When A Snail Loves

Chapter 45.2- Xu Xu’s heart jumped uncontrollably, and a sheen of sweat appeared on her back

Chapter 45.2- Xu Xu’s heart jumped uncontrollably, and a sheen of sweat appeared on her back

Xu Xu picked up the paper, and leaned on the bed in contemplation: These conclusions were too vague and simplistic, and had a high tendency to error. There was no way to form a complete profile. However, she felt she was on the verge of grasping a very critical point

If you are not reading this from tranzgeek.wordpress.com, then this translation has been posted without consent of the owner of tranzgeek.wordpress.com. This translation belongs to tranzgeek.wordpress.com. 

At this time, she felt someone’s eyes on her. Lifting her head to look, she saw Po almost at the door of her compartment, standing in the corridor with his hands behind his back. His deep black eyes, set in his tanned, angular face, were staring directly at her.

Xu Xu was startled. She suddenly remembered the previous night’s scene of Po thrusting his gun into the mouth of the criminal.

30 – 40 years old, single and unmarried without children, with a unique charm and prestige, conceited and with a tendency to violence and abuse . . .

She folded the paper in her hand, stuffed it into her pocket, got off the bed, and calmly looked at him: “General Po, is there a problem?”

Po brusquely walked into the room and stood in front of her. His guards immediately kept watch at the compartment door.

“The commander-in-chief asked me to apologise to you.” he said slowly while staring at her, his tone slightly mocking.

Xu Xu: “Uhm. Carry on.”

This response startled Po for a moment, then he said: “Sorry”, with an undecipherable smile on his face.

Xu Xu nodded: “I hope such events will not happen again.”

Po glanced briefly at her, then walked to the door before pausing. With coldness in his face and voice, he said: “My soldiers’ lives are my responsibility. If a similar situation should occur, I shoot to kill.”

Xu Xu watched his gradually retreating back: “Wait a moment.”

Po turned his head to look at her.

Xu Xu: “I accept your apology.”

Po’s smiled somewhat mockingly, but continued to listen as Xu Xu changed the thread of the conversation: “I say this, because Sun Ting also called me and said he had spoken to your commander-in-chief about you today. He said: ‘Golden Python is fierce and violent, but he also has very firm resolve and principles.’ This sentence moves me. General Po, I still cannot agree with your conduct, but I can understand your position. I also hope that, in future, you will think thrice before you act.”

Po stared at her: “I do not like this t.i.tle of ‘Golden Python’ which the commander gave me. However, your director’s explanation has some significance.”

After speaking, he walked away. Xu Xu’s brow was slightly furrowed.

When they entered Myanmar, Ji Bai had asked the Myanmar officials, but no one had heard of the t.i.tle ‘Golden Python’. Xu Xu speculated/ surmised that it was only known within a very small circle of people. Afterwards, the investigations had become more frenzied, so she had shelved the issue.

Xu Xu immediately went in search of the other Interpol officers but who knew, their compartment would be empty. Looking at her watch, she realised it was the time at which they inspected the criminals in their carriage.

Xu Xu walked briskly to the back carriage, while attempting to call their handphones at the same time, but there was no signal. Xu Xu thought for a while, then sent Ji Bai a text: “Po is Brother Lu’s lover, ‘Golden Python’.” However, the SMS failed to go through, repeatedly. She called Ji Bai, but naturally the call did not connect.


If you are not reading this from tranzgeek.wordpress.com, then this translation has been posted without consent of the owner of tranzgeek.wordpress.com. This translation belongs to tranzgeek.wordpress.com. 

This afternoon, Ji Bai had felt constantly uneasy. In the evening, when the Interpol officers and troops had attacked one of Brother Lu’s safe houses, they had once again come up empty. After surveying the scene and the surroundings, Ji Bai had fallen into a deep contemplation.

He found Sun Ting and said: “I checked the past few days’ records, based on eyewitness statements and considering the strength of the military blockade, the fact that Brother Lu managed to escape from our tight dragnets is not right.”

Sun Ting nodded: “I wanted to look for you. I also had the same thought – it is highly possible that Brother Lu has an accomplice in the Myanmar military. I will immediately alert the Myanmar side and make arrangements.”

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On board the train.

When Po returned to his luxurious compartment, Brother Lu was on the bed. She moved closer to him and rested on his shoulder. Po said: “We’ll be at the Laotian border at dusk.”

Brother Lu kissed his face: “Uhm. When will we meet again?”

Po pulled her into his arms with one swift move: “When the Chinese people leave, I will bring you back.”

Brother Lu looked at his robust and unyielding face, and her heart melted. Unb.u.t.toning his shirt, she lay prostrate on his chest, and asked while kissing him: “Where did you go just now?”

Po leaned on the bed, and replied while stroking her body: “Apologising to that Chinese policewoman.” On thinking about Xu Xu, he smiled slightly.

Brother Lu raised her head: “Which Chinese policewoman?”

“Xu Xu. Very weird name.”

Brother Lu was taken aback: “Xu Xu? Xu Xu from Lin City? What did you say to her? What was her behaviour like?”

Brother Lu was alarmed, because, when she had escaped previously by disguising herself as a victim, the other Interpol officers had not paid her much attention, and the other female policewoman who had been in close contact with her had not even noticed anything unusual. However, when getting on the bus, she had felt someone observing her intensely. Pretending to look over accidentally, she had seen a little girl . . .

Brother Lu was naturally prudent, and her senses were keen. She had had a deep impression of Xu Xu, and so, after her escape, she had sent people to investigate Xu Xu. Her conclusion – it would be best to avoid this policewoman.

Thus, she briefly told Po about the Lin City blade case, and said: “You have to be careful of this policewoman, she has a high ability and she is very skilled. It’s as if she knows who the criminal is in advance, and she’s also the disciple of master detective Ji Bai.

When Po heard this, his lips lifted in a small smile. He took up the walkie-talkie on the table: “Where is the little Chinese policewoman?”

After a while, the soldier of the evil organization [1] on the other end replied: “She’s heading towards the carriage where the prisoners are confined.”

“Stop her, and bring her to me here. Do not let her communicate with anyone.”

If you are not reading this from tranzgeek.wordpress.com, then this translation has been posted without consent of the owner of tranzgeek.wordpress.com. This translation belongs to tranzgeek.wordpress.com. 


There were only 2 more carriages to her destination, when Xu Xu was surprised by several soldiers barring her way. In broken Chinese, they said: “The general wants to see you.”

Xu Xu: “Wait a minute, I have an urgent matter I need to discuss with my colleagues.”

However, the soldiers said this was not permissible.

Xu Xu followed the soldiers to Po’s office compartment. On lifting her head, she saw Po sitting on the sofa, looking at her with quietly cold and penetrating eyes.

Xu Xu’s heart jumped uncontrollably, and a sheen of sweat appeared on her back. She was just about to stride into the compartment, when the handphone she was gripping tightly vibrated twice. Her heart shook similarly. Turning her head to one side to cough lightly, she quickly stole a look at the screen. Her text message had been sent successfully.

In addition, Ji Bai had sent her a text message: “Received, on my way. Look after yourself, wait for me.”

If you are not reading this from tranzgeek.wordpress.com, then this translation has been posted without consent of the owner of tranzgeek.wordpress.com. This translation belongs to tranzgeek.wordpress.com. 

[3] 亲卫队长: The phrase 亲卫队 literally means SS or the organization of the n.a.z.is.




Translators: Shl, midasz

Editor: Tranzgeek

Proofreader: Libramuse

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