There was no one left but Miss Patty. As she started out past him with a crimson spot in each cheek Mr. Pierce put his hand on her arm. She hesitated, and he closed the door on Doctor Barnes and put his back against it. I had just time to slip back into the pantry and shut myself in.

For a minute there wasn"t a sound. Then--

"I told you I should come," Miss Patty said, in her haughtiest manner.

"You need not trouble to be disagreeable."

"Disagreeable!" he repeated. "I am abject!"

"I don"t understand," she said. "But you needn"t explain. It really does not matter."

"It matters to me. I had to do this to-night. I promised you I would make good, and if I had let this pa.s.s--Don"t you see, I couldn"t let it go."

"You can let me go, now."

"Not until I have justified myself to you."

"I am not interested."

I heard him take a step or two toward her.

"I don"t quite believe that," he said in a low tone. "You were interested in what I said here this afternoon."

"I didn"t hear it."

"None of it?"

"Not--not all."

"I spoke, you remember, about your sister, and about d.i.c.k--" he paused.

I could imagine her staring at him in her wide-eyed way.

"You never mentioned them!" she said scornfully and stopped. He laughed, a low laugh, boyish and full of triumph.

"Ah!" he said. "So you DID hear! I"m going to say it again, anyhow. I love you, Patty. I"m--I"m mad for you. I"ve loved you hopelessly for so long that to-night, when there"s a ray of hope, I"m--I"m hardly sane.


"Please!" she said.

"I love you so much that I waken at night just to say your name, over and over, and when dawn comes through the windows--"

"You don"t know what you are saying!" she said wildly. "I am--still--"

"I welcome the daylight," he went on, talking very fast, "because it means another day when I can see you. If it sounds foolish, it"s--it"s really lots worse than it sounds, Patty."

The door opened just then, and Doctor Barnes" voice spoke from the step.

"I say," he complained, "you needn"t--"

"Get out!" Mr. Pierce said angrily, and the door slammed. The second"s interruption gave him time, I think, to see how far he"d gone, and his voice, when he spoke again, was not so hopeful.

"I"m not pleading my cause," he said humbly, "I know I haven"t any cause. I have nothing to offer you."

"You said this afternoon," Miss Patty said softly, "that you could offer me the--the kind of love that a woman could be proud of."

She finished off with a sort of gasp, as if she was shocked at herself.

I was so excited that my heart beat a tatoo against my ribs, and without my being conscious of it, as you may say, the pantry door opened about an inch and I found myself with an eye to the crack.

They were standing facing each other, he all flushed and eager and my dear Miss Patty pale and trembly. But she wasn"t shy. She was looking straight into his eyes and her blessed lips were quivering.

"How can you care?" she asked, when he only stood and looked at her.

"I"ve been such a--such a selfish beast!"

"Hush!" He leaned toward her, and I held my breath. "You are everything that is best in the world, and I--what can I offer you? I have nothing, not even this sanatorium! No money, no t.i.tle--"

"Oh, THAT!" she interrupted, and stood waiting. "Well, you--you could at least offer yourself!"


She went right over to him and put her hands on his shoulders.

"And if you won"t," she said, "I"ll offer myself instead!"

His arms went around her like a flash at that, and he kissed her. I"ve seen a good many kisses in my day, the spring-house walk being a sort of lover"s lane, but they were generally of the quick-get-away variety.

This was different. He just gathered her up to him and held her close, and if she was one-tenth as much thrilled as I was in the pantry she"d be ready to die kissing.

Then, without releasing her, he raised his head, with such a look of victory in his face that I still see it sometimes in my sleep, and his eye caught mine through the crack.

But if I"d looked to see him drop her I was mistaken. He drew her up and kissed her again, but this time on the forehead. And when he"d let her go and she had dropped into a chair and hid her shining face against the back, as if she was ashamed, which she might well be, he stood laughing over her bent head at me.

"Come out, Minnie!" he called. "Come out and hear the good news!"

"Hear!" I said, "I"ve seen all the news I want."

"Gracious!" Miss Patty said, and buried her head again. But he had reached the shameless stage; a man who is really in love always seems to get to that point sooner or later. He stooped and kissed the back of her neck, and if his hand shook when he pushed in one of her sh.e.l.l hairpins it was excitement and not fright.

"I hardly realize it, Minnie," he said. "I don"t deserve her for a minute."

"Certainly not," I said.

"He does." Miss Patty"s voice smothered. Then she got up and came over to me.

"There is going to be an awful fuss, Minnie," she said. "Think of Aunt Honoria--and Oskar!"

"Let them fuss!" I said grandly. "If the worst comes, you can spend your honeymoon in the shelter-house. I"m so used to carrying meals there now that it"s second nature."

And at that they both made for me, and as Mr. Pierce kissed me Doctor Barnes opened the door. He stood for a moment, looking queer and wild, and then he slammed the door and we heard him stamping down the steps.

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