"Do what, Miss Innocence!" she said mockingly. "You"re the only red-haired woman I ever saw who didn"t look as sophisticated as the devil. I"ll tell you one thing, though." She reached down into the pocket of her dressing-gown and brought up a cigarette and a match. "You never had me fooled for a minute!" She looked at me over the match.

I lay and stared back.

"And another thing," she said. "I never had any real intention of marrying d.i.c.ky Carter and raising a baby sanatorium. I wouldn"t have the face to ask Arabella to live here."

"I"m glad you feel that way, Miss Summers," I said. "I"ve gone through a lot; I"m an old woman in the last two weeks. My hair"s falling from its having to stand up on end half the time."

She leaned over and put her cigarette on the back of my celluloid mirror, and then suddenly she threw back her head and laughed.

"Minnie!" she said, between fits, "Minnie! As long as I live I"ll never forget that wretched boy"s face! And the sand boxes! And the blankets over the windows! And the tarpaulin over the rafters! And Mr. Van Alstyne sitting on the lawnmower! I"d rather have had my minute in that doorway than fifty thousand dollars!"

"If you had had to carry out all those things--" I began, but she checked me.

"Listen!" she said. "Somebody with brains has got to take you young people in hand. You"re not able to look after yourselves. I"m fond of Alan Pierce, for one thing, and I don"t care to see a sanatorium that might have been the child of my solicitude kidnaped and reared as a summer hotel by Papa Thoburn. A good fat man is very, very good, Minnie, but when he is bad he is horrid."

"It"s too late," I objected feebly. "He can"t get it now."

"Can"t he!" She got up and yawned, stretching. "Well, I"ll lay you ten to one that if we don"t get busy he"ll have the house empty in thirty-six hours, and a bill of sale on it in as many days."

The celluloid mirror blazed up at that minute, and she poured the contents of my water-pitcher over the dresser. For the next hour, while I was emptying water out of the bureau drawers and hanging up my clothes to dry, she told me what she knew of Thoburn"s scheme, and it turned me cold.

But I went to bed finally. Just as I was dozing off, somebody opened my door, and I heard a curious sc.r.a.ping along the floor. I turned on the light, and there was Arabella, half-dragging and half-carrying a solid silver hand-mirror with a card on it: "To Minnie, to replace the one that blew up. J. S."



Doctor Barnes came to me at the news stand the next morning before gymnasium.

"Well," he said, "you look as busy as a dog with fleas. Have you heard the glad tidings?"

"What?" I asked without much spirit. "I"ve heard considerable tidings lately, and not much of it has cheered me up any."

He leaned over and ran his fingers up through his hair.

"You know, Miss Minnie," he said, "somebody ought kindly to kill our friend Thoburn, or he"ll come to a bad end."

"Shall I do it, or will you?" I said, filling up the chewing-gum jar.

(Mr. Pierce had taken away the candy case.)

Doctor Barnes glanced around to see if there was any one near, and leaned farther over.

"The cupboard isn"t empty now!" he said. "Not for nothing did I spend part of the night in the d.i.c.ky-bird"s nest! By the way, did you ever hear that touching story about little Sally walking up and laying an egg?--I see you have. What do you think is in the cupboard?"

"I know about it," I said shortly. "Liquor--in a case labeled "Books--breakable.""

""Sing a song of sixpence, a cupboard full of rye!"" he said. "Almost a goal! But not ONLY liquors, my little friend. Champagne--cases of it--caviar, canned grouse with truffles, lobster, cheeses, fine cigars, everything you could think of, erotic, exotic and narcotic. An orgy in cans and bottles, a baccha.n.a.lian revel: a cupboard full of indigestion, joy, forgetfulness and katzenjammer. Oh, my suffering palate, to have to leave it all without one sniff, one sip, one nibble!"

"He"s wasting his money," I said. "They"re all crazy about the simple life."

He looked around and, seeing no one in the lobby, reached over and took one of my hands.

"Strange," he said, looking at it. "No webs, and yet it"s been an amphibious little creature most of its life. My dear girl, our friend Thoburn is a rascal, but he is also a student of mankind and a philosopher. Gee," he said, "think of a woman fighting her way alone through the world with a bit of a fist like that!"

I jerked my hand away.

"It"s like this, my dear," he said. "Human nature"s a curious thing.

It"s human nature, for instance, for me to be crazy about you, when you"re as hands-offish as a curly porcupine. And it is human nature, by the same token, to like to be bullied, especially about health, and to respect and admire the fellow who does the bullying. That"s why we were crazy about Roosevelt, and that"s why Pierce is trailing his kingly robes over them while they lie on their faces and eat dirt--and stewed fruit."

He reached for my hand again, but I put it behind me.

"But alas," he said, "there is another side to human nature, and our friend Thoburn has not kept a summer hotel for nothing. It is notoriously weak, especially as to stomach. You may feed "em prunes and whole-wheat bread and apple sauce, and after a while they"ll forget the fat days, and remember only the lean and hungry ones. But let some student of human nature at the proper moment introduce just one fat day, one feast, one revel--"

"Talk English," I said sharply.

"Don"t break in on my flights of fancy," he objected. "If you want the truth, Thoburn is going to have a party--a forbidden feast. He"s going to rouse again the sleeping dogs of appet.i.te, and send them ravening back to the Plaza, to Sherry"s and Del"s and the little Italian restaurants on Sixth Avenue. He"s going to take them up on a high mountain and show them the wines and delicatessen of the earth, and then ask them if they"re going to be bullied into eating boiled beef and cabbage."

"Then I don"t care how soon he does it," I said despondently. "I"d rather die quickly than by inches."

"Die!" he said. "Not a bit of it. Remember, our friend Pierce is also a student of human nature. He"s thinking it out now in the cold plunge, and I miss my guess if Thoburn"s sky-rocket hasn"t got a stick that"ll come back and hit him on the head."

He had been playing with one of the chewing-gum jars, and when he had gone I shoved it back into its place. It was by the merest chance that I glanced at it, and I saw that he had slipped a small white box inside. I knew I was being a silly old fool, but my heart beat fast when I took it out and looked at it. On the lid was written "For a good girl," and inside lay the red puffs from Mrs. Yost"s window down in Finleyville.

Just under them was an envelope. I could scarcely see to open it.

"Dearest Minnie," the note inside said, "I had them matched to my own thatch, and I think they"ll match yours. And since, in the words of the great Herbert Spencer, things that match the same thing match each other--! What do you say?--Barnes."

"P. S.--I love you. I feel like a d.a.m.n fool saying it, but heaven knows it"s true."

"P. P. S.--Still love you. It"s easier the second time."

"N. B.--I love you--got the habit now and can"t stop writing it.--B."

Well, I had to keep calm and attend to business, but I was seething inside like a Seidlitz powder. Every few minutes I"d reread the letter under the edge of the stand, and the more I read it the more excited I got. When a woman"s gone past thirty before she gets her first love-letter, she isn"t sure whether to thank providence or the man, but she"s pretty sure to make a fool of herself.

Thoburn came to the news stand on his way out with the ice-cutting gang to the pond.

"Last call to the dining-car, Minnie," he said. ""Will you--won"t you--will you--won"t you--will you join the dance?""

"I haven"t any reason for changing my plans," I retorted. "I promised the old doctor to stick by the place, and I"m sticking."

"As the man said when he sat down on the flypaper. You"re going by your heart, Minnie, and not by your head, and in this toss, heads win."

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