Publishedat 11th of May 2019 06:14:20 PMChapter 49

Song Jia was digging in her food and she had a very calm expression on her face . Wu Zhang on the other had lot of things going on in his mind . So he decided to ask it directly . "Is their something you want to talk about?"

"Talk? What?" Song Jia was confused .

"You can tell if you don"t want to share . " Wu Zhang was a little hesitant, he was not sure, how will she react .

"Mmm . . What is it?"

"Why don"t you address Mr . Song as your father?"

Song Jia"s gaze turned cold, she swallowed the steak in her mouth and said, "That person reminds me of bitter memories of my childhood . "

"You can tell . "

"Do you know, why I went to USA?"

Wu Zhang just shook his head in response but didn"t say anything . His expression was very calm and he was all ears .

"When I was 2 years old, I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia(1) . We were not very prosperous by then and the company was running in losses . Lot of money was required for my treatment, and chances were high that I might not make it if we delayed the treatment . " Song International Corporations was not a very old company and had flourished in past twenty or so years . Whereas Wu Corporations was like a century old royalty . They could be called the rulers of C City .

"When my birth mother was told about my condition, she left us and ran away with some rich heir to settle in Europe . I don"t know if she even loved me or not . I don"t even remember her name now . " She took a long breath and continued . "My grandfather managed to raise loan for my treatment and I survived somehow . From what I have heard, Mr . Song loved that woman a lot . After she ran away, he lost hopes in life and became aloof from me and the family . All he did was focus on work . Because he thought it was because of money she left him, So all his focus was to earn money . And within just few years, the company grew many folds . "

"When Miss Yue Ling got married to Mr . Song, I was 4 years old that time, our company had set its foot in C City by then and had become a reputated name in the industry . Yue Ling and I never got along with each other, but she never did anything to harm me either . We just didn"t exist for each other . But when she saw the cold att.i.tude of my father towards me, she also started turning bitter towards me . Then she gave birth to a son after 3 years of their marriage . "

"Son? Ain"t you the only child of Song family?"

"Yes I am becuase the child pa.s.sed away when he was 6 . After the child was born, their att.i.tude towards me worsened . She wanted the empire for her child so she started bad mouthing about me in front of Mr . Song . "

"How did he die?" This was too big of an information for Wu Zhang . He had never thought something like that would have happened .

"Little Apple Pie and I were very close to each other . One day we were playing beside the lake in the Song Mansion . He was around four that time . And he fell into the lake after his foot slipped . "

She paused for a brief time and took a long breathe . Her eyes had become watery by this time . Wu Zhang was waiting patiently for her to speak .

"The nanny that was guarding us did not know how to swim, neither did I . We started shouting and called for help . But their was no one nearby so it took some time for everyone to come . By the time he was rescued, he had lost a lot of blood by hitting his head against the rocks underneath . " Her eyes had welled up as she recalled the painful memory .

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