When A Snail Loves

Chapter 43.1 She was his only treasure, didn’t she know that?

Chapter 43.1 She was his only treasure, didn’t she know that?

“Mina” city was located to the east of Mai Zha city and was the capital of the state of Kachin. Unlike the small, newly prosperousand booming towns, Mina was a metropolis that had many corporations and high rise-buildings. It was also home to many rich and powerful people.

Brother Lu was at the hydrotherapy center receiving a spa bath,when she received the news of the explosion.

Seeing the sudden change in her face,  Brother’s Lu subordinate gestured to the beautician to leave the room. Brother Lu sat up, revealing her pale body that was covered with old scars. Holding the phone, she spoke in a cold manner: “There was an explosion, why didn’t he die?”

On the other end of the call the subordinate hesitated before answering: “A Chinese policeman was with Zhou Cheng Bo. He was a skilled fighter. Just a moment ago he came to the casino and caused trouble…”

Brother Lu was taken aback. She suddenly remembered some news that she had received a few days ago – a group of Chinese police officials was coming to Yangon to attend a conference with the Burmese officials. However, since the beginning of the year, cross-border crime conferences had been a regular occurrence, and several collaborative initiatives had been implemented, so she had not taken much notice.

To avoid the limelight as the most powerful female gang leader of two countries, she had temporarily gone into hiding and left the running of the business to her subordinates. This differed from the past where she used to attend to all matters, regardless of their importance. The Chinese police were skilled and stealthy with their investigative techniques, and she had suffered bitterly because of them. However, her subordinates had not experienced this hardship yet and were unaware. When she linked the two items of information together, she broke out into a cold sweat.

Thinking for a moment, she said: “Continue to proceed with the operation. When we can return to Mai Zha City, wait for my signal.”


Mai Zha City.

When Ji Bai and Xu Xu strode out of the back door of the casino,there were seven or eight thugs with weapons in their hand,following not far behind them.

People have a tendency to follow the crowd. When a group of people are scared and are unsure of the other party’s intentions, they are more inclined to wait for an opportunity before they take action. This is the kind of subtle tension that can occur when one confronts the enemy.

However, when they exited through the back door, they were dumbfounded – the thugs who had originally been standing guard at the door, were lying wounded on the ground. In their place were two men who looked as fierce and tough as Ji Bai. Moreover, there were several fully armed Kachin soldiers that stood behind them.

Kachin soldiers were not allowed to step inside the casino, but, if the people who had already exited the casino caused trouble for the soldiers, the soldiers won’t need to be responsible for any loss of life.


Ji Bai had not released Xu Xu’s hand. Striding past the Kachin soldiers and out of the alley, they finally reached the busy main street.

Xu Xu had completely calmed down by now, she looked up at Ji Bai with a relieved smile. She wanted to take her hand back, but it was held even tighter in his grip.

His face was still tight, and somewhat frightening to behold, his black pupils were like unyielding iron. . .

This sight of him was too intimidating, it even caused her to want to evade his line of vision.

“Are you both alright?” Chen Yalin ran across from afar.

Ji Bai stared at Xu Xu: “We’re ok.” He gripped her hand even tighter for a moment, before releasing it.

He and Chen Yalin spoke in a muted undertone as they strode ahead, ignoring Xu Xu. Xu Xu looked at his tall and straight back; the stirring in her heart that she had experienced when she saw him in the casino returned, and there was a strange ache in her heart.

Soon, several Interpol officers gathered for a meeting.

Ji Bai resumed his cool. In his low authoritative voice: “Contact Sun Ting immediately. Right now we have already aroused the criminals and they are most likely going to flee. We need to quickly move forward with our plans to arrest them.”



Immediately after receiving the call from Ji Bai, Sun Ting urgently alerted the Burmese officials. He instructed them to notify the police and the local army to barricade the whole city. He had also requested for the Kachin commander to appoint an army of law enforcers into Mai Zha city in the shortest time.

In just one day, Mai Zha City fell into a state of panic.


At dusk, the Interpol officers returned to the hotel. They held a brief meeting and a.s.signed tasks to each other. Prior to the arrival of the law enforcement forces in the morning, they must stay up and cooperate together with Tisza’s soldiers to keep an eye on Brother Lu’s main stronghold organisation.

When criminals are driven to a dead end, they are very likely to engage in a life-or-death fight. Thus, tonight’s task was very dangerous.

After the meeting, Xu Xu remained alone in the temporary command room. Her responsibility was to oversee the logistics and communications. There was no danger involved with the job, but her task was equally tense and strenuous.

When a knock sounded at the door, she was in the midst of going through the details of sealing off the roads with the local police.

After rescuing Xu Xu from the casino, Ji Bai and Xu Xu had been so busy that they have not had time to talk to each other at all. In about 10 minutes, he would have to move out with the troops.

Ji Bai had undertaken countless similar dangerous missions in the past. He always had a calm look on his face and no lingering feelings. But tonight, he subconsciously wanted to see her.

When Xu Xu opened the door, she sees Ji Bai’s tall and silent figure standing there. In the dim corridor light, his face was dark and he looked very handsome. He has a broad forehead, deep set eyes, and a long prominent nose. These features contributed to his strong and powerful aura. The pair of intense black eyes were staring at her fixedly.

Xu Xu silently mouthed: “Hold on.” She returned to the table and sat down to carry on with the conversation on the phone. 

The lighting in Xu Xu’s  room was very bright, while the sound of the fan blowing can be heard. Xu Xu used her shoulders and her cheeks to hold the phone at her ear, while both hands were moving very fast typing on the keyboard. Her short hair was tucked behind her ears, while her loose hair was gently lifted by the wind. Xu Xu obviously looked like a delicate woman, and yet her actions were like a man; methodical and decisive.  

Ji Bai suddenly remembered of the scene in the casino. In the deep and quiet corridor, where several thugs were at the back, she kept her cool despite her eyes showing panic, she was steady as she step by step entered his field of vision. He stood in the dark with his heart filled with a ball of emotions, churning inside of him.

Whenever she is in front of him, she continuously shone. Did she know that she was his only treasure?

At this moment, looking at her back, he felt as if her soft little hands were rubbing his chest lightly. This kind of deep attraction and pa.s.sion was impossible to define or explain, but, once experienced, it was difficult to draw back; instead, one desired it more and more.


When Ji Bai’s strong arms embraced her tightly from the back, Xu Xu quivered from head to toe. The scent of his body enveloped her as his warm lips silently brushed the back of her neck with lingering kisses. Xu Xu’s thoughts halted momentarily, the voice of the Myanmar official on the phone became distant and indistinct . . . she snapped back to attention and continued speaking clearly and rapidly on the matters at hand with the official. When she hung up the phone, Ji Bai had already left.

Xu Xu did not think too deeply about it, and picked up the information to resume looking through it. Without knowing why, she felt fidgety and unsettled as she stared blankly into the page. After a while, she simply put the information to one side and stood up, looking towards the empty door.




Translators: Shl, Midasz

Editors: Mel, Tranzgeek

Proofreader: Libramuse

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