook off my hand on her shoulder.

After hearing that, I nearly broke out in tears, saying: "We"re dating right now, so please stop crying, alright?"

"Yay, I knew this must be a date, Hirotoo is the best~~ "

Miwa instantly smiled with joy; and I became speechless, what the heck happened to the Miwa who was feverishly crying earlier...

"Hey, Hiroto, let"s go." Miwa happily clutched onto my left arm; While ignoring the eye expressions of the obaa-sans, and feeling Miwa"s voluptuous b.r.e.a.s.t.s squishing and rubbing against my arm with every step, we entered the subway station.

Me and Miwa stood beside the train"s door-gate; perhaps because today Miwa looked too pretty, the surrounding oji-sans subconsciously gathered around us, leaving me alone to open my body up as wide as possible, defending Miwa from those perverted oji-sans. This n.o.ble action of mine made me feel quite the rather knight in shining armor.

(TL: Idk if I phrased the above right, think of it as the protag tried to shield his gf from the surrounding by putting his entire body to surround her, as wide as possible)


"Are you trying to make a move on me?"**

"Coouuughcaough, n-no!" I awkwardly scratched my face.

"You did."

"No I didn"t."

Throughout the journey with Miwa, she kept interrogating me non-stop about whether i did or not, and when we stepped out of the train my right hand had already became numb.

Miwa noticed that my body had an unnatural reaction, and worriedly asked: "Hiroto are you alright? Are you not feeling well?"

"Nothing, It"s just maybe that during the subway train ride, my hand was positioned up for quite some time, so my right arm felt a little tired right now."

"I"m sorry, this is all my fault......"

Miwa"s head drooped as she apologized.

"Hey, it really wasn"t your fault, look, my hand"s fine already." Gritting the soreness in my right hand, I purposefully waved it about, intending to let Miwa believe that my right hand is fine.

"Baka Hiroto.......you"re so gentle........Hiroto is really the best." Miwa"s face blushed as she said to me, upon hearing this I could clearly feel my cheeks getting rather hot, ahahaha I got praised by a girl ~

(TL: I didn"t use saikou (jp term) as a replacement for "the best" coz it reminded me of.....other things. So no.)

"Miwa, lets enter the theme park."


Walking side by side with her, my left hand suddenly felt like it had physical contact with something, and so I bent my head down to check.

"Miwa..........holding my hands is not really a good idea, isn"t it."

"Hiroto"s hands are really warm, I really want to be cuddled by these hands forever...... don"t you think we look like a couple if we held hands?"

"CouuughCaaoooughhcough, you........" My cheeks felt quite hot at the moment, if by this time I hadn"t understood what Miwa is trying to imply, then I"m really must be on a new level of thickheadedness already.

"Hiroto, let"s go." A blushing Miwa dragged me as she ran, and after running for five to six minutes later, she stopped, my hands were already placed onto my knees as I was panting heavily, and glancing up, I realized that we were already at Dolphin Theme Park, with myself in a tired and heavily panting state attracting the attention of curious pa.s.serbys.

"Hiroto let"s go in."

Miwa blushed as she looked at me, we both handed over our theme park tickets to the ticket-counter, went inside and realized that it was extremely packed inside.

"Hiroto what should we play now? Do you want to ride the roller coaster?"

Are girls nowadays extremely brave or what, when I was young, I rode the coaster till I had some sort of coaster-phobia, should I reject her.............was what I thought, but when I caught sight of Miwa"s excited and energetic expression, I had no choice but to "go and get myself killed while accompanying the queen"

(TL Note: "go and get myself killed while accompanying the queen" is a idiom, it should be easy to understand the meaning by what it directly implies)

"Let"s go, to the roller coasters."

"Yaaaaaay, I wanted to ride the coasters with Hiroto for a very long time already ~ "

After waiting at the coaster"s facility for about ten minutes, it was then our turn. The workers there explained some safety precautions before ensuring our safety by locking down the bar on the coaster itself. Me and Miwa sat at the very back, the tail of the coaster, I thought this way at least won"t make me frightened as much, but once the coaster started moving I changed my mind.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ~ " As the coaster picked up speed at a frightening pace, screams and shouts can be heard around, and the surrounding mayhem caused me to yell out loudly in fear as well, when I suddenly noticed that Miwa is trying to tell me something: she used her hands to do some sort of hand-signal but I can"t comprehand what she is trying to imply. She opened her mouth, I could feel her talking, but I couldn"t hear her either.

Having no choice but to lean closer to her in order to hear what is is talking about, I bent forward. Miwa then revealed a devilish grin before moving her face forward at an unfathomable speed, kissing my lips in the process.

(TL: She planned it all. >_>)

-ch 10 done-

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